as time goes by—thank you!


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Post on 24-Jul-2016




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Page 1: As Time Goes By—Thank you!
Page 2: As Time Goes By—Thank you!

ArethusA FArm & DAiry

AmericAn Girl compAny

Bucky BAll

chris & sArAh BeDnAr p '16, '19FAculty memBer DeBi BenDer

shenGzhu BernArDin p '18, '20Bikeexpress

richArD & Anne Block p '23Boston reD sox

FreDeric BouchArD & FrAnce hArvey p '13Director oF lower school roB & FAculty memBer willow Brenner p '14, '17, '19BriDGeport BlueFish trumAn '89 & scArlett Brooks p '22, '24Former trustee p.w. tAte Brown p '77, '78, '81JAmie & kristen Browne p '18, '22rick & helen Bunnell p '16Director oF resiDentiAl liFe rick & FAculty memBer liz Butler p '20, '23GrAyDon cArter p '04, '08connecticut tiGers

christopher & Amy conto p '18, '20Former trustee lynette & linc cornell Jr. p '72, '74, '82, '86 Gp '06, '08, '11, '17


On Friday, October 9th the 31st running of Rumsey Hall’s Annual Benefit brought over 250 guests to celebrate the strength and long-standing history of this fall community tradition. Inspired by the film Casablanca “As Time Goes By,” the success of the gala is a tribute to the tireless work of devoted Rumsey Circle parent volunteers, faculty and staff who helped transform the John F. Schereschewsky Sr. Memorial Tennis Courts into a 1940s supper club. Trustees, alumni, current and past parents, grandparents, faculty and long-standing friends of the School, lifted paddles and spirits high, lending just the right magic to raise $431,000, which directly benefits Student Programs. The Silent and Live Auction items, presented by Auctioneer Headmaster Tom Farmen, were generously donated by parents, faculty, alumni and friends.

Auction Chair Monica Vogelstein P '14

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michAel '84 AnD AthinA cornell

peter & mArie cotier p '15, '17lloyD BeDForD cox, inc.victoriA & lloyD cox iii p '17chArles & vAlerie crisson p '16culinArt

DAGwooDs new AmericAn lounGe

reBeccA D'Alessio p '17Former trustee linDA & JAcoB DArer p '94michAel & JessicA Dell'AerA p '23, '25Dick's sportinG GooDs

FAculty memBer steve DoDGe

DonAlD DowDen & tinA kim-DowDen p '24John AnD JAcqueline DuFour p '18FAculty memBer JilliAn DuFresne

JAmes Duys p '17nAtAlie Dyer '80 & nicholAs Benson p '19, '22elite pAintinG, llcBArry enis & m. B. kniGht p '12eric '84 & Amy FAlkenstein

heADmAster tom & Ashley FArmen p '97, '99trustee Gretchen & phil FArmer p '99, '02FAculty memBer tyler FArmen '97stAFF memBer trevor FArmen '99 FliGht trAmpoline pArk

GeoFFrey & kArA Foster p '17, '19

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FoxwooDs resort & cAsino

JoAnne FrAntiz trustee Dennis & Julie FullinG p '16, '16lorenzo & nAthAlie GAGGini p '14, '17FAculty memBer thomAs GeAGAn p '13, '16reBeccA Gerlin p '13, '15GrAce meDicAl Aesthetics

FreD & shAnnon Greene p '14, '22nell hArDee-nicholAs '80 & roBert nicholAs '80 p '13hArtForD wolF pAck

hArtForD yArD GoAts

trustee crAiG henrich p '13, '14hiDDen vAlley eAtery

hiDDen vAlley B&Bchris & kAthy hill p '17, '19AssistAnt heADmAster mAtt '81 & FAculty memBer Amy hoeniGer p '11, '15stAFF memBer cynthiA hoGAn

spencer & cArol houlDin p '13, '16housAtonic trADinG compAny

inn At kent FAlls

J. mclAuGhlin

J. seitz

Joe's sAlon

kee enterprises

AlexAnDros & mAriA keDros p '13williAm kelly '87DeAn oF stuDents clAyton & FAculty memBer clAire ketchum p '14, '17FAculty memBer seAn kinsellA & AliciA morDenti p '22, '23peter kirkiles & melissA holcomBe p '17, '20williAm & kAren kneisel p '16thomAs kocienDA & DAnA mArtinez p '19, '21, '23, '24FAculty memBers DouG & Jenn kolpAk p '13, '15, '17

