api documentation - network solutions api documentation summary this api document is a guide for...

© 2012 Network Solutions ®, All Rights Reserved Powered by Network Solutions ® Ecommerce Web Sites Last Updated: 05/14/2012 1 of 29 Public API Documentation API Documentation Summary ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Protocols ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Requirements ............................................................................................................................................................... 3 First Time Authorization ............................................................................................................................................. 3 1. Sign Up.................................................................................................................................................... 3 2. Login ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 3. Authenticate User................................................................................................................................... 5 4. Execute the API ...................................................................................................................................... 6 API Calls ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Operations .............................................................................................................................................................. 7 Call Arguments and Filters.................................................................................................................................... 8 Page Size .................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Versioning ................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Filters .......................................................................................................................................................................... 9 API Call Example ...................................................................................................................................................... 10 Request ..................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Response .................................................................................................................................................................. 10 Category Management ......................................................................................................................................... 11 ReadCategoryRequest Arguments ........................................................................................................................... 11 ReadCategory Response .......................................................................................................................................... 12 ReadCategory Filters ................................................................................................................................................ 13 Customer Management........................................................................................................................................ 14 ReadCustomer Arguments ........................................................................................................................................ 14 ReadCustomer .......................................................................................................................................................... 15 ReadCustomer Filters ............................................................................................................................................... 16 Manufacturer Management .................................................................................................................................. 17 Manufacturer Arguments ........................................................................................................................................... 17 ReadManufacturer..................................................................................................................................................... 18 ReadManufacturer Filters .......................................................................................................................................... 18 Order Management............................................................................................................................................... 19 ReadOrder Arguments .............................................................................................................................................. 19 ReadOrder ................................................................................................................................................................ 21 ReadOrder Filters ...................................................................................................................................................... 22 UpdateOrder Arguments ........................................................................................................................................... 22 Order Status Management................................................................................................................................... 23 ReadOrderStatus Arguments .................................................................................................................................... 23 ReadOrderStatus ...................................................................................................................................................... 23 Read OrderStatus Filters........................................................................................................................................... 23 Product Management ........................................................................................................................................... 24 ReadProduct Arguments ........................................................................................................................................... 24 ReadProduct ............................................................................................................................................................. 25 ReadProduct Filters................................................................................................................................................... 26 UpdateInventory ........................................................................................................................................................ 26 Site Information Management ............................................................................................................................. 27

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Public API Documentation

API Documentation

Summary ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Protocols ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Requirements ............................................................................................................................................................... 3

First Time Authorization ............................................................................................................................................. 3

1. Sign Up .................................................................................................................................................... 3

2. Login ....................................................................................................................................................... 4

3. Authenticate User................................................................................................................................... 5

4. Execute the API ...................................................................................................................................... 6

API Calls ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7

Operations .............................................................................................................................................................. 7

Call Arguments and Filters .................................................................................................................................... 8 Page Size .................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Versioning ................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Filters .......................................................................................................................................................................... 9 API Call Example ...................................................................................................................................................... 10 Request ..................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Response .................................................................................................................................................................. 10

Category Management ......................................................................................................................................... 11 ReadCategoryRequest Arguments ........................................................................................................................... 11 ReadCategory Response .......................................................................................................................................... 12 ReadCategory Filters ................................................................................................................................................ 13

Customer Management ........................................................................................................................................ 14 ReadCustomer Arguments ........................................................................................................................................ 14 ReadCustomer .......................................................................................................................................................... 15 ReadCustomer Filters ............................................................................................................................................... 16

Manufacturer Management .................................................................................................................................. 17 Manufacturer Arguments ........................................................................................................................................... 17 ReadManufacturer..................................................................................................................................................... 18 ReadManufacturer Filters .......................................................................................................................................... 18

Order Management............................................................................................................................................... 19 ReadOrder Arguments .............................................................................................................................................. 19 ReadOrder ................................................................................................................................................................ 21 ReadOrder Filters ...................................................................................................................................................... 22 UpdateOrder Arguments ........................................................................................................................................... 22

Order Status Management ................................................................................................................................... 23 ReadOrderStatus Arguments .................................................................................................................................... 23 ReadOrderStatus ...................................................................................................................................................... 23 Read OrderStatus Filters ........................................................................................................................................... 23

