april 2013 ascpa magazine

ALABAMA CPA MAGAZINE I APRIL 2013 Business and Industry Issue

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April 2013 Business and Industry Issue


Page 1: April 2013 ASCPA Magazine


Business and Industry Issue

Page 2: April 2013 ASCPA Magazine


Busy season is in full bloom for those of us in public accounting. I use the term busy season versus tax season because I work primarily in audit. Now that most of our clients have calendar year/fiscal year congruency, auditors are very busy at this time of the year.

There are many things I like about busy season: seeing clients face-to-face, plenty of work, a strong sense of purpose and mission for our office, not to men-tion that it helps pay the bills! But it certainly has its challenges, too: long hours, sometimes including weekends, providing customer satisfaction at a stressful time, and maintaining a good balance with those at home. But it is the life we have chosen. Solving puzzles, making sense of finance for individuals and businesses, provides a lot of professional pride.

Occasionally, we look over the fence at our colleagues in business and industry and think that they’ve somehow chosen a smoother path. how silly is that, as if the B&I CPAs don’t work as hard, or as long, or have as many stresses as those of us in public accounting. From my audit experience, I have grown to really appreciate the B&I CPAs I work with and to appreciate what they do to 1) get ready for our audit, as well as 2) the time they spend with us, answering questions and obtaining documents during the audit. B&I CPAs play so many different roles in their organizations, too, and are a significant force in the strategizing and forecasting which companies must do in order to remain viable. So this is a big shout-out to those ASCPA B&I members. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the profession. Please take the time to read about one of those members, Marc ham-ilton, who is also the Tuscaloosa Chapter president. It’s a small snapshot of that world.

ASCPA has worked hard, especially in the past few years, to provide value and service to our B&I members. I believe we are doing some good things, such as the education courses which spe-cifically address B&I issues (see the schedule on pages 14 and 15 as well as on the website). This year’s Business and Industry Conference is planned for June 12 and 13 at the huntsville Marriott. The conference always has a really fun event attached to it - in 2013 it’s a tour of the U. S. Space and Rocket Center.

We want your ongoing feedback for ways in which we can make your job and professional devel-opment even better. Please get in touch with VP Education Jennifer Oleksa, [email protected], CEO Jeannine Birmingham, [email protected], or me, [email protected].

Well, it’s back to busy season. I hope you all have a prosperous one.



Alabama Society of

Certified Public Accountants

P.O. Box 242987

Montgomery, Alabama 36124-2987




OfficersSteven A. Shelton, Chair

Renee B. hubbard, Chair-Elect Don McCleod, Vice-Chair

Dr. Lowell S. Broom, Secretary-Treasurer

John P. Shank, Past Chair

BOard Of directOrsTuan P. Blank

Roger F. BryantJames R. L. Carroll

James Adam CauseyAllison D. EdgeAllison h. Guice

Mark E. hieronymusR. Rush Letson IIIBradford A. LynchAmanda N. Paul

Gerald G. Pentecost, Jr.Lewis T. Shreve

Ronald W. StokesChasity L. Sweatmon

Douglas C. Moseley, Young CPANicole Cunningham, Young CPA

aicPa cOuncil MeMBersWilliam h. Carr

E. Lamar ReevesSteven A. Shelton

Jimmy L. Williamson

Past Chair, AICPAThe Alabama CPA Magazine is published by Alabama Society of Certified Public Accountants as a membership service to Society members. Views and opinions appearing in this publication are not necessarily endorsed by the ASCPA. The deadline for submitting materials for publication is the first of the month preceding issue date.

Jeannine P. Birmingham, CPA, CAE, CGMA

President and CEO

Diane L. Christy, Editor

Marc hamilton of Westervelt Company in front of their headquarters in Tuscaloosa.

message from the Chair...

Chair of the Board Renee B. hubbard, MontgomeryChair Elect Donald McCleod, Dothan

Vice Chair Dr. Lowell S. Broom, BirminghamSecretary/Treasurer Jamey R. L. Carroll, Huntsville

ANNuAl meeTING NoTICe: Under provisions of Article VI of the bylaws, notice is hereby given of the annual business meeting of the Alabama Society of CPAs. The meeting will be held Thursday, June 6 at the Cahaba Grand Conference Center, beginning at noon.

ASCPA NomINATIoNS CommITTeeThe ASCPA Nominations Committee met in Birmingham on January 16, 2013 and submits the following re-commendations in accordance with paragraph 7.2 of the Society’s By-Laws. Each nominee has agreed to serve, if elected.

Gerald G. Pentecost, GadsdenLisa C. Patterson, FlorenceS. Jon heath, EnterpriseMatthew L. Griffith, BirminghamBryan R. Chandler, Tuscaloosa

Mark E. hieronymus, Mobile

Respectfully Submitted, Michael E. Baker, CPA Chair, ASCPA Nominations Committee

For the 2014 Nominations Committee (three to be elected at Annual Meeting, June 6, 2013):

Page 3: April 2013 ASCPA Magazine


7:00 – 8:00 Chair’s Breakfast

CoNCurreNT SeSSIoNS – A&A8:00-9:00 Financial Reporting Framework for

Small to Medium-sized Businesses Robert Durak, CPA, CGMA Private Company Financial Reporting,


9:20-12:00 Accounting and Auditing Update – Accounting Life in the Real World

James D. Martin, CPA Martin & Orr, LLC

8:00-12:00 Office 2013 and Windows 8: Ready or not, they are here!

Tommy Stephens, CPA, CITP K2 Enterprises

12:00-1:30 Luncheon Professional Issues Update Chair of the AICPA, Rich Caturano, CPA McGladrey LLP, Boston Awards and Election of Officers

CoNCurreNT SeSSIoNS 1:45-4:30 Recent Developments and

Planning Ideas in Tax Bruce Ely and staff from Bradley Arant

Boult & Cummings, LLP

1:45-4:30 The Underbelly of Accounting Malpractice (A&A)

Ralph Q. Summerford, CPA, CFE, CIRA, ABV, CFF

Forensic Strategic Solutions, Inc.

1:45-4:30 Young CPA Session The Young CPA and Marketing:

From fear to confidence Mike Frost, CPA MDA Professional Group

3:15 Afternoon break and door prize awards

It’s the biggest day on the ASCPA calendar and a special one for the 500+ members who attend. AICPA Chair Rich Caturano will be on hand at the noon luncheon to deliver a professional issues update and to talk about his personal platform of increasing diversity in accounting. Here’s what the rest of the day has to offer.

94th Annual meeting of the Alabama Society of CPAs

U.S. Teks is gold sponsor for the 2013 Annual Meeting. Please take time during the day to visit with all sponsors and exhibitors and to register for their door prizes.

JuNe 6, 2013 CAhAbA GrANd CoNfereNCe CeNTer


Page 4: April 2013 ASCPA Magazine


On December 16, 2012 I traveled to Orange Walk Town, Belize to conduct QuickBooks training to a group of eleven participants.

Belize is a small country, about the size of New Jersey, on the northeast coast of Central America, and was formerly known as British honduras. Orange Walk Town is the third largest city in the country, with a population of 15,300. While English is the official language, 50% of the population also speak Spanish and 75% speak Kriol (Creole), a language developed by slaves. Belize is multi-cultural and multi-racial, owing to its colonial past. There are Mayans, native Caribbean tribes, Spanish, and blacks intermingled. Today there is also a significant Mennonite segment. Total population is 312,000.

