annual report 2014/2015 - variety ontario · through education in nutrition, individualized and...


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Page 1: ANNUAL REPORT 2014/2015 - Variety Ontario · Through education in nutrition, individualized and group fitness, peer support, and goal setting, our Rehabilitation to Community Transition


Page 2: ANNUAL REPORT 2014/2015 - Variety Ontario · Through education in nutrition, individualized and group fitness, peer support, and goal setting, our Rehabilitation to Community Transition

Our vision is opportunities for people with disabilities.

Our mission is to promote appreciation, interaction, empowerment and inclusion. We facilitate the achievement of life goals for people with disabilities through sports, fitness, wellness, awareness, education, training and skills development.

Page 3: ANNUAL REPORT 2014/2015 - Variety Ontario · Through education in nutrition, individualized and group fitness, peer support, and goal setting, our Rehabilitation to Community Transition

T H E M O S T R E WA R D I N G J O B I ’ V E E V E R H A D

The 2015 Annual Report marks my final report as CEO of Variety. For more than seven years I have had the privilege of leading this extraordinary organization and working with its talented staff and volunteers. And the changes have been remarkable.

Of necessity, 2008 to 2010 were extremely inward looking while we stabilized a difficult operational and financial situation. By 2011, we were able to create a five year strategic plan that envisioned how Variety could best contribute in the areas of sport and recreation, health, and education and outreach.

At first, we looked to develop effective programs to operate within our facility. How do we create and deliver cost-effective services to the community of Variety Village? We succeeded in this, but we always kept our eye on creating programs that could be rolled out to other communities through our many partners.

This Annual Report will highlight a few of our programs that have left the nest of the Village and are now operating in the community. Fitness Friends brings activities and social relationships to schoolchildren with disabilities in Toronto, Durham and Peel. Rehabilitation

to Community is a wonderful partnership with Providence Healthcare that bridges the gap from formal rehabilitation from stroke to independent living, reducing future adverse medical issues and enhancing social interaction.

Our education programs are enjoyed and enhanced by students from University of Toronto and community colleges as far away as North Bay, many who go on to teach children with disabilities in a classroom setting. And the best is yet to come.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many people, too numerous to mention here by name, who have helped make this turnaround possible. Every day for seven years, I looked forward to going to work at the most rewarding job I’ve ever had. I will be eternally grateful for this opportunity.

Sincerely yours,

John Willson

Page 4: ANNUAL REPORT 2014/2015 - Variety Ontario · Through education in nutrition, individualized and group fitness, peer support, and goal setting, our Rehabilitation to Community Transition

As a facility unique in Ontario and Canada, Variety Village continues to be one of the largest sport training and fitness centres for people with disabilities in the world. It features specialized programming for children and adults who have disabilities, as well as their able-bodied families and friends.

With your help and by using our resources efficiently and imaginatively; by looking for constructive solutions; by building meaningful partnerships, and most of all by never forgetting our mission, we have continued to expand our reach and broaden our horizons.

Our greatest asset is the community we serve and their success stories are a testament to the commitment of our donors and supporters.

Our goal has been simple: to give each person – of any level of ability – the opportunity to grow and develop to their full potential through play, sport, physical activity and education.


Page 5: ANNUAL REPORT 2014/2015 - Variety Ontario · Through education in nutrition, individualized and group fitness, peer support, and goal setting, our Rehabilitation to Community Transition

“Most course curriculums are based on the notion that everyone is involved and that everyone can participate. We teach teachers about adaptive sports, or adaptive sports equipment.

We emphasize there is a chance to create an opportunity for people of all abilities.”

Participation for all is a key message that Archie Allison delivers offsite in courses such as Recreation for Diverse Populations at Humber College, where he helps students understand age ability, physical ability and participation models that include every one. He also delivers courses within the teacher training program at York U. In fact, a significant number of teachers within the GTA credit Variety Village with learning about the three Hs. How to include. How to engage. How to involve all people of all abilities. They then incorporate these lessons into their classrooms and school gyms.

Page 6: ANNUAL REPORT 2014/2015 - Variety Ontario · Through education in nutrition, individualized and group fitness, peer support, and goal setting, our Rehabilitation to Community Transition

Our Co-op students carry the message of “participation for all” both here at home and around the world. Students arrive from nearby places like Etobicoke and Hamilton. Or from as far away as Russia, Scotland and Sri Lanka. When they complete their co-op term at Variety Village they leave transformed, becoming genuine advocates for inclusive sports and diversity in their workplaces.