Product Management ........................................................................................................................................... 24 ReadProduct Arguments ........................................................................................................................................... 24 ReadProduct ............................................................................................................................................................. 25 ReadProduct Filters................................................................................................................................................... 26 UpdateInventory ........................................................................................................................................................ 26

Site Information Management ............................................................................................................................. 27

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Public API Documentation

ReadSiteSetting Arguments ...................................................................................................................................... 27 Warehouse Management ..................................................................................................................................... 28

ReadWarehouse ....................................................................................................................................................... 28 ReadWarehouse ....................................................................................................................................................... 29 ReadWarehouse Filters ............................................................................................................................................. 29

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Public API Documentation

Summary This API document is a guide for developers who wish to use the Network Solutions Public API function

to create applications that utilize their customer’s online store, inventory, order, and customer


Protocols The Network Solutions Public API can send and receive data utilizing either a soap or xml request.

Requirements Listed below are the required items you must have to access and utilize the Public API

A user created in the control panel for specific store that will use the API. This user must have full super-admin rights.

A Network Solutions issued certificate which is a user key that is given out when the participating application has been approved by Network Solutions.

First Time Authorization There are specific steps that must occur the first time you attempt to connect with the Public API. These steps are listed below.

1. Sign Up

Register to our Public API by filling in the form with the appropriate information. It’s important to enter a valid email address since this is what we will use to provide you with a Certificate key.

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Public API Documentation

2. Login

Login to the API using;

Your specific Application Name (entered in the form of the previous step)

Your Network Solutions Certificate (provided in the email you received after submitting the form)

Using the GetUserKey API function Call will return a Login URL and Userkey. The LoginURL is specific to the site that is accessing the API and the Userkey is specific to the session.The following examples show a sample of a GetUserKey request and response:
















<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"




<GetUserKeyResponse xmlns="urn:networksolutions:apis">





y=p27shWku39910t2V </LoginUrl>

<UserKey> p27shWku39910t2V</UserKey>





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Public API Documentation

3. Authenticate User

Once you have obtained the LoginURL and UserKey, the specific user must be identified. This is done by browsing to the URL provided in the previous step and filling in the form with the appropriate information:

Store URL (entered in the form during Step 1)

User Name (user with SuperAdmin or NS API Access roles)


These three items will uniquely identify the user, the store and the current session. Once the user’s permissions, the storefront and other data have been verified, the user will be redirected to a Success URL indicating that connection has been made with the API.

NOTE: We recommend that you create a specific user with NS API Access role only. This role allows the user to perform any API interactions but all other control panel permissions are denied.

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Public API Documentation

4. Execute the API

Executing API calls require three pieces of information to identify, authenticate, and authorize the API call;

Application; This string identifies the specific application that is making the API call. Certificate – This string is a Network Solutions generated password associated with the specific application making the API call. User Token – This string is a unique generated number that identifies the particular storefront and the specific user making the API call.

Argument Type Required Meaning

Application String Yes Specifies the application or developer making the Api call.

Certificate String Yes A generated password associated with the application.

UserToken String Conditional Identifies the storefront and user making the call.

The UserToken identifies the storefront and user making the API call. The user must grant the application access to their data using the authorization page. The user must be a physical user within the storefront eCommerce application and have “Super admin” or “NS API Access” permissions.

Once the user token has been verified and received, you may begin to use the Public API.

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Public API Documentation

API Calls The API offers the ubiquitous CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) over most of the entities supported. You can always go to https://ecomapi.networksolutions.com/SoapService.asmx?wsdl for an updated definition of operations, messages and types supported.


Currently, the types of API calls are limited to:











































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Public API Documentation


Call Arguments and Filters

Each API call contains its own supported parameters that can be used to organize the data being requested.

Page Size

Your API calls can be currently filtered using the following parameters;

DetailSize – This argument will filter the information coming from the API and is restriced to Small, Medium, Large, and Custom. Check the specific API call below to see which data filters to which detail size.

Page – This argument identifies which page of data will be reported. This is modified by the Size argument.