I learned about The Belize Project after my son Will, a junior at Vanderbilt, went to Belize during his spring breaks in 2011 and 2012. his trips were coordinated by Manna International (Vanderbilt) and The Belize Project (based in Nashville). Our family got involved when we found out that the road to Jacob’s Farm, an alcohol and drug rehab facility, had become impassable due to damage from flooding. We helped to get a new road built. Will and I were having breakfast last April with Mac Kelton, the director of The Belize Project, and I simply asked what, specifically, accountants could do to help the people of Belize. We worked together

to develop a program to help administrators learn some basic accounting skills.

The training took place December 16-20 in Orange Walk Town’s New Life Presbyterian Day School with a team consisting of me and sons Will and Andrew. My role was to teach QuickBooks to school principals and administrators from five schools, an assistant director of Jacob’s Farm Rehab Center, and an administrator from a local church. Their organizations all have a financial reporting requirement from the government of Belize and they had been struggling to meet this requirement. Will’s role was navigation, since he knew his way around the country and also knew the people. he set up the equipment each day and helped the participants with computer questions. Andrew is a freshman at Auburn and he was our driver and runner, while also assisting with equipment set-up and computer questions. Alvaro Pott organized on the Belize end. he is the general manager of the Presbyterian Day Schools in Belize.

We received generous assistance from the ASCPA Birmingham Chapter, the ASCPA Southeast Chapter, the Alabama Society, Bill Carr, CPA, Jesse Ellis, CPA, the local Krispy Kreme franchise (Vince and Frances McAleer), and Leslie Capachietti – the author of the QuickBooks 2012 training manual. Because of this support, there were a total of six workstations donated: laptop computer, surge protector, office supplies, a backpack, a QuickBooks training manual and a printer. We also supplied them with QuickBooks Pro 2012 software.

The training was a success. The participants were very sharp and learned quickly. I went into the training with the charts of accounts already set up for each entity and, by the end of our time there, the participants were able to produce preliminary financial reports. What surprised me most as the project rolled out was how easily we all worked together. It was an amazing cultural experience to share our knowledge with these folks and we felt a true bond among us. We asked how we could help them further and I received pages and pages of items, ranging from crayons and books to electricity! They do so much, with so little, and they take great pride in the things they do have.

I plan to expand the program by going back to Belize in May to work with each school one-on-one to help them develop an overall system of accounting and financial reporting. ASCPA members can help by donating computers, printers, educational materials or by volunteering to travel to Belize to help continue the QuickBooks training. As you can see from the photo of the beach, it is an amazing and beautiful place.

The participants were very gracious and appreciative that Alabama CPAs reached out to them. I hope that this is only the beginning of a long partnership with the people of Belize. For questions, or to make a donation, contact Ron Stokes at [email protected].

The Belize Project Ronald Stokes, CPA, PFS, CGMAThe Belize Project

Page 5: April 2013 ASCPA Magazine



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ChAPTer ProfIle

mArC hAmIlToN of Westervelt CompanyMarc hamilton had plenty of work experi-

ence under his belt by the time he was graduated from the University of Alabama with

his master of tax degree in 1989. For much of that time, as he was attending Calhoun Community College and Athens State, he worked in a medical practice office in huntsville. he earned a scholarship for UA’s MBA pro-

gram and had just completed his first semester when Dr. Schnee (hugh Culverhouse account-ing professor and coordinator of the master of tax program) took him aside for a heart-to-heart. Schnee must have been persuasive, because hamilton moved from the MBA program onto the master of tax accounting track.

“I decided pretty early on that my first goal was becoming a CPA. And that determination only increased once I was in the master of tax program. I received lots of encouragement to stick with it from Ada Weiseman (my boss in the medical practice) and my father-in-law Joe Taylor. Both of them are gone now, but I think of them often with great affection. They gave me so much love and support, especially while I was in college.”

That support paid off after graduation from UA. hamilton joined Deloitte and Touche in Nashville, at a time when the Big 8 had just be-come the Big 6. he earned his CPA certificate, became licensed in Tennessee and remained with Deloitte for four years.

Corporate life was next, still in Nashville, and hamilton took a position as a tax manager with Service Merchandise for four years. Back to public accounting and KPMG in Atlanta for, you guessed it, another four years. Then he faced a crossroads – move to be near a client engage-ment or find somewhere else to work.

Gulf States Paper (now Westervelt) offered him a position as tax manager and he returned to west Alabama. he briefly left Westervelt for Saks, Inc. (Birmingham) during their financial statement restatement and divesture (2005-07) before returning to Westervelt, this time as trea-surer.

The Westervelt Company was started by herbert Westervelt in 1884 as Prairie States Pa-per Corporation. A paper and paperboard pack-aging manufacturer for many years, Westervelt now operates several distinct businesses re-lated to land resource management. Besides owning and managing 500,000 acres of tim-

berland, the company operates sporting lodges around the world, offers wildlife gaming and recreational property management, develops master-planned residential communities in Alabama, and is involved in creating renewable energy.

“I really love the cor-porate arena. My great-est source of enjoyment comes from the challenge of leading creative proj-ects, from being involved in the complexity of stra-tegic planning and from engaging in broader areas of responsibility.”

hamilton also values working on many levels and managing several projects simultaneously.

“In my opinion, industry positions are more holistic and require more human resource skills. Working inside a company demands broad technical skills across several disciplines. May-be it’s a question regarding tax or accounting or maybe dealing with finance, risk manage-

ment, payroll or treasury issues. The challenge may come from senior management, peers or clerical staff. You have more direct involvement

in corporate governance and strategic planning to create shareholder value.”

and how does that translate into work-ing day-to-day?

“First, there’s an im-mediate sense of accom-plishment derived from being the company’s on-site, internal consultant. It is less competitive peer-to-peer, so colleagues feel more like family. And I have to be honest, I

love being ‘the client’ when dealing with fellow CPAs.”

hamilton was active at the chapter level with each of the state societies where he worked, Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama. he felt that there is always been a need for more participa-

Continued on page 19

Marc Hamilton

The Westervelt Company was started by Herbert Westervelt in 1884 as Prairie States Paper Corporation. A paper and paperboard packaging manufacturer for many years, Westervelt now operates several distinct businesses related to land resource management. Besides owning and managing 500,000 acres of timberland, the company operates sporting lodges around the world, offers wildlife gaming and recreational property management, develops master-planned residential communities in Alabama, and is involved in creating renewable energy.

Page 6: April 2013 ASCPA Magazine


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Page 7: April 2013 ASCPA Magazine


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AlAbAmA YouNG CPAWhy Support the PANGeATWo Charity Golf Tournament? Here are three reasons.

You know the drill – the Young CPAs, with the enormous assistance of staffing pow-

erhouse PANGEATWO, hold an annual charity golf tournament each year at the Robert Trent Jones courses at Oxmoor Valley in Birming-ham. The tournament is the day before the ASCPA’s Annual Meeting, to maximize partici-pation and to attract out of town sponsors. The proceeds for the last several years have ben-efitted, in equal parts, The Exceptional Founda-tion of homewood and the Alabama Society’s own Educational Foundation. But what impact does the funding really have? Last year The Exceptional Foundation furnished a workout room for their clients. That’s good, something concrete, a physical manifestation of the earn-ings from the 50 teams and sponsors who sup-ported the 2012 tournament.

But the value of funding additional account-ing scholarships is a little harder to pin down. here are three stories from past scholarship recipients – dennis Price of Samford, ed-die nabors of the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and amanda Paul of Troy Uni-versity. Yes, that’s right, all three are professors of accounting at Alabama universities.

