astronomy: a new source of gamma rays

SCIENCE'S COMPASS PERSPECTIVES: ASTRONOMY form of continuous radio jets but only a rela- tively modest x-ray source. It has been gener- A New Source of Gamma Rays R. P. Fender R elativistic outflows or 'Sets" are colli- ably lies at a distance of 2 to 3 kiloparsec+ mated streams of high-energy elec- closer than the galactic center and relatively trons that emit synchrotron radiation at nearby on an astronomical scale. Using very radio wavelengths and have bulk velocities long baseline interferometry at a wavelength that are a substantial fraction of the speed of of 6 centimeters, the authors have resolved light. Jets have been known since Curtis ob- the radio emission into a jetlike outflow. Jet served a "curious straight ray" from the nu- emission is likely to occur by a synchrotron cleus of the radio galaxy M87 in 1918. It is now clear that these jets trace the outflow of enor- mous amounts of energy and matter from a central supermas- sive black hole. The outflows are probably powered by the gravita- tional potential energy of the matter that crosses the event horizon and falls into the black hole; there may also be some contribution from the spin ener- gy of the black hole if it is rapid- ly rotating. It has become increasingly ally accepted for more than 30 years that x- rays are the signature of high rates of accre- tion onto neutron stars and .stellar mass black holes, but perhaps we are missing an entire population of accreting objects whose main power output channel is a relativistic jet. It is perhaps even more intriguing that LS 5039 is the only x-ray source within this region of the sky that contains a persistent gamma-ray source, 3EG 51824-1514. The latter is one of 271 gamma-ray sources (see the figure) detected by the Energetic Gam- ma-Ray Experiment Telescope (EGRET) instrument onboard the recently deceased Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory (5) (the observatory was re-entered over the Pacific by NASA in the first week of June, after the loss of an onboard gyro). Most of these x-ray sources remain unidentified, but the over- whelming majority of those for which there are confident iden- tifications are powerfhl distant radio galaxies called blazars (there are also a handful of pul- apparent in recent Years that in Close association. The third EGRET catalog of high-energy (> 100 MeV) sars and one solar flare). In addition to. supermassive black gamma-ray sources (5).The majority of the unidentified sources are clustered blazars, the gamma rays are be- holes at the centers of distant ra- around the galactic plane and galactic center, indicatingthat they are located lieved to originate in relativistic dio galaxies, there are many 0th- within our Milky Way. Indicated in red is the gamma-ray source that, accord- jets powered by a supermassive er sources of relativistic outflows ingto Paredes eta/. (3), is associated with a persistent, nearby x-ray binary. black hole. The probable associ- on smaller scales, many of them ation of one of these sources within our own galaxy (1, 2). Collimated mechanism, similar to particle accelerators with a relatively nearby, apparently unspec- structures from pulsars, supernova remnants, on Earth. This means that the jet must con- tacular x-ray binary system seems to open and gamma-ray bursts have all been attribut- tain a large number of hyper-relativistic elec- up the possibility that some of the unidenti- ed to powerful relativistic outflows. trons spiraling in a relatively strong magnetic fied EGRET sources may also be associat- X-ray binaries offer the best opportunity field (compared with that in the ambient in- ed with relativistic jets, this time localized for studying such jets at close range. In terstellar medium). Furthermore, simple ar- within our own galaxy. these systems, a neutron star or black hole guments presented in the report show that the The observations reported by Paredes et captures mass from a more or less "normal" jet is likely to have a bulk outflow velocity al. (3) demonstrate that strong x-ray emis- stellar binary companion. On page 2340 of greater than 20% of the speed of light. The sion is not the sole key signature of accre- this issue, Paredes et al. (3) report the dis- accreting neutron star or black hole is thus tion at high rates onto black holes and neu- covery of a persistent relativistic outflow accelerating electrons to extreme energies tron stars within our galaxy. The relatively from a nearby, relatively faint x-ray binary and then kicking them away from the system, unspectacular nature of the source at opti- and present a strong case for its association probably in the form of collimated jets, at ex- cal and x-ray wavelengths indicates that it with a persistent high-energy gamma-ray &ely high velocities. As the emitted syn- source. The discovery that such persistent chroton radiation is dominated by the lighter, LLmi~r~quasars" are common and may be and hotter, electrons, it is only these particles associated with strong gamma-ray sources that we can directly observe. However, we within our own galaxy is important for un- can assume that to maintain charge neutrality, derstanding the flow of material around strictly observed in the macroscopic universe, collapsed relativistic objects such as neu- each electron has an associated proton (alter- tron stars and black holes and the feedback natively, the jet could be composed of elec- of energy into the interstellar medium in the tron:positron pairs and would ultimately be a may be just one of a large population of such objects that have previously been overlooked. The probable association with the gamma-ray source further demonstrates that a population of sources such as LS 5039 may well be a substantial, if not dom- inant, source of high-energy particles and photons produced within our galaxy. Milky way and other galaxies. so& of &lation radiation). References 'The source investigated by Paredes et al., If there is indeed one proton for each elec- " LiViO' PhyS' 3111 225 (lgg9). 2. I. F. Mirabel and L F. Rodrlguez, Annu. Rev. Astron. As- LS 5039, is an x-ray binary system that prob- tron, then the jet power, dominated by the ki- trophys 37,409(1999). 3 netic energy of the flow, exceeds the observed 3. J. M. Paredes, J. Martl, M. Rib6 M. Massi. Science 288, 5 x-ray luminosity by two to three orders of 2340(2000). - . A 0 The author is in the Astronomical Institute Xnton magnitude. ns is ofthe famous 4. 8. Margon. Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 22,507 5 Pannekoek,' University of Amsterdam, Kruislaan 403, (1984). 9 Amsterdam 1098 SJ, Netherlands. E-mail: rpf@ galactic source SS433 (41, which is a 5. R. C. Hartrnan eta/., Astrophys j. Suppl. Ser. 123,79 g astr0.uva.d of an enormous outpouring of energy in the (1999). I 30 JUNE2000 VOL 288 SCIENCE