Size – This argument modifies the page argument by expressing how many items will be called per page.


If you wanted to retrieve the data from products 251 to 300, you might have an argument such as:

<PageRequest> <Page>2</Page> <Size>250</Size> </PageRequest>

Would return the second page of products, putting 250 products per page.


The Public API supports versioning since version 7.7. This means that any breaking changes added will only be available for the new version being released. The following set of rules was applied to this new feature:

If no version is provided, we will consider the request as targeted to the latest version.

If a version is provided and: o Is lower than the minimum version we currently support (7.7), then we will default it to

this minimum version. o Is higher than the current version, we will default to the latest version.

Echoing: We echo the exact same version that was sent in the request as long as it is higher than the minimum we support (7.7), otherwise we don't echo any version in the response.

We only support 2 digits versioning: x.y

The following example shows how to make a call against the 7.8 API version: <ReadCategoryRequest xmlns="urn:networksolutions:apis"> <RequestId>ReadCategoryDetail</RequestId> <DetailSize>Large</DetailSize> <FilterList> <Field>CategoryId</Field> <ValueList>87</ValueList> <Operator>Equal</Operator> </FilterList> <Version>7.8</Version> </ReadCategoryRequest>

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Public API Documentation


We support executing query-style read requests by using specific operators and available fields. This is an extremely powerful feature that provides you with great flexibility to obtain the exact data you are looking for. To achieve this, you will only need to add FilterList elements to your read request, each of which should contain the corresponding criteria (Field + Operator + ValueList) to be used for the search. Specifying multiple FilterList elements will result in a logical AND concatenation of criterias; there is currently no support for nested logical operations.

List of supported operators:











A list of available filter fields for each ReadRequest can be found under the specific api call documentation below in this document. The following example shows how to retrieve all products that have a quantity in stock between 5 and 10, are enabled and belong to the Regular product class:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ReadProductRequest xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="urn:networksolutions:apis"> <DetailSize>Small</DetailSize> <FilterList> <Field>QtyInStock</Field> <Operator>Between</Operator> <ValueList>5</ValueList> <ValueList>10</ValueList> </FilterList> <FilterList> <Field>Enabled</Field> <Operator>Equal</Operator> <ValueList>True</ValueList> </FilterList> <FilterList> <Field>ProductClass</Field> <Operator>Equal</Operator> <ValueList>Regular</ValueList> </FilterList> </ReadProductRequest>

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Public API Documentation

API Call Example

Shown below is an example of the syntax used to issue a call and the type of data retrieved.

Example for Individual Detail


<ReadCategoryRequest xmlns="urn:networksolutions:apis"> <RequestId>ReadCategoryDetail</RequestId> <DetailSize>Large</DetailSize> <FilterList> <Field>CategoryId</Field> <ValueList>87</ValueList> <Operator>Equal</Operator> </FilterList> </ReadCategoryRequest>


<ReadCategoryResponse xmlns="urn:networksolutions:apis"> <RequestId>ReadCategoryDetail</RequestId> <Status>Success</Status> <TimeStamp>2008-04-11T15:04:29.5050569Z</TimeStamp> <PageResponse> <Page>1</Page> <Size>100</Size> <TotalSize>1</TotalSize> <HasMore>false</HasMore> </PageResponse> <CategoryList CategoryId="87"> <Name>Tees Short Sleeve</Name> <Description>Special short sleeve t-shirt.</Description> <FullDescription>&lt;strong&gt;&lt;span style="COLOR: #1e90ff"&gt;Full Description&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/strong&gt;</FullDescription> <Enabled>true</Enabled> <SortOrder>0</SortOrder> <PageUrl>~/teesshortsleeve.aspx</PageUrl> <Depth>2</Depth> <Parent CategoryId="85"> <Name>Apparel </Name> <Enabled>false</Enabled> </Parent> <Image> <Path>/themes/default/images/Sunset.jpg</Path> <AlternateText>Sunset</AlternateText> </Image> <SearchInformation> <Title>Short Sleeve T-Shirt</Title> <Keyword>Tee, Shirt, Blue</Keyword> <Description>This is the metadescriptions</Description> </SearchInformation> </CategoryList> </ReadCategoryResponse>

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Public API Documentation

Category Management

ReadCategoryRequest Arguments

Argument Type Required Meaning

CategoryId Long Conditional Auto assigned value that uniquely identifies the category.