Their influence extends beyond our building and lasts for years after their placements end.In a typical week, more than 30 co-op students are on site. They might work here two days a week, a few afternoons, or every day for 15 weeks. They assist in virtually every area of the organization: administration, membership, special events and programming.

Students arrive from local high schools and many different colleges, including Centennial, Humber, Mohawk and Loyalist or from the University of Toronto or York University. They are often Recreation and Leisure Studies or Physical Education students, but staff also train social workers, child and youth worker and early childhood education students. Police Foundations and nursing students have also completed their co-ops at Variety Village.

An increasing number of our co-op students have physical, mental or emotional disabilities. Some come accompanied by their personal support workers. “In many cases, students with disabilities arrive with a perspective from lived experience. They promote new ideas and become role models and mentors for others,” says Archie Allison, Director of Access and Awareness.

Co-op student programs began at Variety in 1982 with 21 students from nearby Birchmount Park Collegiate. The growth of the program—with up to 70 students per year from dozens of institutions--- is largely a result of word-of-mouth recommendations from previous students.

“Students say the environment is friendly; the staff is approachable. They comment on the wide range of people here at Variety, and the diversity,” says Archie. “They say this is how every place should be.”

So transformative is the co-op experience that many come back to teach at our summer camps; others are now fulltime staff. “Students who like to be active generally excel here. These are kids who had trouble sitting in class. They like to move. They like to participate.”

A significant outcome of the co-op program is how successful students end up working in different sectors of the economy: retail, administration, education, or sales where they encourage their companies to embrace diversity. “They talk to their organizations about how co-op was the best experience because Variety has the methods and methodology to make things happen like nowhere else in the world.”


Page 7: ANNUAL REPORT 2014/2015 - Variety Ontario · Through education in nutrition, individualized and group fitness, peer support, and goal setting, our Rehabilitation to Community Transition

The Rehabilitation to Community Transition Program initiatives sprung from an identified need in our community. These partners include Providence Healthcare, Bridgepoint Active Healthcare, University Health Network/Toronto Rehabilitation Institute including University, Lyndhurst and Rumsey campuses, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, Baycrest, and March of Dimes.

Through education in nutrition, individualized and group fitness, peer support, and goal setting, our Rehabilitation to Community Transition program addresses the gap between an individual’s rehabilitation and transition to their local community. Many individuals experience periods of depression and PTSD when they return home. They often don’t return to their local community centres to continue their post-discharge rehabilitation due to a lack of self-confidence, accessibility and mobility needs, a lack of staff knowledge, and/or a lack of knowledge about the benefits of continued activity.

In 2015 we worked on expanding the reach of this program by developing collaborations with acute care facilities, community organizations and support groups to help support individuals who no longer have connections with rehabilitation facilities.


Page 8: ANNUAL REPORT 2014/2015 - Variety Ontario · Through education in nutrition, individualized and group fitness, peer support, and goal setting, our Rehabilitation to Community Transition

The grandfather of two came to Variety Village for Rehab to Community (Stroke Transition) on a referral from Providence Healthcare. He’d been told that he probably wouldn’t be able to speak, stand or walk again. Now? He’s a friendly, talkative gentleman who uses a wheelchair to get around but can stand briefly and even walk a few steps with a sturdy support like a counter top. He also lives independently, and hosts family parties.

“This is my life now. I am single now, with a condo and a cat. Going through the program, I kept in my mind: being alone, and not wanting to go to a home, I have to do this program because, some way or another, in order to live alone I have to make my own meals and do everything myself. And now I do all that. I’m starting to use a walker, which I never did before. I’m pretty slow but I’m using it.”

Doug has become an enthusiastic advocate for the Program within the broader community. He gives bi-monthly talks at Providence Healthcare about Variety Village and the Stroke Transition program.

“I talk for an hour or so about what I went through and what they will have to go through to keep up their interest in getting better. I’ve inspired quite a few people to join Variety, actually. You don’t want to get into the same situation you were in when you had the stroke, or when you were sick.

Variety Village has really made a difference because it has the exercise equipment, and the staff who can show you how to use it. Staff like Sherri and Shane Risto are great. “There are people at Variety who I actually call my friends now that wouldn’t have talked to before.”

Like his friend Bill Demets. They were on the same floor during their stroke rehabilitation but hadn’t really gotten to know each other before joining the Rehab to Community Stroke Transition program. Now the two can frequently be seen together at Variety Village, cracking jokes and making those around them laugh. “At least with him and me, we haven’t lost our sense of humour. You have to have that,” says Doug.