In February 2011, dennis Price gra-ciously allowed his classroom to be used as the ASCPA filmed a promotional DVD for the Fortune Forward capital campaign. Between shots, Price shared that he was sitting in that classroom because he, too, received an Edu-cational Foundation scholarship. You could hear an audible click as heads swiveled to ask Price to explain.

“You were an ASCPA scholarship kid?”“Oh, yes. It was a huge deal to me. My

mother and sister went with me to Montgom-ery to receive the award and it meant staying in school versus not staying in school. My dad had died and it was not going to be easy for me to continue. The money was not a large amount, maybe $500, but it made all the dif-ference to me. It was one of the reasons why I personally support this campaign to increase the endowment.”

Everyone who heard him speak was really moved. Plans were immediately made to alter the original script and incorporate Price’s spon-taneous statement into the DVD. It was a mo-ment that became a highlight of the film. Price leveraged his education to become both a CPA and obtain a law degree. his older brother Don-ald is also a CPA, nephew Jeff Price was re-cently recognized as a high scorer on the CPA exam and holds a law degree, too.

eddie nabors is an instructor of account-ing at UAB and serves as Beta Alpha Psi chap-ter advisor. Through a chance conversation, he

revealed that he received an ASCPA scholarship while an undergraduate student at the University of Alabama in the mid-1970s.

“I received the scholarship for two years – back then they were renewable if you

maintained a high GPA – and it made an enor-mous impact on my staying in school. My dad died my freshman year and my mother was not able to provide much financial assistance for college.”

Nabors described an intimidating interview process in Montgomery (“in front of an entire conference room full of people”) but obviously emerged successful. his goal was to become a CPA like his brother.

After graduation, he went to work for Peat Marwick, Mitchell & Co. (now KPMG), eventu-ally leaving the firm for industry becoming first a controller, then CFO.

“For a long time I thought about going into education. Eventually, I found a time in my life when the transition to teaching made sense. I wanted to make a difference in the lives of stu-dents, as others had done for me. It is a plea-sure to encourage my own students to apply for the ASCPA scholarships and to shepherd them through the process.”

amanda Paul was a senior at Troy Uni-versity when she received a scholarship for the 1998/99 academic year. Becoming a CPA

was never in doubt, from her first moments in Principles of Accounting. Troy’s legend-ary Dr. Tom Ratcliffe was in-strumental in urging Paul to apply for the scholarship.

“I was married and had to work in order to make ends

meet. The award took some of the financial pressure off for me.”

Paul worked for Carr Riggs in their Enter-prise office before moving to Gibson & Carden’s assurance and attestation department in Troy,

Continued on page 19

Eddie Nabors

Amanda Paul

Page 8: April 2013 ASCPA Magazine



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Whether the title is Tax hotline, Tax Actionline or something else, the live, call-in help lines provide an enormous service to the general

public. huntsville was back in the mix in 2013, rounding out events in the four largest markets in Alabama.

here’S The breAkdoWN: mobile / WkrG / february 5 / lamar reeves 115 calls (multiple questions per call) Morgan Prestwood, Regina McKellar, Kristi Daughtery, Ron Smith, Jason Taylor, Ryan Zoghby, James Wishon, and Cliff Jackson.

birmingham / WbrC / february 12 / beth Arnett 318 calls Delphine Ford, Naila Jackson, Bill Lischkoff, Tom Zoebelein, Buzz Coons, Robby Tingle, Antoinette Foster, Steve Emerson, Lewis Jones and Brooks Green

huntsville / WhNT / february 18 / Andy Cornelius 200 calls Keith Gray, Jamey Carroll, Bruce Perry, Chris Taylor, Sloane Southern, Dustin Schaefer and Rebekkah Collier.

montgomery / WSfA / february 19 / ASCPA staff 294 calls Adam Finesilver, Crystal Smith, Amber Barnett, Will Jones, Adam Causey, Jaela Robbins and Lindsey Goddard

Thanks to each of the chapters for rallying the troops. Special appreciation to volunteers who went on local talk shows to promote the event: Beth Arnett, Jamey Carroll and Christine Cook.

Tax hotlines Continue to Sizzle!

Page 9: April 2013 ASCPA Magazine


Promotions and New Positions Sellers, Richardson, holman & West announced the pro-motion of Angela Coker to audit partner. She re-ceived a bachelor’s degree from Samford University and a master’s degree from The University of Alabama. Coker practices exclusively in em-

ployee benefit plan auditing and consulting services.kim h. hubbard recently joined Anglin Reich-mann Snellgrove & Armstrong P.C. as a supervi-sor in the tax advisory services department. Ms. hubbard has more than 18 years of public ac-counting experience, with extensive experience with complex corporate, partnership, individual, not for profit, trust, retirement plan, and payroll tax returns. She is a graduate of Athens State Uni-versity. JamisonMoneyFarmer announced the promotion

of kim Smith to shareholder. She joins twelve other share-holders in managing one of the state’s top ten CPA firms. Smith joined JMF in 1997 after working as a revenue exam-iner for the Alabama Depart-ment of Revenue. She is a graduate of the University of

Alabama and serves on both the Alabama Soci-ety’s State Taxation committee and the Business Council of Alabama’s Taxation Committee. With over 20 years of accounting experience, Smith assists clients with corporate, partnership, and individual income tax return reporting, IRS and state tax audit representation, sales and use tax audit representation and compliance issues, and individual and business tax planning. In 2005 she moved to Selma where she opened, and still man-

ages, a JMF office. In other news at JamisonMon-eyFarmer, rachel Taylor has been promoted to man-ager. Taylor joined JMF as a staff accountant in the tax department in 2005. She is a graduate of the University of Alabama where she received

her Bachelor of Science degree (summa cum laude) and Master of Tax Accounting. She worked

as a tax intern for a national firm in Birmingham, and she received the “”Defining Wom-en Award” from the Women in Business Council in 2011. She is currently participating in the ASCPA Leadership Academy. katy beth Jackson has been promoted to supervisor. She joined JMF in 2007 in tax and accounting. Jackson was graduated summa cum laude from the University of Ala-bama, completed her master of taxation at UA and worked as a tax intern at JMF prior to joining the firm full time. Patri-

Awards and New DesignationsWarren Averett announced the appointment of Jesse d. Slaton as the 2013 president of the Alabama Chapter of the Turnaround Management Association (TMA). he has been a member of TMA for over 10 years, was one of the original members of the

Alabama Chapter and has served on its board since 2010. Within the firm, he is a member of Warren Averett Turnaround Advisors, LLC. Slaton and his team advise clients in all stages of the business life cycle on business operations, finan-cial reporting and tax issues. his practice focuses on assisting businesses and their stakeholders in turnaround situations, out-of-court reorganiza-tions, and bankruptcies. Slaton has been with the firm since 2000 and has 13 years of experi-ence in public accounting and corporate financial management. he is a graduate of the University of Montevallo and earned his Certified Insolvency and Restructuring (CIRA) designation from the Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Advisors.

In other news at Warren Aver-ett, Jim Cunningham has been appointed to the LEA Global Board of Directors. Leading Edge Alliance is the second-largest international association in the world. It is made up of more than 190

independently owned accounting and advisory firms operating more than 450 offices in 100 countries, enabling member firms to access the resources of a global professional services or-ganization. Cunningham began work at Warren Averett in 1979 and served as its chief operating officer for 11 years before moving into his cur-rent role as CEO. During his tenure as CEO, the firm has undergone several significant mergers expanding their footprint into huntsville, Atlanta, Montgomery, the Gulf Coast and Tampa. With more than 725 employees, the firm now ranks among the top 30 national firms. Cunning-ham has extensive consulting experience with privately-owned businesses and consults with companies to assist with mergers/acquisitions and various shareholder matters.