Name String Conditional Specifies the name of the category. Must be unique within a particular branch in the category tree. Max length: 100 (characters).

Description String Optional Describes the Category. Max length: 100 (characters).

FullDescription String Optional Full description rendered in the category details page.

Enabled String Optional Determines if the Category is visible on the site. Default value: True

Depth Integer Optional Readonly value indicating at which level the category is at. Top level categories will have a depth of 1. Valid Range: 1 to 5

SortOrder String Optional Determines the order in which Categories are displayed. Valid Range: -9999 - 9999

PageUrl String Optional The page to the storefront to which you can redirect to display the category details page. (REQUIRES MUCH MORE EXPLANATION) You can supply this value in CreateCategory or UpdateCategory and invalid characters are removed. The corrected value is echoed in the response. Max length: 75 (characters)

Parent CategoryType container


Parent.CategoryId Long Optional Specifies the parent category.

Parent.Name String Optional Read only name of the parent category.

SearchInformation SearchInformationType



SearchInformation.Title String Optional Specifies the Meta Title html for the category detail page. Max length: 250 (characters).

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Argument Type Required Meaning

SearchInformation.Keyword String Optional Specifies the Meta Keyword html for the category detail page. Max length: 3000 (characters).

SearchInformation.Description String Optional Specifies the Meta description html for the category detail page. Max length: 500 (characters).

Image ImageType container

Optional The Category image logo to display.

Image.Path String Optional Path to the image. Max length: 255 (characters).

Image.AlternativeText String Optional Alternative Text to display. Max length: 255 (characters).

ReadCategory Response

The default sort for categories is Depth followed by SortOrder and Name. The following table shows returned values at each detail level.

Argument Small Medium Large Filter Field

@CategoryId X X X X

Name X X X X

Enabled X X X X

Depth X X X X

SortOrder X X X

PageUrl X X

Description If specified If specified

FullDescription If specified

Parent.@CategoryId If specified If specified X

Parent.Name If specified

Parent.Enabled X

Image.Path If specified

Image.AlternateText If specified

SearchInformation.Title If specified

SearchInformation.Keyword If specified

SearchInformation.Description If specified

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ReadCategory Filters

Filter Description Values

Name Category name String

Enabled Whether it is enabled or not Boolean

SortOrder The sort order number specified Integer

Depth Hierarchy depth number Integer - Between 1 and 5

CategoryId Category Id Long

Parent.CategoryId Category Id of parent category Long

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Public API Documentation

Customer Management

Customers are shoppers who register on the storefront and have login credentials to track their orders.

ReadCustomer Arguments

Argument Type Required Meaning

@CustomerId String (Guid format)

Conditional Auto assigned value that uniquely identifies the customer.

EmailAddress String Conditional Specifies the email address of the Customer. Must be unique. Max length: 255 (characters) and must be valid email address format.

Password String Optional Password for the customer to log into the storefront. This is not returned by ReadCustomer. Min length: 6 (characters). Max length: 50 (characters).

NonTaxable Boolean Optional Specifies that the customer is not taxed for any purchases they make. Default value: false

TaxIdentification String Optional Tax number or tax code for the customer. Max length: 100 (characters).

BillingAddress AddressType Container

Conditional Container for the billing information for the customer. Required in CreateCustomer

BillingAddress.FirstName String Conditional First name of the customer. Max length: 50 (characters)

BillingAddress.LastName String Conditional Last name of the customer. Max length: 50 (characters)

BillingAddress.Company String Optional Company associated with the customer. Max length: 250 (characters)

BillingAddress.Address1 String Conditional Street address for the customer. Max length: 100 (characters).

BillingAddress.Address2 String Optional Street address line 2 for the customer. Max length: 100 (characters).

BillingAddress.City String Conditional City for the customer. Max length: 100 (characters).

BillingAddress.StateProvince String Conditional State or province for the customer. If country is US (United States) or CA (Canada) then StateProvince is required and must be specified as two digit abbrievation of State or province. For all other countries StateProvince field is optional and free form text field. Max length: 50 (characters).

