armenian church feasts

Armenian Church Feasts

Upload: anna-barseghyan

Post on 07-Nov-2014




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The most beloved saint among Armenians is St.Sarkis, Patron of youth and love. This presentation is about the history and meaning of salty cookies and Trndez or Tyarndaraj.


Page 1: Armenian Church Feasts

Armenian Church Feasts

Page 2: Armenian Church Feasts

Captain St. Sarkis is one of the mostbeloved saints among the Armenian nation.

The Feast of St. Sarkis the Captain is proclaimed day of blessing ofthe youth.

Feast of St. Sarkis the Captain, Patron of L ve and Youth

Page 3: Armenian Church Feasts

In Armenia it is accepted to celebrate the Feast of

St.Sarkis not only according to church rites and prayer,

but also according to various folk traditions. St. Sarkis

the Captain is the patron of youth.

St. Sarkis, Patron of L ve and Youth

Page 4: Armenian Church Feasts

Many miracles happen thanks to his intercession.

On the day of the feast young people pray the saint asking

him to make heir prayers audible to God.

St. Sarkis is the realizer of the love longings.

People in love present each other cards, flowers or sweets

on the occasion of the feast.

St. Sarkis, Patron of Youth and l ve

Page 5: Armenian Church Feasts

There are many legends about

St. Sarkis and one of them is the following following.

Poor bard Gharib loved Shah-Sanam who

was the daughter of a very rich man.

Shah-Sanam loved him too, but because

the bard was poor, the Shah-Sanam’s

father was against their marriage as he

wished to marry his daughter to a rich


St. Sarkis, Patron of Youth and l ve

Page 6: Armenian Church Feasts

Bard Gharib decided to go to foreign countries to earn

Money and to accumulate wealth.

But before leaving for foreign countries bard Gharib

asked Shah-Sanam to promise to wait for him for seven

years providing that if he were late even for one day the

young woman might marry according to her father’s will.

St. Sarkis, Patron of Youth and l ve

Page 7: Armenian Church Feasts

Working day and night for seven years bard Gharib

accumulated wealth and started his way back to the

motherland. However, on his way back he faced many

difficulties andhardships. It seemed to him that he wouldn’t

be able toreach his beloved. So, he prayed with honest heart and righteous

mind for the help of St. Sarkis asking.

St. Sarkis, Patron of Youth and l ve

Page 8: Armenian Church Feasts

Listening the prayer of the bard St. Sarkisimmediately appeared sitting on his white horse, seated him on the backof the horse and in one moment brought him to Shah-Sanam. Seeing the bard’s strong will, their sincere and deep love and devotion Shah-Sanam’s father Blessed their union.

St. Sarkis, Patron of Youth and l ve

Page 9: Armenian Church Feasts

Fast of Catechumens established by St. Gregory the

Illuminator precedes the feast. On the eve of the feast, in the evening, young

people eatsalty cookies and relate the appearance of

their future bride or bridegroom in their dream to eating of

the saltycookie.

St. Sarkis, Patron of Youth and l ve

Page 10: Armenian Church Feasts

Also, on the night preceding the feast of St. Sarkis the

faithful people place a tray full of gruel before the door

believing that while passing near their door at dawn

St.Sarkis will leave his footprint on the gruel symbolizing the fulfillment of their dreams.

St. Sarkis, Patron of Youth and l ve

Page 11: Armenian Church Feasts

On the day of the feast a Divine Liturgy is celebrated in

all churches named after St. Sarkis.

Following the Liturgy a special ceremony of blessing of young people will be offered.

St. Sarkis, Patron of Youth and l ve

Page 12: Armenian Church Feasts

On February 14, the Armenian

Church celebrates the Feast of the

Lord’s Presentation to the Temple.

Tiarn’ndaraj, or Candlemas as it is known in the West, symbolizes the presentation of the 40 day-old Christ Child to the Temple in Jerusalem.


Page 13: Armenian Church Feasts

In the tradition of the Church, Evening Services

(Nakhatonak) are conducted on the night preceding the

Feast Day.  At the conclusion of the service, the priest lights a candle from the Holy Altar, and distributes theflame to all present. With great care,the faithful take the lit candleshome to their families.

Tiarn’ndaraj/ Candlemas

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Many additional customs have been inherited from the

past, including the blessing of the four corners of the

world in the Andastan Service, the blessing of newlywed

couples, as well as offering prayers for the crops and

fertility of the fields.

Tiarn’ndaraj/ Candlemas

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The End

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