Doug Scanlan, a Toronto Firefighter for 32 years, never took a sick day. But retirement was different. Seven years ago, he had a stroke that affected his left side. He’d mostly recovered from that three years ago when, unexpectedly, he experienced another, more severe stroke that that affected his right side.

Page 9: ANNUAL REPORT 2014/2015 - Variety Ontario · Through education in nutrition, individualized and group fitness, peer support, and goal setting, our Rehabilitation to Community Transition

Some outcomes you just can’t measure on a balance sheet. Take the long term impact of Variety Village’s Centre for Inclusive Sport Development (CISD). As described by Katie Morrison, Program Director, the CISD “defines what Variety Village’s programs and philosophy are all about.” Promoting activity, inclusive sports and participation for every one is at the core of this philosophy.

In 2015 a grant resulted in acquiring an expert to work with inactive children with developmental disabilities. These are children who have had virtually no experience with activity fundamentals like agility, balance and co-ordination. Additionally, many of these budding sports enthusiasts (due to their exceptionalities) aren’t able to fit into typical City-run programs.

“Our emphasis with CISD is all about learning to play,” says Katie. But, if a child lacks the experience of the basics, such as learning how to line up, it’s unlikely they’ll master a grassroots program. Just learning how to independently walk into the Fieldhouse is cause for celebration. “For some of these kids, taking this step is a huge accomplishment.”

Marketing and recruiting efforts with partners like City of Toronto and the Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital resulted Variety meeting its target of attracting 80 children. The end goal is long-term athletic plan development so these children stay active. They may one day be able to join grassroots programs and beyond. “We would love them to stay with us all the way through to our Active Aging Program.”

T H E A B C s O F C I S D

Page 10: ANNUAL REPORT 2014/2015 - Variety Ontario · Through education in nutrition, individualized and group fitness, peer support, and goal setting, our Rehabilitation to Community Transition

In a related development, funds from the PanAm/Parapan Am Games Committee and an Ontario Legacy Equipment Grant resulted in new equipment to develop new sports. Four table tennis tables, four racing chairs, three hand cycles, one goalball net and four goal balls arrived in 2015. “With this new equipment, Variety Village can offer even more inclusive programming,” says Chris Murdoch, Manager, Teams. “More inclusive programming means more adults and children can participate and get active.”

Goalball is a sport created specifically for the blind and those with visual impairments. It is played all around the world, up to the Paralympic Games level. Variety worked with the Ontario Blind Sports Association to secure a grant to purchase goalball equipment. “There isn’t any other facility in the east end that offers this sport. We want participants here. We are looking at ways to ignite the passion for this sport.” Staffers Katie and Chris continue to work with partners like Athletics Ontario, Athletics Canada and Table Tennis Canada in recruiting athletes and generating interest in these new sport offerings.

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The Karagounis family has experienced the benefits of the CISD first-hand. When Theo, now 9, was diagnosed on the autism spectrum after he started junior kindergarten 4 years ago, they were directed by the Geneva Centre for Autism to a program in partnership with Variety Village, called Autism at Play.

When dad Van and mom Anna discovered that they could purchase a family membership for less than the cost of their private-facility swimming lessons alone, they put Theo and sister Cassandra, now 8, in lessons at the Village.

They also signed Theo up for Taekwondo at the Village, believing that its teachings of respect and discipline would benefit him. Soon, Cassandra wanted to join too. Now the whole family practice the martial art and in 2016, both kids will be testing for their black belts.

A year ago, Theo decided to add weightlifting to his repertoire. He is on the grassroots team, and enjoys challenging himself and learning technical lifts from his coach Khalil. Cassandra saw Theo

enjoying the sport and decided to follow in her brother’s footsteps. Once again, sport at Variety Village is a family affair. The Karagounises like the appeal of VV for all ages and embrace the opportunities available for their kids’ interests to grow. ”

And the kids are busy! They’ve taken part in Red Cross swim lessons, Taekwondo, Multisport summer camps, art camp and are now Variety Village Ambassadors. In that role, they’ve recorded a radio commercial for Pizza Nova’s fundraiser, appeared on CityTV’s Breakfast Television with Jennifer Valentyne, and appeared on CBC’s sports-themed children’s program.

But what’s important to the Karagounises is the culture at Variety Village. “There is no judgement here. Everyone is different, and everyone accepts you for who you are. It’s been a wonderful life lesson for our kids, and for us as parents. I don’t think you can learn what you learn here, anywhere else.”

The Village keeps us close as a family. It’s the only place I know of where we can participate in the same activities as our kids.