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richArD krAmer p '15D. Jeremy & DiAnA lAcAsse p '17, '19, '24peter & trAcy lAviGne p '12, '14, '17, '20stAFF memBer JorDAn leventhAl '05Director oF communicAtion JessicA lewis Jin li & yun zhAnG p '18peter linn & pilAr sAntos p '10, '24chArles & DeBrA lipset p '16litchFielD Distillery

litchFielD hills wine mArket

nicholAs loGothetis p '03DAn & ADrienne luFkin p '12, '20, '24nityA mAchriBie p '16stAFF memBer eDwArD & reGinA mAstriAnno p '02mAttAtuck museum

hope mAurAn p '16Director oF Development cArol mAxwell p '07, '09, '15, '17lAwrence & kAren mcGowAn p '17elizABeth & eArl mcmillen iii p' 17merAki, llcFAculty memBer teD moore

Beverly & wooDy mosch Jr. '62, p '92, '97mAtthew & linDsAy mulhern p '18, '22, '23, '25BoArD chAir Jon neuhAus '87new york FootBAll GiAnts

new york Jets

new york yAnkees

rick & GenA newmAn p '21, '22norDicA toys

nutmeG olive oil

Amy & roBert oBer iii p '20kristin & williAm okesson iii p '17, '22oliphAnt

FAculty memBer crAiG ouGh p '23outerwAll

ovens oF FrAnce

michAel AckermAn & the pAntry

pArents oF the lower school

Former FAculty sArAh pickArD p '13, '16

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FrAnk & leslie pottow p '16 the prAtt nAture center

JAy & sAnDy pyne p '16quAssy Amusement pArk

r. Derwin clothiers

peter & pAmelA rAcevicius p '10, '14, '17pAul & trAcey rAmee '14, '17, '21JAson & wilDer reGAlButo p '17reynolDs teAm sAles

mAtthew root p '16rumsey hAll school stuDents

Byron & ABBe rupp p '17 AssistAnt heADmAster FrAn & FAculty memBer whitney ryAn p '12, '16trustee rosemAry sAGAr p '15, '17John '86 & chAnDrA sAlvAtore p '18FAculty memBer kAren & toDD sAxe

Former trustee pAul & chArlene sArris p '06, '08, '11, '14steve & meGAn schAAB p '17reGine lAverGe-schADe p '85, '87Former FAculty scott schereschewsky '73 & emmA risley p '20, '23willy & sABinA schlumBerGer p '21, '23the silly sprout llcstAFF memBer trish silvernAil

GArrison & lAurA smith p '17kurt & linDA soukup p '16spA At litchFielD hills

FAculty memBer rick & celine spooner p' 88, '90, '94; Gp '23sportsmen's oF litchFielD

GeorGe & Ann tAylor p '24, '25thorncrest FArm AnD milk house chocolAtes

pAulA tocci p '07Brett & DeBorAh trAussi p '17FAculty memBers Ben & Gretchen tuFF p '22, '24Jon & BArBArA voGelstein Gp '14Auction chAir trustee monicA & AnDrew voGelstein p '14Former FAculty sArA wAlBriDGe

wAlk in BAlAnce mAssAGe

zhAnGwei wAnG & tiAn chen p '18wAlt Disney worlD resort

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wArner theAtre

GreG & leslie wArner p '17trAcy wArner p '17nicholAs & kAren wArren p '15wAshinGton FooD mArket

