app mcvp comm & im jmg


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application MCVP COMM & IM


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General QuestionnaireYou have a maximum of 5 pages for all the general questions.

1. Write down the name of the position you’re applying for. List maximum 2 additional preferences of positions in the MC 10-11. Please mention if you currently applying for any other positions in AIESEC.MCVP Communications & Information Management

2. List your fluency in languages (basic, good, excellent, native)Language Speaking Writing Reading

Spanish Native Native NativeEnglish good excellent excellent


1. Why have you decided to apply for a MC position in AIESEC in Central America South? Mention one personal goal you want to achieve during your term.I decided to apply because it´s one of the roles I have always dream to have since I become an AIESEC member. This is one of the biggest challenges I can have and that I want in my AIESEC XP. I love  the way CAS works and I want to develop more this area of communications and information management, as well to be an unconditional support to the LCVPs Comm of the region.

2. List all the National, and International meetings you attended during your AIESEC Experience (Year-Conference-Location-Role)

One of the things that I am grateful, is that I went to all regional conferences since I entered AIESEC; I had the opportunity to learn, know the region and arise personal and AIESEC goals.

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3. What will be the legacy of your position to AIESEC Central America South at the end of your term?

I want to leave two main things to CAS at the end of my term: Presence of our area in CAS, members need to know to know that our

area is working always for the other areas to achieve and pipeline in communication area for all the LCs, members who are a strong support for all the activities LCs need.

Structure of IM at regional level, because it is important that CAS develops this area. Every LC need to improve their internal communication and work on the knowledge management that is the most valued resource any organization have.

4. Mention your 3 main achievements in AIESEC so far and the 3 most difficult experiences in your AIESEC experience.

Achievements Difficult ExperiencesBe LCVP COMM The renunciation of a teammate in

the EB.Be Faci at a Seminar Manage time with a deadline of

AIESEC work and finals at University

Work in TATA Campaign The past elections (not be selected as LCP)

5. Rank 3 areas where you have had the most experience within AIESEC? Highlight briefly your experience in each of them.

Information Management: I have worked as LCVP Comm developing this area in my LC, Stablish Internal Communication Channels and newsletters, developing wikis in every area and educating the EB and members in the usage of our platform.

Communications: As LCVP Comm I have work in the presence of AIESEC in my university, creating campaigns to recruit members and EPs. Also positioning AIESEC in the country, obtaining several media appereances to increased our external positioning.

External Relations: I had experience in this area because I had to go to means of communications for media appearances, and I had the opportunity to sell AIESEC to them.

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6. Please grade yourself in the table below. After that, identify the three skills you feel will be most important for you in your term.

Skills Level Excellent Good Average PoorLeadership XTeam work XOrganisational understanding XCoaching XSelling XTime management XPlanning / Prioritizing XTeam Management XFlexibility XNegotiation XFacilitation/Training XChange management XConference management X

Team Experience1. Please name one important challenge you faced working with your past team.

How did you overcome it?One of the biggest challenge that I faced in the past team was an evaluation that my teammates made of my performancebecause they don’t felt my opinion,and at the same time they felt no trust with me.. I think it was a big challenge that the team felt my confidence back and make visible myopinion, the key is listening to what people say about you, knowing how to transform thatinto a goal to improve and have good attitude to convert this into strengths.

2. What are the characteristics of a successful team? What is the “magic” you bring to a team?

Believing in the team: This is the first, As log as you think you can achieve something, there are chances of achieving. You need to trust in your team, Is crucial.

Communication willingness: Is useless trying to create communication tools, develop strategies if the people aren’t committed to communicate.

Challenging yourself: If you plan to stay in the same place, you won-t have progress; we can keep the feet in the ground, but always looking to the sky.

In my case, I’m a good listener, I try to be mediator and look for a different way to get a solution. I believe and trust in my teammates and think for the team success.

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3. Please describe your experience (if any) in virtual teamwork and outline the key learning points you got from it.

Before AIESEC, I had a key opportunity to experience virtual teamwork, which was a project with universities in USA, Turkey, England and Panama to design a software in synergy. The experience was challenging and I learned:

Willingness and commitment: to know that communication is needed to complete the project.

Resilience: To adapt in spite of adversity and take the positives of what each person brings.

Responsibility and organization: Because you are working with time, and you can’t delay the project, the other’s time is important too.

AIESEC in Central America South

1. What should be the role of the MC? How do you see the current role of the MC of AIESEC in CAS? What actions or strategies do you suggest to align the current role with the ideal one?The role should be strategic and support. The current MC is in a transition phase to get there. They are trying to create this new culture and is a great progress for the region develop. To align the current role i suggest tom make the LCs feel part of this progress by first study each LC and look for gaps on their processes, capitalize their strengths, and focus to give the tools for their development.

2. What are the current key trends that are shaping Costa Rica and Panama? How can AIESEC capitalize on them to ensure a complete AIESEC experience to all its stakeholders? I think that current key trends that we need to capitalize in both countries are TIC needs of each country, and tourism. AIESEC can capitalize that trends working on projects that could involve all our stakeholdersand bring to the region great results.

