ap united states history unit eight study guide · ap united states history unit eight study guide...

AP United States History Unit Eight Study Guide Directions: In the space provided, identify each of the following with a detailed description Significant Term, Person, or Event Text Page Description United Nations 721 George Kennan & “long telegram” 722 containment 722 “iron curtain” 722 Truman Doctrine 722-725 Marshall Plan 722-725 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 722 728 Berlin airlift 726-727 Election of 1948 727 753-754 Strom Thurmond & “Dixiecrats” (States’ Rights Party) 727 753 Warsaw Pact 728 Mao Zedong (aka Mao Tse-Tung) 729

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AP United States History Unit Eight Study Guide

Directions: In the space provided, identify each of the following with a detailed description

Significant Term, Person, or Event

Text Page


United Nations 721

George Kennan & “long telegram”


containment 722

“iron curtain” 722

Truman Doctrine 722-725

Marshall Plan 722-725

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

722 728

Berlin airlift 726-727

Election of 1948 727


Strom Thurmond & “Dixiecrats” (States’ Rights Party)

727 753

Warsaw Pact 728

Mao Zedong (aka Mao Tse-Tung)


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Chiang Kaishek (aka Jiang Jieshi)


National Security Council Report 68 (NSC-68)


Korean War 730-734

Kim Il-sung vs. Syngman Rhee


38th Parallel 730-732

General Douglas MacArthur


Election of 1952 733

“duck and cover” 734-736

Second Red Scare 737-741

House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)


McCarran Acts 737

Alger Hiss 737-738

Julius & Ethel Rosenberg 737-738

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“Hollywood Ten” 739

Arthur Miller & The Crucible


Senator Joseph McCarty & “McCarthyism”


Sputnik 742-743

Nikita Khrushchev 742-743

John Foster Dulles, “massive retaliation”, & “brinksmanship”


Aggressive anti-Soviet policy to get us to but NOT past the brink/edge of war

Eisenhower Doctrine --- From a 1957 speech by Ike in which he took Marshall Plan’s/Truman Doctrine’s ideas of helping countries to resist Communism and applied it to the Middle East; came on the heels of Britain & France basically pulling out of the Middle East following the Suez War

U-2 spy plane 743

Kitchen Debates ---

1959, Vice President Nixon visit Moscow & Khrushchev during an exhibition of a typical American home; the two began debates about the technological advancements of their respective countries being better than the other while they were viewing the kitchen of the model home

Berlin Wall 743-744

Fidel Castro 744-746

Bay of Pigs 744-746

Cuban Missile Crisis 746

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Baby Boomers 750

Dr. Benjamin Spock & Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care


Published in 1946; pediatrician who presented the first major book to discuss early infant development and dynamics of a child’s needs within the family structure; its central message to mothers was “you know more than you think you do” implying a common sense element to parenthood…sold many copies due to Baby Boom

Taft-Hartley Act 753

AFL & CIO merger 753

Fair Deal 754

Interstate Highway System


Public works project supported by Eisenhower: a series of high-quality and extensive free-way roads for “high speed” traffic throughout the country. Idea was inspired by the autobahn, an idea of Hitler to make domestic military mobilization more efficient; Ike would justify the cost as military mobilization for the US too

“military-industrial complex”


consensus & conformity --- Stereotypes of the 1950s in which everyone tended to get along and behave in similar ways; the underlying truth is that the 50s saw much underlying changes (especial civil rights) and reactions against conformity through youth culture & rock and roll

GI Bill 757

William Levitt & “Levittowns”


Influence of television 760-761

Checkers Speech 760-761

Kennedy v. Nixon TV debate


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Rock-and-Roll 761-763

The Beats (beatniks) 763-764

Brown v. Board of Education and “Brown II”


A second ruling requiring integration “with all deliberate speed”

Southern Manifesto --- 1956, a declaration signed by 101 Southern members of Congress committing efforts to challenge the Brown decision and supporting individual states in fighting integration

Emmett Till 766-768

Rosa Parks 768

Montgomery Bus Boycott 768-770

Martin Luther King, Jr. 768-770

Southern Christian Leadership Conference


“Little Rock Nine”, Central High School & desegregation


Civil Rights Act (& commission) of 1957

--- Eisenhower era legislation intended to give the federal government the power to protect voting rights of African Americans; created the Civil Rights Commission with the power to investigate election fraud but with only minimal ability to punish violators

“sit-ins” for civil rights 772-774

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC or “Snick”)


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Ho Chi Minh 780-783

Domino theory 781

Geneva Accords 782

Ngo Dinh Diem 782-783

Southeast Asian Treaty Organization (SEATO)


JFK’s assassination 785-786

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution 787

Ho Chi Minh Trail 789

Agent Orange 790

Tet Offensive 792

“guns v. butter” 796-797

837 Johnson’s dilemma with the federal budget: not enough money to pay for both Vietnam War (guns) and Great Society (butter)

reaction to draft 797

Election of 1968 797-798


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My Lai massacre 799

“great silent majority” 801 847

Vietnamization 801

Jane Fonda 801

détente 802

Kent State University shootings


Pentagon Papers 805

Nixon visits China 805

Watergate scandal 806


War Powers Act/Resolution


John F. Kennedy & “New Frontier”


Michael Harrington & The Other America

--- 1962 book studying poverty; concluding that at least 25% of the country was living in poverty and became basis for much of JFK and LBJ’s focus on programs to help the poor

Earl Warren 813-814

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1950s religious activity 814