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CHAIR/PROPERTY CHAIRPeter Cuthbert Fiera Properties Ltd.

Treasurer/Audit ChairMurdoch R. Martyn, LLBBarrister & Solicitor

SecretaryRobert Kunihiro, CPA, CACo-Managing DirectorABC Group

Governance ChairLaura Young, LLB Barrister & Solicitor

Development ChairHon. Vim Kochhar O.Ont., P.Eng., O.M.C Chair, Canadian Foundation for Physically Disabled Persons

Robert Wortzman, LLBBarrister and SolicitorWildeboer Dellelce LLP

Gillian Bone, MBASenior Consultant, Performance Management Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network

Al TinneySenior Vice President, Enterprise & International ApplicationsTechnology & Operations

Claire Fortier, MBARetired

Henry ChuBusiness Entrepreneur

Jill Sharland MBA, CMAVice President and Chief Financial OfficerGreater Toronto Airports Authority

Guy Wong President, Emeritus IT Consulting

Susan DrummondAssociate Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University

Vera HeldPresident, VNH Communications

Mark MacVittie MBADirector, Onboard Cost and Revenue Management, Air Canada


Page 13: ANNUAL REPORT 2014/2015 - Variety Ontario · Through education in nutrition, individualized and group fitness, peer support, and goal setting, our Rehabilitation to Community Transition


1) The financial information includes the consolidated results of Variety – The Children’s Charity (Ontario), Variety Village and Variety Club of Ontario – Tent 28. Through a common Board of Directors Variety – The Children’s Charity (Ontario) controls Variety Village and Variety Club of Ontario – Tent 28. Audited financial statements are completed for non-consolidated Variety – The Children’s Charity (Ontario) and Variety Village which are registered charities without share capital under the Income Tax Act. Notice to reader financial statements are completed for Variety Club of Ontario – Tent 28 which is a not-for-profit organization without share capital incorporated under the laws of Ontario. Notice to reader financial statements are completed for the consolidated financial statements.

2) The Organization is highly dependent on the support of dedicated volunteers. Their value is not quantifiable in the financial statements.


Management is responsible for the preparation of the financial statements and other financial information in this report. This responsibility includes maintaining the integrity and objectivity of the financial records. The Organization maintains policies and procedures for a system of internal controls designed to provide assurance that its records include the transactions of its operations.

The Board of Directors, through its Audit Committee, is responsible for determining that management fulfills its responsibilities in the preparation of the financial statements, and ensures that financial and operational controls of the Organization are adequate.

Audited financial statements are available on our website.

Fitness club


Provincial government funding




Other income

Rental income

Interest income

Gaming operations, net



24%22%18% 17%7%6%4%-2%

Building services

Fitness club






Mortgage receivable impairment


Page 14: ANNUAL REPORT 2014/2015 - Variety Ontario · Through education in nutrition, individualized and group fitness, peer support, and goal setting, our Rehabilitation to Community Transition

CHARITABLE AND NOT-FOR-PROFIT PARTNERSA N D Nevada TrustARIDO Association for Interior Designers of OntarioCity of Toronto - Social Development, Finance & AdministrationHarry E Foster Charitable FoundationOntario Realtors Care FoundationOntario Trillium FoundationSt. Stephen’s Community HouseToronto Community FoundationBranksome HallClairlea Westview Soccer ClubCoaching Association of CanadaCollombin Family FundM.E.D.T Social CommitteeN.A. Taylor FoundationNorthlea SchoolRCL Branch 13 Lottery In TrustRoyal Canadian Legion Branch 322St. Albert Catholic SchoolSt. John Paul II C.S.S.Toronto Police AssociationToronto Professional Firefighters’ AssociationToronto Sports CouncilYoung Choung Taekwondo AcademyHeather Heights P.S. School FundsHydro One Employee’s and Pensioner’s Charity Trust FundRoyal Canadian Legion Branch 11

Scarboro Seniors Slo-Pitch LeagueTarion Warranty CorporationThe Beverley & Samuel H. Cohen Family FoundationToronto Insurance Curling LeagueUnited Way of Greater TorontoGary Bluestein Charitable Foundation

ESTATESEstate of Bernadette BaranEstate of Hazel RoeselEstate of Maude StapleyThe Estate Of Irma Evelyne PearceEstate of James AshtonEstate of Kenneth Burton PhilpEstate of Helen PhilpEstate of Mr. Gosse DegrootEstate of Joseph Duxbury

5000+Carmen & Andy ShengJohn WillsonRobert And Mary-Pat ArmstrongWillimin Griffiths

CORPORATEBlack & McDonald LimitedKRG Children’s Charitable FoundationRBC FoundationCadillac Fairview Corporation LimitedCIBCContax Inc.

