asia-agri report

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 Join more than

 half of the Global

 Fortune 500 who

 use BMI Research’s

 reports to plan their investments

New 2015 Edition Newly updated –13 Reports coveringAsia’s top Agribusinessmarkets:

 Q Australia

 Q Bangladesh

 Q China

 Q India

 Q Indonesia

 Q Japan

 Q Malaysia

 Q New Zealand

 Q Pakistan

 Q Philippines

 Q South Korea

 Q Thailand

 Q Vietnam

  Benefit from the latest market opportunities

  Protect your company against future risks

  Prepare for the impact of market changes

  Know what your competitors are planning

BMI Research’s Agribusiness Reports provide expert assessments

on the outlook for 13 key markets across Asia. They reveal crucial

opportunities for your company and give you invaluable insight to

improve your operations and investments.

Your choice of 13 Country Reports

Asia AgribusinessReports

If you have a Promotion Code

please use it when ordering

single or multiple Reports to

receive your discount.

Full price for a single Report is

US$1,295 / €985 / £810

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AG  R I  B  U  S  IN  E  S  S  R E  P  O R T  &  H E  AL T  H C  AR E  R E P O R T  

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  Latest opportunitiesto profit fromIndependent supply, demandand trade forecasts revealwhere the next opportunitieslie. So whether you arelooking to newly invest orbuild on your company’sexisting operations you will

know where to focus yourattention for key growth.

 Risk warnings to protectyour companyIdentify operational, marketand country-specific threatsto your plans.

 Crucial marketdevelopments to act onEvaluate the commercialpotential of evolving marketdemand, industry innovation,

investment dynamics andbroader economic/politicaldynamics to your business,as well as the impact of global/ regional trends in your market.

 Competitor analysisto know who you are upagainstUnderstand the activities,strategy and market positionof your competitors, partnersand clients to best positionyour company.

Leading companies whorely on our analysis:

  Agrium Inc.

  Bayer CropScience AG

  Boehringer Ingelheim

  Bunge Limited

  East-West Seed International Ltd

  Grains Research &Development Corporation

  International FinanceCorporation

  Merial Animal HealthCompany Ltd

  Monsanto Pakistan

  Mitsui & Company Ltd

Expert analysis and forecasts for13 key Asian Agribusiness markets

Benchmark Your Strategy  Use BMI’s forecasts to ensure your strategy

for growth aligns with the direction themarket is taking.

  Our forecasting model has been developedby in-house economists and agribusinessanalysts. It identifies statistical correlationsbetween industry data and country specificeconomic, financial and demographicindicators giving you reliable, stress-testedindustry forecasts and growth assumptions.

  The methodology is proven to complementother forecasting models that are also drivenby industry- or company-specific variables,so you can double check your current marketintelligence and fill in any gaps.

Understand The Risks  Know what could threaten your operations

and avoid the dangers.

Business Environment Assessment: You receive crucial input when evaluating amarket’s potential with our thorough analysisof the underlying business environment(including an assessment of operational risk)in the market.

Exploit Emerging Trends  Understand key changes that could support,

strengthen or disrupt your activity in a market.

  Our analysts identify the key projects,technologies and price movements thatwill shape a market’s development over thecoming years. The impact of country, regionaland global trends (including an analysis ofsimilar developments in peer states) areevaluated, as are the broader economic,demographic and political drivers, givingyou a comprehensive view of the changes amarket will undergo.

Analyse Your Competitors  Know the activities, positioning and strategy

of your competitors, partners and clients tostrengthen your position in the market.

  The Reports feature the very latestintelligence and analysis of all leadingnational and multinational companies,giving you:

Competitive Intelligence – on the coresectors of Grains, Coffee, Sugar, Oil, Crops,Livestock Dairy, Cocoa and Cotton.

  This gives you a full view of the competitivelandscape you are operating in to understandand enhance your position.

