aorta newsletter jan-jun 2010

a a r t Brings You Closer to CIMSA Jan - Jun 2010 Special Edition National Leadership Summit (NLS) is one of the CIMSA national meeting which is intended for all members CIMSA in Indonesia. As an organization that has a national scope and is also affiliated to the IFMSA, an international medical student organization, CIMSA has to improve the quality of organization and its activities. One of concrete step in realizing the mission of CIMSA is implementing the National Leadership Summit (NLS) in 2010. With the theme "Empowering medical students to be future community leaders in the effort to improve national health," NLS which was held on January 18 to 25 with the host University of Indonesia was carried out to accommodate the needs CIMSA in the process of succession planning, regeneration management, learning and development themselves, and the first step level improvement of national health through the training and discussions with health issues raised. continue to page 8) ( National Leadership Summit 2010 JAKARTA, January 18th - 25th, 2010 CIMSA Profile Page 2 CIMSA Road Show Page 3 IFMSA March Meeting 2011 Indonesia Page 5 NPEW Page 9 Asia Community Health Project Page 6 CIMSA Road Show CIMSA 2010 road show is a special program to visit the locals of CIMSA . For this year, the road show CIMSA divided into two periods and especially for locals in Sumatra island region. The purpose of this road show was to build a relationship with local officers and maintain good relations with parties outside CIMSA, beside local empowerment. (continue to page 3) IFMSA March Meeting 2011, Indonesia The International Federation of Medical Students' Associations (IFMSA) is an independent, non- governmental and non- political federation of medical students' associations across the globe.(continue to page 5)

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This is CIMSA AORTA Newsletter Jan-Jun 2010


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a artBrings You Closer to CIMSA Jan - Jun 2010

Special Edition

National Leadership Summit (NLS) is one of the CIMSA national meeting which is intended for all members CIMSA in Indonesia. As an organization that has a national scope and is also affiliated to the IFMSA, an international medical student organization, CIMSA has to improve the quality of organization and its activities. One of concrete step in realizing the mission of CIMSA is implementing the National Leadership Summit (NLS) in 2010. With the theme "Empowering medical students to be future community leaders in the effort to improve national health," NLS which was held on January 18 to 25 with the host University of Indonesia was carried out to accommodate the needs CIMSA in the process of succession planning, regeneration management, learning and development themselves, and the first step level improvement of national health through the training and discussions with health issues raised. continue to page 8)(

National Leadership Summit 2010

JAKARTA, January 18th - 25th, 2010

CIMSA ProfilePage 2

CIMSA Road ShowPage 3

IFMSA March Meeting 2011 IndonesiaPage 5

NPEWPage 9

Asia Community Health ProjectPage 6

CIMSA Road Show

CIMSA 2010 road show is a special program to visit the locals of CIMSA . For this year, the road show CIMSA divided into two periods and especially for locals in Sumatra island region. The purpose of this road show was to build a relationship with local officers and maintain good re lat ions wi th par t ies outside CIMSA, beside local empowerment. (continue to page 3)

I F M S A M a r c h M e e t i n g 2 0 1 1 , Indonesia

The International Federation of Medical Students' Associations ( I F M S A ) i s a n i ndependent , non-governmental and non-political federation of m e d i c a l s t u d e n t s ' associations across the globe.(continue to page 5)

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Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities

Center for Indonesian Medical Students' Activities, CIMSA, is an independent, inclusive, nationalist, non-profit and non-party organization. CIMSA is an individual based organization with members consisted of medical students from medical faculties in Indonesia.

Established in 2001, and has grown up from 6 to 19 locals with approximately 2500 members, CIMSA aims at providing an Indonesian medical students' activity lodge to empower and express their idealism, thus medical students will have the same opportunities to get involved in health as early as possible and contribute to the development of this country.

CIMSA's activities are applied not only in the local and national, but also in the international level. This can be achieved because since its establishment, CIMSA has gained trust from the international world to become the full member of International Federation of Medical Students' Associations, IFMSA; the largest students' organization in the world with approximately 100 countries as its members representing more than one million medical students worldwide.

