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SUS GROUP OF COLLEGES (TANGORI PUNJAB)A REPORT ON RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCESSATBYANJU DAHIYABBA. FINAL YEARCERTIFICATE FROM FACULTY GUIDE This is to certify that Anju Dahiya, Registration no. ....................has completed project titled, Recruite!t "!# Se$ecti%! & under my guidance and supervision. To the best of my knowledge, the present work is the result of their original investigation and study. No part of the dissertation has ever beensubmitted for any other degree at any niversity. This project is !t for submission and the partial ful!llment of the conditions for the award of degree of "achelors of "usiness Administration. Si'!"ture( N"e %) t*e Re+e"rc* Su,er-i+%r( De+i'!"ti%!( Sc*%%$( SUS R.T COLLEGETANGORIMOHALI PUNJAB #$NT%NT&'. A#(N$)*%D+%,%NT-. .NTR$D#T.$NA. $"/%#T.0%". $1%#. ,%T2$D$*$+3D. *.,.TAT.$N&4. #$,1AN3 1R$5.*%6. *.TRATR% R%0.%)A. R%#R.T,%NT". &%*%#T.$N7. R%#R.T,%NT 1$*.#3 $5 R%*.AN#% #$,,N.#AT.$N8. DATA .NT%R1R%TAT.$N9. :%&T.$NNA.R%;. "."*$+RA123ACKNOWLEDGEMENTI express my sincere thanks to my project guide, MS. Ashti Khan2Rdepartment, Reliance #ommunications * Reliance Center Delhi ,e!Delhi"##$$$%&or guidingmeright &romtheinceptiontill thesuccess&ulcompletion o& the project. I sincerely ackno!ledge him &or extending his 'alua(leguidance, support &or literature, critical re'ie!so& project andthereport anda(o'e all the moral support he had pro'ided to me at all stages o& this project.I !ould also like to thank ,s. &huchi #houbey,s. *eena &harma, ,r.1remRawat, ,r. &hekher &harma, ,r. (aushal New Delhi?&or guiding me to complete thisproject and pro'iding me !ith necessary help on di&&erent aspects o& the project.I !ouldalsoliketothankmycollegeandcollegementor, Mr.Ankit sir, Mr.Shishir sir and Ms. Aman mam and all teachers o& )R department &or supportingme.INTRODUCTION TO THE PROJECT"eing one of the giant organi@ations, Reliance #ommunications*td. primary motive is %mployee welfare. And hence there is alarge scope for bringing a new projects and idea in theorgani@ation. Reliance#ommunications*td. hasdevelopedandcovered all the area in the 2R practices. And this has given anopportunity to understand the policies of Recruitment and&election of the [email protected] the superheated struggle for competitive advantage, thehuman capital has become the most essential resource. Thus, itis necessary to understand various tools of proper ,anagementof 2umanresources. Recruitment and&election, whichis themost important 2R tool, which leads in attracting the best talentand hire them. Thus to have depth knowledge and research ofRecruitment and &election, this project has been taken. OBJECTI/ES OF THE PROJECT To!ndtherecruitment 1rocedureand1rocessof Reliance#ommunication. To critically evaluate the Recruitment 1rocedure and theprocess. SCOPE This study is to bring out the signi!cation of Recruitment and&election . This study is to bring out the signi!cance of recruitment andselection. This study can be eAtended to other +eographical workcenters of Reliance #ommunication. .t will help to !nd what employee thinks about theRecruitment and &election. METHODOLOGY(0) Re+e"rc* Met*%#%$%'1B Research designC Desk research.B Research.nstrumentC 1ersonal interview, literature, andDuestionnaire. &ample unit E%mployees&ampling techniDue E Random(2) D"t" c%$$ecti%! tec*!i3ue(BSec%!#"r1#"t"(,anuals, fromeAistingframeworkand.nternet.BPri"r1#"t"(ThroughdiscussionsFinterviewswiththeemployeesLIMITATION Duetosmall samplesi@e, themodel andstudyhastoberevised and updated according to the increase in samples. *ack of timeC The duration of the project is 7 months so time isless to perform the project. The information is not completely provided by the organi@ationdue to security reasons.RELIANCE COMMUNICATIONS LIMITEDIndiaisa(oomingtrilliondollareconomy.Ano'er!helminglyyoungcountry,!ith more than **+ o& its population i.e. o'er **$ million people (elo! the ageo& ,$. Steady -D. gro!th rate in excess o& /+ has translated into rising incomele'els, complementingIndia0songoingeconomic re'olutioncoupled!iththeenergy, dynamism and am(ition o& its youth. India0s &uture !ill (e propelled (ystrategic dri'ers such as the 1uality o& its human capital, their access to cutting"edge technology, a'aila(ility o& hi"1uality products and ser'ices at a lo!er costand their !ill po!er to make India shine on the !orld map. 2he Reliance AnilDhiru 3hai Am(ani -roup, strongly (elie'es that it has a pi'otal role to play, inshapingthedestinyo& our great nation. 