Community NewsTodd hindsman has been named to the Etowah County Board of Education. hindsman is a partner in Gadsden firm hindsman-Davis and has been in public practice for 20 years.

cia Parnell has been promoted to supervisor and has been with JMF since 2010 in the tax and audit

department. Parnell is a gradu-ate of the University of Alabama and is active in civic organiza-tions in Tuscaloosa. Sarah moore has been promoted to supervisor. Moore has both un-dergraduate and master of tax degrees from the University of Alabama. Moore serves on the board of directors of the Boys and Girls Club of West Ala-bama and the board of direc-tors of the Tuscaloosa County Preservation Society. lauren roberts has been promoted to supervisor. She was gradu-ated with honors from the Uni-versity of Alabama and, after two internships at JMF, started full time in 2008. Roberts cur-rently serves as treasurer of the Kentuck Museum Association and as secretary of Tuscaloosa Community Dancers. Todd Turner has been promoted to supervisor. Todd started as

a full-time staff accountant in 2008 after working part time as an undergraduate and graduate stu-dent. While completing his master’s degree, he also worked as a graduate assistant at the University of Alabama. Rachel Aaron has been promoted to senior. rachel Aaron began full time at JMF in 2010 as a staff accountant in tax and accounting, following an internship at JMF during the 2009 tax season. Rachel has a earned undergraduate and a master’s degree in accounting from the Univer-sity of Alabama. She is on the board of the Good

Samaritan Clinic and serves as treasurer. haley Glover has been promoted to senior. Glover began full time at JMF in 2010 as a staff accountant in tax, accounting and audit. She worked as an intern for JMF during the 2009 tax season. She graduated summa cum

laude in 2009 and completed her master’s degree in accounting with a 4.0 grade point average from the University of Alabama. Naomi h. Allen has been added as a partner at Mason and Gardner CPAs, LLC of Demopolis. Al-len has been with the firm since 2007, following her graduation from the University of West Alabama. She specializes in accounting and auditing of local governments and not-for-profits as well as individu-

al and corporate taxation. hall Albright Garrison & Asso-ciates announced that fallon Cornett has been named a shareholder in their government contracts department. Cornett joined the firm in 2008. her expertise includes payroll pro-cessing and taxes, incurred

cost proposal preparation and monthly financial services. She received her B.S.B.A. in accounting from Jacksonville State University.


Fallon Cornett

Jim Cunningham

Jesse SlatonSarah Moore

Todd Turner

Patricia Parnell

Lauren Roberts

Haley Glover

Katy Beth Jackson

Rachel Taylor

Kim Smith

Angela Coiker


February 19, 1953 - January 11, 2013Florence, AlabamaCertificate #2805

kEnnETh MARTInDecember 18, 1959 - January 29, 2013

Vestavia hills, Alabama Certificate #2976

Page 10: April 2013 ASCPA Magazine


CFOs can use this tool to help define their role in SPM and to guide the resourcing of their finance functions. The tool can also be a cata-lyst for discussions about key issues between finance and the rest of the organisation and other stakeholders.

The approach taken by this tool is not tied to any specific regulatory requirements, and is intended to be sufficiently generic to be appli-cable to a wide range of organisations.

1. Make sPM strategic, not just tactical Critically consider your organisation’s SPM

practices, and how you can make SPM stra-tegic.

have your sustainability strategies been developed in a similarly robust manner as your other business strategies? Or have they arisen piecemeal, perhaps in response to ad hoc de-mands from stakeholders to report on diversity or CO2 emissions etc?

SPM can be considered genuinely strate-gic if:

• Good quality data on sustainability issues are collected and analysed to generate relevant insights, which are incorporated into decision making at all levels.

• Sustainability activities are aligned with key business drivers and processes.

• Managers understand how sustainability is-sues – performance, risks, limited resources – influence business performance.

• Sustainability is embedded throughout the organisation, so that performance against


This guide is intended to assist Chief Finan-cial Officers, and their finance teams, to de-

fine their role in managing the sustainability per-formance of their organisations. It is based on a report produced by CIMA in association with Accenture: Sustainability Performance Man-agement: How CFOs can unlock value, 2011.

Sustainability performance management (SPM) creates a system that ensures an organ-isation is sustainably managed and reaps the maximum business benefits from its sustain-ability efforts.

Sustainability merits the same robust perfor-mance management as financial performance does, so the CFO is in the best position and has the requisite technical skills to improve SPM and ensure it is better integrated with the strategic performance management of the or-ganisation.

This tool outlines five key steps which users should take to set sustainability goals, to mea-sure progress against those goals, and to en-sure those metrics are integrated into business planning and reporting.

The tool is intended for organisations and individuals who have already accepted that:

• sustainability can create value

• sustainability can help preserve value in the long term for stakeholders and shareholders

• organisations need to discover, measure and maximise that value

• organisations need to manage their sustain-ability performance.



This guide is intended to assist Chief Financial Officers, and their finance teams, to define their role in managing the sustainability performance of their organisations. It is based on a report produced by CIMA in association with Accenture: Sustainability Performance Management: How CFOs can unlock value, 2011.

Sustainability performance management (SPM) creates a system that ensures an organisation is sustainably managed and reaps the maximum business benefits from its sustainability efforts.

Sustainability merits the same robust performance management as financial performance does, so the CFO is in the best position and has the requisite technical skills to improve SPM and ensure it is better integrated with the strategic performance management of the organisation.

This tool outlines five key steps which users should take to set sustainability goals, to measure progress against those goals, and to ensure those metrics are integrated into business planning and reporting.

The tool is intended for organisations and individuals who have already accepted that:

• sustainability can create value

• sustainability can help preserve value in the long term for stakeholders and shareholders

• organisations need to discover, measure and maximise that value

• organisations need to manage their sustainability performance.

CFOs can use this tool to help define their role in SPM and to guide the resourcing of their finance functions. The tool can also be a catalyst for discussions about key issues between finance and the rest of the organisation and other stakeholders.

The approach taken by this tool is not tied to any specific regulatory requirements, and is intended to be sufficiently generic to be applicable to a wide range of organisations.

Make it strategic,not just tactical

Apply a financial mindset – link sustainability to business performance

Use the right metrics, consistently

Improve the process of data collection, analysis and reporting

Integrate with businessplanning and reporting

how to drive Value from Sustainability Performance management and the Cfos rolesustainable issues is reported and managed as effectively as is performance against other business critical issues.

2. link sustainability to business performance

Think about what might inhibit decision makers from considering sustainability when reaching decisions within your organisation.

Providing that your organisation has col-lectively accepted that sustainability can create value1, the obstacles are likely to be measure-ment issues, such as:

• Managers’ belief that it is difficult to quantify the effect of sustainability factors on financial performance.

• Difficulties measuring the impact of sustain-ability initiatives on shareholder value.

• Perception that investors seldom incorporate sustainability risks, or resource constraints into their valuation models.

Organisations might accept in theory that sustainability contributes to revenue genera-tion, cost control, risk management and long-term value creation; but individuals may need to see the impact on their business unit perfor-mance before they genuinely commit to incor-porating sustainability into their day to day de-cision making. Finance has a role as a catalyst in this process.

Consider how your finance function can provide reassurance and proof that sustainabil-ity performance can be measured and moni-tored; and how you can encourage managers and the board to explicitly and consistently take sustainability issues into account in strategic and operational decisions.