CIMSA's field of work covers 6 aspects represented in the form of Standing Committee (SCO):

, on Medical Education, is a forum for medical students who have special interest in the improvement of medical education.

,on Professional Exchange, facilitates all medical students to feel the atmosphere and culture in foreign country while experiencing the clinical study.

, on Public Health, focuses on the importance of public health issues in medical education and community.

, on Reproductive Health including AIDS, aims at raising the awareness on reproductive health including sex education, gender equality, etc.

, on Research Exchange, gives a chance to all medical students to partake in medical research in foreign country.

, on Human Rights and Peace, is related to issues on human rights and peace, including problems faced by the refugees.







CIMSACenter for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities

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Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities

Amazing journey: Road show CIMSA 2010by: A. Boy Timor - VPI CIMSA 09-10

CIMSA 2010 road show is a special program to visit the locals of CIMSA . For this year, the road show CIMSA divided into two periods and especially for locals in Sumatra island region. The purpose of this road show was to build a relationship with local officers and maintain good relations with parties outside CIMSA, beside local empowerment.

The first period took p l a c e i n N o v e m b e r, coincide with the official team meeting (TOM) 2 in Banda Aceh, so that, all the Officials can attend road show this time. We visited the local Syiah Kuala University and the University of Abdul Yatama and it took place in Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh. The 1st activity is introduction of CIMSA

Officials and continued with the SCO and LoCo sharing session. Many things we got, starting from local issues, faced up to its solution, share a projects, play games and take photos together. In addition, both of this locals in Aceh, have been given the opportunity to follow a series of TOM 2, so it can be used for local experience to be involved directly in discussions on national board.

In early February 2010, 2nd period of road show CIMSA done. The two lucky locals are the University of Andalas in Padang and University of Riau in Pekanbaru.

Locals roadshows this t ime accompanied by Boy (VPI), Adha (Nora), Dio (NPO), Usnul (McD), and several representatives of local friends UNAND. This roadshow took place for a week, with the first agenda is a general introduction to the new member of local CIMSA UNAND, which happened when it was changing to a new board. Very high enthusiasm of new members to get to know more about CIMSA. We got a warm welcome from Mila (ex LoCo UNAND), Memes (LoCo UNAND), and several other local officials.The next day, the group continued to Pekanbaru CIMSA to visit local CIMSA UR (University of Riau). Our first day in Pekanbaru is sharing with Sepriyana (LoCo CIMSA UR) and several other local administrators. Our visit is the first visit of a national officials since CIMSA UR stand (year 2004), so an honor for us to be able to interact directly for the sharing of local

circumstances and local problems faced. In addition, we are scheduled for one additional approach to add a new SCO besides 2 other SCOs that has been owned by CIMSA UR (SCORA and SCOME). And finally, CIMSA UR succeeded in becoming an observer to SCOPH. In addition, there is a lot of things that make us astonished. Apparently a lot of very good project that has been accomplished in this local. A great achievement of this local.

Afternoon until the evening, a golden opportunity for the group CIMSA to be around to enjoy the beautiful city of Pekanbaru and Pekanbaru typical culinary eating with friends.

On the second day, we got a chance to visit FK UR campus and met with the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine UR. We returned CIMSA bersilahturrahmi and introduce to him. His response is very good with FK UR CIMSA on this, because the positive impact is felt by all

members. And he left a message to us, to continue to enhance the activity through projects that benefit the whole community.

After happy to meet with the dean, we continue to get around the city of Pekanbaru. Starting from the mosque, the city of Pekanbaru, the

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Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities


Library Building and the Office of the Governor, Taman Budaya Melayu, and the culinary of course. UR local reception given truly extraordinary for us. And we hope, CIMSA UR will continue to be active and work with project-projectnya.