2hroughits 'arious consumer &acing(usinesses, thegrouppro'idesaro(ust plat&ormtoe'eryIndiantoreali4ehispotential andshapehis5 her destiny,throughitsstate"o&"theart productsandser'ices. 2he group, (arely three years in the making, no! ranks among India0stop,(usiness houses !ithrespect tokey&inancial parameters. Its dominantpresence across a !ide array o& high" gro!th consumer &acing (usinesses, range&rom telecom and &inancial ser'ices to in&rastructure, entertainment andhealthcare. Across di&&erent companies, the group positi'ely in&luences the li'es o& o'er #$$million customers or # in e'ery #$ young and aspirational Indians e'ery singleday across 6.* lakh 'illages and %$$$$ to!ns. It enjoys unparalleled trust, &aithand con&idence o& nearly #% million shareholders, the largest such &amily in India,perhaps e'en in the !orld. It is one o& the largest employers in the country !ith ayoung, highly trained and moti'ated !ork&orce approaching #$$,$$$ strong. Allthisis&ocusedto!ardsachie'ingt!ogoals. 3uildingagreatenterprise&oritsstakeholders and a great &uture &or our country.RelianceAnil Dhirubhai Ambani Group, ano&&shoot o& theReliance-roup&ounded (y Shri Dhiru(ai ). Am(ani 7#8,%"%$$%9, ranks among India0s top threepri'atesector (usinesshousesintermso& net !orth. 2hegrouphas(usinessinterests that range &rom telecommunications 7Reliance Communications :entures;td.9 to &inancial ser'ices 7Reliance Capital ;td.9 to the generation anddistri(ution o& po!er 7Reliance e$%:(8'. I#e!ti)1i!' "!# ,ri%ritiCi!' =%>+(8ReDuirements keep arising at various levels in everyorgani@ationM it is almost a never>ending process. .t is impossibleto !ll all the positions immediately. Therefore, there is a need toidentify the positions reDuiring immediate attention and action.To maintain the Duality of the recruitment activities, it is useful toprioriti@e the vacancies whether to focus on all vacancies eDuallyor focusing on key jobs !rst.2.C"!#i#"te+ t% t"r'et(8 The recruitment process can be e=ective only if the organi@ationcompletely understands the reDuirements of the type ofcandidates that are reDuired and will be bene!cial for theorgani@ation. 9.S%urce+ %) recruite!t(8The strategy should de!ne various sources 1 t*e HR i!recruite!t "re(ADAPTABILITY TO GLOBALI4ATIONLACD OF MOTI/ATIONPROCESS ANALYSISSTRATEGIC PRIORITI4ATION0.A#",t">i$it1 t% '$%>"$iC"ti%!(8 The 2R professionals are eApected and reDuired to keep in tunewith the changing times, i.e. the changes taking place across theglobe. 2R should maintain the timeliness of the process2.L"c< %) %ti-"ti%!(8Recruitment is consideredtobeathankless job. %venif theorgani@ation is achieving results, 2R department orprofessionals are not thanked for recruiting the right employeesand performers.4. Pr%ce++ "!"$1+i+C>Theimmediacyandspeedof therecruitment processarethemain concerns of the 2R in recruitment. The process should beOeAible, adaptive and responsive to the immediate reDuirements.The recruitment process should also be cost e=ective. 6.Str"te'ic ,ri%ritiC"ti%!(8 The emerging new systems are both an opportunity as well as achallenge for the 2R professionals. Therefore, reviewing staGngneeds andprioriti@ingthetasks tomeet thechanges inthemarket has become a challenge for the recruitmentprofessionals.$T &$R#.N+1$A#2.N+LRA.D.N+%>R%#R.T.N+RECENT TRENDS IN RECRUITMENTT*e )%$$%:i!' tre!#+ "re >ei!' +ee! i! recruite!t(