Engel v. Vital 814

Gideon v. Wainwright 814

Miranda v. Arizona 814

Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party


Great Society 816


Barry Goldwater 816

Medicare & Medicaid 818

Immigration Act of 1965 818

Rachel Carson & Silent Spring


CORE & “freedom rides” 819

Chief Bull Connor 821

Birmingham campaign 821

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MLK’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail”


March on Washington 824

Freedom Summer 825

Civil Right Act of 1964 826

march from Selma to Montgomery


Voting Rights Act of 1965 827

New Left 828

Students for a Democratic Society


“Port Huron Statement” 828

Berkeley Free Speech Movement


counterculture 829

hippie movement 829

Malcolm X 830-831

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Watts Riots 831

Kerner Commission ---

Established by LBJ to explore why race riots (Watts + four more years) were occurring; Its finding was that the riots resulted from black frustration at lack of economic opportunity and berated federal and state governments for failed housing, education and social-service policies

Stokely Carmichael 832 835

Black Power & Black Panthers


Betty Friedan & The Feminine Mystique


National Organization for Women (NOW)


César Chávez 838-839

American Indian Movement & Alcatraz Island occupation


Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)


Henry Kissinger & “Shuttle Diplomacy”

--- Secretary of State under Nixon who was responsible for mediating much of the developing turmoil in the Middle East in the mid-1970s; he accomplished this by a series of pop-in-pop-out meetings with various leaders/countries (shuttling in shuttling out)

“stagflation” 846

Carl Bernstein & Bob Woodward


All the President’s Men --- 1974 book by Bernstein & Woodward chronicling the events of Watergate including their in-depth investigation

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Saturday Night Massacre 849

impeachment 849

Pres. Gerald Ford 849-852

Strategic Arms Limitations Talks (SALT)


Mutually Assured Destruction


election of 1976 852

Pres. Jimmy Carter 852-856

Soviet invasion of Afghanistan


Moscow Olympics, 1980 855

Camp David Accords 855-856

Iranian Hostage Crisis 856

affirmative action ---

Programs sponsored by the federal government to encourage employees, college admission teams, etc. to create policies to help overcome the negative social, political, and economic impacts from the legacy of discrimination; often characterized as “quotas” for hiring or admitting for college

Bakke v. California Board of Regents


Supreme Court decision in 1978: quotas based on race for college admission are inappropriate when race is the only, or the most overwhelmingly significant, defining factor in determining admission…it can be one of many factors but not the sole or primary factor for admission

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women’s movement 858-862

Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)


Phyllis Schlafly 859-860

Gloria Steinem 860

Roe v. Wade 861

Stonewall riots 862

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)


Three Mile Island incident


Pat Robertson & Christian Coalition


Jerry Falwall & Moral Majority


scandals of religious leaders


Jim & Tammy Faye Bakker : hosts of “PTL Club” TV show with extravagant lifestyle; his affair & mail fraud brought down ministry

Jimmy Swaggart: mega church pastor & televangelist; problems with prostitutes

Oral Roberts: televangelist who lived extravagantly; needed to raise $8 mill or God will kill him

Supply-side economics (aka “Reaganomics” & “trickle down” theory)

867 869

Sandra Day O’Connor --- Reagan’s first appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court and she happened to be the first woman appointed to the Court

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Geraldine Ferraro 868

SDI & military build-up 869

Sandinistas v. Contras in Nicaragua


U.S. troops in Grenada 870

U.S. in El Salvador 870

U.S. troops in Lebanon 870

U.S. supports Iraq & Saddam Hussein


Iran-Contra scandal 871

Mikhail Gorbachev & perestroika


“reconstruction” movement lead by Gorbachev to reform Soviet political and economic structures

Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty


Reagan’s Supreme Court nominees during 2nd term

Elevated William Rehnquist (originally appointed by Nixon) to Chief Justice, appointed Antonin Scalia, appointed Anthony Kennedy; along with O’Connor, helped to give a more conservative swing to the Court’s interpretation, a change from much of the more liberal interpretation of the 50s, 60s, and 70s

Reagan “Revolution” 871

Reagan as “Teflon president”

reference to the high popularity of Reagan despite negative events of his presidency; the dirt “slid right off”

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Questions to consider: While it is not required to answer these questions, being familiar with these topics would be highly beneficial to you.

1. What were the primary changes in foreign policy initiated by Eisenhower and to what extent did

these changes accomplish his overall goals?

2. What were the objectives, successes, and failures of those who sought social, economic, and

political equality in the 1950s?

3. How accurate is the reputation of the 1950s as a period of conservatism and conformity?

4. What advancements occurred in science, technology, and medicine

5. To what extent were the New Frontier and the Great Society effective accomplishing their

respective goals?

6. How effective were Kennedy and Johnson’s foreign policies during the Cold War effective at

containing communism?

7. Why and how did the 1960s become a decade of political protest and cultural insurgency?

8. To what extent were the New Frontier and the Great Society effective accomplishing their

respective goals?

9. How effective were Kennedy and Johnson’s foreign policies during the Cold War effective at

containing communism?

10. Why and how did the 1960s become a decade of political protest and cultural insurgency? Why

might 1968 be seen as a turning point in postwar American life?

11. How can Nixon’s administration be viewed in light of his policies in Vietnam and China as well

as the Watergate Scandal?

12. What economic challenges and changes are present from the late 1970s to the present?

13. What were the key themes of the political ideology of Reagan which helped to bring the

influence of the New Right?