Equinox Development IncHibar Systems LimitedMcDonalds Restaurants CanadaPizza Nova Take Out Ltd.

500-4999AAlexander GassBarbara FarquharsonBarbara GoldringBarbara WilliamsBrent AllenBrian D. WestBrian KnightBronwen FoxBruce McGoveranCarol SheaCatherine ClarkClaire FortierDean BrownDonald CockburnElizabeth A. GourlieErnest & Rivette HerzigGail & Roderick AllanGene OginoGuy WongHallima IdanHeather WillsonInge & Bill ChristieIngrid FranklinJack & Valerie CribbenJane Henderson & Michael SherarJim CowanJim Waters

Leadership gifts have a vital and sustained impact on Variety Village. These gifts help inspire others to provide hope and opportunities for individuals with disabilities and strengthen our communities.


BMO Capital Markets demonstrated their philanthropic leadership through a partnership that makes a lasting impact and personal difference. Through their In Kind Gift, Variety Village was the recipient of an accessible playground structure, accessible picnic tables, office furnishings, garden plants and planters. This was all thanks to the efforts of 500 global executive volunteers working in a single day to make the gift happen.

Page 15: ANNUAL REPORT 2014/2015 - Variety Ontario · Through education in nutrition, individualized and group fitness, peer support, and goal setting, our Rehabilitation to Community Transition

John BreenJohn FairneyJohn McFadyenKanthasamy ElayathambyKazimer KnodrachukKeith Knight & Luisa ScalaKen & Julia GillisKerry McGrathKevin LaffertyKregg FordyceLaura Lee O’BrienLily CohenMary RiddellMichael SmedleyNigel & Liz EtheringtonPat WilliamsPaul BeestonPaul KennedyPeter ButlerRichard ThomsonRobert EisenbergRobert W. LoveDr. Rosa Braga-MeleRosie O’HanlonSalma JafferSandford RobertSherry MillageSuzanne K. GrahamThomas KeenanTony HsiungTracey BurkeWalter PlazaWendy GreanWilliam YoungYukiko Taguchi

CORPORATEAccentureAssoc. Toronto Taxi-Cab Co-Operative Ltd.Aviva Canada Inc.Bank of MontrealBrookfield Properties Management CorporationBurrito BoyzCanadian Property StarsCanderel Commercial Services Inc.Fiera Properties LimitedGowling Lafleur Henderson LLPGreater Toronto Airports AuthorityH&S EquipmentI.A.T.S.E. Local 58Invacare CanadaMcKinsey & Company CanadaMetropolitan Commercial Reality Inc.Newtonbrook BowlerammaNo FrillsOsler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPPattison Sign Group - Central RegionRBC Royal Bank of Canada

ScotiabankSIG Mechanical Services LimitedSun MediaSun Valley Supermarket Inc.Sunrise Medical Canada Inc.Telus Todd Pools Ltd.Universe Masonic TempleWaffle WorldWal-mart Canada CorpZurich Canada

100-499A. AmberA. PerkinsA. SavegeAl TinneyAlice PatersonAllan C. ChartrandAllen FleishmanAmy PothierAmy SouthAngela M. BarnesAnn SpallAnne MoranArlene AdamsArt WooAsh MolloyBarbara MarshallBarbara MorrisBarbara NewbiggingBarbara SzarekBarbara WedgeBarry DavisBasil AnglinBelinda JunkinBernice InnesBernie GrondinBeth & Ian SywulskyBill & Dorothy HewsonBill BrattBob StaveleyBrad BadeauBrian GonzalesBrian WilliamsBronwen FoxBrooke HarrisonBruce MoyleBryan & Lynn DuckworthBryan StevensCaitlin WalshCameron RusawCandace SamuelCarl JablonskyCarol BoltonCaroline JohnsonCarolyn DuckworthCarolyn McGillCatherine Clancy

