article 9 of the new york city health code petition_shallow water blackout_bp4.pdf2012-10-22happened...

FORM FOR PETITIONING THE NEW YORK CITY BOARD OF HEALTH TO COMMENCE RULEMAKING PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 9 OF THE NEW YORK CITY HEALTH CODE Instructions: A copy of Article 9 is attached to this form for your guidance. Petitions should be typewritten or must be printed legibly. The completed, signed Petition shall be delivered, mailed, e-mailed or faxed to the Secretary to the Board of Health, 42-09 28 th Street, 14 th Floor, CN 31, LIC, New York 11101, telephone # (347) 396-6071, FAX # (347) 396-6088. (1) RULE TO BE CONSIDERED (State the purpose of the rule and what you want to accomplish through the rule you are proposing. Also, if possible, provide the wording of the rule as you believe it should be adopted): (Add Attachments as needed) (2) BOARD’S AUTHORITY TO PROMULGATE THE PROPOSED RULE: [] New York City Health Code – Section ____________________________ [] New York City Charter – Section_________________________________ [] Other (Please Specify) __________________________________________ [] Unknown (3) ARGUMENT(S) IN SUPPORT OF ADOPTION OF THE RULE: (Why should this rule be adopted?) (Add attachments as needed)

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Page 1: ARTICLE 9 OF THE NEW YORK CITY HEALTH CODE Petition_Shallow Water Blackout_BP4.pdf2012-10-22happened rnore than 10 years ago, ... Danielle Denigris Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-05-29


ARTICLE 9 OF THE NEW YORK CITY HEALTH CODE Instructions: A copy of Article 9 is attached to this form for your guidance. Petitions should be typewritten or must be printed legibly. The completed, signed Petition shall be delivered, mailed, e-mailed or faxed to the Secretary to the Board of Health, 42-09 28th Street, 14th Floor, CN 31, LIC, New York 11101, telephone # (347) 396-6071, FAX # (347) 396-6088.

(1) RULE TO BE CONSIDERED (State the purpose of the rule and what you want to accomplish through the rule you are proposing. Also, if possible, provide the wording of the rule as you believe it should be adopted):

(Add Attachments as needed)


[] New York City Health Code – Section ____________________________ [] New York City Charter – Section_________________________________ [] Other (Please Specify) __________________________________________ [] Unknown

(3) ARGUMENT(S) IN SUPPORT OF ADOPTION OF THE RULE: (Why should this rule be adopted?)

(Add attachments as needed)

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The purpose of the rule is to improve the safety of NYC's public pools and warn patrons of a known danger and the leading cause of accidental drownings. This petition is submitted in response to the death of two young men, which occurred in July of 2011. Jonathan Proce and Bohdan Vitenko were victims of Shallow Water Blackout, a leading cause of accidental drownings among accomplished swimmers, at Lyon's Pool in Staten Island, New York on July 13, 2011. We believe that this rule will prevent accidents of this kind from recurring in the future. Without this rule, we believe there is a danger that an accident such as the one described above will recur in one of NYC's many public pools. Please refer to "Attachment 1" and "Attachment 2"
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See Attachment 3
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See Attachment 4
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[] YES [] NO





NAME: ______________________________________________________________

ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP CODE:_______________________________________________________________

DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER: _____________________________________

SIGNATURE: ________________________________________________________

DATE: ______________________________________________________________



Susan, Benedict, Farah & Joseph Proce

Jonathan J. Proce Foundation

Benjamin J. Proce

87 Longview Road.

Staten Island, NY 10304

(c) 201-323-2195 (h) 718-720-7483

September 17, 2012

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Effective starting with the 2013 pool season. The rule should then remain in effect indefinitely.
Page 3: ARTICLE 9 OF THE NEW YORK CITY HEALTH CODE Petition_Shallow Water Blackout_BP4.pdf2012-10-22happened rnore than 10 years ago, ... Danielle Denigris Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-05-29

Jonathan J. Proce FoundationRulemaking Petition - Shallow Water BlackoutAttachment 1 to Question (1)



Current Text of 165.45(u)(2)

Proposed Amended Text of 165.45(u)(2) (Highlighted in Red)