BillingAddress.PostalCode String Conditional Postal code for the customer. Max length: 40 (characters).

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Argument Type Required Meaning

BillingAddress.Country CountryCodeType Conditional Country for the customer.

BillingAddress.Phone String Optional Phone number for the customer. Max length: 3000 (characters).

ShippingAddress AddressType Container

Optional All rules of BillingAddress nodes above apply. If not specified in CreateCustomer the BillingAddress specified is assumed to be the ShippingAddress.

All ShippingAddress.Fields See BillingAddress Field above for usage.


The following table shows returned values at each detail level.

Argument Small Medium Large Filter Field

@CustomerId X X X X

EmailAddress X X X X


NonTaxable X X

TaxIdentification If specified If specified

BillingAddress.FirstName X X X X

BillingAddress.LastName X X X X

BillingAddress.Company X X

BillingAddress.Address1 X X

BillingAddress.Address2 If specified If specified

BillingAddress.City X X X

BillingAddress.StateProvince If specified If specified X

BillingAddress.PostalCode X X X

BillingAddress.Country X X X

BillingAddress.Phone If specified If specified

ShippingAddress.FirstName X

ShippingAddress.LastName X

ShippingAddress.Company X

ShippingAddress.Address1 X

ShippingAddress.Address2 If specified

ShippingAddress.City X

ShippingAddress.StateProvince If specified

ShippingAddress.PostalCode X

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Public API Documentation

ReadCustomer Filters

Filter Description Values

EmailAddress Customer email address String

CustomerId Customer Id Long

CreateDate Customer creation date Date

CustomerNumber Existing customer's number String

BillingAddress.FirstName Customer BillingAddress.FirstName String

BillingAddress.LastName Customer BillingAddress.LastName String

BillingAddress.City Customer BillingAddress.City String

BillingAddress.StateProvince Customer BillingAddress.StateProvince String

BillingAddress.PostalCode Customer BillingAddress.PostalCode String

BillingAddress.Country Customer BillingAddress.Country

Two characters country code (eg: US, CA, JP)

ShippingAddress.FirstName Customer ShippingAddress.FirstName String

ShippingAddress.LastName Customer ShippingAddress.LastName String

ShippingAddress.City Customer ShippingAddress.City String

ShippingAddress.StateProvince Customer ShippingAddress.StateProvince String

ShippingAddress.PostalCode Customer ShippingAddress.PostalCode String

ShippingAddress.Country Customer ShippingAddress.Country

Two characters country code (eg: US, CA, JP)

ShippingAddress.Country X

ShippingAddress.Phone If specified

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Public API Documentation

Manufacturer Management

You can get a list of your product’s manufacturers to display on your sites product pages. You can associate these manufacturers with your products on the Advanced tab in the Products section.

Manufacturer Arguments

Argument Type Required Meaning

@ManufacturerId Long Conditional Auto assigned value which uniquely identifies the manufacturer.

Name String Conditional Specifies the name of the manufacturer. Must be unique across all manufacturers. Max length: 150 (characters).

Description String Optional Describes the manufacturer.

SortOrder Integer Optional Determines the order of sorting on the storefront. Dependent on Setting value MFGSORTTYPE. Default Value: 0

Image ImageType Container

Optional The manufacturer image logo to display.

Image.Path Boolean Optional Path to the image. Combine value with setting of url. Default Value: False

Image.AlternativeText Boolean Optional Determines if the email contains product information. Set this to false if you do not wish for you Manufacturer to know the product information. Default Value: False

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Following table shows returned value at each detail level.

Argument Small Medium Large Filter Field

@ManufacturerId X X X X

Name X X X X

Description If specified If specified

SortOrder X X X

ImagePath If specified If specified

ImageAlternateText If specified If specified

ReadManufacturer Filters

Filter Description Values

Name Manufacturer name String

SortOrder SortOrder Integer

ManufacturerId ManufacturerId Long

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Public API Documentation

Order Management

The Public API has the ability to receive and update order information. Currently, this is limited to

ReadOrder Arguments

Argument Type Required Meaning

OrderList OrderID String Conditional Auto assigned value that uniquely identifies the order

CreateDate String Conditional Date that the order was created

@CustomerId String (Guid format)

Conditional Auto assigned value that uniquely identifies the customer.