Catherine SmithCathy TuckwellCelyne DarlingCharles Albert ShrubsoleCharley & Margaret PeeblesChris & Dorothy WheelerChris HaggisChris HendrataChristienne BardeckiChristine ThomlinsonChristopher NgCindy GuyattClyde L. ChafeColin AdamsConnie ZehrConstance KilgourCorinne Sittler-RislingCory EatonCynthia MenardD. McCarthyD. ScottDaniel TerbencheDanuta BrzozowiczDave JohnsonDave KnightDave MannilaDave ShearerDave WarrenDavid DingleDavid LucescuDavid McLeanDayna BradleyDean MillerDebbie J. ForresterDenise AndersonDenise HermantDeslie ShillabeerDiana SmiciklasDiane CuthbertDiane DeVriesDiane LeeDolores PritchardDon DuffettDon LeggatDonald MeehanDonna HallDoreen BootheDoreen SheaDorothy BakerDoug CainDouglas BannanDr. Kevin LeeDuff FamilyEarl JarvisEd DengEd JohnsonEd PirocchiEdna BeckerEdward Johnston

Edward RiceEileen TinneyEleanor AddisonEleanor WhiteheadElizabeth MeanchosEmilie NewellEmily MakEoin CorriganEric GoldstrandEric LakienEric MartinEtienne LesmondFahane Peres GaronFaye HartFran SmythFrank DevineFred PrattFred RuiterG. MacleanGarry MorrisonGary HullGeorge And Debby UfnalGeorge ElliottGeorge PappasGeorge WarrenGerry SheerinGiovanna GattiGlenn DuncanGord BrandonGordon MacLeanGraeme DuffGreg DowdallGregory OlsenGwendolyn Forde-MartinsHallima IdanHarry GrayHarry LegrisHeather ColbyHeather DurhamHeather WillsonHelmut WagnerHope BergeronHoward BrayI. RichardsonIain McCollIan PittendreighIldiko CsabaiIrene ThompsonIrving FrischIvor FlemingJ. MainellaJ. PearceJacqueline WallaceJames JacksonJames MarkJames MooreJames PetrozziJames ScholesJames Watson

Jan & Jim AllenJancie HampsonJane DuffyJane HendersonJanet BorlandJanet E. LumbJanet HollingJanice IlinesJay & Lili GillespieJean NelsonJean PezellJedd JonesJeff PowisJeff TimsonJeffrey CarrJenn WarrillowJennifer BarrJennifer SawchukJennifer WilliamsJessica GokcenJill SharlandJim GordonJoan HatchJoan MacTavishJoan TrippJoanne E. GallantJoanne KarakashianJoe TurcoJohn BrindleyJohn DekkerJohn EckerttJohn EvansJohn FieldJohn HarryJohn KeenanJohn KellyJohn McGarryJohn MorrisJohn WillsonJohn WongJohn WrightJospeh MartinoJoyce MayJuanita G. WheelerJudith AndrenacciJudith N. MillerJudith ShawJudy GillisKaren & David MaidmentKaren CarneyKaren CreightonKathleen ColemanKathleen LeckeyKathy BrooksKelly RicoKen & Julia GillisKen NorrisKendel BradfordKenlyee Merritt

Kenneth BeselaereKevin CarriganKien LamKimberly Fawcett SmithKristina ChadwickKulwant ShergillLaura YoungLaurie CoatesLawrence SeymourLee RixonLeslie ShortLily CohenLina De PompaLinda DollLinda SimpsonLinda TorranceLiz CreightonLois ForrestLois SkyvingtonLori BeesleyLorne BuckLorrie ShannonLouise KoenLuc CorneliLynn RobinsonM. WilderMairi MacGregorMarc JeanneretMargaret Ann BeauregardMargaret I. SimionatiMarilyn KemloMarion BogertMarion CooperMarita Simbul-LezonMark & Margaret ToljagicMark DevineMark DodickMarlene StewartMarni HalpernMarnie BaizleyMarnie DuffMarty O’DonnellMary FoxMary GrimaldiMary Jane McIntyreMary MarkMary O’SullivanMary PollenMatt BentleyMaunder DouglasMaureen WalshMaxine SandersMegan SherwinMelody NgMichael & Christine De SantisMichael DudleyMichael KemperMichael SomerMike Madill

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Through an In Kind Gift, and with the support of their suppliers, ARIDO volunteered to remodel the Variety Village lobby ensuring that clients, staff, and visitors enter an accessible, welcoming, and beautiful space. The transformation is truly remarkable. At the official lobby reopening on August 26, 2015 ARIDO also presented Variety Village with a cheque in the amount of $33,000 they raised through a baseball tournament.

As the only professional organization for interior designers in Ontario, ARIDO’s mandate is to regulate the interior design profession in Ontario for the betterment of the profession, and in the best interests of the public. The association has more than 1,800 members and represents all areas of specialty.

