annual report 2015 - 2016 - community resource …€¦ · principal purpose the principal purpose...

ANNUAL REPORT 2015 - 2016

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2015 - 2016

CRN is a sub-regional peak body

in Blacktown, The Hills & surrounding LGA’s

that exists to build the capacity

of local community organisations.

Playback Theatre performing at the Blacktown Community Services Conference



Who We Are 4

President’s Report 6

Manager’s Report 7

2015-16 in Numbers 8

Representation 10

Capacity Building 11

Connection 12

Information & Resources 13

Treasurer’s Report 14

Financial Statements 15

CRN Members 19

Acknowledgements 20

CRN Annual Report 2015-2016 4

Who We Are

Principal Purpose

The principal purpose of CRN is to work with organisations that work in the Western Sydney area to directly

alleviate poverty and distress suffered by economically and socially disadvantaged communities.

CRN aims to achieve this purpose by:

Building the capacity of service providers to work together on issues affecting disadvantaged


Enhancing the level of engagement of vulnerable and disadvantaged communities.

Strengthen the voices of disadvantaged communities by representing their views.

Provide information and resources on community projects, programs and networks assisting

disadvantaged communities and vulnerable groups.

Our Customers Are

Organisations that support communities in the Blacktown LGA, The Hills LGA and surrounding areas. These

include: Neighbourhood Centres; Government Agencies; Organisations; Health Services; Interagencies;

Individuals; Students; Community Sector Professionals; Email Subscribers and Church Groups.

Our Vision Is

For a community sector that empowers local communities.

Our Values Are

We respect diversity and embrace difference.

We advocate for justice.

We believe:

o people and local communities have the solutions to their own problems

o strong communities require responsive localised services and groups

o learning and adapting to change creates opportunities

CRN Annual Report 2015-2016 5

Board Members

Kittu Randhawa President Vikki Hine Secretary & Public Officer

Rowena Stulajter Vice President Abbas Raza Alvi Member

Stephen Frost Treasurer

(L to R) Stephen Frost, Rowena Stulajter, Kittu Randhawa, Vikki Hine & Abbas Raza Alvi


Margaret Tipper Manager

Sarah Featherbe Project Officer - Capacity Building (to December 2015)

Karen Greenhill Project Officer – Capacity Building (from May 2016)

Anthony Brown Project Officer - Communications

Brenda Ransom Administration Accounts

CRN Annual Report 2015-2016 6

President’s Report

Kittu Randhawa


I welcome you to this 2015-16 Annual

Report of Community Resource Network

(CRN) Inc.

Throughout the year CRN has continued

to support organisations and

communities in the local government

areas of Blacktown, The Hills and

surrounding parts of Western Sydney.

On behalf of the Board of Management,

I wish to thank CRN’s funders:

• The NSW State Government through

Family & Community Services -

Community Builders Program for our

Core funding;

• Castle Hill RSL through The Hills

ClubGRANTS program, enabling us to

produce an Agency Contact List for

The Hills local area;

• The Hills Shire Council Community

Grants Program that provided funds

to run governance and partnership

training with organisations in that


• Mr Leslie Petro, Special Counsel and

the Senior Partners at K&L Gates for

their pro bono legal advice; and

• For our Members, through your

membership fees and support.

Currently, CRN has 65 financial


At last year’s Annual General Meeting,

proposals to change the CRN

Constitution were passed by the

Membership. After the AGM the

Constitution was registered with

Registry Services, NSW Fair Trading.

CRN then secured a pro bono adviser to

assist us to apply to the Australian

Charities Not for Profit Commission for

Public Benevolent Institution and

Deductible Gift Recipient status.

Also, the CRN Board and Staff have been

working on the Strategic Direction and

Vision of the organisation for the next

three years and will be concluded shortly.

We see our future vision as being:

Empowered local communities and

organisations that are vibrant, robust and


Funding reform has further reinforced the

importance of making sure that, as a

Board, we regularly review the role that

we play in the communities that we work

in. We have met on a number of

occasions throughout the year, separate

to regular Board Meetings, to discuss our

brand and other planning matters. Also,

as a Board, we are about to ratify new

organisational policies.

I especially want to thank the CRN staff of

Margaret Tipper, Anthony Brown, Sarah

Featherbe (to December 2015), Brenda

Ransom and Karen Greenhill (from May

2016), for the work that they do on a

daily basis.

