asking a fiernd to play asking a friend to play sel …...asking a friend to play sel independent...

Evidence-Based Multimedia Resources © CWK Network. All Rights Reserved. Asking a Friend to Play SEL materials • Projector/screen, white board and markers or chart paper and markers Let’s Play! chant (for projection or written on whiteboard or chart paper) friend ask Vocab words How do you ask a friend to play? Essential Question: Project and Purpose: Students develop and practice strategies to assist them in asking a friend to play. Asking a Friend to Play Social Emotional Learning Room Set up: Space for students to have group discussions and to move and work in pairs.

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Page 1: Asking a Fiernd to Play Asking a Friend to Play SEL …...Asking a Friend to Play SEL Independent Practice (You do) 1. Lead a quick discussion on asking friends to play. Questions:

Evidence-Based Multimedia Resources © CWK Network. All Rights Reserved.

Asking a Friend to Play SEL


•Projector/screen,whiteboardand markersorchartpaperandmarkers•Let’s Play! chant(forprojectionor writtenonwhiteboardorchartpaper)


Vocab words

How do you ask a friend to play? Essential


Project and Purpose: Studentsdevelopandpracticestrategiestoassisttheminaskingafriendtoplay.

Asking a Friend to PlaySocial Emotional Learning

Room Set up: Spaceforstudentstohavegroupdiscussionsandtomoveandworkinpairs.

Page 2: Asking a Fiernd to Play Asking a Friend to Play SEL …...Asking a Friend to Play SEL Independent Practice (You do) 1. Lead a quick discussion on asking friends to play. Questions:

Evidence-Based Multimedia Resources © CWK Network. All Rights Reserved.

Asking a Friend to Play SEL

Introduction1. Standinthemiddleofaspaceandinvitestudentstoformacirclearound


2. Tellstudentsyouwillmakeastatement,andifitistrueforthem,theywilljoinyoubycomingtothemiddleofthecircle.Explainthatnoteverystatementistrueforeveryperson,andsometimestheywillremaininthecircle.Thisisnotonlyfine,it’sgreat!

3. Say,“Pleasejoinmeifyouliketoplay.”Studentsjoinyouinthemiddleifthatistrueforthem.

4. Askstudentstoreturntothecircle.

5. Say,“Pleasejoinmeifyoucanjumprope.”Studentsjoinyouinthemiddleifthatistrueforthem,andthenreturntothecircle.

6. Continuethepatternwithquestions(selectthosethatareappropriateforyourstudentsandcreateyourown).

7. Thankstudentsforjoiningyouinthegameandaskthemtoreturntothecircletodiscussthegame.

8. Discusswhenandhowweshouldaskfriendstoplay.Discusshowsometimesit’seasytoasksomeonetoplay,andsometimesittakesalittlecourage.Whenmightittakecourage?

9. Remindthemthatifyoudon’task,nooneknowsthatyouwanttoplay.Askstudentstothinkaboutwhywesometimesdon’taskotherstoplay.





Page 3: Asking a Fiernd to Play Asking a Friend to Play SEL …...Asking a Friend to Play SEL Independent Practice (You do) 1. Lead a quick discussion on asking friends to play. Questions:

Evidence-Based Multimedia Resources © CWK Network. All Rights Reserved.

Asking a Friend to Play SEL

Direct Instruction (I do)1. DiscusshowyouaskedthemtoplaytheJoin Me Game.Pointout


2. Tellstudentsabouthowyouaskyourfriendstodothingswithyounowthatyouareolder,andcompare/contrasttowhenyouwereyounger.

3. Tellstudentsthatithelpsyoutosayachanttoremindyoutoaskfriendstoplay.DisplaythechantLet’s Play!

4. Beginthechant.Dothechantallthewaythroughonetime.

For Kindergarten: Nextdoinacallandresponse.

Let’s Play!



Let’splay! (clap, clap) Let’splay!(clap, clap)

Whatshouldweplay?(clap, clap)Let’splay!(clap, clap)Let’splay!(clap, clap)

Whatshouldweplay?(clap, clap)




Page 4: Asking a Fiernd to Play Asking a Friend to Play SEL …...Asking a Friend to Play SEL Independent Practice (You do) 1. Lead a quick discussion on asking friends to play. Questions:

Evidence-Based Multimedia Resources © CWK Network. All Rights Reserved.

