are some bacteria toxic for marine algae - vliz · 190 b . r . b erland et al.: are bacteria toxic...

^Í,Z Í¿ C J d Offprint from “Marine Biology” International Journal on Life in Oceans and Coastal Waters, Vol. 12, No. 3, February 1972, Pages 189— 193 © by Springer-Verlag 1972 Printed in Germany Are some bacteria toxic for marine algae ? B. R. Berland, D. J. Bonin and S. Y. M aestrini Station marine d’Endoume; Marseille, France \)<-c Abstract It was observed in vitro that some bacteria from different origins, including the sea, are capable of inhibiting the growth of several marine algae. However, there is too much difference between in vitro experiments and in situ environmental con ditions to assume that bacterial poisons may rule a great deal of algae-bacteria relationships in the sea as a whole. In the author’s opinion the importance of bacterial poison is limited to special and rare instances. Introduction There is now a great deal of evidence that the algal and bacterial environment in the sea is not only ruled by a simple trophic relationship; antibiosis may also play an important role in marine ecology. Red-tide algal toxins have attracted attention over a long period because of their toxic effects on fishes and even mammals, including man (review by S hilo , 1967). Some marine algae have also been proved capable of antibiotic synthesis against bacteria (S teeman -N ielsen , 1955; S ieburth , 1959; B urk holder et ah, 1960; A ubert , 1965; D uff et al., 1966). It has long been recognised that sea water possesses bactericidal properties. R osenfeld and Z obell (1947) suggest that this may be due to the existence of an autochthonous bacterial microflora which produces antibiotic substances. K rasil nikova (1964), B urk holder et al. (1966) and G authier (1969, 1970) report the production of antibacterial substances by marine bacteria. In regard to organisms isolated from both fish and waste ponds, S hilo (1967) and S tewart and B rown (1969) pointed out that, in mixed-plate cultures, the bacteria may lyse Cyanophyta or Chlorophyta cells. In our in vitro experiments we observed that the substances released by some bacteria inhibit marine algae growth until death ensues. Material The following algae species were used. Chloro phyceae: Chlamydomonas magnusii1', Prasinophyceae: Prasinocladus marinus 2, Tetraselmis striata-, Bacilla riophyceae: Amphora sp., Asterionella japonica, Chae toceros lauderi, Hemiaulus sinensis, Nitzschia acicula ris, Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Thalassiosira rotula-, Chrysophyceae: Stichochrysis immobilis 1; Xanthophy ceae: Heterothrix sp.3, Monallantus salina1. All strains were previously obtained in bacteria- free cultures and routinely grown in P rovasoli s (1968) ES solution. Tetraselmis striata and Nitzschia acicularis are P rovasoli s collection strains (Haskins Laboratories, New-Haven, USA) obtained through the courtesy of Dr. A ubert (C.E.R.B.O.M., Nice, France); the other species were isolated from the Gulf of Marseilles. Several of the bacterial strains which have been tested were obtained from the Institut Pasteur (Paris, France) by courtesy of Dr. B ianchi (Station marine d’Endoume): Pseudomonas aeruginosa (C.I.P. strain number 6352), P. fluorescens (5690), P. maltophilia (5490), P. putida (6323), Vibrio cholerae (6215). Dr. B ianchi also provided strain 558, which is a Pseudo monas very closely related to Pseudomonas pseudo- alcaligenes, and strain 601, a brevibacterium ; both were collected from deep mud (B ianchi , 1971). Twenty strains were isolated from algae cultures as previously described (B erland et ah, 1969); 8 Pseudomonas, 2 Vibrio, 4 Achromobacter and 6 Flavobacteria were used. Three other strains of the same origin, as yet undetermined, were also used (reference numbers 00.27, 00.29, 00.30 of our collection). Two strains (references 26.32 and 26.51) were isolated off the Gulf of Fos, near Marseille. These 5 strains are presently being investigated as to their taxonomic position. Toxicity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to Tetraselmis striata Pseudomonads are frequently reported to cause diseases in animals and plants (S hackleton , 1968; S inden and D urbin , 1969; H eckley , 1970); we a t tempted to discover if they are also toxic to marine algae. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was chosen, both 1 Determined by Professor P. G ayral , Caen. 25 Marine Biology, Vol. 12 2 Determined by Dr. M. J. Chretiennot , Marseille. 3 Determined by Dr. P. B ourrelly , Paris.

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^ Í , Z Í ¿ CJ

d Offprint from “M arine Biology”International Journal on Life in Oceans and Coastal Waters, Vol. 12, No. 3, February 1972, Pages 189— 193

© by Spring er-Verlag 1972 • Printed in Germany

Are some bacteria toxic for marine algae ?