Importantly, I thank my CRN Board

colleagues, Stephen Frost, Vikki Hine,

Rowena Stulajter and Abbas Raza Alvi and

for your continuing your governance

responsibilities throughout the 2015-16


CRN Annual Report 2015-2016 7

Manager’s Report

Margaret Tipper


Each year as I sit and write my

Manager’s Report I realise how quickly

the last twelve months has passed by!

The 2015-16 year sped by and the

major words for most people working

with communities were “reform” and

“transition”. These two words were the

mantras of funders and organisations

and created a culture of change across

the sector. These changes affected,

and will affect, many organisations. I

am sure that you will agree, as long as

this change is directed towards better

client outcomes then, as we have done

in the community sector for many

years, we will adapt.

As far as Community Resource Network

is affected we have really had a

watching brief over the State

Government’s reform process under the

Targeted Earlier Intervention. CRN

submitted a paper to Family &

Community Services about the Reform

process and at the end of the 2015-16

year, we have assured State

Government funding until the end of

June 2017. CRN has participated in the

FACS Information Sessions and local

initiatives around funding reform.

Organisations will not have any further

direction until April/May 2017.

The Blacktown Combined Interagency

(BCI) has continued and we are seeing

up to 50 attendees. The BCI continues

to provide a place of information and

skill development for workers across

the community and human services

sector in the Blacktown LGA.

CRN has been involved in so many

areas that within this report I cannot

outline them all. Some are: the Agency

Contact List and the Email Distribution

Network which continue to be tools that

are in great demand.

We continue to partner and work with

many organisations, all levels of

government and others.

These include, the Blacktown Community

Services Conference, the FACS District

Homelessness Implementation Group, as

a Board Member on the Local &

Community Services Association; and

(until its cessation in June 2016) as Co-

Chair of the Partners in Recovery

Advisory Group. We were fortunate to

receive a grant from The Hills Shire

Council that allowed us to run a

governance and partnership workshop for

organisations in that LGA in February.

I would like to thank the CRN Staff -

Anthony Brown, Sarah Featherbe (to

December 2015), Brenda Ransom and

Karen Greenhill (from May 2016) for their

contributions to a great team.

A special thanks to our Funders

(previously mentioned in the President’s

Report) and our CRN Members. Also,

thank you to the organisations that

continue to use CRN and see it as an

integral part of the community sector.

I look forward to working with you all

throughout the 2016-17 as we work

towards the TEIP, other funding reforms

and their impacts on Organisations.

CRN Annual Report 2015-2016 8

2015-16 in Numbers

CRN Annual Report 2015-2016 9

CRN Annual Report 2015-2016 10


As a sub-regional peak body, CRN represents local community organisations by

acting in advisory roles and on grant committees, writing submissions to all levels of

government, involvement in advocacy issues, and providing input at consultations

and policy forums.


Provided feedback to the “Inquiry into Service

Coordination in Communities with High Social Needs”.

Made a submission to the Family and Community

Services “TEIP Sector Consultation Paper”.

Represented the NGO sector on both The Hills and

Blacktown ClubGRANT Committees.

District Panel Assessment Member on the Social

Housing Community Improvement Fund Round 1.

Ongoing participant and contributor at the NCOSS

Sector Development Forums.

Regional Representative and Board Member for the

Local Community Services Association (LCSA).

Represented local NGO’s on the Blacktown Community

Safety Advisory Sub-Committee.

CRN continues to maintain close

working relationships with

peak bodies such as the Local

Community Services Association

(LCSA), NSW Council of Social

Services (NCOSS) and

Western Sydney Community

Forum (WSCF).

LCSA 2015 Annual Conference

CRN Annual Report 2015-2016 11

Capacity Building

In order to strengthen the local community, CRN supports organisations and

individuals in their work by coordinating relevant training, workshops and

presentations, providing mentoring and support, facilitating planning sessions and

developing research and reports.


Partnered with NCOSS and Sector Connect to provide

Governance and Collaboration Training for Not-For-

Profit organisations in The Hills.

Organised and convened the Blacktown Combined

Interagency (BCI) meetings each month which was

attended by 243 people, representing 83 different

organisations and government agencies.

Helped plan and promote the Blacktown Community

Services Conference in partnership with Blacktown

City Council and SydWest Multicultural Services.

Worked with many organisations across Blacktown &

The Hills to address issues of governance,

constitutions, staffing, communications, and other

matters within their organisations.

CRN builds the capacity of local

community service workers by

partnering and collaborating

with others to provide

skills training and professional

development opportunities.