(2) Warning signs. A sign or signs shall be securely posted in a conspicuous place or placesin the pool area and bather preparation facility and shall provide the followinginformation:(A) Maximum number of persons permitted in pool at any time.(B) Maximum number of persons permitted on deck at any time.(C) Maximum number of persons permitted in the pool area.(D) The hours that pool is open.(E) The hours that pool use is prohibited.(F) "No person having any contagious disease or infectious condition such as sores orinflamed eyes, a cold, nasal or ear discharge, cuts, boils or other evident skin or otherbodily infection shall enter the pool."(G) "Urinating, expectorating or blowing the nose, or allowing human waste in any pool isprohibited."(H) "Persons not dressed for bathing shall not enter upon walks immediately adjacent topools, and bathers shall not enter places provided for spectators."(I) "No person under the influence of alcohol or exhibiting erratic behavior shall enter thepool or the pool deck."(J) "Emergency telephone number for police, fire, and hospital is 911."

(2) Warning signs. A sign or signs shall be securely posted in a conspicuous place or placesin the pool area and bather preparation facility and shall provide the followinginformation:(A) Maximum number of persons permitted in pool at any time.(B) Maximum number of persons permitted on deck at any time.(C) Maximum number of persons permitted in the pool area.(D) The hours that pool is open.(E) The hours that pool use is prohibited.(F) "No person having any contagious disease or infectious condition such as sores orinflamed eyes, a cold, nasal or ear discharge, cuts, boils or other evident skin or otherbodily infection shall enter the pool."(G) "Urinating, expectorating or blowing the nose, or allowing human waste in any pool isprohibited."(H) "Persons not dressed for bathing shall not enter upon walks immediately adjacent topools, and bathers shall not enter places provided for spectators."(I) "No person under the influence of alcohol or exhibiting erratic behavior shall enter thepool or the pool deck."(J) "NO prolonged breath holding or underwater swimming. Competitive and repetitivebreath holding can be deadly"

(i) With respect to the requirement of (J) the signage must be posted separately fromthe signage meeting the other requirements of this sub-section and contain at leastone image illustrating that breath holding is not allowed.

(J) (K) "Emergency telephone number for police, fire, and hospital is 911."

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Jonathan J. Proce FoundationRulemaking Petition - Shallow Water BlackoutAttachment 2 to Question (1)



Illustrative examples of the warning signage envisioned by this rule. (credit

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Jonathan J. Proce FoundationRulemaking Petition - Shallow Water BlackoutAttachment 3 to Question (2)



Statement of the Board's Authority to promulgate the proposed rule

These proposed amendments to the New York City Health Code (“Health Code” are proposed pursuantto Sections 556, 558 and 1043 of the New York City Charter (“Charter”.)

Section 556 of the Charter grants the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene(“Department”) jurisdiction to regulate all matters affecting health in the City of New York.

Section 556 (a)(3) requires the Department to, “Exercise its functions, powers and duties in thearea extending over the city, and over the waters adjacent thereto….”

Sections 558 (b) and (c) of the Charter empower the Board of Health to amend the Health Codeand to include in the Health Code all matters to which the Department’ authority extends.

Section 1043 of the Charter grants rule-making powers to the Department

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Jonathan J. Proce FoundationRulemaking Petition - Shallow Water BlackoutAttachment 4 to Question (3)



Arguments for the rule

Introduction - Our Purpose

The purpose of the proposed rule is to improve the safety of NYC's public pools and warn patrons ofa known danger and a leading cause of accidental drownings. This petition is submitted in responseto the death of two young men, which occurred in July of 2011. Jonathan Proce and Bohdan Vitenkowere victims of Shallow Water Blackout, a leading cause of accidental drownings amongaccomplished swimmers, at Lyon's Pool in Staten Island, New York on July 13, 2011.

We believe that this rule will prevent accidents of this kind from recurring in the future. Without thisrule, we believe there is a danger that an accident, such as the one described above will recur in oneof NYC's many public pools.

The Danger - Shallow Water Blackout

(Image credit to Shallow Water Blackout Prevention.Org)

PLEASE SEE ATTACHMENT 4 for a full discussion of the dangers of Shallow Water Blackout.

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Jonathan J. Proce FoundationRulemaking Petition - Shallow Water BlackoutAttachment 4 to Question (3)

Why Signage is Necessary and Critical for Safety

With Shallow Water Blackout - the drowning begins on the bottom of the pool rather than onthe surface

This scenario makes it very difficult if not impossible for lifeguards on the surface to detect avictim

For example, Jonathan and Bohdan, the victims in Lyon's pool, were not detected bylifeguards. Instead, they were pulled from the pool by their friends and by the time they wereretrieved it was too late. Bohdan died at Richmond University Medical Center just hoursafter the drowning. Jonathan died on July 17, 2011 succumbing to his injuries after 5 days ofintensive care.