Once satisfied with the city of Pekanbaru, we returned to the city of Padang to continue some of the local agenda by CIMSA UNAND, n a m e l y l o c a l s h a r i n g a n d silahturrahmi with BEM FK UNAND. When sharing with some members CIMSA UNAND, we talked about local issues, local projects, management and approach CIMSA UNAND to add a new SCO, namely SCORE.

The next day, it's our turn to came to BEM FK UNAND, for silahturrahmi by introducing a national CIMSA. We were greeted by President BEM FK UNAND along with his cabinet ranks. A golden opportunity to be able to share the story of these two organizations.Not feel, one week is a long journey and full of great experiences we gained during direct interaction with the local. And one quote we got here is "An energy that we spend will not be lost, will definitely return, in a different form"The spirit created CIMSA, Be a better CIMSA!

You'll learn the essential, tried-and-tested leadership skills

and techniques you need to become a well respected and highly

effective leader in business.

You'll see the the mysteries surrounding leadership (for example, the

myth that good leaders are born, not trained) fall away as we reveal

the clear, simple, up-to-date principles that lie behind good


And with "How to Lead"'s sharp focus on leadership, you'll learn the

skills you need to lead effectively and positively in today's workplace,

including the often tricky skills needed to persuade, influence and

lead people over whom you sometimes have little direct


(These skills should work well for people in the military, healthcare,

nursing, education and public service generally)

Among many other things, with "How to Lead: Discover the Leader

Within You", you learn how to:

? Create a reliable, robust and attractive vision of the future that

people will respect and believe in (meaning that they'll

enthusiastically follow your lead);

? Communicate your vision, and see the benefits as people

work to the best of their abilities to complete the projects you

initiate successfully;

? Grow your self-confidence, becoming a calm and self-

confident leader, and one who inspires confidence in others;

? Build a reputation for expertise and a track record of

achievement that teams members and your peers will come

to respect, value and trust;

? Make good decisions under pressure, with the confidence

that you've done the homework needed for these decisions to

be right;

? Build a strong, flexible and highly effective team, expanding

your ability to deliver many times over;

? Develop the sureness of touch shown by the best leaders, and

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Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities

The 60th IFMSA General AssemblyMarch Meeting 2011

Jakarta, Indonesia

learn to build the empathic,

m u t u a l l y t r u s t i n g

relationships needed for

m a x i m u m t e a m


? Enjoy mutually rewarding,

co-operat ive working

relationships with team

members and peers. And

e n j o y t h e h a p p y ,

energizing atmosphere

that comes with this;

? Keep people on target and

performing well together in

a “firm but fair way” that

gets the job done while

respecting the rights of

team members;

? Learn to inspire and

motivate team members

so that they'll "go to the

ends of the Earth" to give

their very best;

? B e c o m e a t r u l y

inspirational leader, and

enjoy the perks that come

with this.

The point that you need to

discover for being a good leader:

(Rena, HROD CIMSA 09-10)

T h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l Fede ra t i on o f Med i ca l S tudents ' Assoc ia t i ons (IFMSA) is an independent, non-governmental and non-political federation of medical students' associations across the globe. It was first founded in May 1951 and is run for and by medical students on a non-profit basis. IFMSA is officially recogn ized as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) within the United N a t i o n s , a n d a s a n international forum for medical students by the World Health Organization (WHO). By the year 2009, IFMSA had 9 7 N a t i o n a l M e m b e r Organizations (NMO) from 89 countries spread over six continents, representing just over 1.2 million medical students worldwide.

In its 59th year, IFMSA continues to be one of the largest and most important student organizations that brings together medical students from all around the world. As an organization run by medical students for

medical students, it is important to note the remarkable achievements made through the joint efforts of medical s t u d e n t s o f different languages, c u l t u r e s a n d ethnicities. IFMSA

i t s e l f c o n s i s t o f s i x subdivisions, more commonly k n o w n a s s t a n d i n g commitees, which work on their respective areas of public health, reproductive health, m e d i c a l e d u c a t i o n , pro fess iona l exchange, research exchange and human rights.