Governance & Collaboration Training

CRN Annual Report 2015-2016 12


CRN plays an active role in building connection within communities through

ongoing support of local interagencies, facilitating partnerships, collaborations and

networks, providing an email distribution network, making referrals and engaging in

online communication.


Provided 171 referrals and advice to community


Supported 14 local interagencies through participation

at 61 meetings.

Sat on the Advisory Committee of the Sydney West

Child Protection and Family Interagency.

Distributed 683 emails for organisations promoting

their programs, services, news, events and job


Brokered relationships between organisations,

government and the community.

Increased visitors to CRN’s website by 48%.

34% growth in Facebook followers.

The purpose of the Blacktown

Combined Interagency (BCI)

is to provide a platform for

attendees to engage in

thoughtful, stimulating

conversations around key

issues and changes

affecting the community

services sector.

Blacktown Combined Interagency (BCI)

CRN Annual Report 2015-2016 13

Information & Resources

CRN develops, distributes and makes available information and resources that are

relevant to community workers such as updating local agency contact lists,

disseminating sector news and information, developing an interagency calendar

and providing information referral.


Updated the Blacktown and Hills Agency Contact Lists

(ACL) for 2016.

Distributed 3,400 ACLs to around 400 organisations,

government agencies and individuals.

Sent 123 sector development news and information

emails to CRN subscribers.

Developed an Interagency Calendar for The Hills and

Blacktown which was downloaded 500 times.

Updated our database of community service


The Hills & Blacktown Agency

Contact Lists are updated by

CRN each year and provide

community workers with the latest

listing of agencies and services

that operate in each local

government area.

CRN Annual Report 2015-2016 14

Treasurer’s Report

Stephen Frost


The 2015-16 year has seen Community

Resource Network (CRN) have an

audited result of no loss, or surplus,

which is zero operating profit.

The Total Equity of CRN remains

unchanged since the 2014-15 financial

year and stands at a positive balance of


I am pleased to advise that all

Provisions, employee and other, are

covered for in the Balance Sheet. CRN

undertakes a regular review of all

entitlements that ensures that if the

organisation was to close tomorrow,

our Board responsibilities for payments

to CRN staff are provided for.

Also, CRN was fortunate to apply for

and receive a further three year grant

from the Hills ClubGRANT Committee

(Castle Hill RSL) to continue to produce

The Hills Agency Contact List, which is

an essential resource for community

members in the Hills. As mentioned, in

my previous reports, this Grant has

been expended but please note that it

does not operate under a standard

financial year period.

A Grant was also received from The Hills

Shire Council Community Grants Program

to run a workshop around Governance

and Partnerships.

I would like to thank our CRN staff,

Brenda Ransom and Margaret Tipper for

their ongoing operational management of

the CRN funds on behalf of the Board.

CRN has also submitted the previous

financial year’s Annual Information

Statement (AIS) to the Australian

Charities and Not For Profit Commission

in accordance with requirements and is

also about to submit the 2015-16 AIS.

The accounts have been audited by

William Tomiczek & Associates and I

would like to recommend them for the

2016-17 financial audit.

The CRN Board reviewed and passed the

2015-16 Audited Accounts at their Board

Meeting on the 18th August 2016.

The following pages reflect an abridged

copy of the CRN accounts for 2015-16.

Full copies are available to Members

through the CRN Office.

CRN Annual Report 2015-2016 15

Financial Statements (Summary)

Profit & Loss (Consolidated) (1st July 2015 to 30th June 2016)

INCOME This Year Last Year

Grant - FaCS Grants Received 319,593.40 307,209.27

Grant Hills Council 15/16 279.77 0

Membership Fees 1,695.45 1,768.15

Interest Received 2,714.23 4,251.71

Hills Club Grant - ACL 6,895.10 6,233.93

The Hills Shire Council Grant 4,750.00 0.00

Reimbursement Fees 34.65 0

Other Fees and Charges 974.34 937.13

Workers Compensation Policy Refund 94.29 0

Reversal of Payment 0 187.36

Grant Administration Fee 35,495.82 31,920.93

TOTAL INCOME 372,527.05 352,508.48

EXPENDITURE This Year Last Year

Total General & Administration 90,841.25 78,012.74

Total Programme Costs 51,237.52 40,399.77

Total Employment Expenses 230,448.28 234,095.97

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 372,527.05 352,508.48

Operating Profit 0.00 0.00

Other Expenses 0.00

NET PROFIT/(LOSS) 0.00 0.00

CRN Annual Report 2015-2016 16

Balance Sheet (as at 30th June 2016)

