arranging music for diverse folk instruments* filearranging music for diverse folk instruments* (and...


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Post on 19-Aug-2018




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Page 1: Arranging Music for Diverse Folk Instruments* fileArranging Music for Diverse Folk Instruments* (and Especially Their Instrumentalists!) *guitars, dulcimers (both types), autoharp,

A r r a n g i n g M u s i c f o r D i v e r s e F o l k I n s t r u m e n t s *

( a n d E s p e c i a l l y T h e i r I n s t r u m e n t a l i s t s ! ) *guitars, dulcimers (both types), autoharp, recorders, flutes, bass, voices!

F r i d a y, O c t o b e r 2 5 , 9 a m - 1 2 n o o n ; $ 2 0 a t t h e d o o r

Presented by pick-up-band conductor/arranger and award-winning musician Lucille Reilly of Denver, Colorado

made possible with the generous support of Pope Country Historical Society and Lake Region Arts Council

Jam to some familiar tunes beyond playing “the right notes.”Go to to download the

handouts and audio files and get started!

T h e D e t a i l s :W h a t t o B r i n g :

Your instrument(s)This handout (three tunes on the next two pages; place in a notebook or on a clipboard so you have a firm surface to write on). Printed, hard copy is recommended; you may load the tunes onto a mobile device, just be sure you have a way to mark the tunes, as some chords and other elements may change.Pencil with eraserMusic stand

G e t R e a d y !Play the tunes and/or chords on your own at home. Playing any or all from memory is fine; just the same, bring hard copies of the tunes to the workshop for reference.Got strings? Tune them up before heading out the door! (Lucille can help with tuning mountain dulcimers for the key.)

W h a t We ’ l l D o :The group will play each tune to gain comfort playing together, then we’ll draw from the skills, instruments and score to orchestrate each tune as it leads us!

Questions? Call Pope County Historical Society at 320/634-3293, or contact Lucille Reilly directly at [email protected].

Page 2: Arranging Music for Diverse Folk Instruments* fileArranging Music for Diverse Folk Instruments* (and Especially Their Instrumentalists!) *guitars, dulcimers (both types), autoharp,

S o u t h w i n d ( k e y : G m a j o r ; M D : t u n e D G D o r D G G )

O n t h e R o a d t o B o s t o n ( k e y : D m a j o r ; M D : t u n e D A A o r D A D )

Page 3: Arranging Music for Diverse Folk Instruments* fileArranging Music for Diverse Folk Instruments* (and Especially Their Instrumentalists!) *guitars, dulcimers (both types), autoharp,

R e d W i n g ( k e y : G m a j o r ; M D : t u n e D G D o r D G G )