0. OUTSOURCING(8The outsourcing !rms help the organi@ation by the initialscreening of the candidates according to the needs of theorgani@ation and creating a suitable poolof talent for the !nalselection by the organi@ation. A#-"!t"'e+ %) %ut+%urci!' "reC>'. #ompany need not plan for human resources much in advance.-. #ompany is free from salary negotiations, weeding the unsuitable resumesLcandidates.4. #ompany can save a lot of its resources and time. 2. POACHING5RAIDING(8.t is the latest mantra being followed by the organi@ations today.1oaching means employing a competent and eAperienced personalready working with another reputed company in the same ordi=erent industry, the organi@ation might be a competitor in theindustry. Acompanycanattract talent fromanother !rmbyo=ering attractive pay packages and other terms and conditions,better than the current employer of the candidate. "ut it is seenas anunethical practiceandnot openlytalkedabout. .ndiansoftwareandtheretail sector arethesectorsfacingthemostseverebruntof poaching today..t has becomea challenge forhumanresourcemanagerstofaceandtacklepoaching, asitweakens the competitive strength of the !rm. 9. E8 RECRUITING (8,any big organi@ations use .nternet as a source of recruitment.%> Recruitment is the use of technology to assist the recruitmentprocess. Theyadvertisejobvacanciesthroughworldwideweb.The job seekers send their applications or curriculum vitae i.e. #0through e mail using the .nternet. Alternatively job seekers placetheir #0Hs in worldwide web, which can be drawn by prospectiveemployees depending upon their reDuirements.PA#-"!t"'e+ %) e8recruite!t "re(8 *ow cost. No intermediaries Reduction in time for recruitment. Recruitment of right type of people. %Gciency of recruitment process.(B) SELECTION&ystematic process of selecting the most appropriate people forthe organi@ation selection is the process of di=erentiatingbetween applicants in order to identify and hire those with agreater likelihood of success in a job. Theprocessof interviewingand evaluatingcandidatesfor aspeci!c job and selecting an individual for employment based oncertain criteria. %mployee selection can range from a very simpleprocesstoaverycomplicatedprocessdependingonthe!rmhiring and the position. #ertain employmentlawssuch as anti>discrimination laws must be obeyed during employee selection.MEANING OF SELECTION(8 T*e ,r%ce++ %) c*%%+i!' i!#i-i#u"$ :it* t*e c%rrect 3u"$i?c"ti%!+ !ee#e# t% ?$$ =%>+ i! "! %r'"!iC"ti%!&.Re%r'"!iC"ti%!Tr"!+)er %) e,$%1ee+ t% #iEere!t >u+i!e++ 'r%u,5$%c"ti%! Se,"r"ti%! %) "! e,$%1eeNEED FOR SELECTION.nadditiontoplannedhiring, vacanciescanariseduetothefollowing reasonsC>0.Re%r'"!iC"ti%!( 8A change in mode or timing of eAecution of business plans mayresult increationof vacancies that cannot be!lled throughredeployment of eAisting manpower. .n such cases, hiring activitycommencesafterformal approval fromtheconcernedfunctionheadandLor#ircle#$$andafter/Dsforthesenewroleshasbeen created.2.Tr"!+)er %) e,$%1ee+ t% #iEere!t >u+i!e++'r%u,5$%c"ti%!(-Themovement of anemployeetoadi=erent functionL#ircleLlocationLgroupcompanywill leadtothecreationofavacancy.The vacancy so created may be at the same levelLlocation or at adi=erentlevel. &uchavacancymaynotbeincremental totheeAisting manpower count i.e. all vacancies created on account ofsuch movements may not necessarily be !lled. 9. Se,"r"ti%! %) "! e,$%1ee( >0acancies created through separation follow a pattern similar tothat of vacancies duetomovement of employees. After the!nali@ation of manpower plan at the beginning of the !scal year,thehiringplanischartedout for eachDuarter. Thisplanlaysdown the number of employees to be hired on a monthly basis ateach level, location and function. .t serves as the masterdocument for initiating recruitment activity assuming that thereis no change in the business plans for the year. JOB DESCRIPTIONS.t describes the work performed, responsibilities involved,eAperience pro!le, skill or training reDuired and personalreDuirements on the job. /Ds give an understanding of the tasksperformed and the type of Duali!cation reDuired to perform them./ob descriptions are used to de!ne the criteria for selection andsubseDuent performance evaluation.The 2R 5unction maintains an updated record of all jobdescriptions to understand the evolving nature of jobresponsibilities, reporting relationships and skill sets. STEPS IN SELECTION PROCESSThe steps involved in the process of selection areCSELECTION PROCESS FLO7CHART(8App 0. A,,$ic"!t =%> I!tere+t (8Applicant /ob .nterest1re employment &creeningApplication 5orm.nterview Test"ackground .nvestigationAdditional .nterviewperformance>related synopsis ofapplicantHs adult life, their skills, andtheir accomplishments.Applications obtain information the company wants. (0)TEST(8 $rgani@ations historically relied to a considerable eAtent onintelligence,aptitude,ability and interesttestto providemajorinput to the selection process. %venhandwritinganalysisinformation that supposedly leads to more e=ective selection. C*%%+i!' Te+t+ :>Tests must be chosen based on the criteria of reliability, validity,objectivity and standardi@ation. Reliability refers tostandardi@ation of the procedure of administering and scoring thebestresults. Apersonwhotakesatestonedayandmakesacertain score should be able to take the same teAt the neAt dayor theneAt weekandmakemoreor lessthesamescore. AnindividualHs intelligence, for eAample, is generally a stablecharacteristic. 