There are two IFMSA General Assembly meetings held every year, in March and in August. It is certainly a proud pleasure to announce that the IFMSA General Assembly March Meeting for the year 2011 will be held in our very own Jakarta, Indonesia. This marks an auspicious occasion as not only is it the 60th anniversary o f the IFMSA Genera l Assembly, but it is also the 10th anniversary of the existence of Center of Indonesian Medical Students' Activities (CIMSA).

T h e o p e r a t i n g committee consists of 80 dynamic individuals from various medical faculties

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Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities

Asia Community Health Projectby: M. Dio Syaputra - CIMSA NPO 09-10

across Indonesia, who come from either CIMSA or ISMKI (Ikatan Senat Mahasiswa Kedokteran Indonesia). The theme that has been adopted by the community for IFMSA MM 2011 is 'Health Equity and Disparity', which indeed has an interesting prospect, especially in Indonesia, as it will bring up issues related to the Millennium Development G o a l s ( M D G s ) , w h i c h comprise of time-bound targets that need to be achieved by the year 2015. The General Assembly MM 2011 is scheduled to take place throughout a course of 7 days, starting at the 5th and lapsing up to the 11th of March, 2011. A pre-General Assembly is plotted four days prior to the General Assembly, occuring from the 1st until the 4th of March, 2011. Likewise, a post-General Assembly is scheduled for the 12th up to the 15th of March 2011, coming to a total of 15 consecutive eventful days.

It is therefore with the utmost pride and pleasure that we bring to you IFMSA General Assembly March Meeting 2011, in the humble hope that it may support the development of culturally-sensitive future physicians who will understand the complexities of health and healthcare in the world; future physicians who are skilled and mot ivated to work on alleviating the health burdens in their societies, and eager to join forces to create a

healthier world. Therefore, let us together empower all medical students, and invest for a better and healthier Indonesia through IFMSA General Assembly March Meeting 2011!

thIt was October 18 , when I received an email from Saki Yamada. She belongs to IFMSA SCOPH Japan. She briefly introduced herself and what her aim is. And she attached files contain an explanation about the project she handles. Saki is a project officer for ACHP ( Asia Community Health Project ), it's a new project. She asked me to get involved, in the name of SCOPH CIMSA Indonesia. We emailed each other to make a further progress, she told me that we can working on community after disaster and Indonesia is the right place since the earthquake hits Sumatera. I offered to take place in West Sumatera. It is the perfect place to run the project. Then we keep contact each other discussing the concept of the project, she sent me the concept. It was just a beginning.

This Asia Community Health Project will be held in Kelurahan Sungai Batang, Maninjau, Kabupaten Agam. There are many people live in shelter, they lost their houses due to landslides caused by earthquake. Basically there are five programs :

1. PTSDWe share ideas about PTSD between Indonesian Students and Japanese Students. We raise common recognition on PTSD. And we play with Indonesian children in the shelter .Which is trigger to make them opening their mind.

2. DietsTo let local people learn that it is good for their health to eat well-balanced diets and prompt them to think of diets. As a result, they keep and improve their health.

3. WaterWater is the necessary of life, for example cooking or washing. If it is poor in quality, water can cause infectious diseases.

4. Toilet5. ORS

We can prevent dehydration caused by diarrhea by drinking ORS. And we can make ORS easily if we know how to make. So, to reduce the death caused by diarrhea, we would like to tell local people the effect of ORS and how to make it.And we want them to make ORS and drink it when they or their children get diarrhea.

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Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities

Asia Pacific Regional Meeting 2010(APRM 2010) in Thailand

It is still a gross concept, we still working on this matter, asking for professor and may be lecturer to help us get an idea. We will make this program more fun to make the target community interested. Such as, we can hold a cooking competition, cleanest toilet competition, coloring the character of manga and etc.