wAshinGton supply compAny

linDA GAvel '76 weBB p '15richArD & roBin weiss p '18wesco sports center

winviAnFormer stAFF cArol wutzl p '90shAnnon '89 & DAnielle younG p '22, '23FAnGyinG yuAn & yueshenG liu p '17

trustee Dennis & Julie FullinG p '16, '16richArD krAmer p '15FenG & luhuA lin p '19Auction chAir trustee monicA & AnDrew voGelstein p '14


phil & trustee Gretchen FArmer p ‘99, ‘02trustee loren kAGAn ‘01 & nicole russo

BoArD chAir Jon neuhAus ‘87GeorGe & Ann tAylor p ‘24, ‘25

Special Envoy

Table Patrons

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trustee mAry & AlFreD BArBour p ‘14xiAoJun hu & weiyin mA p ‘18Jim & Beth schechter p ‘17trustee nick solley ‘64


clAy & Amy Brock p ‘18yonG chenG & Jie chen p ‘17victoriA AnD lloyD cox iii ‘17 mAnuel & rosA Grullon p ‘00eDwArD & kelly mAllon p ‘18trustee DiAn Griesel & rory mcADAm p ‘15, ‘19luis pietrini & tAniA topete p ‘17kurt & linDA soukup p ‘16Former FAculty scott schereschewsky ‘73 & emmA risley p ‘20, ‘23u.s. trust

GreG & leslie wArner ‘17Aili zhAnG p ‘17


euGene & AliciA Aitken p ‘16 trustee JAmes & mereDith BAker p ‘10richArD Block & Anne Gurnsey Block p ‘23chArlie & riDGely BroDe p ‘17JAmie & kristen Browne p ‘18, ‘22trustee GAry & DonnA cole p ‘01Former FAculty JAmes crAmphin

chArles & vAlerie crisson p ‘16DonAlD smith & tinA kim-DowDen p ‘24John & JAcqueline DuFour p ‘18

Friends of the Auction

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roBert & JoDie ellis p ‘15, ‘16heADmAster tom & Ashley FArmen p ‘97, ‘99GeoFFrey & kArA Foster p ‘17, ‘19Director oF stuDies Brooke & GAry Giese p ‘23stAFF memBer Gerri & John GleAson p ‘14, ‘17, ‘19, ‘22mAnuel & rosA Grullon p ‘00pAt & DeeDee hill p ‘04, ‘07AlexAnDros & mAriA keDros p ‘13roGer & mArie kimmel p ‘17Jeremy & DiAnA lAcAsse p ‘17, ‘19, 24mArk & lAurA leventhAl p ‘05peter linn & pilAr sAntos p ‘10, ‘24yueshenG liu & FAnGyinG yuAn p ’17DAn & ADrienne luFkin p ‘12, ‘20, ‘24GreG & Anne elise mAtthews p ‘18eDwArD & mAry mitchell Gp ‘16, ‘18, ‘21trustee AlexAnDrA ‘00 & Drew ‘00 murphy michAel & kAthleen novAk p ‘13, ‘18BrenDAn & cAte o’Dwyer p ‘23, ‘25oliver ruBBish removAl pArents oF the lower school

luis pietrini & tAniA topete p ‘17FrAnk & leslie pottow ‘16JAy & sAnDy pyne p ‘16JAson & wilDer reGAlButo p ‘17Former trustee Jennie & chris rehnBerG p ‘91, ‘94, ‘00; Gp ‘18, ‘20, '23Benton & kenDrA reichenAu p ‘18Byron & ABBe rupp p ‘17AleJAnDro sAinz & luz-ceciliA monDrAGon p ‘14, ‘16, ‘17steve & meGAn schAAB p ‘17Former BoArD chAir AnD trustee everett & liz smith p ‘04, ‘05steven & JenniFer sterlinG p ‘09John stout & trustee lisA schereschewsky ‘56 stout

Brett & DeBorAh trAussi p ‘17zhAnGwei wAnG & tiAn chen p ‘18trAcy wArner p ‘17DeBorAh weinBerGer & thomAs cAnDrick p ‘05John & BArBArA voGelstein Gp ‘14xiAoyAnG zhenG & lili xie p ‘16