0alidityisatest whichhelpspredict whether aperson will be successful in a given job. A validated testincreases possibility of success.Per)%r"!ce te+t C> .n this type of test to avoid criticism and potential liability fromusingpsychological, aptitude, andother typesof writtentest,interest has been increasing in performance simulation test. Thesingleidentifyingcharacteristics of thesetests arethat theyreDuire the applicant to engage in speci!c behaviors necessaryfor doing the job successfully. As a result, performance simulationtests should more easily meet the reDuirement of job Erelatedness because they are made up of actual jobs behaviorsrather than the surrogates.7%r< +",$i!'(8.n work sampling creates a miniature replica of a job. Applicantsdemonstrate that they possess the necessary talents by actuallydoingthetasks. #arefullydevisedworksamplesbasedonjobanalysis data determine the knowledge, skills, and abilitiesneeded for each job. Then, each work sample element ismatchedwithacorrespondingjobperformanceelement. Theadvantageof worksamplingover traditional pencil>and>papertests shouldbeobvious."ecauseworksamplesare essentiallyidentical to job content, work sampling should be better predictorof short term performance and should minimi@e discrimination.(2)I!ter-ie:(8Applicants who pass the initialscreening, application form, andreDuiredteststypicallyreceivea comprehensive interview.Theapplicant may be interviewed 2R, interviewers, senior managerswithin the organi@ation, a potential supervisor, potentialcolleagues, or some or all of these. The comprehensiveinterviews is designed to probe areas not easily addressed by theapplicationformor tests suchas assessingones motivation,values, ability to work under pressure , and ability to I !t inJ withthe organi@ation. O!e t% %!e i!ter-ie:(8 There are only two participants Ethe interviewer and the interviewee. This can be the same as the preliminary interviews. Se3ue!ti"$ i!ter-ie:(8 This takes the one to one a step further and involves a series ofinterviews, usually utili@ing the strength and knowledge base ofeach interviewer, so that each interviewer can ask Duestions inrelationtohis or her subject areaof eachcandidate, asthecandidate moves from room to room.P"!e$ i!ter-ie:(8 This consists of two or more interviewers and the !gure may goup to as many '7. Structure# i!ter-ie:(8 The interviewer uses preset standardi@ed Duestions which are puttoall interviewees. ThisinterviewisalsocalledasQguidedH orQpatternedH interview. U!+tructure#i!ter-ie:C>Theinterviewis largelyunplannedandtheintervieweedoesmostof thetalking. nguidedinterviewisadvantageousinasmuch as it leads to a friendly conversation between theinterviewer andtheintervieweeandintheprocess, thelaterreveals more of his or her desires and problems. The un>patterned interview lacks uniformity. MiFe# i!ter-ie:C> A blend of structured and unstructured Duestions is used by theinterviewer while interviewing the job seekers.Be*"-i%ur"$i!ter-ie: (8Thisfocusesonaproblemorahypothetical situationthattheapplicant is eApected to solve. These are hypotheticalsituationand the applicant is asked what he or she would do in the givencircumstances. This interview techniDue has a limited scope. Stre++ i!ter-ie:C>Thisattempt tolearnhowtheapplicant will respondtothepressure. This techniDueis morerelevant injobs involvingstress. ;. B"crelated.B.J%> OEer(8.ndividuals who perform successfully in the preceding steps arenowconsideredeligibletheemploymento=er. )homakesthe!nal employment depends on several factors. 