B. R. B e r l a n d , D. J . B o n i n and S . Y. M a e s t r i n i

Station m arine d ’Endoum e; Marseille, France



I t was observed in vitro th a t some bacteria from different origins, including th e sea, are capable of inhibiting th e growth o f several m arine algae. However, there is too much difference between in vitro experiments and in situ environmental con­ditions to assume th a t bacterial poisons may rule a great deal o f algae-bacteria relationships in th e sea as a whole. In the au thor’s opinion th e im portance of bacterial poison is lim ited to special and rare instances.


There is now a g rea t deal of evidence th a t th e algal and bacterial environm ent in th e sea is no t only ruled by a simple trophic relationship; antibiosis m ay also p lay an im p o rtan t role in m arine ecology.

R ed-tide algal toxins have a ttrac ted atten tion over a long period because of the ir toxic effects on fishes and even m ammals, including m an (review by S h i l o , 1967). Some m arine algae have also been proved capable of antib io tic synthesis against bacteria (S t e e m a n -N i e l s e n , 1955; S i e b u r t h , 1959; B u r k ­h o l d e r e t ah, 1960; A u b e r t , 1965; D u f f e t al., 1966).

I t has long been recognised th a t sea w ater possesses bactericidal properties. R o s e n f e l d and Z o b e l l (1947) suggest th a t th is m ay be due to the existence of an autochthonous bacterial microflora which produces an tib io tic substances. K r a s i l ’n i k o v a (1964), B u r k ­h o l d e r e t al. (1966) and G a u t h i e r (1969, 1970) repo rt th e production of antibacterial substances by m arine bacteria.

In regard to organisms isolated from bo th fish and w aste ponds, S h i l o (1967) and S t e w a r t and B r o w n (1969) pointed ou t th a t, in m ixed-plate cultures, the bacteria m ay lyse C yanophyta or Chlorophyta cells.

In our in vitro experim ents we observed th a t the substances released b y some bacteria inh ib it m arine algae grow th un til death ensues.

MaterialThe following algae species were used. Chloro­

phyceae: Chlamydomonas m agnusii1', Prasinophyceae:

Prasinocladus m arinus2, Tetraselmis striata-, Bacilla­riophyceae: Amphora sp ., Asterionella japonica, Chae­toceros lauderi, Hemiaulus sinensis, Nitzschia acicula­ris, Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Thalassiosira rotula-, Chrysophyceae: Stichochrysis immobilis1; X an thophy­ceae: Heterothrix sp.3, M onallantus salina1.

All strains were previously obtained in bacteria- free cultures and routinely grown in P r o v a s o l i ’s (1968) ES solution. Tetraselmis striata and Nitzschia acicularis are P r o v a s o l i ’s collection strains (Haskins Laboratories, New-Haven, USA) obtained through the courtesy of Dr. A u b e r t (C.E.R.B.O.M., Nice, France); th e o ther species were isolated from the G ulf of Marseilles.

Several of th e bacterial stra ins which have been tested were obtained from the In s ti tu t P asteur (Paris, France) by courtesy of Dr. B i a n c h i (Station marine d ’Endoum e): Pseudomonas aeruginosa (C.I.P. strain num ber 6352), P . fluorescens (5690), P . maltophilia (5490), P . putida (6323), Vibrio cholerae (6215). Dr. B i a n c h i also provided stra in 558, which is a Pseudo­monas very closely related to Pseudomonas pseudo- alcaligenes, and stra in 601, a brevibacterium ; bo th were collected from deep m ud ( B i a n c h i , 1971). Tw enty stra ins were isolated from algae cultures as previously described ( B e r l a n d e t ah, 1969); 8 Pseudomonas, 2 Vibrio, 4 Achromobacter and 6 Flavobacteria were used. Three o ther strains of th e sam e origin, as ye t undeterm ined, were also used (reference num bers 00.27, 00.29, 00.30 of our collection). Two strains (references 26.32 and 26.51) were isolated off th e Gulf o f Fos, near Marseille. These 5 strains are presently being investigated as to their taxonom ic position.

Toxicity of P seu d o m o n a s a eru g in o sa to T e tra se lm is s tr ia ta

Pseudom onads are frequently reported to cause diseases in anim als and p lan ts (S h a c k l e t o n , 1968; S i n d e n and D u r b i n , 1969; H e c k l e y , 1970); we a t ­tem p ted to discover if they are also toxic to m arine algae. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was chosen, both

1 Determ ined b y Professor P. G a y r a l , Caen.

25 Marine Biology, Vol. 12

2 Determ ined b y Dr. M. J . Ch r e t i e n n o t , Marseille.3 Determ ined b y D r. P. B o u r r e l l y , Paris.

190 B . R . B e r l a n d e t al.: Are bacteria toxic for algae ? M ar. Biol.

because o f its wide occurrence (it is possibly ru n off w ith sewage to the m arine environm ent), and because i t is a tox ic pigm ent-synthetizer, which indicates when toxic substances appear. The motile chlorophyta Tetraselmis striata was used as a te s t stra in (m otility indicates the physiological s ta te of the cells), and cultivated in ES solution prepared from supernatants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa cultures, centrifuged a t different steps of development.

