arthroscopic abrasion arthroplasty of the knee follow-up of 140 cases

76 Abstracts Arthroscopic abrasion arthroplasty of the knee follow-up of 140 Cases M. BALDOVIN, S. TOGNON AND E. TELLATIN 2nd Orthopaedic Clinic University of Padua, Padova, Italy In this prospective controlled study using single-blind methods, we evaluated clinical results and imaging in 140 patients, who underwent arthroscopic abrasion arthroplasty according to L. Johnson, for severe osteoarthritic chondropathy of the knee between 1985 and 1990. One hundred and forty patients (85 M:55 F), mean age 56± 12 years were evaluated as follows: osteoarth- ritic chondropathy of the knee (according to Outerbridge); without significant axial deviation; no instability; clinical mean score (according to Lysholm) 56_+ 10; RX score (Fairbank): 0 = 2?/o, 1 = 387/o, 2 =~ 30%, 3 = 26%, 4 = 4?/0 patients underwent arthro- scopic abrasion arthroplasty and active motion without load bearing for 2 months. Follow-up: clinical evalua- tions, RX, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and some- times arthroscopy. Lysholm: excellent -- 34~o, good = 40%, poor = 22?/0, bad = 4%. RX: improved = 32%, unchanged = 48%, worsened = 20~o. MRI and arthro- scopy, showed in most cases a new reparative fibrocarti- lage appearing tissue, that had good mechanical qualities. In 60% of cases we noticed a~total or partial rewidening of the joint space. Abrasion arthroplasty is a safe and efficacious pro- cedure. We found subjective and objective improvement in nearly all patients: these findings seemed unchanged in follow-up. Prevention of secondary osteoarthritis -- a task in childhood and adolescence STAN HAVELKA Institute of Rheumatology, Prague, Czechoslovakia Osteoarthritis (OA) imposes heavy medical and socio- economic burdens on individuals and society today. Most problems of this heterogenous syndrome are related to hip and knee joints. Among disorders leading to secondary OA of load-bearing articulations, the most frequent are congenital displasias of joints and the skeleton, Perthes disease, slipped femoral epiphysis, trauma and chronic arthritides. A substantial number of secondary OA has its origin in the first two decades of life. Despite this, our approaches to juveniles at risk lack a follow-up system and effective ~reventative measures. It appears that the time has come ~omehow to deal with the task. A campaign oriented on" delay and mitigation of secondary OA should be considered in near future as a concerted action of specialities involved, such as pediatric rheumatology and orthope- dics. The recommended complex program has to include regular check-ups by noninvasive methods, life style modifications and chondroprotection, as early as possible. Osteotomy as a surgical procedure for prevention of osteoarthritis of the hip A. MASINI AND L. DE PALMA Clinical Orthopaedics, Catholic University of Rome, Italy Corrective osteotomy of an angular deformity of a skeletal portion is a surgical procedure that is part of the cultural background of all orthopaedic surgeons; moreover in the recent past it was the lone solution for many difficult problems. Even in modern times, osteotomy is a valid alterna- tive surgical procedure to total hip replacement. It is useful in cases where total hip replacement would not predictably produce a long lasting result. Osteotomy allows for the possibility of a transplant at a later stage. The aim of osteotomy is to modify the inclination and the declination angle of the proximal metaepiphysis of the femur to allow a better distribution of tension and loads in the hip joint, and to prevent (or to minimize) the development of osteoarthritis. Intertrochanteric osteotomy is used to correct one or both these angles, i.e. to recenter the epiphysis of the hip within the acetabulum. Nowadays, we are used to fixing the surgical fracture with a McLaughlin or an AO plate and cortical screws. In the past we used many different devices (e.g. Weinwright plate). It is necessary to con- sider the biological effect of the operation: from the osteotomy site, new arterial vessels start to grow which supply increased blood to the subchondral bone of the epiphysis of the femur allowing the cartilaginous surface new nutrition. We have operated on 935 hips from 1968-1988, 144 for early conditions. At 5 years of follow-up there was 87% good response with 52?/0 good response at 20 years. We are satisfied that the osteotomy procedure should be used when the age of the patient and the condition of the hip are favorable.

Post on 18-Sep-2016




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Page 1: Arthroscopic abrasion arthroplasty of the knee follow-up of 140 cases

76 Abstracts

A r t h r o s c o p i c a b r a s i o n a r t h r o p l a s t y o f t h e k n e e f o l l o w - u p o f 140 Cases M. BALDOVIN, S. TOGNON AND E. TELLATIN

2nd Orthopaedic Clinic University of Padua, Padova, Italy

In this prospect ive cont ro l led s tudy us ing s ingle-bl ind methods, we eva lua ted c l in ica l resul ts and imag ing in 140 pat ients , who underwen t a r th roscopic ab ras ion a r th rop las ty accord ing to L. Johnson, for severe os teoar th r i t i c chondropa thy of the knee be tween 1985 and 1990.