5or administrativepurpose, the o=er typically is made by an 2R, representative.The actual hiring decision should be made by the manager in thedepartment where the vacancy eAists.RECRUITMENT POLICY OF A COMPANY .n todayHs rapidly changing business environment, a well de!nedrecruitment policy is necessary for organi@ations to respond to itshuman resource reDuirements in time. Therefore, it is importanttohaveaclearandconciserecruitmentpolicyinplace, whichcan be eAecuted e=ectively to recruit the best talent pool for theselection of the right candidate at the right place Duickly.#reatingasuitablerecruitment policyis the!rst stepintheeGcient hiringprocess. Aclearandconciserecruitmentpolicyhelps ensure a sound recruitment process.t speci!es the objectives of recruitment and provides aframework for implementation of recruitment programmed.COMPONENTS OF THE RECRUITMENT POLICY The general recruitment policies and terms of theorgani@ation Recruitment services of consultants Recruitment of temporary employees niDue recruitment situations The selection process The job descriptions The terms and conditions of the employment ARECRUITMENTPOLICYOFANORGANI4ATIONSHOULDBE SUCH THAT .t should focus on recruiting the best potential people. Toensurethat everyapplicant andemployeeis treatedeDually withdignity and respect. nbiased policy. To aid and encourage employees in reali@ing their fullpotential. Transparent, task oriented and merit based selection. )eight age during selection given to factors that suitorgani@ation needs. $ptimi@ation of manpower at the time of selection process. De!ning the competent authority to approve each selection. Abidesbyrelevant publicpolicyandlegislationonhiringand employment relationship. .ntegrates employee needs with the organi@ational needs. FACTORS AFFECTING RECRUITMENT POLICY $rgani@ational objectives 1ersonnel policies of the organi@ation and its competitors. +overnment policies on reservations. 1referred sources of recruitment. Need of the organi@ation. Recruitment costs and !nancial implicationsRECRUITMENT POLICY OFRELIANCECOMMUNICATONSLIMITEDOBJECTI/E AND PURPOSEC> Recruitment 1olicy is a guide to 2R professional across R #om *tdincluding Associate #ompanies. To acDuire right kind of talent for the organi@ation to deliver its business goal.To ensure timely and Duality recruitment in a cost e=ective manner within approved budget. .t is designed to provide a guiding framework and developintegrated systems and processes to achieve end to endRecruitment 1olicy %Gciencies including C> Recruitment Need Analysis and 1lanning &ources of Recruitment #onducting .nterviews &hort *isting and #ompensation 5iAation Approval ,ethodology /oining , 2iring and .nduction %mployee Data pdating in &A1 Recruitment 1rocess and Data Audits. Toensuree=ectivemonitoringandcontrol ontherecruitmentprocess so that recruitment in various employment categories isconducted in transparent and consistent manner.SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY (8

Allthe "usiness L 5unction L #ircle %ntities in R #om andAssociates #ompanies are covered under this policy, unless it isdecided to have separate policy for its purpose. #overs recruitment of all categories of employees such asRegular %mployees, 5ull Time #onsultants, 5iAed Term Retainers,%A>1atraites, Trainees, etc. DoesnHt cover recruitment of Agency ,anpower, which willfollow guidelines as speci!ed in the ,anpower #ontract,anagement 1olicy.POLICY OF RECRUITMENT AND SELECTIONEMPLOYEMENT CATEGORIES(8 R #om recruits people for a large number and type of pro!les in -categories of companiesC R #om Associate companies The general guidelines based on which, 2R shall decide the rollson which the candidate shall be recruited as followC> I!cu>e!t R%$e( >Role Description shallbe theprimary element of decision making as to which rolls a candidateshould be recruited. N"ture %) J%>(8.f the jobs involve high level ofconceptuali@ation, 1lanning, Decision ,aking, Technical(nowledge, etc., the candidate shall be recruited on the rolls of R#om. #andidates for jobs of repetitive nature, having establishedprocesses, and reDuiring minimal level of conceptuali@ation,planninganddecisionmakingshall berecruitedonAssociated#ompany Rolls. E#uc"ti%!"$ 3u"$i?c"ti%!+(8The %ducational:uali!cations parameters shall serve as a reference for decisionof #ompany rolls for the employeeC> & R #om Associate#ompanies '? ".%. L ".Tech. L".Arch.DiplomaDuali!cation

