assessment for 1963 march on washington

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  • 8/3/2019 Assessment for 1963 March on Washington



    Choose the best answer. Only choose one. All questions are worth 3 points.

    1. What the name if the speech given by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. during the 1963 Marchon Washington.

    a) Nonviolence

    b) Civil Rights Now

    c) I Have a Dream

    d) Equality is our Right

    2. How did the teachings of Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. differ?

    a) King condoned violence and Malcolm X condoned violence

    b) King condoned violence and Malcolm X called for nonviolence

    c) King called for nonviolence Malcolm X called for nonviolence

    d) King called for nonviolence Malcolm X condoned violence

    3. Which demand wasNOTdiscussed by the protestors during the 1963 March on


    a) Protection for all civil rights protestors against police brutality

    b) A $2 minimum wage

    c) An immediate end to all school segregation

    d) Marriage equality

    e) A federal law prohibiting racial discrimination in the workplace

    Short Answer, please write a short paragraph of 3 to 4 sentences. You may use the back of this paper.

    4. Please give an example of civil disobedience that was used during the Civil RightsMovement and briefly state who carried out the act, and what the result was.

    Short Answer, please write a short paragraph of 4 to 5 sentences. You may use the back of this paper.

    5. Please identify what SNCC stands for, and briefly describe why this organization was animportant part of the Civil Rights Movement. Also, please discuss whether or not some of

    these problems addressed by SNCC are addressed today. Hint: Incorporate the MississippiFreedom Summer.

  • 8/3/2019 Assessment for 1963 March on Washington



    1) C -I Have a Dream2) D -King called for nonviolence Malcolm X condoned violence3) D - Marriage equality

    4) A variety of answers will be accepted. They include, freedom rides, lunch sit-ins,Montgomery bus boycott, and the Freedom Summer freedom schools.

    Rubric3= Students will get one point for identifying the action. The second point for addressing theactivist who carried it out, and a third point for briefly discussing the result.

    2= if only two if the above points are earned.1= if only one of the above points are earned0= showing little or no comprehension the term or historical context.

    5) SNCC stands for Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. They mustincorporate the Freedom Summer and its northern volunteers who went to Mississippifor the summer. The Freedom Schools and Freedom Vote must be mentioned in some

    capacity. Students must also mention that education inequality is still a problem todayeven after the efforts of SNCC to end the problem.

    Rubric for short answer.3 = shows accurate comprehension of the historical context and uses at least two

    appropriate details of SNCC2 = shows accurate comprehension of the historical context with only one characteristic ofSNCC OR shows mostly accurate comprehension of the historical context with twocharacteristics of SNCC

    1 = shows partially accurate comprehension of the historical context and only onecharacteristics of SNCC0 = shows little or no comprehension the term or historical context