Therefore, prevention is key!

Public Support

At the time of this petition, our family and our foundation have obtained over768 signatures, primarilyfrom Staten Island residents who agree with the spirit of the proposed rule. See "Attachment 5" for acopy of the petition materials and signatures pages. Signatures were collected both in person andonline at

About Us

The Jonathan J. Proce Foundation is a New York-based 501(c)(3) charitable organization. It wasfounded in 2012 by the Proce family in order to honor the memory of Jonathan, their beloved son,brother, grandson, and friend. At its core our mission is simple - to keep Jonathan's memory, dreamsand goals alive. The Jonathan J. Proce Foundation is committed to supporting Shallow WaterBlackout to raise awareness in our community about Shallow Water Blackout("SWB"), how it happens, how lifeguards can be better trained, and other safety measures that canbe taken. We strive to achieve this goal by regularly participating as presenters at water safetyconferences and other public events in the NY metro area and by promoting educational materialsabout SWB on this website. You can find out more at our website:

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ffiy$ms$nrAifProlonged underwoter breoth holdingis o silent, often overlooked, killer.Here's why the proctice shouldbe bonned. I by Wolter Griffithsond Tom Griffiths

ore than a decade ago,Stephen Praisner , acollegiate triathlete andexper ienced SCUBA

diver, swimmer and lifeguard,died at the University of NorthCarolina at the young age of 19during a public swim in his uni-versity swimming pool. He wasfound in a lap lane in just 4 feeto f wa te r w i t h h i s sw imrn inggoggles in place, the next day.His logbook indicated that hewould be pushing his limits doinghypoxic t ra in ing (cornpet i t ive

and repet i t ive breath-holdswimming) that evening.

His killerl A condition knownas "shallow-water blackout," whichcauses swimmers to lose conscious-ness underwater during com-petit ive and repetit ive breathholdrng. Although Praisner's deathhappened rnore than 10 years ago,the industry still seems to be inthe dark about the dangers thatkilled him.

Statistics about shallow-waterblackout deaths are difficuit tocome by, but anecdotally, we haveseen a significant increase in these

rypes of deaths in recent years.Unfortunately, many aquat-

ics professionals don't seem tounderstand the risks. When weencourage thern to ban the ac-tivity, the most common responseis "why?" Indeed, many profes-sionals and coaches believe thatthis extremely dangerous activ-

ity is actually good for swimmers,that it is a shortcut to endurance.Some Web sites even encouragebreath-holding competitions andadvocate the therapeutic effectsof holding your breath under-water for more than five minutesl

Part of the problem is thetypical profile for repetitive breathholders. Competitive swimmers,Navy Seal divers, free divers andjust well-rounded, high-achiev-ing student athletes are typicalhypoxic trainers. Not only arethey good athletes but they areusuallygood students as well. Inshort, they do not fit the profileof an at-risk swimmer, and life-guards are more likely to ignorethese indiv iduals and rare lyappreciate how dangerous theunderwater swirnming activity is.

That danger happens whenlower levels of carbon dioxidecombine with dirninished levelsof oxygen in the bloodstream.Basically, the COu levels in thebloodstream are what tell hu-mans when to breathe. Whenexercising strenuously we exhaleforcefully, lowering CO: levels.

Athletes, coaches and mili-tary personnel have also learnedthat if they hyperventilate vol-untarily for an extended period,they can virtually elirninate theurge to breathe underwater .Whether performed voluntarilyby sustained forceful expirationor involuntar i ly by lengthy,

strenuous exetcise, hyperventi-lation can greatly enhance breath-holding ability.

Couple this with the fact thatthe longer swimmers hold theirbreath, the quicker the oxygenlevels are reduced in the blood-stream. And the longer swim-mers stay underwater, the morethey use Oz.

The typical scenario is thatswimmers move through hypoxia(reduced Oz) to the near totalabsence of Oz, which is calledanoxia. This leads to uncon-sciousness and potential drown-ing. A cardiac arrhythmia that

Mony professionols

ond cooches believe

this extremely donger-

ous octivity is octuolly

good for swimmers.

can happen when the bloodt pHdrops below 7.2 can also outrightkill breath holders.