&l. no.R #om L Associates #ompanies'?1robationer -?+raduate %ngineering Trainees. > 1remium .. > Non>1remiumL National L Regional level L #ity&peci!c #onsultants?. The empanelling authorities for 1lacement #onsultants, inconjunction with the #entral #ontracts Teamat N2:are asunderC>'? +rade .> #orporate 2R.-? +rade..> Recommendedby2RRepresentativeapprovedby#orporate 2R. .n event, 2R Representative would want tochange any consultant from +rade .. to +rade .M they would haveto obtain the approval of #orporate 2R for the same. Theintimation of this change in grade shall be sent to the consultantandcirculatedtoall 2Rrepresentativesby#orporate2Rafterrevisedcontractshavebeensignedbetween#entral #ontractsTeam and #onsultant. All consultantsH 1rofessional #harges will be onOat fee basis communicated by #orporate 2R from time to time.The fee structure shall be revived and published by #orporate 2Ralong with #entral #ontracts Team every 8 months. .ntheevent of candidateleavingduringtheprobation period, free replacement shall be provided by theplacement consultant as per the terms and conditions ofcontractM else the professional charge shall be recovered oradjusted from his pending bills of the consultant in co>ordinationwithrespectivecommercial department. Thedefault shall benoted in the consultantHs dossier to be considered during vendorappraisal. 2R representative shall evaluate theperformance of the 2ead 2unters operating in their circle on a:uarterly "asis and send a #onsolidated #onsultants1erformance %valuation Report to #orporate 2R on a 2alf>3early"asis. ,.T.Hsand+.%.T.Hsshall notbetakenthroughconsultants. AD/ERTISEMENTS (8 Advertising is done when the number of people reDuired is high,sayover -RR, thecandidatespro!leishomogeneousandthetarget group is widespread. Depending on the business reDuirements L speci!cations,+eographical spread reDuiring the advertisement, #orporate 2Rshall approvetoadvertiseonalocal, regional or nationwidebasis. All advertisements for #ircle speci!c reDuirements may bereleased by #ircle 2R with prior written Approval of #orporate 2R. The Advertisement shall be released in a standard formatapproved by #orporate 2R.CAMPUS RECRUITMENT (8 #ampus recruitment would be centrally coordinated by #orporate2Rinorder toleveragecommonresourcesandcontactswithleading campuses. Any #ampus 0isit L Recruitment shall becarried out strictly based on the directions circulated by#orporate 2R fromtime to time and speci!c approval of1resident 2R.RECRUITMENT OF FORMER EMPLOYEES (8 .n cases where eA>employee wishes to re>join before '- monthsof beingrelieved, his candidature shall bestrictly evaluatedbasedontheskills, competenciesandeAperienceagainst therole reDuirements, subject to a reference check with his previousemployer. The circumstances of separation fromR #omL Associates#ompany andhis present employer shall beoneof thekeyparameters for consideration for such re>employment. #T# !tment shall be as per the #R# guidelines issued by#orporate 2R from time to time. .n case an eA>employee wishes to re>join after of '- months, heshall follow the standard screening and recruitment process. Any former employee shall not be issued appointment letter if hisfull and !nal settlement was not completed. SHORT LISTING OF C/HS All the#.0.Hsshall beshort>listedbasedonidenti!edskillreDuirements and the /ob Description for the portion and as perthe parameters as speci!ed in the #R# +uidelines.INTER/IE7 #andidates shall be assessed on the following parameters C>'? "usiness knowledge-? (nowledge of work process and systems4? 5unctional #ompetence as reDuired by the Role6? "ehavioral and 1ersonality Traits7? Reliance ADA +roup #ulture 5itment. 2R representative shall use teleconferencing andvideoconferencing, eAtensively to conduct interviews of outstation candidates. #andidates of &r. 0.1. and above designationsmay be called to DA(#L#ircle 2eadDuarters for the !nal stage oftheir interview with N2: "usiness 2ead and "usiness 2R2eadL#ircle 2ead. Travel for the purpose of interview is permissible only in case ofcandidates for designations of &r. 0.1. and above. 