Actua l ly there was p r o j e c t p l a n - h e a r i n g investigation, the purposes are to study the transition of people's lifestyle, comparing before and after disaster. We expect that the community has a quite low awareness of the issues. Therefore, we should find out the way how we could encourage them into taking the initiative in solving problems. But it is too complicated and hard to make a go, so Indonesian committee asked to r e p l a c e t h i s o n e w i t h environmental health project.

t h In March 13 , Japanese delegations came to Indonesia, they are Sayumi Ise, Yusuke K i kuoka and Yasumasa Shimasaki. We planned to observe the project site and discuss about the projet, everything is getting clear after we had face to face meeting. we met the the head of community and the one who belongs to ACT ( NGO that working on the shelter).

We plan to work on this project for two years, there will be Japanese Delegations every winter and summer.

There's so many things to be done, so it is still a beginning. Hopefully it will brings good impact to the community and us.

This March 16th to 21st, 62 delegates from Indonesia had the opportunity to attend the 7th annual Asia Pacific Regional Meeting (APRM) held in Bangkok, Thailand. The six-day meeting was organized by International Federation of M e d i c a l S t u d e n t s ' A s s o c i a t i o n ( I F M S A ) o f Thailand, taking place in Mahidol U n i v e r s i t y , Salaya. Over 200 delegates came a s representatives from 14 countries i n c l u d i n g I n d o n e s i a , Thailand, Japan, China, Mongolia, Philippines, Australia, Netherlands, and Fiji; all participating in a both a c a d e m i c a n d c u l t u ra l exchange like no other.

Compl imentary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) is the main theme of this annual meeting. It is one of the oldest therapy ever invented - the practice of CAM has been around for centuries in Asia, and as the recognition of this p a r t i c u l a r m e d i c i n e i s increasing around the globe, Thailand is seeking to develop its traditional medicine and put it to a more widespread use. It is important for us medical students to learn more about this particular field of study,

and by doing so we may gain a deeper understanding of its concepts and incorporate them based on a more scientific evidence.

Over the six days of meet ing, var ious topics concerning CAM were given by

guest lecturers in Mahidol University. There were six different fieldwork destination around S a l a y a , w h e r e delegates were able to see alternative m e d i c i n e instruments and methods received by actual patients. Delegates also had working committee s e s s i o n s

throughout the week, so each SCO member could get to know members from other countries and exchange thoughts and experiences on dealing with problems from various regions through d iscuss ion and presentation. Furthermore, there were workshops aimed to equip delegates with many s k i l l s s u ch a s P r o j e c t Management, Leadership Training, and Fund Raising.

The highlight of the conference wasn't just the learning; it's also the cultural exchange. The first night ended with Gala Dinner in the main building. The following day, it's Cultural Night - Indonesian delegates opened the Cultural

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Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities

National Leadership Summit 2010(cont’d)

Night with two types of dance: Saman, which received a huge amount of appreciation, and Poco-Poco, which, due to its simple nature, enabled the audience to learn and perform the dance on the spot. Our performance was followed by delegates from Australia; the Mongolian delegates played their tradit ional musical instrument followed by a modern dance; delegates from Thailand, Japan, and other countries also taught us their t rad i t iona l dances. The following night was Thai Night, during which many parts of Thai culture were showcased. Also, throughout the meeting we were introduced to the wide array of Thai cuisine: from spicy dishes to delectable desserts, even the infamous authentic Thai iced tea. One day was dedicated to a tour to Golden Palace, which used to be the residence of the Kings of Tha i l and , as the ma in destination; or a voyage along the canals, alternatively. Delegates then went to visit Suan Lum market, one of the many traditional markets in Thailand which only opens at night.

All in all, this meeting enriched us with a greater understanding of many aspects of CAM. It gave us a lot of o p p o r t u n i t i e s t o b u i l d friendships and networks, a foundation of many valuable collaborative efforts in the future - but most of all, it gave us a truly memorable and enjoyable experience to bring back home. (Festus, VPE CIMSA


NLS is located at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, with views of the lake and the cable car that crosses over the place makes the atmosphere NLS NLS will be attractive.