Industry RiskCompany Strategy

Sector Fundamentals

CommoditiesPrice Forecasting

Commodity Strategy

Financial MarketsFX, Equities

Fixed Income

Country RiskBusiness Environment

Macro, Politics


  Our sector coverage uses an integrated research methodology

drawing on key drivers from our 24 industry verticals, andcombining this with macroeconomic, political, businessenvironment, financial markets, and company analysis toprovide a uniquely comprehensive insight.

  It provides understanding of how one area of risk impacts andis impacted by other areas, meaning all possible risks have beenassessed in order to formulate a stronger, more reliable view.

Unique Methodology behind our forecasts and views

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To access all

this greatcontent turn

the page to


SOURCESThe Agribusiness Reports draw on an extensive network of primary sources, such as multilateral

organisations, government departments, industry associations, chambers and company reports, including:Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute • Industry Export Associations• National Banks• National

Ministries of Agriculture• National Statistical Associations• Organisation for Economic Cooperation and

Development • United Nations Conference on Trade and Development• United Nations Food & Agriculture

Organisation• US Department of Agriculture• World Health Organisation • World Trade Organisation


1 BMI Industry ViewSummary of BMI’s key industry forecasts andviews, highlighting recent changes and keyrisks to the industry outlook.

2 Industry SWOT Analysis

Analysis of the major Strengths, Weaknesses,Opportunities and Threats within the wideragricultural industry.

3 BMI Supply & Demand ForecastsDivided into sections based on various diversesectors in the agriculture market, the chapterprovides insight into each market’s agriculturalindustry, centred on sector forecasts to end-2019 for the consumption, production andtrade of key commodities (see right).

Consumption forecasts are accompanied by adiscussion of the main drivers of consumptiongrowth: macroeconomic factors, foodprocessing trends, price movements andincreasingly, demand from the non-food sector.

Production forecasts examine the trendsinfluencing BMI’s production outlook: globaldemand, price increases, public and privatesector investment and agricultural efficiencyimprovements.

Trade forecasts are accompanied by adiscussion of the factors influencing acountry’s trade in agricultural goods,including domestic demand, global prices andgovernment trade policies.

BMI’s forecasts are accompanied by a Risks-to-Outlook assessment, which examinespotential factors that could affect our existingforecast picture and the likelihood of theiroccurrence.

4 BMI’s Commodity Price AnalysisFundamental and technical analysis of theshort- and medium-term price outlook foreight agricultural commodities based onglobally recognised benchmarks.

5 Down-stream AnalysisAnalysis of headline food and drink forecasts,including total food consumption, per capitafood consumption and total sector trade,which provide important downstreamintelligence for primary agricultural producers.

6 Featured AnalysisIncludes relevant articles from BMI’s dailyanalysis service. These can include long-term projections on agricultural imports andexports, our perceptions of the impacts ofeconomic slowdown on key companies andsubsectors within the Agribusiness industryin a given country, our analysis of fertilizerproduction as well as other relevant analysis ofrecent news and events.

Competitive LandscapeThe reports contain information on prominentcompanies operating in each market, such as:

  Archer Daniels Midland

  Bunge Ltd

  Charoen Pokphand Foods PLC

  Deere & Co

  Golden Agri


Golden Agriculture Resources Ltd



Key Commodities covered by the13 Asian Agribusiness marketReports include:•  Grains •  Dairy •  Livestock •  Rice•  Sugar • Palm Oil • Edible Oils •  Coffee•  Cocoa •  Cotton •  Soybean

Please note – not all Reports cover all commodities – see website for details

Sample Report content

*Company profiles are not available for every country. Those reports

instead contain information on the current activities of prominent

companies operating in the market.

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Send your order to:

BMI ResearchSenator House,85 Queen Victoria Street,London, EC4V 4AB, UK

FIVE easy ways to orderTo receive your Agribusiness Reports use any of the following ways to order.

And if you have a Promotion Code please use it when ordering to receive your discountfrom the full Report price of US$1,295 / €985 / £810.

Our complete portfolio of Agribusiness Reports covers 50 countries across the globe.

On processing your order you will be sent the Report in print by airmail,

along with 3 free PDF quarterly updates* over the next 12 months.

*Not all Reports have quarterly updates. Please speak to our Customer Services team for more information.