5or designationbelow the designations of &r. 0.1., travel shall be allowed basedon the prior written consent of "usiness 2ead and "usiness 2R2ead, subject to candidate submitting original tickets, etc. .nsucheAceptional circumstances, entitlement pertainingtoacandidateHs stay L conveyance and other entitlement forattending the interview will be as per applicable Travel 1olicy forthe proposed designation in which the candidate is proposed tobe inducted. $vernight stay shall be avoided in case outstation candidates arecalledfor interviewtoN2:L #ircle2eadDuarters. .f overnightstay is reDuired, suitablearrangement shall bemadeby 2Rrepresentative in RADA +roup #ompanyHs +uest house. The .nterview 1anel shall be based on the .ncumbent Role.PROCEDURE PROCEDURE O/ER/IE7 (8 Total cycle time taken to complete recruitment process, shall bewithin 4R days fromthe date of receiving the ,anpowerRecruitment reDuisition from "usiness L #ircle 2ead. #orporate 2R shall release the business wise recruitment plan forthe year. 2R representative shall createM maintain and update the businesswise RA+ matriA on Duarterly basis. The recruitment policy shall be linked to .ntegrated Recruitment&ystem RA+ status &ourcing strategy used &tatus of #andidates .nterviewed

Need for Recruitment for the1osition. &eniority of the 1osition. 0olume of recruitment vLsavailability of manpower in the .ndustry The "usiness L %ntity L 5unction L #ircle L %ntity 2Rshouldoptimi@e the recruitment costs by !rst using the internal sourcesof recruitment. This is in the line with organi@ational objectives toprovide and enhance growth and developmental opportunities onpriorityto.nternal Resources. $nlyif suitablecandidates areunavailablefor ful!llingthereDuirement shouldtheyresort tousing eAternal sources of recruitment.INTERNAL SOURCING (INTERNAL JOB POSTING) "usiness L %ntity L 5unction L#ircleL %ntity2RshouldraisethereDuisitionthroughthe./1portal based on "usiness ReDuirements. .n case of a replacementvacancy, approval of the "usiness 2R head will suGce. The ./1 ispublishedin./1portal within-6hoursof gettingtheapprovalfrom "usiness 2R 2ead. .nterested candidates willapply online on the basis of eligibility criterion mentioned in the./1. Their applicationswill beroutedtotheir 2$Dand2Rforapproval i.e. to check on the following parametersC>e=ective sources of recruitmentto !ll in the vacancies. PLACEMENT CONSULTANTS 2R representative and#orporate 2R shall identify and shortlist 1lacement #onsultants. 2R representative negotiateand !nali@e the most reasonable payment charges with theconsultants in their respective location, ensuring not to eAceedthespeci!edmaAimumcapital amount andthenforwardtheproposal for said placement consultant for empanelment to#orporate 2R. $nce &ervice Agreement issignedbetweenthecompany andthe consultant, consultantdetails shall be entered in &A1 to generate a vendor code for theconsultant. The vendor code so generated shall be the 1.N

Timetaken to process a recruitment assignment. :ualityof candidates short listed to the position. 1asteAperience of the candidate. *ifespanof the candidate in the organi@ation, etc. AD/ERTISEMENTS (8 &tandard templates shall be designed by the ,arketing and"randing Team for releasing recruitment advertisements. #orporate 2R approves these formats. ReDuisition format is forwarded to ##D . 1rospective employee is eApected to send the scanned copies ofdully !lled 1re>%mployment ,edical Test 5orms and reportscerti!edby%mpanelled,edical 1ractitioner withinaweekofreceiving. $utcome of ,edical ReportsC>'? Negative$utcome> )ithdrawtheo=er letter atleast 9 days prior to the days of joining.-? 1ositive $utcome> %>joining link will be sent to theprospective employee through e>mail. ISSUE OF APPOITMENT LETTER (8 All original documents should be submitted on the Date of/oining. All photocopies should be validated with the original and shouldbemarkedI0eri!edwith$riginalsJandcounter>signedbytherespective 2R. Appointment letter with their full name and date shall be issuedby 2R rep. #hoice 1ay components are subject to change as per#ompensation and "ene!ts 1olicy.JOINING (8 1ost validation of documents with originals, on the date of joiningof employee, hiringactionthroughe>/oiningine>Recruitment1ortal, 2R rep. should generate the employee code and forwardto the employee. Relevant employee data including 1ersonal Details of the%mployee, 1osition, Roleand$rgani@ation&tructureDetails, R>,atriA ,apping details, 5amily details, %ducational :uali!cationsand &kills 1ro!le, 1revious %Aperience Details, 1hysiologicalinformation, Time Recording information, #ost>#enter details, #T#details, anyother !nancial commitments made, etc. shall bepushed into &A1 as a part of e>2iring 1rocess through 1ortal. 