ap ® spanish literature and culture: overview of course and exam revisions

AP ® Spanish Literature and Culture: Overview of Course and Exam Revisions

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AP® Spanish Literature and Culture: Overview of Course and Exam Revisions

Page 2: AP ® Spanish Literature and Culture: Overview of Course and Exam Revisions

Section Number of Questions

Percent of Final Score Time

Section I: Multiple Choice 50% Approx. 80 minutes

Part A Interpretive Listening 15 questions 10% Approx. 20 minutes

Part B Reading Analysis 50 questions 40% 60 minutes

Section II: Free Response 50% 100 minutes

Short Answer: Text Explication 1 prompt


Recommended time: 15 minutes

Short Answer: Text and Art Comparison 1 prompt Recommended time: 15 minutes

Essay: Analysis of Single Text 1 prompt


Recommended time: 35 minutes

Essay: Text Comparison 1 prompt Recommended time: 35 minutes

2013 Exam Items

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Key Revisions to the Exam Listening questions (comprehension and

interpretation) in the multiple-choice section • Interview with an author• Brief poem, recited twice• Brief presentation on a literary topic

Comparative reading exercise in the multiple-choice section• One excerpt from reading list plus one

excerpt not from reading list, related by theme

The critical commentary will be moved from the free-response to the multiple-choice section, as a reading analysis exercise.

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Key Revisions to the Exam Text and art comparison short-answer exercise

(approx. 15 min. writing) in the free-response section In both sections, students will be asked to relate

texts from the reading list to genres and periods/movements.

In both sections, students will still be analyzing the development of themes and the effect of various rhetorical/stylistic features, but they will also be asked to relate texts from the reading list to various contexts (e.g., literary, historical, socioeconomic).

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The Revised Reading List: Activity pg 2 The following activity is designed to introduce you

to the revised required reading list and help you consider how to use the six featured course themes

to:– a) Make connections between the various works on the

required reading list.

– b) Introduce materials that will help students understand the larger context in which the works were created and make interdisciplinary connections.

– c) Facilitate the incorporation of other art forms such as painting, photography, cinema and music into the teaching of literature.


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The New Curriculum Framework Temas del Curso

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The New Curriculum Framework Course Themes

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Themes and Contexts: Full list starts on p. 154 in the workshop handbook

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Themes and Contexts (cont’d)

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The New Curriculum Framework: Example

Theme– Las sociedades en contacto

Organizing Concept– Las divisiones socioeconómicas

Pieces from the Required Reading List– Anónimo, Lazarillo de Tormes– Márquez, La siesta del martes

Essential Question– ¿Cómo se representan en obras literarias de distintos

periodos y diversas culturas las relaciones entre grupos socioculturales (clases sociales, grupos étnicos, etc.?

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Activity (pg 11) : 1. Working with a partner, pick a theme and

an organizing concept. 2. Choose two pieces from the required

reading list that you consider very different 3. What “essential question” could engage

and motivate learners in exploring both texts? 4. What activity or supporting material

could you introduce to help students make interdisciplinary connections?

5. Brainstorm example

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Understanding the Learning Objectives

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Learning Objectives

The student analyzes the relationship between products (both tangible and intangible) and perspectives of target cultures as manifested in target language texts.

The student relates texts to produce and perspectives found in a variety of media from the target cultures.

The student analyzes the relationships between practices and perspectives of target cultures as manifested in target language texts.

The student relates texts to practices and perspectives found in a variety of media from the target cultures.

The student analyzes the role of personal assumptions and cultural beliefs in the interpretation of target language texts.

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Learning Objectives

The student uses a variety of vocabulary appropriate to literary analysis.

The student uses a variety of grammatical and syntactic structures.

The student produces comprehensible written work by observing writing conventions of the target language.

The student uses pronunciation that is comprehensible to the audience in oral communications.

The student self-monitors and adjusts language production in oral and written communications.