NLS activity filled with trainings on soft skills such as leadership, time management, fundraising and marketing, empowerment and How To Approach People, Improving self and stress management, team building and making projects. Training is divided into two classes: basic and advanced classes. Where is the basic class is intended for new members joined CIMSA CIMSA members (new comers), while the advanced class intended for members of local administrators or members CIMSA CIMSA who have knowledge and experience more in CIMSA. The division of these classes use the written test contains knowledge about CIMSA and outcome LoCo recommendations from each respective local. NLS was convened to prepare a regeneration CIMSA not just the regeneration of local management, but also regeneration of national stewardship. In preparation for the next cadre of administrators, CIMSA need a container that is national, which includes all local. So that knowledge will not be limited CIMSA a local or a regional but also national kesuluruhan. Therefore, the NLS is required not only as an annual obligation, but as a part of a regeneration cycle that is consistent with the increase in quality.

NLS objectives not only to produce individuals who are only able to work in the organization but also ready to dive into the community. NLS main objective is to produce a medical student who has a soul to be qualified and intelligent leadership who are ready to respond to a variety of health issues developing in society. To achieve this, participants will not only get training directly through leadership material but indirectly through a simulation exercise participants will be associated with health issues. Ways are expected to train the things that a leader needs, including: communication, innovative thinking, creative problem solving, quick decision, and others.

In the end, leaders are also expected to as a bearer of change towards a more advanced, as an agent of change. Starting from yourself and then its impact to the world. World in terms of environment and surrounding community or even the world as a whole. (Gusti, MCAD CIMSA 09-10)

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Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities

National Peer Education Workshop(NPEW)

by : Mardhatillah Marsa - CIMSA NORA 09-10

N a t i o n a l P e e r Education Workshop (NPEW) SCORA is a peer educational t r a i n i n g t o i n c r e a s e k n o w l e d g e a b o u t reproductive health and HIV prevention especially in high school environment that is currently needs to be done in order to a c c e l e r a t e t h e d i s t r i b u t i n g o f i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t reproductive health and HIV / AIDS among teenagers. This relates to the spread o f HIV increase year to year. Therefore, increased k n o w l e d g e a n d awareness among youth about reproductive health and HIV & AIDS should a lways be pursued intensively and sustainably.

Based on that, SCORA - CIMSA (Standing Committee on Reproductive Health Including AIDS - Center for I n d o n e s i a n M e d i c a l Students' Activities) who care about reproductive health and AIDS realizing that we as one health care practit ioner should be sensitive to these problems, so we are compelled to hold events aiming to produce peer educator who is able to give correct information about reproductive health

and HIV & AIDS. In addition, the holding of the National Peer Education Workshop (NPEW) also aims to provide basic knowledge, attitudes, and skills about Sexual

Health education, especially to members of SCORA - C I M S A .

NPEW 2010 held at Wisma National Education Bandung on 26 to 28 March 2010 which was attended by 11 l o ca l SCORA and cooperate with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Dyah Rahmawati as Project Coordinator in 2010 and its Orginizing N P E W S C O R A U n p a d Committee members have been successfully conducted NPEW impress ive and

beneficial to all participants NPEW. NPEW Participants who have completed the training were ready to continue the knowledge and experience gained during

training in Bandung to immediately applicable in the local area and in its individual - respectively. So expect the basic purpose of this NPEW can be done optimally and m a x i m a l l y, t o m a k e Indones ia par t i cu lar ly teenagers getting better and understand the importance of correct information about HIV and AIDS and Health r e p r o d u c t i v e .

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Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities

Interested to write for AORTA?

An easy way to promote your projects, locals and express your ideas! NEB is also calling for local reporters!If you want to write an article, send your idea to

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Self Empowerment Quotes

When you became detached mentally from yourself and concentrate on helping other people with their difficulties, you will be able to cope with your own effectively. Somehow, the act of self-giving is a personal power-releasing factor. - Norman Vincent Peale

Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against justices, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, these ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest wall of oppression and resistance. - Robert F. Kennedy

Nurture your mind with great thoughts,for you will never go any higher than you think. - Benjamin Disraeli

Special Thanks to McTeam ‘09-’10