Asking a Friend to Play SEL

Guided Exploration (We do) 1. Practicethechant3-4times.

2. Guidethestudentstocreatemovementforthischant,makingsurethatthemovementsshowwhatitlooksliketoaskafriendtoplay.

3. Takesuggestions,creatingmovementslinebylineandpracticing.

4. Putitalltogether.












Page 5: Asking a Fiernd to Play Asking a Friend to Play SEL …...Asking a Friend to Play SEL Independent Practice (You do) 1. Lead a quick discussion on asking friends to play. Questions:

Evidence-Based Multimedia Resources © CWK Network. All Rights Reserved.

Asking a Friend to Play SEL

Independent Practice (You do)1. Leadaquickdiscussiononaskingfriendstoplay.Questions:

a. Howshouldyouapproach/walkuptoapersontoaskthemtoplaywithyou?

b. Whatdoyoudoifthepersondoesn’twanttoplay?

2. Teacherexplainsthatitisthestudent’sturntocomeupwithotherwaystoaskafriendtoplay.Grade K:

a. Asagroup,havestudentsbrainstormideasforotherthingstosayordotosuccessfullyaskafriendtoplay.Teachertakesdictation.

b. Dividethegroupintopairs.Eachpairwillchooseoneoftheideas.Rehearseaquickscene,withonestudentaskingandthe2ndrespondingtotherequest.Remindpairstousetheideasfromthegame,thechant,andthediscussion.

c. Eachpairsharestheir‘scene’withtheclass.

Grades 1-2:

a. Studentsworkinpairstowriteatleastfourwaystoaskafriendtoplay.

b. Havepairspracticeusingtheirideasinshort‘scenes,’withonestudentaskingandthe2ndrespondingtotherequesttoplay.Remindpairstousetheideasfromthegame,thechant,andthediscussion.

c. Havepairssharetheirshortsceneswiththeclass.

Page 6: Asking a Fiernd to Play Asking a Friend to Play SEL …...Asking a Friend to Play SEL Independent Practice (You do) 1. Lead a quick discussion on asking friends to play. Questions:

Evidence-Based Multimedia Resources © CWK Network. All Rights Reserved.

Asking a Friend to Play SEL














Page 7: Asking a Fiernd to Play Asking a Friend to Play SEL …...Asking a Friend to Play SEL Independent Practice (You do) 1. Lead a quick discussion on asking friends to play. Questions:

Evidence-Based Multimedia Resources © CWK Network. All Rights Reserved.

Asking a Friend to Play SEL

Personal ReflectionChooseoneoftheideasanddrawapictureofwhatitlooksliketoaskafriendtoplay.Suggestion: Makeabookofalltheideastoremindasneededandtohelpfuturestudentsintheclassroom.

Page 8: Asking a Fiernd to Play Asking a Friend to Play SEL …...Asking a Friend to Play SEL Independent Practice (You do) 1. Lead a quick discussion on asking friends to play. Questions:

Evidence-Based Multimedia Resources © CWK Network. All Rights Reserved.

Asking a Friend to Play SEL

Vocab words

Vocabulary Definitions

ask (v)

• Definition:toputaquestiontosomeone,orrequestananswerfromsomeone.

• Context:AnnaisreadytoaskherfriendCharlietoplaycheckers.

friend (n)

• Definition:oneattachedtosomeoneoutofaffectionoresteem.

• Context:YoucantellthatNancyandKimaregoodfriendsbecausetheyhelpeachother.

Page 9: Asking a Fiernd to Play Asking a Friend to Play SEL …...Asking a Friend to Play SEL Independent Practice (You do) 1. Lead a quick discussion on asking friends to play. Questions:

Evidence-Based Multimedia Resources © CWK Network. All Rights Reserved.

Asking a Friend to Play SEL

Let’s Play! Song

Let’s Play! Song

Asking a Friend to Play SEL



“Willyoucomeplaywithme?”Let’splay!(clap clap)Let’splay!(clap clap)

Whatshouldweplay?(clap clap)Let’splay!(clap clap)Let’splay!(clap clap)

Whatshouldweplay?(clap clap)