This Year Last Year


Current Assets

Cash on Hand

CRN - Chq CBA 20,231.19 6,803.36

CRN - Cash Management CBA 435,284.72 381,080.24

Credit Card Account -214.55 -79.71

Petty Cash - Administration 95.90 200.00

Total Cash on Hand 455,397.26 388,003.89

Total Current Assets 455,397.26 388,003.89

Non Current Assets

Plant & Equipment

Plant & Equipment - at cost 26,859.00 26,859.00

Plant & Equipment - Acc. Depn. -22,731.20 -22,731.20


459,525.06 392,131.69


Current Liabilities

Hills ClubGRANT (2) 1,489.34 0.00

Membership Fees 16/17 181.82 418.18

FACS Unused Funds 15/16 0.00 0.00

Website Funding 4,601.86 5,117.40

Grant Administration Fees 145,740.26 107,222.54

Hills ClubGRANT – ACL 14/15 231.53 1,895.10

Branding Project 3,500.00 0.00

Total Current Liabilities 155,744.81 114,653.22

Payable Liabilities

PAYG Withholding 0.89 0.89

Total Payroll Liabilities 0.89 0.89

GST Liabilities

GST Collected 223.35 220.29

GST Paid -58.41 -57.09

GST Rounding Cents 0.44 0.44

Total GST Liabilities 165.38 163.64


Provision AL Loading 13,648.45 13,648.45

Provision Annual Leave 54,930.51 39,430.47

Provision for Family Leave 26,328.33 26,328.33

Non Current Liabilities

Provision LSL 27,374.48 23,574.44

Provision Rent & Relocation 23,999.96 23,999.96

Provision Equip - Furniture Replacement 15,135.85 11,135.89

Provision for Redundancy 13,204.06 12,204.10

Provision for Office Refurbishment 4,000.08 2,000.04

Total Non Current Liabilities 83,714.43 72,914.43


334,532.80 267,139,43


124,992.26 124,992.26


Retained Earnings 124,992.26 124,992.26


124,992.26 124,992.26

CRN Annual Report 2015-2016 17

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CRN Annual Report 2015-2016 19

CRN Members


Ability Options


Australian Foundation for Disability

Barbara Gapps

Bidwill Uniting

Blacktown Area Community Centres Inc.

Blacktown City Council

Blacktown Family Relationship Centre - RANSW

Blacktown Meals on Wheels Inc

Blacktown Women & Girls Health Centre

BREED Taskforce Inc.

Bridges Inc

Cancer Council NSW

Care Connect Ltd

Catholic Care Social Services


Citizen Advocacy Western Sydney Inc

Communities for Children - Mission Australia

Computer Pals Blacktown Inc

Disability Services Australia

Family Worker Training & Development

Fusion Western Sydney

Graceades Community Cottage

Hills Community Aid Inc

Hills Family Centre - Wesley

Indian Association for Citizen Rights

Interaction Disability Services Ltd

Interrelate Family Centres

Janet Speers

Junaya Family Development Services

Karabi Community & Development Services Inc

Kathy van Oeveren

Kittu Randhawa

L. Brigitte Herrmann

MacKillop Family Services

Mt Druitt Ethnic Communities Agency

Our Lady of Consolation Aged Care Services

Parramatta Holroyd Family Support

Peckys Ltd

Penrith Women’s Health Centre

Quakers Hill Family Centre - Wesley

Redeemed Community Services Inc

Riverstone Neighbourhood Centre &

Community Aid Services Inc

Rosie's Place

Shalvey Community Centre

St Vincent de Paul Society-Caroline Chisholm Centre


Steve Harrison

Swinson Cottage Family Centre

SydWest Multicultural Services Inc

Tedd Noffs Foundation - Street University

The Hills Shire Council

The Meadows Schools as Community Centre

The WASH House

TNC Incorporated

United Way Sydney

Vikki Hine

We Australians Are Creative Inc.

WentWest - Primary Health Network

Wesley Mission ACHA

Western Sydney Family Referral Service - RA


Youth Rezolutions

CRN would like to thank all of our members

who continue to partner with us in strengthening

the local community sector, as well as the

ongoing support of organisations,

individuals and all levels of government.

In particular, we acknowledge the valued contribution of our funders.

We look forward to working with you throughout the coming year in 2016-17.

58 Armitage Drive, Glendenning NSW 2761

PO Box 149, Plumpton NSW 2761

Phone: (02) 9832 4762 | Fax: (02) 9832 4802

[email protected] |