3. Please, evaluate the performance of AIESEC in CAS and AIESEC in CAS LCs in 2010.

a. Which were the main improvements and bottlenecks?Improvements Bottlenecks

Development of FLA in all LCs.

Increase of trainings for membership.

Transition from Operational to Strategic MC.

X+L Campaign. Taxes payment in Costa

Rica and advances in Panama

Communications between LCs

Communication Issues from MCVPs to LCVPs.

Legal Situation of AIESEC in Costa Rica and Panama.

Exchange Campaings for EPs are not focus on the pool analysis.

Lack of recognition at

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enterprise level.

b. Which initiatives would you propose to implement from the MC side in the next 6 months?

Create and establish IM culture and structure. Teambuilding and improving on communications channels with Cas

Communication Crew to stimulate work at regional level. Regional Material for recruitments, promotions and Knowledge

Management in the entire region. Establish a plan in order to have a better positioning at enterprise


c. Which do you consider are the 3 main priorities for your area(s) that need to be addressed at the beginning of the MC 1011 term?

IM Development Positioning at Universities. Positioning at Enterprise level.

4. What is CAS missing to become a leading country in the network?

Synergy. I am a person that believes that to have better results, there should be a strong team experience in every team and then work with that strength to achieve results. Actually some areas in the LCs have a strong team experience and some don´t but we don´t have that team experience at regional level. We should believe that together we can achieve more and take advantage we are a region, and as a region we can develop larger projects that as individual LCs.

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VP Communications & Information Management

1. After this year’s Brand Students Audit we discovered that AIESEC has a poor positioning in CAS Universities. What will be your strategy to improve in this aspect?

Establish external activities Make better use of databases. Build and improve relationships with university personnel (profesors,

deans, etc).

2. How can Finance, Communications and External Relations create synergies to provide a greater impact. Define such impact.

3. What is the role of communications related with Talent Management and Outgoing Exchange?The principal time that we see the Role of Communications in synergy with Talent Management and OGX is with an EP Recruitment: COMM TM OGX

ER Use the positioning to make

the relation with Stakeholders. Sell the


FLA Manages resources. Budgeting and provides funds

to promote

COMM Prepare tools and

products. Work on positioning.

Stronger Stakeholder’s

Relationship and Positioning.

Positionitng Strategy Campaigns

Selection Induction Allocation

Raising Matching Prepare EPs

In all moment, is needed Communicatios to inform all the membership every process process, to promote TNs between EPs and make classifieds in the platform.

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4. Make a short SWOT analysis of the current internal communications channels used in Central America South LCs and MC and define strategies for improving the internal communication in the region.

5. How Communication & IM area is supporting organizational results? What should be 3 main strategies for Communication and 3 main strategies for Information Management to ensure from Communication & IM area the achievement of the organizational results?IM: Good use of the platform in order to do better analysis of the exchange pool.Use of the inter communication channel to make the membership feel engaged and identified with the goals. Development of knowledge management tools in order to keep and assure the continuity of the processes.COMMExternal Positioning to capture the attention of the companies and make them be interested in what AIESEC offers.Intern Positioning in the universities to increase the number of young people interested in AIESEC.Develop Events and communication channels to involve the young people that

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doesn’t form part of the organization

6. Please make a list detailing step by step how you will run a successful recruitment campaign. What will be the key message to promote AIESEC in University Students?

Stablish the target (With TM) Market Analysis & Brand Audit (With ER) Create OC Recruitment and give track to OCVP Promotion. Create a Campaign that the target feel identified. Keep Good Database Management Have good communication with the applicants

7. What is your proposal to motivate members into usage and improve the knowledge management in CAS?

Interactive tutorials and tools. Recognition plans for LCs and members using the platform. Membership awareness in the importance of good management of

information for the continuity of work.

8. How will you improve the communication with our alumni and partners? Give 3 main actions.

Periodic Newsletters. Involvements with LCs and MC activities. Recognition Events with more involvements of LCs for stronger relations.

9. Evaluate current social media usage and online positioning of AIESEC in CAS. Define 3 main strategies for online positioning and social media usage

Right now we made good improvements and create good strategies for online positioning, but we a losing a great opportunity because we are not constant and the followers lose the attention.

Educate the VPs and create a common strategy according their reality.

Establish campaigns and create material for constantly update of their positioning.

Create events and activities to motivate the membership to share and increase the interest to know.

10.Evaluate current Public Relations actions and define main strategies for improvement.

Today we had a great development in public relations with the increase of media appearances, at least in Panama; I think that we can improve if we create a strategy of appearance according the events that we want to promote.We can do the same in Costa Rica, we need to believe that is possible to get better media appearances if we make a plan; because with that we can reach more market.I think that will be better if we create the mindset of appearance like AIESEC in

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Panama and AIESEC in Costa Rica more than LCs way.