3. use the right metrics, consistently Evaluate the metrics which your organisa-

tion is currently using to measure and report sustainability performance.

• Do these adequately explain where and how sustainability is making a difference to busi-ness performance? Are the measures the appropriate ones to help effective decision making?

• Does the number of measures impose an information burden on the organisation? Indi-viduals or teams can effectively monitor and be held accountable for only seven or eight measures.

• Consider the obligatory performance mea-sures to satisfy regulations, customer or other


Page 11: April 2013 ASCPA Magazine


stakeholder demands, or sustainability frame-works such as the Global Reporting Initiative or the Global Environmental Management Ini-tiative. Are you aware of all these measures? Accenture research suggests that one fifth of those making decisions relating to SPM are not aware of what basis their organisation re-ports sustainability data on.2

• Is there potential to use these measures to report both internally and externally; without compromising the information needed to make decisions? This would avoid creating different frameworks and collecting parallel sets of data for different purposes.

4. develop robust systems and processes for sPM

Consider how the SPM information is col-lected, analysed and presented within your or-ganisation.

Accenture’s research suggests that or-ganisations typically use Excel spreadsheets to collect and analyse sustainability data. This suggests that sustainability reporting systems have not been integrated, but have been created alongside pre-existing opera-tional or financial reporting systems; and that such organisations are missing the analytical functionality offered by more sophisticated reporting software. If spreadsheets are used, are the same good practices used for these spreadsheets as would be expected for the financial spreadsheets created by your finance function?

has the collection of SPM data been made as easy as possible within your organisation? Do front line staff who provide sustainability data see this task as an additional extra burden to the normal operational and financial report-ing? There is a risk that the data will not be col-lected carefully and in a timely manner, which means it becomes less frequently used for de-cision making, and might reinforce negative at-titudes amongst managers about the relevance of sustainability information.

If the sustainability reporting system is sepa-rate from other reporting systems, how does it interface with those systems? how is sustain-ability information connected to the core de-cision making process? As a result of ad hoc requests, or as part of a systematic process?

how is qualitative sustainability information captured and kept? Is it recognised and retriev-able? has it been analysed to generate insights into opportunities and risks?

how to drive Value from Sustainability Performance management and the Cfos roleDoes your SPM system meets basic re-

quirements which are to:

• monitor and report on sustainability perfor-mance

• set sustainability goals and objectives

• manage risks associated with sustainability

• reduce the time and costs of collecting and analysing data

• produce timely and decision relevant reports which can be customised to stakeholder needs (including disclosures required by ex-ternal frameworks).

5. integrate sPM with business planning and reporting

Review the sustainability reporting and an-alytics solutions in the market; giving special consideration to solutions from your existing business system providers.

These may represent the simplest way to

ensure that your sustainability performance management system will be integrated into existing business systems, thus aligning sus-tainability issues with financial and operational performance. Buying a proven solution mini-mises risk; should ensure that the application is easy to use; and that user documentation and training are already available.

––––––––––Two of the world’s most prestigious ac-

counting bodies, AICPA and CIMA, have formed a joint venture to establish the Char-tered Global Management Accountant (CGMA) designation to elevate the profession of man-agement accounting. The designation recog-nises the most talented and committed man-agement accountants with the discipline and skill to drive strong business performance.

©2012, Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. All rights reserved.

Page 12: April 2013 ASCPA Magazine


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Page 13: April 2013 ASCPA Magazine


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The ASCPA family said goodbye to Vice President of Membership Betty Barker

on March 1. Betty came to the ASCPA from Regions Bank and has been respon-sible for managing all aspects of member data in addition to preparing, reconciling and processing annual dues. She did a thorough and precise job, was always professional in her interactions with staff and members alike, and deeply involved in a wide circle of friends and family. She had been at the Society for nine years.

Betty was part of the 7:00 am crew, and she regularly assisted Sherry Russ with classroom preparations for educa-tion sessions at the ASCPA building. She and Sherry were also on hand each June to administer the Gulf Shores education cluster at The Beach Club.

Away from the ASCPA, Betty and husband Bobby attended Auburn foot-ball games, Montgomery Biscuit baseball games, went to Gatlinburg for rest and re-laxation a couple of times each year and supported grandsons Benjamin and Clark at school and sports activities. There’s

only so much squeezing that the sandwich generation can absorb, however, and the frag-ile health of her mom became an increasing concern for Betty in the last year. After giving it serious consideration, she’s elected to retire so

she can devote her energies across four generations.

Betty’s calm and generous spirit will be missed at the Alabama Society (as well as her amazing pimento cheese).

~ Goodbye betty barker ~

Bobby and Betty Barker with son Brent and his wife Shawn.

Page 14: April 2013 ASCPA Magazine


Field of Early Bird *Registration non-Member no. Date(s) Study Title Location Member Fee Fee Add-On

001* 5/10/13 AA AICPA Advanced Course: Overview of the Peer Review Program Standards Montgomery $250 $275 $50

002* 6/18/13 Other Trusted Business Advisor Workshop 2 Montgomery $250 $275 $50

003 6/24/13 AA Annual FASB Update and Review Gulf Shores (AM) $150 $175 $50

004 6/24/13 TX Select Estate and Life Planning Issues for the Middle-Income Client Gulf Shores (AM) $150 $175 $50

005 6/24/13 Other Controller/CFO Update: hot Topics Facing Today’s Financial Professional Gulf Shores (AM) $150 $175 $50

006 6/24/13 AA Accounting and Reporting for Not-for-Profits: Avoiding the headaches and heartaches Gulf Shores (PM) $150 $175 $50

007 6/24/13 TX Individual Income Tax Return Mistakes and how to Fix Them Gulf Shores (PM) $150 $175 $50

008 6/24/13 Other Gaining a Competitive Advantage: Critical Skills for CFOs and Controllers Gulf Shores (PM) $150 $175 $50

009 6/25/13 AA Financial Reporting Fraud: The Top 25 Tips on how to Prevent and Detect Executives and Managers from

Manipulating Financial Statements Gulf Shores (AM) $150 $175 $50

010 6/25/13 TX Federal Tax Update Gulf Shores (AM) $150 $175 $50

011 6/25/13 Other Innovative Forecasting and Budgeting: Moving Beyond the Traditional Techniques Gulf Shores (AM) $150 $175 $50

012 6/25/13 AA Preparing OCBOA Financial Statements: Cash, Modified Cash and Tax Basis Financial Statements Gulf Shores (PM) $150 $175 $50

013 6/25/13 TX Mastering Basis Issues for S Corporations, Partnerships, and LLCs Gulf Shores (PM) $150 $175 $50

014 6/25/13 Other Thriving in a Chaotic Economic Environment: Planning and Strategy Formulation for Your Organization Gulf Shores (PM) $150 $175 $50

015 6/26/13 AA Fraud in Purchasing and Cash Disbursement Cycles Gulf Shores (AM) $150 $175 $50

016 6/26/13 TX Maximizing Your Social Security Benefits Gulf Shores (AM) $150 $175 $50

017 6/26/13 Tech Technology Update Gulf Shores (AM) $150 $175 $50

018 6/26/13 AA COSO Internal Control: One Size Does Fit All Gulf Shores (PM) $150 $175 $50

019 6/26/13 TX Estate Planning: What to Do in 2013 Gulf Shores (PM) $150 $175 $50

020 6/26/13 Tech Excel Macros - Part 1 Gulf Shores (PM) $150 $175 $50

021 6/27/13 AA Compilation Engagements Gulf Shores (AM) $150 $175 $50

022 6/27/13 TX Key Partnership and S Corporation Tax Planning Strategies Gulf Shores (AM) $150 $175 $50