Page 17: ANNUAL REPORT 2014/2015 - Variety Ontario · Through education in nutrition, individualized and group fitness, peer support, and goal setting, our Rehabilitation to Community Transition

Edward RiceEileen TinneyEleanor AddisonEleanor WhiteheadElizabeth MeanchosEmilie NewellEmily MakEoin CorriganEric GoldstrandEric LakienEric MartinEtienne LesmondFahane Peres GaronFaye HartFran SmythFrank DevineFred PrattFred RuiterG. MacleanGarry MorrisonGary HullGeorge And Debby UfnalGeorge ElliottGeorge PappasGeorge WarrenGerry SheerinGiovanna GattiGlenn DuncanGord BrandonGordon MacLeanGraeme DuffGreg DowdallGregory OlsenGwendolyn Forde-MartinsHallima IdanHarry GrayHarry LegrisHeather ColbyHeather DurhamHeather WillsonHelmut WagnerHope BergeronHoward BrayI. RichardsonIain McCollIan PittendreighIldiko CsabaiIrene ThompsonIrving FrischIvor FlemingJ. MainellaJ. PearceJacqueline WallaceJames JacksonJames MarkJames MooreJames PetrozziJames ScholesJames Watson

Jan & Jim AllenJancie HampsonJane DuffyJane HendersonJanet BorlandJanet E. LumbJanet HollingJanice IlinesJay & Lili GillespieJean NelsonJean PezellJedd JonesJeff PowisJeff TimsonJeffrey CarrJenn WarrillowJennifer BarrJennifer SawchukJennifer WilliamsJessica GokcenJill SharlandJim GordonJoan HatchJoan MacTavishJoan TrippJoanne E. GallantJoanne KarakashianJoe TurcoJohn BrindleyJohn DekkerJohn EckerttJohn EvansJohn FieldJohn HarryJohn KeenanJohn KellyJohn McGarryJohn MorrisJohn WillsonJohn WongJohn WrightJospeh MartinoJoyce MayJuanita G. WheelerJudith AndrenacciJudith N. MillerJudith ShawJudy GillisKaren & David MaidmentKaren CarneyKaren CreightonKathleen ColemanKathleen LeckeyKathy BrooksKelly RicoKen & Julia GillisKen NorrisKendel BradfordKenlyee Merritt

Kenneth BeselaereKevin CarriganKien LamKimberly Fawcett SmithKristina ChadwickKulwant ShergillLaura YoungLaurie CoatesLawrence SeymourLee RixonLeslie ShortLily CohenLina De PompaLinda DollLinda SimpsonLinda TorranceLiz CreightonLois ForrestLois SkyvingtonLori BeesleyLorne BuckLorrie ShannonLouise KoenLuc CorneliLynn RobinsonM. WilderMairi MacGregorMarc JeanneretMargaret Ann BeauregardMargaret I. SimionatiMarilyn KemloMarion BogertMarion CooperMarita Simbul-LezonMark & Margaret ToljagicMark DevineMark DodickMarlene StewartMarni HalpernMarnie BaizleyMarnie DuffMarty O’DonnellMary FoxMary GrimaldiMary Jane McIntyreMary MarkMary O’SullivanMary PollenMatt BentleyMaunder DouglasMaureen WalshMaxine SandersMegan SherwinMelody NgMichael & Christine De SantisMichael DudleyMichael KemperMichael SomerMike Madill

Mike TuschakMike WertliMirjam UretskyMolly SaundersMonika StegmannMort GreenbergMuhammed AliN.J. BelbinNan FarmerNathaniel FlemingNelle LakienNicitas LiakopoulosNoreen De ShaneOmar ElwediniOscar DeguzmanPam ReevesPat AnweilerPaul & Mary HendersonPaul DunnPaul MattacottPaul ReganPaul SloggettPeggy CreaturaPeter A. HerrndorfPeter BarberPeter BrennanPeter CampbellPeter KwanPhil TurnerPhilip SternR. SakanashiRachel JacobsonRalph SchneiderRamesh MangatRay MurrillRaymond SandbrookRichard BlakeRichard BoothRichard OuzounianRichard SabourinRichard TeunissenRick JangRiva GrinshpanRob WillsonRobert A. WollisRobert BensonRobert BirdRobert BoyceRobert FranklinRobert GasparRobert LeufkensRobert RueterRobin CampbellRobin SantragoRod MajorRoman LapczynskiRoman SchulzRosemary MaloneyRoss & Kathleen Gillis