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Page 1: ASTRONOMY: A New Source of Gamma Rays


P E R S P E C T I V E S : A S T R O N O M Y form of continuous radio jets but only a rela- tively modest x-ray source. It has been gener-

A New Source of Gamma Rays R. P. Fender

R elativistic outflows or 'Sets" are colli- ably lies at a distance of 2 to 3 kiloparsec+ mated streams of high-energy elec- closer than the galactic center and relatively trons that emit synchrotron radiation at nearby on an astronomical scale. Using very

radio wavelengths and have bulk velocities long baseline interferometry at a wavelength that are a substantial fraction of the speed of of 6 centimeters, the authors have resolved light. Jets have been known since Curtis ob- the radio emission into a jetlike outflow. Jet served a "curious straight ray" from the nu- emission is likely to occur by a synchrotron cleus of the radio galaxy M87 in 1918. It is now clear that these jets trace the outflow of enor- mous amounts of energy and matter from a central supermas- sive black hole. The outflows are probably powered by the gravita- tional potential energy of the matter that crosses the event horizon and falls into the black hole; there may also be some contribution from the spin ener- gy of the black hole if it is rapid- ly rotating.

It has become increasingly

ally accepted for more than 30 years that x- rays are the signature of high rates of accre- tion onto neutron stars and .stellar mass black holes, but perhaps we are missing an entire population of accreting objects whose main power output channel is a relativistic jet.

It is perhaps even more intriguing that LS 5039 is the only x-ray source within this region of the sky that contains a persistent gamma-ray source, 3EG 51824-15 14. The latter is one of 271 gamma-ray sources (see the figure) detected by the Energetic Gam-

ma-Ray Experiment Telescope (EGRET) instrument onboard the recently deceased Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory (5) (the observatory was re-entered over the Pacific by NASA in the first week of June, after the loss of an onboard gyro). Most of these x-ray sources remain unidentified, but the over- whelming majority of those for which there are confident iden- tifications are powerfhl distant radio galaxies called blazars (there are also a handful of pul-