023 6/27/13 Tech iPad - An Effective Business Tool Gulf Shores (AM) $150 $175 $50

024 6/27/13 AA Efficient Small Business Audits Gulf Shores (PM) $150 $175 $50

025 6/27/13 TX Critical Tax Issues in Buying and Selling a Business Gulf Shores (PM) $150 $175 $50

026 6/27/13 Tech & AA Excel Reporting - Best Practices, Tools and Techniques Gulf Shores (PM) $150 $175 $50

027* 7/8/13 AA Governmental and Nonprofit Update Montgomery $250 $275 $50

028* 7/8/13 Other AICPA’s Annual Update for Controllers Montgomery $250 $275 $50

029* 7/9/13 AA Governmental Accounting and Reporting huntsville $250 $275 $50

030* 7/9/13 AA Detecting Misstatements:Integrating SAS 99 and the Risk Assessment Standards huntsville $250 $275 $50

031* 7/10/13 AA Understanding the Clarified Auditing Standards: The Changes You Need to Know Montgomery $250 $275 $50

032* 7/10/13 6AA/1Tax/1Other Construction Accounting, Auditing, Tax Montgomery $250 $275 $50

033 7/16/13 Automobile Dealerships: An In-Depth Perspective Montgomery $250 $275 $50

034 7/16/13 Tech Top 50 Security Measures for CPAs Montgomery $250 $275 $50

035* 7/17/13 AA Now I Oversee: Advanced OMB A-133 Issues Birmingham $250 $275 $50

036 7/17/13 Tech QuickBooks 2013 for CPAs Birmingham $250 $275 $50

037* 7/17/13 AA New GASB Reporting Requirements: GASB Statements 67 & 68 Mobile $250 $275 $50

038* 7/17/13 Tax handling IRS Disputes Mobile $250 $275 $50

039 7/18/13 AA Forensic Accounting: A Comprehensive Guide to Conducting Financial Fraud Investigations Auburn $250 $275 $50

040 7/18/13 Tech Tech Savvy CPA Auburn $250 $275 $50

041* 7/18/13 AA Studies on Audit Deficiencies Mobile $250 $275 $50

042* 7/18/13 Tax Fundamentals of a Trust Mobile $250 $275 $50

044 7/26/13 Tax Shortcuts to Tax Cuts: Individual Tax, Social Security, and Retirement Planning Tools and Strategies Auburn $250 $275 $50

045 7/29- 7/31/13 AA Employee Benefits Workshop Birmingham _ _ $50

046 8/5 - 8/7/13 AA Basic Staff Training for Auditors Montgomery $525 $550 $50

047 8/5/13 AA Forensic Accounting: Critical Phases of an Effective Fraud Investigation Birmingham (AM) $155 $180 $50

048 8/5/13 Tax Tax Challenges for Older Americans Birmingham (AM) $155 $180 $50

049 8/5/13 Other Benchmarking and Effective Partner Compensation Systems Birmingham (PM) $155 $180 $50

050 8/5/13 AA Financial Reporting: The Top 25 Tips on how to Prevent and Detect Executives and Managers from

Manipulating Financial Statements Birmingham (PM) $155 $180 $50

051 8/5/13 Tax Social Security and Medicare: Advanced Analysis of the Tactics, Taxes, and the Truth Birmingham (PM) $155 $180 $50

052 8/5/13 Other Disciplined Marketing in Building a Niche Practice Birmingham (AM) $155 $180 $50

054 8/6/13 Tax Taxation for Foreign Nationals Birmingham (AM) $155 $180 $50

055 8/6/13 Other Loyalty Effect and Building a Sales Culture in a CPA Firm Birmingham (PM) $155 $180 $50

eduCATIoN ExprEss

Page 15: April 2013 ASCPA Magazine


(*) Asterisk indicates 8 hr AICPA seminar; take advantage of a $30 discount applied to the ASCPA fee if you are an AICPA memberASCPA 4hr Clusters or CPE Value Seminars do not receive $30 discount. New Courses are in BOLD type


Field of Early Bird *Registration non-Member no. Date(s) Study Title Location Member Fee Fee Add-On

056 8/6/13 Tax Taxation for Expatriates Birmingham (PM) $155 $180 $50

057 8/6/13 Other Foolproof Succession Planning Birmingham (PM) $155 $180 $50

058 8/6/13 Other The GO System Birmingham (PM) $155 $180 $50

059 8/7/13 AA Financial Statement Disclosures: Guide to Current Requirements and Developing Issues Mobile (AM) $155 $180 $50

060 8/7/13 Tax Federal Tax Update Mobile (AM) $155 $180 $50

061 8/7/13 AA Current Issues in Accounting and Auditing: An Annual Update Mobile (PM) $155 $180 $50

062 8/7/13 Tax Critical Tax Issues in Buying and Selling a Business Mobile (PM) $155 $180 $50

063 8/8/13 AA Fraud and Financial Reporting: Don’t Be the Next Victim! Mobile (AM) $155 $180 $50

064 8/8/13 Tax Maximizing Your Social Security Benefits Mobile (AM) $155 $180 $50

065 8/8/13 AA Preparing OCBOA Financial Statements: Cash, Modified Cash and Tax Basis Financial Statements Mobile (PM) $155 $180 $50

066 8/8/13 Tax Individual Income Tax Return Mistakes and how to Fix Them Mobile (PM) $155 $180 $50

067 8/8 - 8/9/13 AA Semi-Senior Staff Training for Auditors Montgomery $375 $400 $50

068 8/9/13 TX Alabama Sales and Use Tax Guide for CPAs by Ely, Long, and Thistle huntsville $155 $180 $50

069 8/9/13 TX The Best Income Tax, Estate Tax, and Financial Planning Ideas of 2013 huntsville $250 $275 $50

070 8/12 - 8/13/13 AA Beginning In-Charge Staff Training for Auditors Montgomery $375 $400 $50

071 8/13-8/14/13 AA Yellow Book Workshop Birmingham _ _ $50

072 8/14/13 TX Advanced Tax Structures: Using Tiered Partnerships, Multiple Corporations, Series LLCs and

Disregarded Entities Montgomery $250 $275 $50

073 8/14/13 Other Microsoft Office 2013 including Windows 8 and Skydrive Montgomery $250 $275 $50

074 8/15/13 Tax Religious Organizations: Accounting, Auditing & Tax Issues Montgomery $250 $275 $50

075 8/15/13 Tech QuickBooks for Beginners Montgomery $250 $275 $50

076 8/15/13 TX hot IRS Tax Examination Issues for Individuals and Businesses Mobile $250 $275 $50

077 8/15/13 Tech Top Accounting Solutions Mobile $250 $275 $50

078* 8/16/13 Other Advanced Business Law for CPAs Birmingham $250 $275 $50

079 8/16/13 Tech Excel 2013 for CPAs Birmingham $250 $275 $50

081 8/16/13 Excel Budgeting and Forecasting Techniques Mobile $250 $275 $50

082 8/16/13 AA Condos & hOAs: Advanced Accounting, Auditing and Other Issues Orange Beach $250 $275 $50

083* 8/19/13 AA FASB Industry Review Birmingham $250 $275 $50

084 8/19/13 AA 2013 Accounting & Auditing Update for the Real World Birmingham $199 $224 $50

085* 8/19/13 Other Expanding the CPA Role Birmingham $250 $275 $50

086* 8/20/13 AA Practical Guidebook to Impairment Accounting Standards Tuscaloosa-AM $155 $180 $50