The siren song for breathholders may be endorphins, whichare released at low levels of O:and COz. These endorphins,somet imes cal led the body 'smorphine, can make swimmersbelieve they can hold their breathforever.

Shal low-water b lackour is

much more likely to occur in acompetitive, rectangular, ratherboring swimming pool instead ofa waterpark or at the beach. Thisis because in a standard, com-petit ive pool, the underwaterswirnmer has a very specific pre-determined underwater path anddistance to follow.

Having said that, many un-derwater swimmers kill them-selves by sitting underwater withtheir backs against the pool wall,in less than 4 feet of water, hold-ing their breath.

Meanwhile, the industry of-fers precious little education aboutthe hazards of shallow-waterbreath holding. Though both theYMCA and the American RedCross l i feguarding manualsmention its dangers, the mes-sage is not getting through.

In addi t ion, th is breath-holding death/drowning scenariobegins on the bottom ofthe poolrather than on the surface, onceagain tricking the lifeguard andmaking it more difficult to de-tect. Most lifeguards who havemissed victims on the bottomthought the body was a blemish,or "smudge" or even a towel, nota human being. So when in doubt,pull them out.

Breath control and relaxationgo hand- in-hand wi th manybeneficial aquatic activities. Con-trolled breath holding and rhyth-mic breathing are essential for


s*# ry

I FEBRUARY 2005 | m.oquoricsinrl com

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Attachment 4, continued
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swimming, snorkeling, synchro'nized swimming and can havepositive results.

Howevet, when prolonged

breath hoiding, underwaterswimming and hlpoxic trainingbecome too competitive, repet'

it ive, forced and aggressive, it

can and will be deadly. This mal-

ady most often occurs when the

swimmer resists the urge to breathe.Cleariy, the way to Prevent

shallow-water blackout deaths is

with a vigorous educational cam-paign aimed at both pool patrons

and staff. Pools should ban thisactivity routinely in the sameway they thwart shallow head.first entries.

Lifeguards must also be taught

to understand and appreciate thatthe most talented people in thepool can quickly and quietly kill

themselves by holdrrg their breath.\Thenever staff sees anyone

performing this dangerous activ-ity, it must be quickly stopped.In addition, when someone ts

sitting or lying on the bottom,even in shallow water, they

must be recovered immediately.Finally, l i feguards, competi-

tive swimmers and others mustnever be allowed to competeunderwater. A11 aquatic smffmustbe made to understand theinherent risk in breath holdingunderwater. A seemingly inno.cent trick. game or competit ioncan quickly become deadly. E! I FEBRUARY 2005 | AAUATICS INTERNATIONAI

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To: The NY State Senate, The NY State House, and City of New York & NYCDepartment of Parks and Recreation

Subject: Require NYC pools to ban underwater breath-holding exercises.

Letter: Greetings,

I just signed the following petition addressed to: City of New York & NYCDepartment of Parks and Recreation.

----------------Require NYC pools to ban underwater breath-holding exercises.

On July 13th 2011, our brother, Jonathan J. Proce and his friend BohdanVitenko suffered from shallow-water blackout while performing trainingexercises in anticipation of future military service in the Air Force andMarines, respectively. Shallow-water blackout is a condition that causesswimmers to lose consciousness underwater during competitive andrepetitive breath holding. As a result of the shallow-water blackout, bothJonathan and Bodhan both died at the young age of 21. This accidenthappened in a NYC public pool guarded by NYC trained lifeguards. Thepurpose of this petition is to ensure the appropriated safeguards are inplace which would PREVENT this type of accident from occurring again in aNYC public pool. Specifically, we believe the City of New York and itsDepartment of Parks and Recreation should require lifeguards to ban thesetypes of training exercises at their pools and to warn patrons of theirinherent danger. In addition, similar to the "No Diving" and "No Running"signs typically required to be displayed at city pools, we believe NYC andits Department of Parks and Recreation should post signs warning patrons"No Long Breath Holding". Leading aquatic safety research has shown thatshallow-water blackout is the leading cause of drowning amongaccomplished swimmers. As such, we believe that given this knowledge,NYC has a duty to warn its patrons of the dangers of such activities in itspools and furthermore require its lifeguards to prevent this type ofdangerous activity from occurring. We believe that these simple,inexpensive and "common sense" actions can SAVE LIVES and preventfuture SENSELESS DEATHS of young people in NYC pools. ----------------