apparent in recent Years that in Close association. The third EGRET catalog of high-energy (> 100 MeV) sars and one solar flare). In addition to. supermassive black gamma-ray sources (5).The majority of the unidentified sources are clustered blazars, the gamma rays are be- holes at the centers of distant ra- around the galactic plane and galactic center, indicating that they are located lieved to originate in relativistic dio galaxies, there are many 0th- within our Milky Way. Indicated in red is the gamma-ray source that, accord- jets powered by a supermassive er sources of relativistic outflows ing to Paredes eta/. (3), is associated with a persistent, nearby x-ray binary. black hole. The probable associ- on smaller scales, many of them ation of one of these sources within our own galaxy (1, 2). Collimated mechanism, similar to particle accelerators with a relatively nearby, apparently unspec- structures from pulsars, supernova remnants, on Earth. This means that the jet must con- tacular x-ray binary system seems to open and gamma-ray bursts have all been attribut- tain a large number of hyper-relativistic elec- up the possibility that some of the unidenti- ed to powerful relativistic outflows. trons spiraling in a relatively strong magnetic fied EGRET sources may also be associat-

X-ray binaries offer the best opportunity field (compared with that in the ambient in- ed with relativistic jets, this time localized for studying such jets at close range. In terstellar medium). Furthermore, simple ar- within our own galaxy. these systems, a neutron star or black hole guments presented in the report show that the The observations reported by Paredes et captures mass from a more or less "normal" jet is likely to have a bulk outflow velocity al. (3) demonstrate that strong x-ray emis- stellar binary companion. On page 2340 of greater than 20% of the speed of light. The sion is not the sole key signature of accre- this issue, Paredes et al. (3) report the dis- accreting neutron star or black hole is thus tion at high rates onto black holes and neu- covery of a persistent relativistic outflow accelerating electrons to extreme energies tron stars within our galaxy. The relatively from a nearby, relatively faint x-ray binary and then kicking them away from the system, unspectacular nature of the source at opti- and present a strong case for its association probably in the form of collimated jets, at ex- cal and x-ray wavelengths indicates that it with a persistent high-energy gamma-ray &ely high velocities. As the emitted syn- source. The discovery that such persistent chroton radiation is dominated by the lighter, LLmi~r~quasars" are common and may be and hotter, electrons, it is only these particles associated with strong gamma-ray sources that we can directly observe. However, we within our own galaxy is important for un- can assume that to maintain charge neutrality, derstanding the flow of material around strictly observed in the macroscopic universe, collapsed relativistic objects such as neu- each electron has an associated proton (alter- tron stars and black holes and the feedback natively, the jet could be composed of elec- of energy into the interstellar medium in the tron:positron pairs and would ultimately be a

may be just one of a large population of such objects that have previously been overlooked. The probable association with the gamma-ray source further demonstrates that a population of sources such as LS 5039 may well be a substantial, if not dom- inant, source of high-energy particles and photons produced within our galaxy.

Milky way and other galaxies. so& of &lation radiation). References 'The source investigated by Paredes et al., If there is indeed one proton for each elec- " LiViO' PhyS' 3111 225 (lgg9).

2. I. F. Mirabel and L F. Rodrlguez, Annu. Rev. Astron. As- LS 5039, is an x-ray binary system that prob- tron, then the jet power, dominated by the ki- trophys 37,409 (1999). 3

netic energy of the flow, exceeds the observed 3. J. M. Paredes, J. Martl, M. Rib6 M. Massi. Science 288, 5 x-ray luminosity by two to three orders of 2340 (2000).

- .A


The author is in the Astronomical Institute Xnton magnitude. ns is ofthe famous 4. 8. Margon. Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 22, 507 5 Pannekoek,' University of Amsterdam, Kruislaan 403, (1984). 9 Amsterdam 1098 SJ, Netherlands. E-mail: rpf@ galactic source SS433 (41, which is a 5. R. C. Hartrnan eta/., Astrophys j. Suppl. Ser. 123,79 g astr0.uva.d of an enormous outpouring of energy in the (1999). I

30 JUNE 2000 VOL 288 SCIENCE