087 8/20/13 AA Revenue Recognition and Lease Accounting: The New Perspectives Tuscaloosa-PM $155 $180 $50

089* 8/20/13 AA Revenue Recognition: Getting the New Standards Right Montgomery $250 $275 $50

090 8/20/13 TBA Montgomery $250 $275 $50

091* 8/20/13 AA Public Company Update Birmingham $250 $275 $50

092 8/20/13 TX Advanced Partnership/LLC Workshop: how to Do Optional Step-up In Basis Under 754 and Related Provisions Birmingham $250 $275 $50

093 8/21/13 AA 2013 Accounting & Auditing Update for the Real World huntsville $250 $275 $50

094* 8/21/13 AA Real Estate Accounting and Auditing Montgomery $250 $275 $50

095 8/21/13 TX Advanced Critical Issues for LLCs and Partnerships Montgomery $250 $275 $50

096 8/22 - 8/23/13 Other The Franklin Covey 7 habits of highly Effective People Workshop Montgomery $800 $850 $50

098 8/22/13 TX hot IRS Tax Examination Issues for Individuals and Businesses Decatur $250 $275 $50

100 8/23/13 TX The Complete Guide to Payroll Taxes and 1099 Issues Dothan $250 $275 $50

101 8/26-8/28/13 TX Estate and Tax Planning for the Baby Boomer Workshop Birmingham _ _ $50

102* 8/28/13 TX Closely held Business Taxation: Smart Strategies to Slash Taxes Tuscaloosa $250 $275 $50

103 8/28/13 Tech Excel Best Practices Tuscaloosa $250 $275 $50

105 8/29/13 Tech Sage 50/Peachtree Accounting Software - Managing Businesses More Effectively Birmingham $250 $275 $50

106 8/29/13 Other Leadership Development from the Expert Colonel Montgomery $250 $275 $50

107* 8/29/13 Other Thirty-Plus Practical Tools and Techniques for Making Your Key Financial Decisions Montgomery $250 $275 $50

108* 8/30/13 Other Expanding the Role and Influence of CPAs in Organizations Auburn $250 $275 $50

109 8/30/13 Tech Excel PivotTables for Accountants Auburn $250 $275 $50

111 8/30/13 Tax Delving into the Top Twelve Issues for Partnerships, LLCs and S Corps huntsville $250 $275 $50

Page 16: April 2013 ASCPA Magazine


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ASCPA business & Industry education

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Field of Date Location Study Course Title5/10/13 Montgomery AA AICPA Advanced Course: Overview of the Peer Review Program Standards6/18/13 Montgomery Other Trusted Business Advisor Workshop 26/24/13 Gulf Shores - 4 hr Other Controller/CFO Update: hot Topics Facing Today’s Financial Professional6/24/13 Gulf Shores - 4 hr Other Gaining a Competitive Advantage: Critical Skills for CFOs and Controllers6/25/13 Gulf Shores - 4 hr Other Innovative Forecasting and Budgeting: Moving Beyond the Traditional Techniques6/25/13 Gulf Shores - 4 hr Other Thriving in a Chaotic Economic Environment: Plannning and Strategy Formulation for Your Organization7/8/13 Montgomery Other AICPA’s Annual Update for Controllers8/5/13 Birmingham - 4 hr Other Benchmarking and Effective Partner Compensation Systems8/5/13 Birmingham - 4 hr Other Disciplined Marketing in Building a Niche Practice8/6/13 Birmingham - 4 hr Other Loyalty Effect and Building a Sales Culture in a CPA Firm8/6/13 Birmingham - 4 hr Other Foolproof Succession Planning8/6/13 Birmingham - 4 hr Other The GO System8/16/13 Birmingham Other Advanced Business Law for CPAs8/19/13 Birmingham Other Expanding the CPA Role8/22 - 8/23/13 Montgomery Other The Franklin Covey 7 habits of highly Effective People Workshop8/29/13 Montgomery Other Leadership Development from the Expert Colonel8/29/13 Montgomery Other Thirty-Plus Practical Tools and Techniques for Making Your Key Financial Decisions8/30/13 Auburn Other Expanding the Role and Influence of CPAs in Organizations9/6/13 Birmingham Other Business Law Update9/18/13 Birmingham - 4 hr Other Controller/CFO Update: hot Topics Facing Today’s Financial Professional9/18/13 Birmingham - 4 hr Other Gaining a Competitive Advantage: Critical Skills for CFOs and Controllers9/19/13 Birmingham - 4 hr Other Innovative Forecasting and Budgeting: Moving Beyond the Traditional Techniques9/19/13 Birmingham - 4 hr Other Thriving in a Chaotic Economic Environment: Plannning and Strategy Formulation for Your Organization

Page 17: April 2013 ASCPA Magazine


ascPa education registration form

ASCPA Continuing Professional Education Registration Form

Mail form to : ASCPA

P.O. Box 242987 Montgomery, AL 36124-2987

Fax form to : Sherry Russ 334.834.7310

Scan/email to: [email protected]

Register online at:



*CPAs who are members of the ASCPA may register at the member rate. CPAs who are not a member of the ASCPA or other State Society may register at the Non-Member rate. Please include the appropriate discount(s) when registering for events.

CPAs who are members of the AICPA may deduct $30 from AICPA seminars ONLY (8 hrs classes). (These are identified in the CPE Schedule online or in the ASCPA newsletter). *Electronic course materials are included in the registration fee and will be emailed at least two weeks before the course date. You can choose to purchase a paper copy of the course materials for an additional fee of $20 per course. I acknowledge that I will receive course materials electronically (included in course fee). I would like to purchase my manual for $20 per class

Check: I have enclosed a check payable to ASCPA in the amount of $ ___________ I authorize the ASCPA to charge $ __________ to my credit card. Credit Card: MC Visa Discover AMEX Card Number Month Year Expiration Date

Company Credit Card Personal Credit Card ________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Print Cardholder’s Name Cardholder’s Signature 3/11/13 Address of cardholder City, State, Zip of cardholder

Course Date

Course Title Course


Course FeeASCPA Non-

Member Member

AICPA Discount *see note (where


Book Fee($20 per course)



Last Name First Name M.I.

City State Zip

Firm / Employer

Email Address (for registration confirmation)

Business Phone Business Fax


Check if information has recently changed and needs to be updated in your member record

Are you a member of the AICPA? Yes No Member Number: ____________________ (Required for discount; subject to verification)

ASCPA Member Number

State Certificate Number

Please visit www.ascpa.org to view all registration policies, including information about cancellations and refunds.

Please attach a description of

special requests or contact us at (334) 386-5764.