EmailAddress String Conditional Specifies the email address of the Customer. Must be unique. Max length: 255 (characters) and must be valid email address format.

Password String Optional Password for the customer to log into the storefront. This is not returned by ReadCustomer. Min length: 6 (characters). Max length: 50 (characters).

NonTaxable Boolean Optional Specifies that the customer is not taxed for any purchases they make. Default value: false

TaxIdentification String Optional Tax number or tax code for the customer. Max length: 100 (characters).

BillingAddress AddressType Container

Conditional Container for the billing information for the customer. Required in CreateCustomer

BillingAddress.FirstName String Conditional First name of the customer. Max length: 50 (characters)

BillingAddress.LastName String Conditional Last name of the customer. Max length: 50 (characters)

BillingAddress.Company String Optional Company associated with the customer. Max length: 250 (characters)

BillingAddress.Address1 String Conditional Street address for the customer. Max length: 100 (characters).

BillingAddress.Address2 String Optional Street address line 2 for the customer. Max length: 100 (characters).

BillingAddress.City String Conditional City for the customer. Max length: 100 (characters).

BillingAddress.StateProvince String Conditional State or province for the customer. If country is US (United States) or CA (Canada) then StateProvince is required and must be specified as two digit abbrievation of State or province. For all other countries StateProvince field is optional and free form text field. Max length: 50 (characters).

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Argument Type Required Meaning

BillingAddress.PostalCode String Conditional Postal code for the customer. Max length: 40 (characters).

BillingAddress.Country CountryCodeType Conditional Country for the customer.

BillingAddress.Phone String Optional Phone number for the customer. Max length: 3000 (characters).

ShippingAddress AddressType Container

Optional All rules of BillingAddress nodes above apply. If not specified in CreateCustomer the BillingAddress specified is assumed to be the ShippingAddress.

All ShippingAddress.Fields See BillingAddress Field above for usage.

Subtotal Currency String Conditional The type of currency and subtotal of the order.

Total Currency String Conditional The type of currency and total of the order.

CombineHandling Boolean Conditional Specifies whether the products will be handled together.

Weight String Conditional Specifies the weight of the product.

FreeShipping Boolean Conditional Determines whether this order has free shipping.

Name String Conditional The Name of the product.

NonTaxable Boolean Optional Specifies that the customer is not taxed for any purchases they make. Default value: false

ProductID String Conditional Auto assigned value that uniquely identifies the product.

ProductClass String Conditional Determines the class of the product.

QtySold String Conditional Specifies the number of the product in the order.

UnitPrice Currency String Conditional The type of currency and unit price of the product.

PaymentMethod String Conditional Specifies the payment method for the order.

Shipping String Conditional Specifies the name and carrier shipping the product.

Status OrderStatusID String Conditional Auto assigned value that uniquely identifies the order status.

Questionlist String Conditional Specifies the personalization questions used in the order.

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Following table shows returned value at each detail level.

Argument Small Medium Large Filter Field

OrderList OrderID X X X X

CreateDate X X X X

EmailAddress X X X X


NonTaxable X X X

TaxIdentification X

BillingAddress.FirstName X X X X

BillingAddress.LastName X X X X

BillingAddress.Company X X

BillingAddress.Address1 X X


If Specified

If Specified

BillingAddress.City X X

BillingAddress.StateProvince X X

BillingAddress.PostalCode X X

BillingAddress.Country X X

BillingAddress.Phone X X


If Specified

If Specified

All ShippingAddress.Fields See BillingAddress Field above for usage.