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Attachment 5
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SignaturesName Location Date

Benjamin Proce 2012-05-21

Susan Proce New York, NY, United States 2012-05-21

ben proce s.i., NY, United States 2012-05-21

Frances Proce Edgewood, NM, United States 2012-05-21

Joan Potts Lakewood, CO, United States 2012-05-21

Concerned Citizen New City, NY, United States 2012-05-22

Alan Haggard San Diego, CA, United States 2012-05-22

Tyler Hahn Fayetteville, NC, United States 2012-05-22

Mathieu P. Antibes, NY, United States 2012-05-22

Mark Syvertson staten island, NY, United States 2012-05-22

Maria Franco Garden City, NY, United States 2012-05-22

Edward Laurson Denver, CO, United States 2012-05-22

Yonna Smith Palmyra, VA, United States 2012-05-22

Yvonne Smith Palmyra, VA, United States 2012-05-22

Kelly Woodton Nutley, NJ, United States 2012-05-22

Tom Griffiths State College, PA, United States 2012-05-23


east norriton township, norristown, PA,United States


Yasmine Smith Astoria, NY, United States 2012-05-23

Barbara Phillips Rpnan, MT, United States 2012-05-23

Garry Lough Wylie, TX, United States 2012-05-24

Rhonda Milner Atlanta, GA, United States 2012-05-24

Stanley Gaines Atlanta, GA, United States 2012-05-24

Isabelle Trogdon Norcross, GA, United States 2012-05-24

Connor McCarthy Atlanta, GA, United States 2012-05-24

Mckenna Allen huntersville, NC, United States 2012-05-24

Grace Weisiger Alexandria, VA, United States 2012-05-24

Adair Swayze Atlanta, GA, United States 2012-05-25

Terri Nathanson dunwoody, GA, United States 2012-05-25

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Name Location Date

Gloria Tippin Marietta, GA, United States 2012-05-25

Preston Parish Torrington, CT, United States 2012-05-25

Meredith Reinhardt atlanta, GA, United States 2012-05-25

Loraine Atassi Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-25

Anne Stockton Atlanta, GA, United States 2012-05-25

Steve Thurston kalamazoo, MI, United States 2012-05-25

Farah Proce Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-25

Jennifer Payne Marietta, GA, United States 2012-05-25

Clark miller Hilton head island, SC, United States 2012-05-25

Amy Kenny Atlanta, GA, United States 2012-05-25

Michael Blackmon Atlanta, GA, United States 2012-05-25

Alicja Hatzakis Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-05-25

Mary Segerdahl Kalamazoo, MI, United States 2012-05-25

Joanna Fleurmond Springfield Gardens, NY, United States 2012-05-25

Billie Jean K Long Island City, NY, United States 2012-05-25

Sarah English Perry Atlanta, GA, United States 2012-05-25

Stephane McCormick St. Louis, MO, United States 2012-05-25

Alison Moran Atlanta, GA, United States 2012-05-25

Libby ROJAS Ridgewood, NY, United States 2012-05-25

Melody Popkin Atlanta,, GA, United States 2012-05-25

Carrie Beskin Atlanta, GA, United States 2012-05-25

Vicki Coggins Clarkesville, GA, United States 2012-05-25

Yenli Almanzar Bronx, NY, United States 2012-05-25

Craig Sears Atlanta, GA, United States 2012-05-25

Lynnette Fernandex Miami, FL, United States 2012-05-25

Sam Kloster Atlanta, GA, United States 2012-05-25

LIz Mcdermott Atlanta, GA, United States 2012-05-25

Elizabeth Spiegel Atlanta, GA, United States 2012-05-25

Jessica Kolackovsky Lake Hiawatha, NJ, United States 2012-05-25

Debbie Turner Cumming, GA, United States 2012-05-25

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Name Location Date

Stephen Whipple Birmingham, AL, United States 2012-05-25

Porter Henritze Bozeman, MT, United States 2012-05-25

Kate Stewart Atlanta, GA, United States 2012-05-25

Wesley Willismd Chattanooga, TN, United States 2012-05-25

sara williams orlando, FL, United States 2012-05-25

amanda zaderiko Rego Park, NY, United States 2012-05-25

ashley mullarkey staten island, NY, United States 2012-05-25

Robert Acevedo Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-25

Rachel Griffiths Hermosa Beach, CA, United States 2012-05-25

Chris Rendinaro Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-25

Damian Diaz Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-25

Joseph Zaloom Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-25

Stephanie Arnhold Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-25

Andrew Salzillo Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-25

Ryan Mowbray Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-25

Sarah Jones Atlanta, GA, United States 2012-05-25

Stacie Ballou Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-25

Eileen Monaco Staten island , NY, United States 2012-05-25

Rosa Diaz Bronx, NY, United States 2012-05-25

Ben Proce Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-25

ashley lazerus Morganville, NJ, United States 2012-05-25