Ross HamiltonRoy & Judy HedbergRoy BowersRupinder DosanjhRuth ClarksonRuth StoutRyan JonesSam HandelsmanSam MehtaSamuel LavertySandra LauSandra O’BrienSandra OrrSarah BradleyScot McIndlessScott GrondinSharon BoyntonSharon EastonSharon ToddSharon WilkinsShehan De SilvaShihab ZubairShirley BeacomSiglinde K. KnoespelStana ToljagicStanley BainStephen BialowasStephen ThurlbeckSteve & Annette SmallSteve RynardSteven FitzgeraldSusan CarleySusan KnutsonSusan McCoySusan RonaldsonSuzanne ChristieSuzanne CuffTanya OnazukTerry DebonoTheresa KellenThomas BeavisThomas EdwardsThomas LeonardTim Heeley-RayTimothy CrowleyTimothy MurrayTony DenmanTorben SonderskovTrevor BiggsTrish NicholsonTrish SnyderV. StelmaszynskiVera YellenyVictor GalataVincent NormW. MurphyWalter Van ArragonWayne CarmanWayne Smith

Wendy & Bob AtkinsonWendy TurnerWilliam GawWilliam McGuintyWilliam Thomas MayesXin SunYogen TrivediZhihui Liu

CORPORATEA.D. AssociatesAftercare Cremation & Burial ServiceAstellas Pharma Canada Inc.B&S Pool Services Inc.Bestway Roofing & ContractingCare Accessible TransportationChung Moi Chinese Restaurant Ltd.CreatrixGreenwood Home ImprovementsInternational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 353Maxwell Paper Canada Inc.Michael Boyer Pontiac Buick GMC (1988) Ltd.National Bank FinancialRoussel Eavestrough Distributors LimitedSentry Select Capital Corp.Speedo Sports ProTeamsters Joint Council 52Vikkit Solutions Ltd.Wellington Consulting IncWoodbridge College OfficeXL ICL CanadaZetland Wilson Lodge No. 86

GIFTS IN KIND4 ImprintAdidas CanadaAndrew AbbottThomas And SingerAshworth AssociatesDaniel BattistonKevin BellCanadian TireCoca-Cola Ltd.COSTCO WholesaleCreative BagGabriel DechaineDiamond EstatesDivine Furniture RentalKaren Duff KraftFab ConceptsFabriclandDavid FarrellChristopher GageDavid Hartley Craig Henshaw

Page 18: ANNUAL REPORT 2014/2015 - Variety Ontario · Through education in nutrition, individualized and group fitness, peer support, and goal setting, our Rehabilitation to Community Transition

Variety Village is a flagship project of Variety- the Children’s Charity (Ontario) Charitable Registration 118955137RR0001

3701 Danforth Avenue Scarborough ON M1N 2G2 Phone 416-699-7167 Fax 416-367-0028 TTY 416-699-8147 [email protected]

Jupiter IncKerr BrothersAndrew KuskeMetroMill Street BreweryMolson CanadaColin MooreJeffrey OkeRobert PetersAntonio PetosaPizza Nova Take Out Ltd.Pizza Pizza Nicola PomponioRalph ProfitiRaptors FoundationRobert ReynoldsSusan RonaldsonJoseph, Rebecca RoppaFrancois Sardi

Scarborough Town CenterShoppers Drug MartAleksandar SimicAnita SoniSpeedo CanadaBrendan StarkNick StogdillPaul Tan Team AquaticsToronto Police AssociationYan TroungSteve UszkayDonna ValiquetteVan Houtte CoffeeVellend Tech Inc.Sun Valley MarketGervias Party and Tent RentalsQssis Banquet HallToronto Professional Fire Fighters

AssociationEnbridge GasGazzola PavingGanzKraftScholastic Canada Ltd.SunstarWingsMondelezMcDonald’sThe Beverage Co Ltd.Imperial Vending ServicesEast West Snow ServicesSuperpufft SnacksUltimaOak Leaf ConfectionsDouglas WalkerWal-MartWilliam F. White International

This report recognizes the donations made during the Variety Village fiscal year from October 1, 2014 to September 30, 2015. Any donations made after will be recognized in the 2015-2016 Annual Report. Please contact us at 416-699-7167 if we have made an error in your acknowledgment so we can correct our records and future listings.

All members of the Variety Village community – parents, students, staff, faculty, volunteers, donors and friends - are important to us. We have made every effort to ensure accuracy in our reporting and listings. If there are errors or omissions, please contact Lynda Elmy, Communications Director at 416 699 7167 extension 249 or email [email protected]


Page 19: ANNUAL REPORT 2014/2015 - Variety Ontario · Through education in nutrition, individualized and group fitness, peer support, and goal setting, our Rehabilitation to Community Transition