Specified If


Subtotal Currency X X X

Total Currency X X X X

CombineHandling X X

Weight X X


Name X X X

NonTaxable X

ProductID X X X

ProductClass X

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QtySold X X

UnitPrice Currency X X

PaymentMethod X

Shipping X X

Status OrderStatusID X X X X


ReadOrder Filters

Filter Description Values

OrderId OrderId Long

OrderNumber OrderNumber Long

Customer.EmailAddress Order Customer.EmailAddress String

Archived Archived Boolean

Status.OrderStatusId Status.OrderStatusId Long

CreateDate CreateDate Date

BillingAddress.FirstName Order BillingAddress.FirstName String

BillingAddress.LastName Order BillingAddress.LastName String

BillingAddress.City Order BillingAddress.City String

ShippingAddress.FirstName Order ShippingAddress.FirstName String

ShippingAddress.LastName Order ShippingAddress.LastName String

ShippingAddress.City Order ShippingAddress.City String

LineItemList.ProductId Order LineItemList.ProductId Long

LineItemList.Name Order LineItemList.Name String

UpdateOrder Arguments

Argument Type Required Meaning

OrderList OrderID String Conditional Auto assigned value that uniquely identifies the order

Status OrderStatusID String Conditional Auto assigned value that uniquely identifies the order status.

Tracking # String Optional Specifies the tracking number used to update the order.

AdminNotes String Optional Specifies new Admin Notes to be added to the order.

Notes String Optional Specifies new Notes to be added to the order.

SalesRep String Optional Species a Sales Rep to be added to the order.

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Public API Documentation

Order Status Management

The Public API can gather the status of orders from the database.

ReadOrderStatus Arguments

Argument Type Required Meaning

OrderStatusID String Conditional Auto assigned value that uniquely identifies the order status

Name String Conditional The status name.

EmailCustomer Boolean Conditional Specifies whether this order status triggers an email to the customer.

EmailAdministrator Boolean Conditional Specifies whether this order status triggers an email to the administrator.

NextStatusList OrderStatusID String Conditional Auto assigned value that uniquely identifies the possible statuses the order can be assigned.


Argument Small Medium Large Filter Field

OrderStatusID X X X X

Name X X X

EmailCustomer X

EmailAdministrator X

NextStatusList OrderStatusID X X

Read OrderStatus Filters

Filter Description Values

OrderStatusId OrderStatusId Long

Parent.OrderStatusId OrderStatus Parent.OrderStatusId Long

Name OrderStatus Name String

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Public API Documentation

Product Management

The Public API can receive information about a client’s products and also update the inventory.

ReadProduct Arguments

Argument Type Required Meaning

ProductList ProductID String Conditional Auto assigned value that uniquely identifies the product.

CategorySpecial Boolean Conditional Specifies whether or not this product is a special product for it’s category.

Description String Conditional The short description for the product.

Enabled Boolean Conditional Specifies whether this product is enabled on the storefront.

FreeShipping Boolean Conditional Specifies whether this product has free shipping enabled.

FullDescription String Optional The full description for the product.

HomePageSpecial Boolean Optional Specifies whether the product a home page special.

ManufacturerPartNumber String Optional Specifies the Manufacturer Part Number used for the product.

Name String Conditional The name of the product.

NonTaxable Boolean Optional Specifies that the customer is not taxed for any purchases they make. Default value: false

PageUrl String Optional Specifies the page url for the product.

PreventPurchase Boolean Optional Specifies whether the product is prevented from being purchased by customers.

ProductClass String Optional Specifies the class of the product.

SortOrder String Optional Specifies the particular sort order number for the product.

Price String Conditional Specifies the currency type and price of the product.

Weight String Conditional Specifies the weight of the product.

CategoryList CategoryID String Conditional Specifies the Category ID for the product.

VariationList VariationGroupID String Optional Auto assigned value that uniquely identifies the variation group for the product.

OptionList VariationOptionID String Optional Specifies the Variation Option ID for the individual variation options for the specific variation group.

Enabled String Optional Specifies whether the specific variation option is enabled.

ThumbnailURL String Optional Specifies the Url for the thumbnail image of the product.

DisplayURL String Optional Specifies the Url for the display image of the product.

DetailURL String Optional Specifies the Url for the detail image of the product.

