april 2017 quill - the bald eagle art league · 2019. 10. 25. · michelangelo: the quill - bald...

Michelangelo: The QUILL - Bald Eagle Art League’s Monthly Newsletter 2017 1475-1564 Born on March 6, 1475, in Caprese, Italy, Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni was a Renaissance sculptor, painter, draftsman, architect, and poet. Michelangelo was thought of as the greatest living artist in his lifetime, and is considered to be one of the greatest artists of all time. Michelangelo’s final work in marble, the “Rondanini Pietà,” was left unfinished. He died in Rome on February 18, 1564 at the age of 88. This Quill is laid out a bit different. I wanted to feature some brochures important to the members.

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Page 1: April 2017 Quill - The Bald Eagle Art League · 2019. 10. 25. · Michelangelo: The QUILL - Bald Eagle Art League’s Monthly Newsletter 2017 1475-1564 Born on March 6, 1475, in Caprese,


The QUILL - Bald Eagle Art League’s Monthly Newsletter

2017 1475-1564

Born on March 6, 1475, in Caprese, Italy, Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni was a Renaissance sculptor, painter, draftsman, architect, and poet. Michelangelo was thought of as the greatest living artist in his lifetime, and is considered to be one of the greatest artists of all time.Michelangelo’s final work in marble, the “Rondanini Pietà,” was left unfinished. He died in Rome on February 18, 1564 at the age of 88. This Quill is laid out a bit different. I wanted to feature some brochures important to the members.

Page 2: April 2017 Quill - The Bald Eagle Art League · 2019. 10. 25. · Michelangelo: The QUILL - Bald Eagle Art League’s Monthly Newsletter 2017 1475-1564 Born on March 6, 1475, in Caprese,


BALTIMORE MUSEUM OF ART & BALTIMORE INNER HARBOR Itinerary: Come join us as we first visit the Baltimore Museum of Art from 10 AM to 1 PM. Then at 1:30 board the bus enjoy the remainder of the day at Baltimore’s Inner Harbor, which has shops, places to eat, aquariums, etc…...Then board the buss for home at 7 PM

Cost: $ 50 / person

All members of CCAC and BEAL are eligible for the trip as well as family and friends.

To reserve your seat send money


Mickey Mapstone President,Bald Eagle Art League Box1102

Williamsport, PA 17701

Join other art lovers and friends while enjoying a day of

exploring Baltimore art and the

surrounding area.

Leave From:

Lock Haven area:

Avis bus Garage at 5:45 am Return at

11:15 pm


Williamsport Susquehanna

Trailways Bus Station@ 6am

Return at 11pm

Short breakfast stop in am

Lunch and Dinner on your own…Inner Harbor has great

places to eat……

Inner Harbor Baltimore Museum of Art




Wewillbefeaturingartisansfromallover,from11amto4pm,inthebeautifulgardensettingserenadedbytheGnarledKnucklesStringBandandtheRepaszband,withtheEveArcherAwardbeingpresentedtothefavoritevendor/artisanat2pm.IfyouareinterestedinbeinganartistvendorcontactGretchenMangiardiatpjmgbm19@aol.comorDebTrateat:[email protected]:http://thebaldeagleartleague.weebly.com/forapplications.

ORIfyouwouldliketojustcomeandvisitandenjoythemusic,theart,andthefoodacrossthestreetattheStrawberryFestival,TrinityEpiscopalChurch,pleasedo,andpickupabeautifulartprintfromoneofourtalentedartists,todisplayinyourhomeorgiveasagift.Weareshowcasingthe‘BESTOFTHEBEST’oftheBaldEagleArtLeague. ThisArtShowisgettingbiggerandbettereachyear.Sotake



Eagles Mere Plein Air & A Spare 2017 Needs YOU!!!

We want to encourage you (& anyone you know who paints!)

to participate in the FUN and join us on the mountain for a weekend of Plein Air!

All levels are encouraged & WELCOMED !

If you are just starting out…

Come along and join us!

If you are seasoned painter- but never entered a show…

Come along and join us!

If you have submitted before to other shows…

Come along and join us!

Friday July 28-Sunday July 30 , 2017

Paint 1 or 2 days – donate your Plein Air painting

(for our reception on Sunday), and sell others!

Only 10.00 to register!

?’s Contact Sue Schreckengaust @ [email protected] Or Bryn Smythe @ [email protected]


Lunchonyourown.Foodtruckmightbethere.Bringyourownsupplies.Alistofwhatyouneed,[email protected],email,phone#,andthe$45tosaveyourspot.(sendtomeafteryoumakesureyouarein.Thereareonly15spotsandIhave8already.)


Page 3: April 2017 Quill - The Bald Eagle Art League · 2019. 10. 25. · Michelangelo: The QUILL - Bald Eagle Art League’s Monthly Newsletter 2017 1475-1564 Born on March 6, 1475, in Caprese,

Program: Glass & Your Garden For our next BEAL meeting, Deb Parsons will demonstrate her art of glass fusion. May 4, 7pm, at the Taber Museum. By-the-way, this will be our last meeting until September. What’s been happening? Wen Redmond was our artist guest in April: Creating Digital Fiber Art. Unbelievable! What an unusually talented artist. Unusual in the fact that the art is so unique. Anyone interested in working digitally with fabric, shouldn’t have missed this artist. Janet Sherman was our March artist at the Genetti Grille Gallery. She not only had lovely art but tasty treats to eat while viewing her art. And the show was well attended. I have posted the brochures I have received but I didn’t mention the Members Only Show at the Genetti for August & September, because it was in last month’s Quill. Basically the theme is WATER, anything that has to do with WATER. Do not make it too big. No more than 30” on the biggest side. I am going to add one page of WATER ideas in this Quill. Last year when I named the ‘Glimpse of Williamsport’ Show, I know a lot of people were perplexed and wanted me to give them ideas. Well, I wouldn’t because that is part of the creative process. So, I thought, I would show you some example of WATER ideas. Can’t hurt and maybe we’ll have more people enter.