Cecilia Daza Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-05-25

Elizabeth Dennigan Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-05-25

Matthew Suarez brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-05-25

meghan Smith staten island, NY, United States 2012-05-25

Pierre Rueca Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-25

neil lazerus Morganville, NJ, United States 2012-05-25

Virginia Vazzana Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-25

Allison Warshaw Madison, NJ, United States 2012-05-25

Megan Jerlin Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-25

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Name Location Date

Emilia Albarano Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-26

Janet Roach Atlanta, GA, United States 2012-05-26

Jennifer Acevedo caravaglio Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-26

Samantha Kuppler long island city, NY, United States 2012-05-26

Brooke Dahl Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-26

Joshua Soto Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-05-26

Paula Awad Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-26

Paul Olivier Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-05-26

Steven Hatzakis brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-05-26

Matt Storm staten island, NY, United States 2012-05-26

Nicholas Caropreso Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-26

Howard Silverman Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-26

Sarah Thurston Kalamazoo, MI, United States 2012-05-26

Ebony Parish Torrington, CT, United States 2012-05-26

Kristin Mowbray Staten Island,, NY, United States 2012-05-26

Andrea Silverman Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-26

Elizabeth Hotchkiss staten island, NY, United States 2012-05-26

Lisa HAYNES Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-05-26


Jessica Ashley Leighton brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-05-27

Adam Kerchner New Rochelle, NY, United States 2012-05-27

esther portalatin Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-05-27

Sarah Cooke Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-27

Shelley Prestigiacomo Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-27

Sandra Crawford Findlay, OH, United States 2012-05-28

carol barbara staten island, NY, United States 2012-05-28

Karen Mintrone Dunnellon, FL, United States 2012-05-28

Brittany Voge Hamden, CT, United States 2012-05-28

Jean Nunnally Eastchester, NY, United States 2012-05-28

Maria Jean LaMonte Jupiter, FL, United States 2012-05-29

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Name Location Date

Melissa Gooding New York, NY, United States 2012-05-29

Kraleigh Woodford Hoboken, NJ, United States 2012-05-29

Natalie Mercaldo Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-29

m howard new york, NY, United States 2012-05-29

Danielle Denigris Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-05-29

christina gaines atlanta, GA, United States 2012-05-29

Charlie Augello Hazlet, NJ, United States 2012-05-30

Elizabeth Olsen Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-30

Christopher Figley Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-30

Andrew Chang Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-30

George Zaloom Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-30

Liane Conte Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-30

rich niehaus atlanta, GA, United States 2012-05-30

Will gott atlanta, GA, United States 2012-05-30

Erika Olsen Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-30

Rev. Timothy Mercaldo Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-31

Dana Serao manalapan, NJ, United States 2012-05-31

Jess Carney Wilton, CT, United States 2012-05-31

Lourdes Acevedo Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-31

Alexa Gibbons Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-31

Simon Peterford Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-31

Jennifer Endozo Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-31

Joe Siniscalchi staten island, NY, United States 2012-05-31

Sarah Horn Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-31

Ada Xu Albany, NY, United States 2012-05-31

Alexandra Altieri Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-31

Matt Smalley New York, NY, United States 2012-05-31

Jenna Spadaro Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-31

Danielle Decesare Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-31

Justine Campitiello Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-31

Page 16: ARTICLE 9 OF THE NEW YORK CITY HEALTH CODE Petition_Shallow Water Blackout_BP4.pdf2012-10-22happened rnore than 10 years ago, ... Danielle Denigris Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-05-29