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SupportersGene & AliciA Aitken p ‘16AnDreA AnGerA & BArBArA sABiA p ‘16, ‘17Former trustee JuDith Auchincloss p ‘87trustee JAmes & mereDith BAker p ‘10richArD & AJ BellAs p ’16shenGzhu BernArDin p ‘18, ‘20pAul & DAnA BertuGliA p ‘23, ‘25eric & kim BiDDle p ‘21, ‘21richArD & Anne Block p ‘23FreDeric BouchArD & FrAnce hArvey p ‘13Director oF lower school roB & FAculty memBer willow Brenner p ‘14, ‘17, ‘19chArlie & riDGely BroDe p ‘17trumAn ‘89 & scArlett Brooks p ‘22, ‘24JAmie & kristen Browne p ‘18, ‘22Anne & wADe cArDen Jr. ‘88 p ‘15, ‘16DAviD & nAncy cArrick

eD & kAthy conroy p ‘98, ‘03ABBy conroy ‘03Former trustee lynette & linc cornell Jr. p ‘72, ‘74, ‘82, ‘86 Gp ‘06, ‘08, ‘11, ‘17tAmi couch ‘01trustee tinA couch ‘94Former FAculty JAmes crAmphin & Allison hellon

chArles & vAlerie crisson p ‘16melissA curtin

Former trustee linDA & JAcoB DArer p ‘94michAel & JessicA Dell’AerA p ‘23, ‘25Dr. DonAlD DemAs p ‘99mArthA DemAs ‘99 irvinG

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John AnD JAcqueline DuFour p ‘18stephen & cAmille Dumont p ‘18nAtAlie Dyer ‘80roBert & JoDie ellis p’ 15, ‘16Former FAculty AleciA evAns p ‘18tom & Ashley FArmen ‘97, ‘99tyler FArmen ‘97tAylor Finkelson ‘03lorenzo & nAthAlie GAGGini p ‘14, ‘17DeBorAh GAlAnt p ‘17 & GeoFF smith

trustee skip GArDellA ‘72 p ‘09, ‘09AlBerto GArzA & GABrielA cAstro p ‘17trustee FrAnk ‘78 & lAurie GAvel p’13mArc & thien-thAnh Genovese p ‘25Director oF stuDies Brooke & GAry Giese p ‘23rick Giles & Ashley BrokAw p ‘22mAry Anne Greene

FrAnk GustAFson iii & vivi krosi p ‘18John & piper hAnson p ‘18DAviD & nAncy hAwley p ‘15, ‘18, ‘20trustee crAiG henrich p ‘13, ‘14chris & kAthy hill p ‘17, ‘19FeliciA hoeniGer ‘78JoAn horton-iAttoni p ‘99, ‘01peter ‘88 & hilAry houlDin p ‘18, ‘18spencer & cArol houlDin p ‘13, ‘16weiyin mA p ‘18eD & cArmelA JAnkowski p ‘92, ‘93, ‘99kevin & stAcey kenneDy p ‘13, ‘16, ‘18, ‘20DeAn oF stuDents clAyton & FAculty memBer clAire ketchum p ‘14, ‘17roGer & mArie kimmel p ‘17peter kirkiles & melissA holcomBe p ‘17, ‘20