One hundred and for ty pa t ien ts (85 M : 5 5 F), mean age 56± 12 years were eva lua ted as follows: os teoar th- r i t ic chondropa thy of the knee (accord ing to Outerbridge); wi thou t s igni f icant axia l devia t ion; no instabi l i ty; c l in ica l mean score (according to Lysholm) 56_+ 10; RX score (Fai rbank) : 0 = 2?/o, 1 = 387/o, 2 =~ 30%, 3 = 26%, 4 = 4?/0 pa t ien ts underwent a r thro- scopic abras ion a r t h rop l a s ty and act ive mot ion wi thou t

load bear ing for 2 months . Follow-up: c l in ica l evalua- t ions, RX, magne t ic r e sonance imaging (MRI) and some- t imes ar throscopy. Lysholm: excel len t -- 34~o, good = 40%, poor = 22?/0, bad = 4%. RX: improved = 32%, unchanged = 48%, worsened = 20~o. MRI and ar thro- scopy, showed in most cases a new r e pa ra t i ve f ibrocart i - lage appear ing t issue, t h a t had good mechan ica l qual i t ies . In 60% of cases we not iced a~total or pa r t i a l r ewiden ing of the j o in t space.

Abras ion a r th rop l a s ty is a safe and efficacious pro- cedure. We found subjec t ive and objec t ive improvement in nea r ly al l pat ients : these f indings seemed unchanged in follow-up.

P r e v e n t i o n o f s e c o n d a r y o s t e o a r t h r i t i s - - a t a s k in c h i l d h o o d and a d o l e s c e n c e STAN HAVELKA

Institute of Rheumatology, Prague, Czechoslovakia

Osteoar th r i t i s (OA) imposes heavy medical and socio- economic burdens on ind iv idua ls and socie ty today. Mos t problems of th is he te rogenous syndrome are re la ted to hip and knee joints . Among disorders l ead ing to secondary OA of load-bear ing a r t i cu la t ions , the most f requent are congen i t a l d isplas ias of jo in t s and the skeleton, Per thes disease, s l ipped femoral epiphysis , t r a u m a and chronic a r thr i t ides . A subs tan t i a l number of secondary OA has i ts or ig in in the first two decades of life. Despite this, our approaches to juveni les a t r isk

l ack a follow-up sys tem and effective ~ reven ta t ive measures . I t appears t ha t the t ime has come ~omehow to deal wi th the task. A campa ign or ien ted on" de lay and mi t iga t ion of secondary OA should be cons idered in nea r fu ture as a concer ted ac t ion of spec ia l i t ies involved, such as ped ia t r i c rheumato logy and or thope- dics. The recommended complex program has to include r e gu l a r check-ups by non invas ive methods, life s tyle modif icat ions and chondropro tec t ion , as ea r ly as possible.

O s t e o t o m y as a s u r g i c a l p r o c e d u r e for p r e v e n t i o n o f o s t e o a r t h r i t i s o f t h e hip A. MASINI AND L. DE PALMA

Clinical Orthopaedics, Catholic University of Rome, Italy

Correct ive os teotomy of an angu la r deformity of a ske le ta l por t ion is a surg ica l procedure t ha t is pa r t of the cu l tu ra l backg round of al l o r thopaedic surgeons; moreover in the r ecen t pas t i t was the lone so lu t ion for many difficult problems.

Even in modern t imes, os teotomy is a val id a l te rna- t ive surgical p rocedure to to ta l h ip replacement . I t is useful in cases where to ta l h ip rep lacement would not pred ic tab ly produce a long las t ing result . Os teo tomy al lows for the poss ib i l i ty of a t r an sp l an t a t a l a t e r stage.

The aim of os teotomy is to modify the inc l ina t ion and the dec l ina t ion angle of the proximal metaep iphys i s of the femur to al low a be t te r d i s t r ibu t ion of t ens ion and loads in the hip jo int , and to prevent (or to minimize) the development of os teoar thr i t i s . I n t e r t rochan te r i c os teotomy is used to correc t one or both these angles ,

i.e. to recen te r the epiphys is of the hip wi th in the ace tabulum. Nowadays , we a re used to fixing the surg ica l f rac ture wi th a McLaugh l in or an AO pla te and cor t i ca l screws. In the pas t we used many different devices (e.g. Weinwr igh t plate). I t is necessary to con- s ider the b io logica l effect of the opera t ion: from the os teotomy site, new a r t e r i a l vessels s t a r t to grow which supply increased blood to the subchondra l bone of the epiphysis of the femur a l lowing the ca r t i l ag inous surface new nut r i t ion .

We have opera ted on 935 hips from 1968-1988, 144 for ear ly condi t ions. At 5 years of follow-up there was 87% good response with 52?/0 good response at 20 years.

We are satisfied tha t the os teotomy procedure should be used when the age of the pa t i en t and the condi t ion of the hip are favorable.