Name Location Date

Mike McGann Little Silver, NJ, United States 2012-05-31

Jaclynne Castellano Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-31

christina maraio staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-31

Christina Murray Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-31

Kristina Meccia Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-31

Elexa Gigante staten island, NY, United States 2012-05-31

Sarah Bannan croton, NY, United States 2012-05-31

Nicholas Gentile Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-31

Gilda Tirro Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-31

Amanda Segreto staten island, NY, United States 2012-05-31

Angela Sigismondi Worcester, MA, United States 2012-05-31

Rich Murray staten island, NY, United States 2012-05-31

Kristie DiBenedetto Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-31

Joanne Marra staten island, NY, United States 2012-05-31

Megan Gorman Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-05-31

ANNE LAU STATEN ISLAND, NY, United States 2012-05-31

Alyssa Arnica staten island, NY, United States 2012-05-31

Regina Krawiec Springfield, MA, United States 2012-05-31

Stephanie Cocchia Watchung, NJ, United States 2012-05-31

Jennifer Sanzone Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-31

Forbes Irvine Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-31

Maggie Troutman Pillow, PA, United States 2012-05-31

Karina Nevarez Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-31

Melissa Morales Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-05-31

Emily P New York, NY, United States 2012-05-31

Maureen Murphy Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-06-01

Kayla Casazza Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-06-01

Robert Acevedo Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-06-01

Susan Tush Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-06-01

Andrew Tallaksen Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-06-01

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Name Location Date

Peter Beaudry Queens, NY, United States 2012-06-01

INDRA PURAN new york, NY, United States 2012-06-01


Brenda Hatzakis Hania,,Crete,Greece, NY, United States 2012-06-01

Kimberly Iglesias Westfield, NJ, United States 2012-06-01

Paul Pellegrine North Haledon, NJ, United States 2012-06-01

Brittany goldstein staten island, NY, United States 2012-06-01

George Reefer denver, CO, United States 2012-06-01

Elias Proce Edgewood, NM, United States 2012-06-02

Pedro Martinez Albuquerque, NM, United States 2012-06-02

ronnie Volpe Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-06-02

Jean Kopp Stamford, NY, United States 2012-06-02

Susan Kelly Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-06-02

joseph schiro staten island, NY, United States 2012-06-02

Marissa Livingston Albuquerque, NM, United States 2012-06-02

Darrell Magee Fouke, AR, United States 2012-06-02

Louise Tangredi-Ruiz Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-06-02

Diana Ponce Newon, NJ, United States 2012-06-03

Mark White Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-06-03

Richard Hollister Tucson, AZ, United States 2012-06-03

Joe Colandrea Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-06-03

Scott Pimpsner Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-06-03

gail reinhart Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-06-03

Donna Marie Cassieri East Stroudsburg, PA, United States 2012-06-03

Jennifer Reinhart Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-06-03

BARBARA SPECTOR OLD BRIDGE, NJ, United States 2012-06-03

WENDY PENMAN RICHMOND, VA, United States 2012-06-04

Oleg Vitenko New York, NY, United States 2012-06-04

amanda marra Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-06-04

Justin White Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-06-04

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Name Location Date

Michael Petosa Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-06-04

Rita Nuzzolo Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-06-04

Maegan Hotchkiss Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-06-04

christina smith palmyra, VA, United States 2012-06-05

Donna Alesi Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-06-05

Justin KaraM Atlanta, GA, United States 2012-06-05

alessandria ferrigno Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-06-06

Jonathan Ginsberg New York, NY, United States 2012-06-06

christina brinkley Albuquerque, NM, United States 2012-06-07

Leenie Dominguez St Albans, NY, United States 2012-06-07

Pat Teixeira Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-06-07

Bethany Warshaw Madison, NJ, United States 2012-06-07

Debbie Dorsey Marietta, GA, United States 2012-06-08

Michele Bruno Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-06-09

Thomas Donovan Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-06-09

Laura Rigg Niwot, CO, United States 2012-06-10

Rose Wickwire Arvada, CO, United States 2012-06-11

Ashley Tesoriero Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-06-11


Lisa Gentile Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-06-13

Maureen` Mitchell Oceanside, NY, United States 2012-06-13

Donna Perna mastic, NY, United States 2012-06-13

Marissa Olivieri staten Island, NY, United States 2012-06-13

Meredith Rifkin Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-06-13