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thomAs kocienDA & DAnA mArtinez p ‘19, ‘21, ‘23, ‘24AnDre krAvets p ‘16JoshuA stoner & JenniFer leesFielD p ‘16peter linn & pilAr sAntos p ‘10, ‘24chArles & DeBrA lipset p ‘16DAn & ADrienne luFkin p ‘12 ‘20, ‘24JeFFrey li & sophy zhAnG p ‘18nityA mAchriBie p ‘16 GreG & Anne mAtthews p ‘18Director oF Development cArol & John mAxwell iii p ‘07, ‘09, ‘15, ‘17lAwrence & kAren mcGowAn p ‘17elizABeth & eArl mcmillen iii p ’17April montGomery p ‘20Beverly & wooDy mosch Jr. ‘62, p ‘92, ‘97kirBy mullen p ‘15, ‘17pAtrick & Anne mullin p ‘16JAmes & Anne murDicA p ‘24rick & GenA newmAn p ‘21, ‘22michAel & kAthleen novAk p ‘13, ‘18Amy & roBert oBer iii p ‘20BrenDAn & cAtherine o’Dwyer p ‘23, ‘25kristin & williAm okesson iii p ‘17, ‘22chArles piGott p ‘17JAy & sAnDy pyne p ‘16peter & pAmelA rAcevicius p ‘10, ‘14, ‘17JAson & wilDer reGAlButo p ‘17eric rook & renee cArnes-rook p ‘18, ‘20mAtthew root p ‘16AnDrew rorABAck & kArA DowlinG p ‘20steven & kAtherine rosenBAum p ‘16trustee rosemAry sAGAr p ‘15, ‘17

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AleJAnDro sAinz p ‘14, ‘16, ‘17John ‘86 & chAnDrA sAlvAtore p ‘18pAmelA sAvAGe

Former trustee teD & lori seiBert Jr. p ‘92Betsy & trustee thomAs sheehy iii p ‘00 christopher & cAtherine silvester p ‘17hAyDen smith ‘83cArol st. AmAnD romer p ‘99, ‘03tArA st. AmAnD ‘03linA tinos

Brett & DeBorAh trAussi p ‘17qinGtAo tu & Jie zenG p ‘17Former FAculty crystAl & DeAn ‘80 turner p ‘08, ‘10, ‘14hennie AnD cArlA vAn De merwe p ‘16, 20Former FAculty cArol wArD p ‘78 trAcy wArner p ‘17nicholAs & kAren wArren p ‘15DeBorAh weinBerGer p’05richArD & roBin weiss p ‘18Brett & shAnnon wheeler chArles & cAmillA withers-clArke p ‘18shAnnon ‘89 & DAnielle younG p ‘22, ‘23 FAnGyinG yuAn & yueshenG liu p ‘17victor & mAriA zABAneh p ‘15, ‘17stephen & DonnA zehrinG p ‘00, ‘03, ‘05, ‘09, ‘11stephen ‘00 & AmAnDA zehrinG

lei zhAnG & Jinmei yu p ‘20, ‘20

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Volunteerstrustee JAmes BAker p ‘10trustee mAry BArBour p ‘14FAculty memBer tiFFAny Bichrest

Anne Block p ‘23kristen Browne p ‘18, ‘22Director oF resiDentAl liFe rick AnD FAculty memBer liz Butler p ‘20, ‘23AnDreA cAlore p ‘25FAculty memBer Felipe cAstro

stAFF memBer theresA cervero

Former BoArD chAir AnD current trustee GAry cole p ‘01mArie cotier p ‘15, ‘17trustee tinA couch ‘94FAculty memBer vAlerie Dilorenzo p ‘15, ‘18FAculty memBer steve DoDGe

JAcquie DuFour p ‘18cAmille Dumont p ‘18DiDDins eAton

lily Dyer ‘80 p ‘19, ‘22stAFF memBer susAn ekstrAnD

tom & Ashley FArmen p ‘97, ‘99stAFF memBer trevor FArmen ‘99FAculty memBer tyler FArmen ‘97trustee Gretchen FArmer p ‘99, ‘02stAFF memBer Julie FreDlunD

trustee Dennis AnD Julie FullinG p ‘16, ‘16stAFF memBer pAtrice GriFFinG trustee skip GArDellA ‘72 p ‘09, ‘09trustee FrAnk ‘78 AnD lAurie GAvel p’13thien-thAnh Genovese p ‘25reBeccA Gerlin p ‘15trustee thomAs GorDon ‘82 p ‘14rolAnD AnD Former stAFF memBer linDA Goulet p ‘01mArci GouveiA p ‘21trustee DiAn Griesel p ‘15, ‘19trustee crAiG henrich p ‘13, ‘14FAculty memBer cynthiA hill p ‘04