Page 4: April 2017 Quill - The Bald Eagle Art League · 2019. 10. 25. · Michelangelo: The QUILL - Bald Eagle Art League’s Monthly Newsletter 2017 1475-1564 Born on March 6, 1475, in Caprese,


Page 5: April 2017 Quill - The Bald Eagle Art League · 2019. 10. 25. · Michelangelo: The QUILL - Bald Eagle Art League’s Monthly Newsletter 2017 1475-1564 Born on March 6, 1475, in Caprese,

Ways Garden Ways Garden is right around the corner. Remember, members, you must still send ME the application, but if you are a paid up member of BEAL, you do not have to pay the entrance fee, but I still need the FORM. If you don’t know whether or not you are a paid 2017 member, email me and I can check the membership spreadsheet. Congratulations to all who have paid their dues. We are over 80% there!

Remember to check out our website often, and LIKE us on FACEBOOK. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or something you would like mentioned in the Quill, email Mickey at [email protected] If you know anyone that would like to join BEAL, please email at: [email protected] You might remind them that they do NOT have to be artistic. Many of our members just like art. It is a good, cheap night out, and looks real good on a resume”.




Page 6: April 2017 Quill - The Bald Eagle Art League · 2019. 10. 25. · Michelangelo: The QUILL - Bald Eagle Art League’s Monthly Newsletter 2017 1475-1564 Born on March 6, 1475, in Caprese,
Page 7: April 2017 Quill - The Bald Eagle Art League · 2019. 10. 25. · Michelangelo: The QUILL - Bald Eagle Art League’s Monthly Newsletter 2017 1475-1564 Born on March 6, 1475, in Caprese,



The61stannualWay’sGardenArt&CraftshowwillbeheldinWay’sGarden,atthecornerofMaynardandWestFourthStreetsinWilliamsport.Establishedin1946,theWay’sGardenshowhasprovidedanexhibitionopportunityforartistsfromalloverthecountryandbeyond,presentedinanon-juriedatmosphere.Allartformsarewelcomeandarevaluedasanintegralpartofourrichartisticcommunity.Thisshowprovidesagreatwaytopresentyourwork,networkwithotherartist,shareyourpassionforart,andhopefully,makeafewsales,allonaSundayafternooninthepark.Bringasmanypiecesasyouwantthatwillfitintoanapproximate10’X10’space.Demonstrationsarewelcomeandaresuretodrawpublicattention.Sincethiseventisheldoutdoors,besuretobringeverythingyouneedtodisplayandprotectyourworkintheeventofrainorwind.Ifasteadyrainisforecastfortheday,itisuptoyoutodecidewhethertoparticipate.AdecisionmaybemadewhethertomovetheshowinsidetheYWCA.Forquestions,[email protected]:*May24,2017-$40entryfeeandapplicationdue(toensurenameisprintedinprogram).$60outsidetheGarden.NofeechargedforPAID2017BEALmembers.*Sunday,June11,8:00–11:00am:-RegisteruponarrivalattheArtistRegistrationTable.Setupwithina10’X10’areaanywherewithintheWay’sGardenfence.Spaceisgrantedonfirstcome,firstservebasis.Mustsetupindesignated,markedoff10X10*11:00amto4:00pm–ArtShowhours*4:00pmto5:00pm–Takedownandcleararea.Thisisanon-juriedeventthatisopentothepublic.Pleasechooseworkthatisappropriateforpublicdisplay.*DuetoWay’sGardenregulations,nothingmaybesoldwithintheWay’sGardenfence:however,feelfreetostepoutsidethefencetoexchangemoneywhenyoumakeasale.AlltentsandcanopiesmustmeettheflamepropagationcriteriaofNFPA701,CPAI84andtheCaliforniatitle19-1237foundontheinsideofthetentmaterial.Ifyouplantouseatentorcanopy,visittheCityHallCodesDepartmentinpersonoronlineforapermit.SubmitacopyofthepermitwithyourWay’sGardenApplication.TheCodesDepartmentwillbearoundtocheckoncompliance.Liability&Insurance:BaldEagleArtLeague,WLAC,andtheWay’sGardenCommissionassumenoliability,statedorimplied,fortheartworkorcraftsdisplayedintheshow.Youareexpectedtoprovideyourowninsurance.

Page 8: April 2017 Quill - The Bald Eagle Art League · 2019. 10. 25. · Michelangelo: The QUILL - Bald Eagle Art League’s Monthly Newsletter 2017 1475-1564 Born on March 6, 1475, in Caprese,

EleventhAnnualEveArcherAward Thisannualeventcontinuesthroughthevolunteeringeffortsofmanyartistsandtheirfamilies.Oneof





Pleaseprint.Name:____________________________________________________________________Address:____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________Email:____________________________________________________________________Phone:______________________________________________________________Thereisa$60feeforanyonewhowantstosetuponFourthStreetanda$40feeforthosesettingupintheWay’sGarden.Encloseyourcheck(non-refundable)payabletoBaldEagleArtLeagueandmailto:MickeyMapstone1347ManselAveWilliamsport,Pa.17701