M ethods(1) The bacteria were grown a t 18 °C in enriched

sea w ater containing bacto peptone : 2 g ; beef ex trac t : 0.5 g ; yeast ex trac t: 0.5 g ; 80% sea w ater: 11; pH : 7.5 to 7,8; sterilization: autoclaving (20 mii a t 120 °C).


.S' 0 .300


- - 0.200

g 0.150“O

S 0.100

° 0.050

Time (days)

Fluorescent tube

'Slit entrance into the regular 1800 Spectralux recording SAFAS spectro­photometer

Outside light source i—

Fluorescent tube Focusing - beam

P o o

Fig. 1. Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Growth curve, expressed in optical density/cm pathlength of cultures

This m edium allows pigm ent synthesis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa-, i t appears when th e optical density (OD) of the culture is around 0.075/cm path-length (Fig. 1). The culture vessel was a 40 mm path-length spectro- photom etric tube , containing 100 ml medium. Inocula were young (24 h old). Growth was followed by m easur­ing the OD of the culture, using a SAFAS spectro­photom eter; readings were m ade a t 600 nm.

(2) The cultures were centrifuged and cells removed. Then ES nu trien ts were added to the supernatants in order to prepare a P r o v a s o l i ’s ES solution for algae cultures. Sterilization was conducted by filtering through a Swinnex Millipore filter holder, containing one GS 0.22 ¡a Millipore filter. One hundred ml filtrate- ES solution were poured into a sterile 40 mm-diam- eter spectrophotom etric cuvette.

(3) A bacteria-free culture of Tetraselmis striata was inoculated in to th e tubes and incubated a t 18 °C. The algal grow th was followed by measuring four tim es a day th e OD a t 600 nm . A special arrangem ent of


Fig. 2. Growth recording equipm ent. E x tra light source located outside th e usual apparatus; light beam focussed on slit entrance b y accurate lens condensor. The equipm ent was bu ilt for taking one sample only crossing once the light beam w ithout stopping th e carrying wheel. Magnetic stirrers are located on wheel ju s t below cylindric cuvettes; they stop when optical density is recorded. The tw o fluorescent tubes do not

d is tu rb th e measurements

our SAFAS recording spectrophotom eter (Fig. 2) allowed us to survey the 14 cultures sim ultaneously, while being shaken by m agnetic stirrers and lighted w ith Sylvania-G rolux fluorescent tubes. The blank m edium of reference cultures was prepared as follows : ES solution + 2 g/1 bacto pep tone-)-0.5 g/1 beef ex trac t + 0.5 g/1 yeast ex trac t; pH : 7.7, sterilization: filtering; T . striata grows quicker in th is reference m edium th an in th e original ES solution.

ResultsO ptical density d a ta of Tetraselmis striata cultures

are p lo tted in F ig . 3. Obviously, algal grow th is en­hanced by a sligh t bacterial population filtrate (OD =0.065 and 0.072) ; growth rate is faster and population density higher th a n in the reference culture. Later (when OD reaches 0.092 and 0.113) the lag phase increases, while th e maximal density rem ains more or less equal. W hen OD values are higher th an 0.137, the T . striata cells are killed. I t should be no ted th a t inhibition appears a t the beginning of synthesis of the green fluorescent pigm ent of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. As far as the grow th curves are parallel, we express the developm ent of T . striata as follows :

-p. , , __ Maximal density^ Time needed to reach maximal density *

R esults were expressed as per cent of reference culture growth (Fig. 4). They clearly indicate th a t T . striata is strongly inhibited by P. aeruginosa; algal growth is nil, since the bacteria has reached th e half w ay point of its logarithm ic phase.

The trem endous inhibitory effect of Pseudomonas aeruginosa leads us to ask: are other bacteria poison­ous for algae ? W e a ttem pted to clarify th is problem

Vol. 12, No. 3, 1972 B. R . B e r l a n d e t a í.: Are bacteria toxic for algae ? 191

0 .4 0 0

Reference culture0 .3 5 0

O.D. 0 .0 6 5 and 0 .0 7 2

0 .3 0 0

~ 0 .2 5 0O.D. 0.113

0.200 O.D. 0 .0 9 2

O.D. 0 .1370.1 50


0 .0 5 0O.D. 0.171 0 .2 8 7

0 .2 1 4 0 .3 6 3 0 .2 5 0

Time (days)

Fig. 3. Tetraselmis striata. Growth in ES solutions prepared from Pseudomonas aeruginosa cultures, centrifuged a t different steps of growth. Algal and bacterial developments are expressed in optical density/cm pathlength of culture. O.D.: optical density

using several bacterial strains of different origin, and bacteria-free cultures of m arine algae.