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AssistAnt HeAdmAster mAtt Hoeniger ‘81, P ‘11, ‘15stAff member CyntHiA HogAn

trustee Loren KAgAn ‘01stACey Kennedy P ‘13, ‘16, ‘18, ‘20tinA Kim-dowden P ‘24fACuLty member ALex King

dAnA KoCiendA P ‘19, ‘21, ‘23, ‘24fACuLty members doug And Jenn KoLPAK P ‘13, ‘15, ‘17diAnA LACAsse P ‘17, ‘19, ‘24stAff member HeAtHer LeonArd P ‘13, ‘18stAff member JordAn LeventHAL ‘05direCtor of CommuniCAtion JessiCA Lewis

soPHy ZHAng And Jeff Li P ‘18stAff member JAKe LinLey P ‘24direCtor of fACiLities gAry Lord

KeLLy mALLon P ‘18fACuLty members robert And Kim mAndL P ‘07, ‘11, ‘15JessiCA mAruLLo-deLL’AerA P ‘23, ‘25stAff member ed mAstriAnno P ‘02direCtor of deveLoPment CAroL mAxweLL P ‘07, ‘09, ‘15, ‘17fACuLty member AmAndA mCgrew P ‘14, ‘17fACuLty member ted moore

fACuLty member dAn moorin

Kirby muLLen P ‘15, ‘17Anne murdiCA P ‘24trustee ALexAndrA murPHy ‘00boArd CHAir Jon neuHAus ‘87stAff member genA newmAn P ‘21, ‘22stAf member CHeryL o’donneLL

trustee JAmes PAtes Jr. ‘47 P ‘86PAm rACeviCius P ‘10, ‘14, ‘17trACey rAmee P ‘14, ‘17, ‘21

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stAFF memBer GeorGe roGG

GwenDolyn ross p ‘17AssistAnt heADmAster FrAn ryAn p ‘12, ‘16trustee rosemAry sAGAr p ‘15, ‘17John sAlvAtore ‘86 p ‘18pAmelA sAvAGe

Business mAnAGer kAren scoDAri

trustee thomAs sheehy, iii p ‘00stAFF memBer trish silvernAil

Former BoArD chAir AnD current trustee everett smith p ‘04, ‘05trustee nick solley ‘64BArBArA sorosiAk p ‘10, ‘15, ‘18Doreen souzA p ‘20trustee lisA schereschewsky ‘56 stout

lisA tAnno p ‘19Ann tAylor p ‘24, ‘25FAculty memBer Ben tuFF p ‘22, ‘24hennie AnD cArlA vAn De merwe p ‘16, ‘20stAFF memBer Jim verrAstro

stAFF memBer keith viDic

Auction chAir AnD trustee monicA voGelstein p ‘14roBin weiss p ‘18DAnielle younG p ‘22, ‘23kenneth younG

sophy zhAnG p ‘18

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mike ApAtow & mAil Direct AssociAtes

stellA cAncellieri & piAno house

Director oF DininG services mAryAnn pierzGA, heAD cheF mike Fiorito & the culinArt services DininG stAFF DAviD GrAusmAn, piAnist

kp events Group

rumsey hAll mAintAnce crew

eileen smith events

thorncrest FArm AnD milk house chocolAtes

Auction chAir trustee monicA voGelstein p '14hennie AnD cArlA vAn De merwe p '16, '20 & mAster BrAnDs

Special Gratutide

AFter school Arts proGrAm chArles heAven & co.county wine AnD spirits

the FormAn school the GAllery

the Gunnery

GooD hill mechAnicAl contrActors

inGersoll Auto oF DAnBury

the JoyFul cup

Joe’s sAlon

kent school

sotheBy’s reAl estAte AGent pAtriciA lAhouD p’97, ‘02 seGAllA’s turnkey housinG the silly sprout

thorncrest FArm AnD milk house chocolAtes

wAshinGton FooD mArket

wAshinGton liquor


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