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Last Updated: 05/14/2012

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Argument Small Medium Large Filter Field

ProductList ProductID X X X X

CategorySpecial X X X

Description X X

Enabled X X X

FreeShipping X X

FullDescription X

HomePageSpecial X X

ManufacturerPartNumber X X X

Name X X X X

NonTaxable X X X

PageUrl X X

PreventPurchase X X

ProductClass X X

SortOrder X X X

Price X X X X

Weight X X

CategoryList CategoryID X X X X

VariationList VariationGroupID X X

OptionList VariationOptionID X X

Enabled X

ThumbnailURL X X X

DisplayURL X X

DetailURL X X

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ReadProduct Filters

Filter Description Values

Parent.ProductId Product Parent.ProductId Long

Parent.Category.CategoryId Product Parent.Category.CategoryId Long

Parent.CategoryList.CategoryId Product Parent.CategoryList.CategoryId Long

ParentList.Category.CategoryId Product ParentList.Category.CategoryId Long

ParentList.CategoryList.CategoryId Product ParentList.CategoryList.CategoryId Long

ProductId ProductId Long

Enabled Whether it is enabled or not Boolean

Name Product Name String

SortOrder SortOrder Integer

ParentProduct Product's parent entity ProductType

ProductClass ProductClass Regular, GiftCertificate, Electronic, Custom

QtyInStock QtyInStock Integer

PartNumber PartNumber String

Manufacturer.ManufacturerId Product Manufacturer.ManufacturerId Long

Warehouse.WarehouseId Product Warehouse.WarehouseId Long

Category.CategoryId Product Category.CategoryId Long

CategoryList.CategoryId Product CategoryList.CategoryId Long


You have a choice of either Updating the inventory, or adding to the inventory. The update button will replace your current inventory in the storefront while the Add to inventory will add the amount you wish to your current inventory. The Public API accepts negative numbers.

Argument Type Required Meaning

ProductID String Conditional Auto assigned value that uniquely identifies the product.

QtyInStock String Conditional Specifies the quantity of product in stock.

Adjustment Boolean Conditional Determines whether you are adding the QtyInStock to the current number of product.

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Site Information Management

The Site Information API call will return the basic information used to describe how the client’s site is setup.

ReadSiteSetting Arguments

Argument Type Required Meaning

CompanyName String Conditional The name of the site.

Enabled Boolean Conditional Whether the site is enabled.

StoreUrl String Conditional Specifies the Url for the store.

StoreSecureUrl String Conditional Specifies the Secure Url for the store.

Software String Conditional Specifies whether the site uses the Standard or Professional E-Commerce package.

SoftwareVersion String Conditional Specifies the version of the current E-Commerce package being used by the site.

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Warehouse Management

Warehouses are used to send emails and notifications for products you are drop-shipping. A store is limited to 25 warehouses.


Argument Type Required Meaning

@WarehouseId Long Conditional The @WarehouseId is an automatically assigned value and uniquely identifies the warehouse.

Name String Conditional Specifies the name of the Warehouse. Must be unique across all warehouses. Max length: 100 (characters).

EmailAddress String Optional Specifies the email address of the warehouse to which an email containing order information is sent when an order is placed. Max length: 255 (characters) and must be valid email format.

EmailHeader String Optional The custom header in the email. Max length: 255 (characters) and must be valid email format.

EmailPricing Boolean Optional Determines if the email contains pricing information about the products. Set this to false if you do not wish for you warehouse to know the price the product sold for. Default Value: False

EmailProducts Boolean Optional Determines if the email contains product information. Set this to false if you do not wish for you warehouse to know the product information. Default Value: False

EmailShipping Boolean Optional Determines if the email contains the customer’s shipping address. Set this to false if you do not wish for you warehouse to know the customer’s address. Default Value: False

Enabled Boolean Optional Determines if an email will be sent to the warehouse. Default Value: False

Notes String Optional Administrator only notes about the warehouse. Max length: 2000 (characters)

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Following table shows returned value at each detail level.

ReadWarehouse Filters

Filter Description Values

EmailAddress Warehouse EmailAddress String

Enabled Whether it is enabled or not Boolean

Name Warehouse name String

WarehouseId WarehouseId Long

Argument Small Medium Large Filter Field

@WarehouseId X X X X

Name X X X X

EmailAddress If specified If specified If specified X

EmailHeader If specified If specified

EmailPricing X

EmailProducts X

EmailShipping X

Enabled X X X X

Notes If specified