Elda Maldonado Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-06-13

Caitlin O'Neill Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-06-13

bridget falco Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-06-14

Nadine Somerville Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-06-15

jane jacobson stamford, NY, United States 2012-06-15

Wayne Bersamin Arverne, NY, United States 2012-06-19

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Name Location Date

Patrick Bowen Mountain Home Air Force Base, ID,United States


Jeremy Baltz Medford, NJ, United States 2012-06-21

Robert Freeman S.I.N.Y., NY, United States 2012-06-22

Samuel Corso Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-06-22

Rachel Woods Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-06-23

Frances Law Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-06-23

Joseph Proce staten island, NY, United States 2012-06-24

MARY PROCE PORT CHARLOTTE, FL, United States 2012-06-24

MARC NOVAK PORT CHARLOTTE, FL, United States 2012-06-24

shedy berrios jacksonville nc, NC, United States 2012-06-24

Anthony Pescetto Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-06-25

Bonnie Agner Perry, FL, United States 2012-06-25

Louise Young Garden City So, NY, United States 2012-06-25

cara onofrietti Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-06-25

Anthony Busto Freehold, NJ, United States 2012-06-25

anthony del bove United States 2012-06-25

Sean Ahearn Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-06-26

Vincenzo Saulle Garden City, NY, United States 2012-06-26

bob case Punta Gorda, FL, United States 2012-06-26

Raymond Perez Queens, NY, United States 2012-06-27

Kelly Woodton Nutley, NJ, United States 2012-06-27

Joel Quidilla Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-06-27

Aleksey Manashirov brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-06-27

Valery Yanilshtein brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-06-27

David Benson New York, NY, United States 2012-06-28

Tonimarie DeGennaro staten island, NY, United States 2012-06-30

Sallyanne Allegretti Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-07-02

Carmen Perez Maspeth, NY, United States 2012-07-02

Daniel Perez Queens, NY, United States 2012-07-02

Page 20: ARTICLE 9 OF THE NEW YORK CITY HEALTH CODE Petition_Shallow Water Blackout_BP4.pdf2012-10-22happened rnore than 10 years ago, ... Danielle Denigris Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-05-29

Name Location Date

Erica Sbordone Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-07-03

Natalie Navarrete Arverne, NY, United States 2012-07-03

augustine straeter heemsted, NE, United States 2012-07-04

Keith Smith Palmyra, VA, United States 2012-07-04

Susie Lindau Longmont, CO, United States 2012-07-05

Melissa Jones New York, NY, United States 2012-07-09

Kristin Sherry-Miller Orchard Park, NY, United States 2012-07-09

Matthew Kaplan Cumberland, RI, United States 2012-07-12

Heather Novak-French Madrid, NM, United States 2012-07-12

Joan Andujar Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-07-13

Stephanie Seifert Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-07-14

yuliya safyanovskaya brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-07-14

Deborah Chang Princeton, NJ, United States 2012-07-16

Tracey Widner Albuquerque, NM, United States 2012-07-18

Christina Henderson Troy, VA, United States 2012-07-18

Mary Frances Wieland Salisbury, MD, United States 2012-07-18

Lu Huang Princeton, NJ, United States 2012-07-19

Michael Gamba Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-07-21

Paul Fauske Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-07-24

Tara Potts austin, TX, United States 2012-07-26

kristen caropreso staten island, NY, United States 2012-07-27

Cheryl Shaub SINKING SPRING, PA, United States 2012-07-29

Nathaniel Mendoza Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-07-29

Patti Kennedy Suwanee, GA, United States 2012-08-10

Kelly Ehrsam Anaheim, CA, United States 2012-08-13

michael tompkins port charlotte , FL, United States 2012-08-20

Richard Gause Plantation, FL, United States 2012-08-20

shimon russo seattle, WA, United States 2012-08-20

Alyssa Thompson Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-08-24

Michelle Brislen San Clemente, CA, United States 2012-08-26

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Name Location Date

Joey Henry San Jose, CA, United States 2012-08-26

Kim Barker Santa Monica, CA, United States 2012-08-26

Stephanie Buser San Marcos, CA, United States 2012-08-26

Martha Byrne Albuquerque, NM, United States 2012-08-26

KIm Wilmot Irvine, CA, United States 2012-08-26

Katie Williams San Jose, CA, United States 2012-08-27

Jerry McDonald Long Beach, CA, United States 2012-08-27

Kendra Gerhard San Clemente, CA, United States 2012-08-27

Leonor Tucker Lake Forest, CA, United States 2012-08-27

amanda oconnor Bartlett, IL, United States 2012-08-28

eric jenssen arroyo grande, CA, United States 2012-08-28

rachelle smilow brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-08-30

Karen Wilson Marietta, GA, United States 2012-08-31

Marcia B. Staten Island, NY, United States 2012-08-31

lorie honor staten island, NY, United States 2012-08-31

TROY KIRSCHNER STATEN ISLAND, NY, United States 2012-08-31

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