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Achievement Level DescriptionsExample: Presentational Communication

integrates specific, well-chosen textual examples into presentations,

including references to

secondary texts and brief

discussions of historical and

cultural contexts

integrates specific, well-chosen textual examples into presentations,

including references to

secondary texts and brief

discussions of historical and

cultural contexts


cites and discusses

appropriate textual examples; refers to selected secondary texts and places texts in their historical

and cultural contexts

cites and discusses

appropriate textual examples; refers to selected secondary texts and places texts in their historical

and cultural contexts


elaborates on main points and

supports observations by citing examples,

but these examples may not always be well described

elaborates on main points and

supports observations by citing examples,

but these examples may not always be well described


presents main points and some details about the topic, but mostly summarizes plot and is unable to

support an argument with

textual examples

presents main points and some details about the topic, but mostly summarizes plot and is unable to

support an argument with

textual examples


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Literary Terminology Described on pp. 23-24 of the Curriculum

Framework– (pg 135 in Handbook)

List designed to show range of terms used in the AP course that would be “fair game” for the AP exam.

Organized in groups within each Achievement Level: 1) general terms2) terms that relate to narrative genres3) terms that relate to poetic genres4) terms that relate to dramatic genres5) rhetorical figures6) literary historical terms

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The New Curriculum Framework:Literary Terminology

General: género: narrativa, poesía, drama, ensayo; ambiente, argumento, ficción, figura retórica, héroe, imagen, lector, personaje, protagonista, público, suspenso, tema

Narrativa: autor, narrador, cuento, novela; prosa

Poesía: poema, poeta, voz poética; verso, estrofa; ritmo, métrica: rima consonante, rima asonante

Drama: acto, escena, escenario; comedia, tragedia; diálogo, monólogo; teatro

Figuras retóricas: metáfora, símil; aliteración, hipérbole, onomatopeya, personificación

Progression of Literary Terms (basic to advanced)


General: ambigüedad, analogía, antagonista, antihéroe, arquetipo, atmósfera, carpe diem, desenlace, fábula, in medias res, ironía, memento mori, símbolo, tono, trama

Narrativa: crónica, flashback, fluir de conciencia, narrador omnisciente, narrodor limitado o narrativa en primera persona, prefiguración, punto de vista o perspectiva

Poesía: heptasílabo, octosílabo, endecasilabo, alejandrino; arte menor, arte mayor; encabalgamiento, estribillo, lírica, poema épico, redondilla, romance, sinalefa, soneto, verso agudo, verso esdrújulo, verso llano

Drama: acción dramática: exposición, nudo o climax, desenlace; acotaciones, aparte, comedia del Siglo de Oro, dramaturgo, teatro del absurdo

Figuras retóricas: anáfora, antítesis, apóstrofe, circunlocución o perifrasis, elipsis, enumeración, eufemismo, gradación, hipérbaton

Historia literaria: Barroco, Boom, colonial, Edad Media (medieval), Generación del 98, libro de caballerías, modernismo, naturalismo, novela picaresca, pícaro, realismo, realismo mágico, Renacimiento, romanticismo, Siglo de Oro



General: alegoría, apología, caricatura, cromatismo o simbolismo cromático, desdoblamiento, leitmotivo, meta- (e.g., metaficción, metateatro), parodia, sátira

Narrativa: narrativa epistolar, narrador fidedigno, narrador no fidedigno, narrador testigo, narratario, parábola

Poesía: diéresis, hiato, sinéresis; verso blanco o suelto, verso libre; cesura, hemistiquio; polifonía, polimetría; silva

Drama: anagnórisis, catarsis, falla trágica, ironía dramática, pathos, tres unidades

Figuras retóricas: asíndeton, cacofonía, epíteto, metonimia, paradoja, polisíndeton, sinécdoque, sinestesia, retruécano

Historia literaria: conceptismo, culteranismo, costumbrismo, existencialismo, neoclasicismo, postmodernismo, surrealismo, vanguardia



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AP Spanish® Literature and Culture Exam

SectionNo. of


Percent of

Final Score Time

Section I: Multiple Choice 50%Approx. 80


Part A

Interpretive Listening 15 questions 10% Approx. 20 min.

Part B

Reading Analysis 50 questions 40% Approx. 60 min.

Section II: Free Response 50% 100 minutes

Short Answer: Text Explanation 1 prompt 7.5%Suggested time:

15 min.

Short Answer: Text and Art Comparison

1 prompt 7.5%Suggested time:

15 min.

Essay: Analysis of Single Text 1 prompt 17.5%Suggested time:

35 min.

Essay: Text Comparison 1 prompt 17.5%Suggested time:

35 min.

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4 Formative Assessment Models: Audio and Video LINKS

Model of Formative Assessment: Focus on Using Art and Audiovisual Materials




Model of Formative Assessment: Focus on Listening Comprehension


Model of Formative Assessment: Focus on Listening Comprehension: Listening to Poetry

