are babies born innocent?

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  • 8/6/2019 Are Babies Born Innocent?


    Are Babies born Innocent?

    Mike Jeshurun

    A Scriptural answer to an Arminian who was contending that all

    babies are born innocent without the taint of the original sin.

    Scripture admonishes us to sometimes Answer not a fool

    according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him; and at

    other times to Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be

    wise in his own conceit. [Prov 26:4,5].

    In writing the following I have chosen to do the latter.

    Let me start by saying that those who try to buttress their views

    by quoting men like Spurgeon or even Calvin are wasting their

    time. Spurgeon for the most part was a half-baked Calvinist who

    tried to please both parties. Little wonder he had thousands

    attending his Church. And Calvins inconsistencies are wellknown to those who have bothered to study his Institutes.

    Historically speaking, the so-called "Doctrines of Grace" -

    which go by the nickname of Calvinism - did not originate with

    Calvin. They were there in the scriptures long before Augustine

    or Calvin came along; and were clearly understood and received

    by all of Gods elect both under the Old and New Testaments.

    Are babies born innocent without the taint of Original sin?

    The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as

    soon as they be born, speaking lies. [Psa 58:3]

  • 8/6/2019 Are Babies Born Innocent?


    Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother

    conceive me! [Psa 51:5]

    Oh but God made man in His own image and when He gotdone He saw and said that it was good! That is right ignoramus,

    but the man that God created in His own image corrupted

    himself by sin! And in corrupting himself he corrupted his

    progeny, so that what he brings forth is as sinful as him!

    Have you not read And Adam lived an hundred and thirty

    years, and begat a sonin his own likeness, after his image; and

    called his name Seth! [Gen 5:3] Not in the image and likenessof God, but in his fallen image and likeness! Who can bring a

    clean thingout of an unclean? not one. How can he be clean

    that is born of a woman? Behold the stars are not pure in his

    sight. How much less man, that is a worm? and the son of man,

    which is a worm? [Job 25:4-6]

    Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, anddeath by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all

    have sinned! [Rom 5:12]

    Please read that again, cause I think you didnt get it! Death

    passed on all men because ALL HAVE SINNED!

    Have you considered O vain man that the only reason that

    babies are sometimes born deformed and some die in infancy is

    because they are guilty of the original sin?! If according toyourdelusion they were born righteous and are not sinners tillyourso called age of accountability then they should not die in

    infancy as some do! Only the wages of sin is death, but death

    hath no power over the sinless (baby)!

  • 8/6/2019 Are Babies Born Innocent?


    Here is a quote from A.A. Hodge

    The guilt of Adam's public sin," says Dr. A. A. Hodge, "is by a

    judicial act of God immediately charged to the account of each

    and every one of his descendants from the moment he begins toexist, and antecedently to any act of his own. Hence all men

    come into existence deprived of all those influences of the Holy

    Spirit upon which their moral and spiritual life depends . . . . and

    with an antecedent prevailing tendency in their natures to sin;

    which tendency in them is itself of the nature of sin, and worthy

    of punishment. Human nature since the fall retains its

    constitutional faculties of reason, conscience and free agency,

    and hence man continues to be a responsible moral agent. Yet heis spiritually dead, and totally averse to and incapable of the

    discharge of any of these duties which spring out of his relation

    to God, and entirely unable to change his own evil dispositions

    or innate moral tendencies, or to dispose himself to such a

    change, or to co-operate with the Holy Spirit in effecting such a


    And to the same general effect, Dr. R. L. Dabney, the

    outstanding theologian of the southern Presbyterian Church,

    says. "The explanation presented by the doctrine of imputation

    is demanded by all except Pelagians and Socinians. Man's is a

    spiritually dead and a condemned race. See Ephesians 2:1-5, et

    passim. He is obviously under a curse for something, from the

    beginning of his life. Witness the native depravity of infants, and

    their inheritance of woe and death. Now, either man was tried

    and fell in Adam, or he has been condemned without trial. He is

    either under the curse (as it rests on him at the beginning of his

    existence) for Adam's guilt, or for no guilt at all. Judge which is

    most honorable to God, a doctrine which, although a profound

  • 8/6/2019 Are Babies Born Innocent?


    mystery, represents Him as giving man an equitable and most

    favored probation in his federal head; or that which makes God

    condemn him untried, and even before he exists."

    When God sent Saul on a mission to destroy the Amalekites, do

    you know what He commissioned him to do? Maybe you need

    to go back and read your Bible before making such dumb

    statements as you have.

    Thus saith the LORD of hosts, Now go and smite Amalek,

    and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but

    slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep,

    camel and ass. [1Sam 15:2,3]What a Monster must be the God you worship who commands

    the destruction of innocent infants and sucklings who have not

    yet reached your so called age of accountability!

    O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy shall he

    be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us. Happy shall he

    be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones![ Psa 137:8,9].

    Again the one that rewardeth Babylon in the above verse and the

    one who is happy to dash theirinnocent little ones is the same

    Monster God you worship!

    I know I am being sarcastic here. Sarcasm is a dangerous

    weapon to employ, but its use is fully warranted in exposing the

    ridiculous pretensions of error, and is often quite effective in

    convincing men of the folly and unreasonableness of their

    ways. [Pink]

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    But unlike this Monster god you worship, the God whom those

    of us who believe in the Absolute Sovereignty of God worship is

    a just and loving God! He might have justly let all of us

    eternally perish without any hope of redemption just as He didthe fallen angels. But He sovereignly chose to save some before

    the foundation of the world. And it is forthese that Christ came,

    suffered, bled, died and rose again. Not for every Tom, Dick and

    Harry or Jane, Jill and Mary; but for those whom the Father had

    given Him! I lay down My life for the sheep! [John 10:15]

    These sheep are those who respond when the gospel is preached.

    My sheep hear My voice. These sheep are the ones who wereforeknown to God, were predestined, called, justified and shall

    soon be glorified. When the gospel is preached many do not

    respond. Ever wonder why? Chew on this verse and may be if

    you are one of His sheep God may open your eyes and as

    many as were ordained to eternal life believed! [Act 13:48]

    Now wait a minute, I thought only those who opened the door oftheir heart and accepted Jesus as their personal savior were

    saved! Well you thought wrong, sir! If anyones going to open

    their heart to let Jesus in it has be the Lord Jesus Himself!

    And a certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple, of the

    city of Thyatira, which worshipped God, heard us:whose heartthe Lord opened, that she attended unto the things which were

    spoken of Paul. [Act 16:14]

    You have said - There is not one shred of evidence in the Bible

    for double or single predestination.

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    Indeed there shall no evidence be found by many for the

    doctrine of predestination, because in order to find it you have to

    first of all be His sheep. But ye believe not, because ye are not

    of My sheep, as I said unto you. My sheep hear My voice!Everyone who is of the truth heareth My voice! [John 18:37]

    The doctrines of Absolute Sovereignty, Double predestination,

    Sovereign Reprobation and a Limited Atonement etc, are truths

    which we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth,

    but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things

    with spiritual. But the natural man receiveth not the things ofthe Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can

    he know them, because they are spiritually discerned! [ Cor2:13,14]