Screening experiments

M ethodsThe technique described earlier was used, bu t

modified as follows :(1) B acteria were grown in a simple m edium :

B acto pep tone: l g ; yeast ex trac t: 0.5 g ; 80% sea w ater: 11; p H : 7.5— 7.8; sterilization: autoclaving (20 mn, 120 °C). Cultures were incubated in th e same 40 mm diam eter tube until ju s t before th ey reached the end of logarithm ic growth. A previous study had given th e average grow th curve for each stra in used.

(2) E S-filtra te solutions were poured in to 18 x 180 mm te s t tubes, containing 10 ml medium.

(3) A fter inoculation by bacteria-free cultures, te s t tubes were incubated a t 18 °C, under a continuous fight p rovided by Sy 1 vania-Grolux fluorescent tubes.






00 .0 5 0 0.100 0.125 0 .2 0 0 0.250

Optical density / cm pathlength

Fig. 4. Tetraselmis striata developm ent as a function of optical density of Pseudomonas aeruginosa cultures


192 B . R . B e r l a n d e t al.: Are bacteria toxic for algae ? M ar. Biol.

A fter a period o f a t least a week, results were read by direct observation, using a 4° scale as follows: com­plete inhibition (I) — the experim ental tubes are completely clear; inhibition (si) — there is evidence th a t te s t cultures are less deeply coloured th a n ref­erence culture ; no inhibition (0) — tes t and reference cultures are sim ilar; growth enhancem ent (GE) of algae. The blank m edium was prepared as follows: ES solution + 1 g/1 peptone + 0.5 g/1 yeast ex trac t; p H : 7.7; sterilization: filtering.

R esultsAll d a ta of the large-scale survey will be published

la ter, b u t th e prim ary results, sum m arized in Table 1, clearly indicate th a t several bacteria are capable of strong inhibition against algae. Asterionella japonica and Chaetoceros lauderi appear to be dam aged by all th e strains tested . Regarding the bacteria, some strains badly dam age alm ost all the algae, especially Pseudo­monas aeruginosa, P . marinoglutinosa and stra in ref­erence 00.30.

Discussion and conclusion

The in vitro experim ents reveal an obvious inhibi­tion of several m arine algae by some bacteria. Pseudo­monas aeruginosa and related strains are n o t m arine organisms, b u t they can be transported to th e sea, especially in polluted areas.

In so far as there is no quan tita tive sim ilarity be­tw een in situ and culture densities of bacterial popula­tions, bacterial poisons m ay only be of some im ­portance when concentrated, as, for exam ple, in narrow areas of w aters rich in suspended or dissolved organic m atter.

Table 1. List of marine algae tested and number of inhibiting bacteria strains. I : complete inhibition; e l : inhibition

Algal species Number ofbacteriatested

Number of (I)

N um ber o f (el)

Chlamydomonas magnusii 23 6 1Prasinocladus marinus 13 2 4Tetraselmis striata 32 6 3Amphora sp. 20 11Asterionella japonica 6 6Chaetoceros lauderi 5 5Hemiaulus sinensis 19 7 1Nitzschia acicularis 8 2 6Phaeodactylum tricornutum 16 2 1Thalassiosira rotula 1 1Stichochrysis immobilis 20 7 1Heterothrix sp. 20 2 3Monallantus salina 20 4

There is, how ever, no indication a t presen t th a t bacterial toxins a re capable o f playing a role in the algae-bacteria relationships in th e sea as a whole.


1. I n vitro experim ents indicate th a t th e pigm ented poison of the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a strong growth in h ib ito r of th e alga Tetraselmis striata.

2. Several bac te ria stra in s from different origins are recognized to have th e sam e tox icity against various m arine algae.

3. Taking in to account th e very g rea t differences betw een in vitro experim ents and in situ environ­m ental conditions, i t is no t a t present possible to sta te th a t bacterial poisons really play a role in th e algae- bacteria relationships in the sea.

Acknowledgements. Our thanks are due to D r. P. B o u r - r e l l y (Museum, Paris), Dr. M. J . Ch r e t i e n n o t (Station m arine d’Endoume) and Professor P. G a y r a l (University of Caen) for determ ining several micro-algae; to D r. M. A u b e r t (C.E.R.B.O.M., N ice/ and Dr. A. B i a n c h i (Station marine d ’Endoume) for providing several strains tested.

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F i r s t a u t h o r ’s a d d r e s s : D r . B . R . B e r l a n dStation marine d ’Endoume Chemin de la B atterie des Lions Marseille (7e)France

D ate of final m anuscript acceptance: Septem ber 9,1971. Communicated b y J . M. P e r e s , Marseille