ADA Request

How did you hear about this class? Email Newsletter Website Postcard/Special Mailing Other

Page 18: April 2013 ASCPA Magazine


The SummiTmay 9, 2013

The Wynfrey hotel, birminghamRegistration Price for Members and Non-Members is $190

Early Bird Discount of $25 if registered by April 29th Qualifies for 6 hours of Other Education Credit

For more information or to register online, visit www.ascpa.org.

cOnference aGenda8:30 – 9:00 Registration and Networking

9:00 – 12:00 Beyond Mars and Venus: Exploring the Key Differences Between Men and Women in the World of Business Ann Ranson, Consultant for PNC Bank

The Real Truth About how Women Conduct Business Ann Ranson, Consultant for PNC Bank

12:00 – 1:15 Luncheon and Women to Watch Awards

1:30 – 2:30 The Power of Color Karen Hughes, StyleYOUversity

2:30 pm – 3:45 Developing Women Leaders Through Mentoring Maynard Cooper & Gale Panel

3:45 pm – 4:00 Wrap-up and Door Prizes

The 2013 Women to Watch Awards for the Alabama Society of CPAs will be given at The Summit on May 9,

2013. Awards will be given in two categories, Established Leaders and Emerging Lead-ers, as defined below. It should be noted that evidence of every item listed is not required for consideration, but nominees should have made significant contributions in at least two of the criteria listed below. Submissions are due to the Alabama Society of CPAs no later than April 10, 2013.

experienced leadersDefined as one who has advanced to a higher level or leadership position within the organization. Titles include, but are not limited to, partner, owner, elected official or appointee, executive, etc.• Authorship of articles• Major or unique contribution to the

profession• Public and/or community service• Mentoring other professionals*• Improvement to the workplace*More heavily weighted than other criteria

emerging leadersDefined as a professional who has made significant contributions to the profession and her community, but who has not yet reached the highest levels of advancement.• Public and/or community service• Demonstration of leadership• Contribution to the profession• Creation and implementation of unique

initiative(s)• Involvement with alma mater or other local

colleges and universities

Please provide supporting documentation as evidence of accomplishments. This may include letters of recommendation from supervisors, peers, students, community organizations, etc. Résumés are not required, but are strongly recommended.

Winners will be selected by the Women’s Task Force and recognized at The Summit on May 9 at the Wynfrey hotel.

Questions?For more information about the nomination process, membership status, requirements, or nomination categories, please contact Jen-nifer Oleksa with the Alabama Society of CPAs at (334) 834-7650 or [email protected]

eduCATIoN ExprEss

Women to Watch award nominations

Jeannine Birmingham, President & CEO, with 2012 Women to Watch Winners. Renee Hubbard (center) of Jackson Thornton & Co., P.C. was honored as the Experienced Leader and Amanda Paul (left) of Troy University was recognized as the Emerging Leader.

Page 19: April 2013 ASCPA Magazine


where she was a manager 2001-2007. “I was intrigued by the notion of passing on

to today’s accounting students information and some real world experience of the profession I loved so much. Teaching at Troy became a nat-ural extension of my passion for being a CPA. I am now a member of the board of trustees of the Educational Foundation and I can see through my day-to-day contact with students the enormous impact the scholarships make in their lives.”

Please support, both individually and through your organization, the PANGEATWO Charity Golf Tournament under the direction of the Young CPAs. A day in the sun may mean a better life for folks at The Exceptional Foun-dation or a professional life in accounting. It’s a win-win.

Congratulations to pANGEATWO on their opening of a Mobile office on Azalea road. Jody Jones, CEO of the Birmingham-based recruiting and consulting firm, said the new office will allow involvement in Mobile com-munity affairs as well as participation in its thriving business climate.

PANGeATWo Charity GolfContinued from page 7

tion from CPAs in industry. To impact the Tus-caloosa Chapter from a B & I perspective he felt that he needed to join the leadership.

What else are you involved in?“I am an avid Crimson Tide football fan and

attend almost all the home games and about half of the away games each season. I have been to all three of the recent national champi-onship games and can’t wait for the next one! On a community level, I serve on the board of directors for Junior Achievement of Tuscaloosa County and as chair of the JA Bowling Classic, the primary fund-raiser for the organization.”

hamilton has two children still living at home, both of whom are students at the University of Alabama. his youngest daughter will begin law school in the fall. his older three children are all married and he and his wife of 25 years, Kathy, have three grandsons and two granddaughters. Kathy works for UA, so at least some money is flowing in the other direction!

next on the agenda?“I am scheduled to sit for the certified treasury

professional (CTP) exam and hope to obtain a position as a CFO at some point. I would like to teach some continuing education courses and begin to work with the AICPA and ASCPA on providing broader industry topics for members.”

marc hamiltonContinued from page 5

Gulf Shores beach Cluster, June 24-27Learn and play at the beach! This very popular beach event has been upgraded. This year, attendees will have more flexibility in topics by selecting from all 4-hour courses. Want to read on the beach in the morning and take a class in the afternoon? You can do that. Want to take a morning class while your family sleeps in before you head over to Lulu’s for dinner? Make your own schedule.

New things for members:

Visit www.ascpa.org/ for course topics and registration details. Make your reservation today – (866) 229-7350

stay and PlayThe Beach Club Resort 925 Beach Club Trail, Gulf Shores, AL 36542

Be sure to mention the Alabama Society of CPAs when making your arrangements for accommodations.

Group number 393356 Group rate cut-off May 24th

• Course topics include accounting & auditing, tax, industry, and technology

• Lunch provided each day for all class participants

• Movie night at the beach for our group• 15% rate reduction in prices for condos• Lower course fee for all registrants• Door prizes

Page 20: April 2013 ASCPA Magazine

Requirements include: CPA with public ac-counting experience serving financial institu-tion clients, including in-charge experience on bank audits; commitment to outstand-ing client service; strong collaboration skills working with a team; excellent verbal and written communication skills; and strong computer skills with proficiency with paper-less systems. Qualified candidates should submit a resume to [email protected] Montgomery CPA firm look-ing for a senior accountant with 4-6 years of experience for bookkeeping, business con-sulting, audits, and tax work. CPA or public accounting experience required. Competitive pay and benefits within a flexible environ-ment. Submit letter of interest and resume to hillary Rosser, [email protected]. Wealth Management Partners of Mont-gomery is seeking a SME/auditor for gov-ernmental projects.

The position requires:• 4+ years of audit, accounting or financial management advisory services experience, preferably in support of Department of De-fense or federal agencies. • Bachelor’s degree in accounting or other technical field from an accredited college, with a minimum of 24 hours of accounting. • Knowledge of Federal Information Systems Controls Audit Manual (FISCAM) and exper-tise with DFAS 7900.4-M, Financial Systems Requirement Manual (Blue Book) require-ments. • The ability to pass and maintain a security clearance.

CPA or CISA certification or CPA/CISA can-didate is desired. Qualified applicants should forward a letter of interest and resume to hill-ary Rosser, human Resources, at [email protected].

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APRIL 2013

Growth-oriented Montgomery CPA firm seeking a CPA with 3-5 years’ public ac-counting experience in auditing employee benefit plans to join our team. Opportunity to work in challenging and rewarding envi-ronment while maintaining healthy work/life balance. Competitive salary and benefits package. Send resume to P.O. Box 1590, Montgomery, AL 36101. Montgomery area technology-oriented sole practitioner with fast-growing account-ing and tax firm is seeking alliance or merger

Join us for another year of great education programs, advocacy, networking opportunities, and

professional development. Pay online or mail your payment.

www.ascpa.org Is your cell phone number in the ASCPA database? We will begin sending text alerts from

the Alabama Society soon.

We’re all in this together.2013/14 dues notices go out via email in mid-april.

with CPA of similar situation. Also seeking CPA or CPA candidate with tax and account-ing experience for full or part-time employ-ment. Contact Sajjan Rajendra, CPA, [email protected] or 334.294.6967 for more information. Jackson Thornton is seeking an experi-enced auditor with banking expertise (Senior Associate or Supervisor level; classification based on experience). This individual will pri-marily work on financial institution audits but may work on other engagements as well. The primary office location will be in Prat-tville, Alabama; however, travel is required, as clients are located throughout Alabama.


Tr u s t e d B u s i n e s s A d v i s o r

Wo r k s h o pJune 18 / MontgomeryVisit our Online CourseCatalog for More Details