2R rep. should create the employeeHs personal !le and facilitatethe employees to !ll in his (.R.A.Hs within '7 days of joining. 2Rrep. or #orporate 2Rshall senda joining circular to allconcerned and introduce to everyone at the joining location. 2R or #orporate 2R shall facilitate administrative and ..T. supportwithin 6 days of joining.INDUCTION (8 5ormal induction program is necessary. .ntroduction to R #om .ntroduction to Associate #ompanies .ntroductiontorespectivebusinessL functionLsub>function in which candidate is hired. $rgani@ation structure and reportingrelationships &napshot of 2R policies and practices ofcompany. 2R 2elpdesk details .ntroduction to %&& 1ersonal introduction to everyone and to ensure conformability &hall ensure that each and every new joinee !lls in theemployeesurveyavailableon+yan,andir withinaweekofjoining. &hall track feedback received on the portal and a weekly ,.& offeedback as a part of weekly report. 2R rep. shall personally check introduction the employee oncehe completes 4 months in organi@ation as a re>boundingeAercise.POST8RECRUITMENT DATABASEUPDATION (8 2R rep. shall complete entry of personaldetails in &A1. Talent AcDuisition Team,ember willensure that all the transactions are completed as reDuired andhelp in following C Database generation. 1rocess #ompliance. Recruitment 1lanned vLs #ompleted. Recruitment #ycle Time and Recruitment #osts. 1erformance of the consultants. sage of various sources of recruitment > consultants,advertisement, web, etc.RECRUITMENT MIS (8 #R#7 years< ?c 7>'R years < ?d 'R>'7 years < ?:-. Does the organi@ation clearly de!ne the position objective, reDuirementsand candidate speci!cations in the recruitment processNa 3es < ?b No< ?:4. )hich of the following methods of recruitment did you use for your recruitmentNa. %mployee referrals< ?b. Advertisement in localL national paper < ?c. +overnment employee eAchange < ?d. 1rofessional journals < ?e. 1rofessional bodies < ?f. Recruitment consultants < ?:6. )hich of the followings methods of selection did you face for your selectionNa. Aptitude test < ?b. 1ersonal interview < ?c. )ritten test < ?d. 1ractical Test < ?e. Any other< ?:7. 2ow much time did the company take to respond to your applicationNa. *ess than 7 days < ?b. 7>'R days< ?c. ''>'7 days< ?d. '7>-R days< ?e. ,ore than -R days< ?:8. .s the organi@ation doing timeliness recruitment and selection processNa. 3es< ?b. No < ?:9. .s recruitment process fair and unbiasedNa. 3es< ?b. No < ? DATA ANALYSISR>7 yrs 7>'R yrs 'R>'7yrs more than '7R'R-R4R6R7R8RI0.:'.77T of the employees are working with the organi@ation for R>7 years, 4RT are 7>'R years and '7T are 'R>'7 years. No one is above '7years working with the [email protected] NoR-R6R8R;R'RR'-RI2.&eries ''RRT employees feel that organi@ation clearly de!ne the positionobjectives, reDuirements and candidate speci!cation in the recruitment process.R'R-R4R6R7R8RI9.:4.7RT of the employees said that they followed %mployment Referral method whereas 6RT followed Recruitment #onsultant and 'RT follows both Referral and #onsultant method.R'R-R4R6R7R8R9RI;.:6.8RT said that they followed 1ersonal .nterview during their recruitment, whereas -RT followed )ritten test F 1. and -RT followed Aptitude test F 1.. R'R-R4R6R7R8RI@.:7. -RT employees think that organi@ation takes less than 7 days to respond to their application whereas, 7RT think that it takes 7>'Rdays, W7T thinks that it takes ''>'7 days and '7T thinks that it takes more than -R days.3es NoR'R-R4R6R7R8R9R;RIA.:8.9RT employees thinks that organi@ation is doing timelines recruitment and selection process, whereas, 4RT thinks di=erent..3es #ategory -R-R6R8R;R'RR'-RIB.:8. 'RRT employees thinks that recruitment process followed in the organi@ation is fair F unbiased.BIBLIOGRAPHY #ompany Details of Reliance #ommunications Recruitment 1olicy of Reliance #ommunications *td. Telecom regulatory authority of .ndiaHs "usiness world'. .ndia todayNewspaperC> '. The Times of .ndia-. The %conomic Times"ooks referred C>'. (hanka, &.&.