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  • 8/3/2019 Anima Beyond Science


    B E Y O N D S C I E N C EB E Y O N D S C I E N C E

  • 8/3/2019 Anima Beyond Science


    Anima: Beyond Science is a fan-made, non-profit supplementto the Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG. No infringement of

    intellectual property law is intended.

    Written and Edited by


    Playtested by

    Popo; The Silver Monk; Rachel Alucard; Schmidt1001

    With Additional Material from


    Illustrations by

    Various artists, including Shimmering-Sword, GENZOMAN, Jamesbiff,aestheticmachine, EspenG. Flycan and many others.

    With Special Thanks toCipher Studios Anima Boards

    Fantasy Flight Games

    Edge Entertainment

    B E Y O N D S C I E N C EB E Y O N D S C I E N C E

  • 8/3/2019 Anima Beyond Science


    Introduction 4

    Character Creation 5

    Races 12

    Classes 20

    Secondary Abilities 31

    Starships 35

    Equipment 44

    Weapons Armour 64

    Training Modules 67

    Advanced Technology 76

    Genetics 84

    Combat Drugs 93

    Cybernetics 96

    Heritage 104

    Accidents and Hazards 110

    The Galactic Stage 118

    B E Y O N D S C I E N C EB E Y O N D S C I E N C E

  • 8/3/2019 Anima Beyond Science


    IntroductionAnima: Beyond Science is a fan-madesupplement to the popular Anima:Beyond Fantasy role-playing game,attempting to combine the feel andatmosphere of the best science fictionwith the versatile rule mechanics ofthe Anima game.

    Whether cinematic Space Opera,gritty cyberpunk or star-faringwestern in space, Beyond Sciencesobjective is to give you the tools torun that game using Anima rules.

    Anima: Beyond Science requires theAnima RPG rulebook to play.

    The basic Anima rules have beenlargely left intact to ensure that yourexperience moving from one toanother is quick and easy, and toenable you to add components of oneto the other, such as Psionics orMagic.

    Beyond Science is an ongoing project,and continues to be updated withnew material and revisions areslowly made to rules.

    Because of this, suggestions andcomments on the project areparticularly welcome.

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    CharacterCreationPlayers generate their rolls

    using the normal methods.Appearance and wealth arerolled at the same time,players may choose whichto allocate.

    Bonuses to primaryattributes that are not racialin nature are halved if they

    would bring the total toabove 10. Odd bonuses arerounded down, and only theexcess above the maximumare affected in this way.

    Concepts such as Inhumanor Zen no longer exist, youcan gain the full benefit

    from your attributeregardless of how high itmight be.


    There are eight primaryattributes, as in BeyondFantasy. The effect that theyhave on a character differslightly however, as shown:

    Agility (AGI)Defence, Movement, Actions

    Constitution (CON)Life Points, Physical Resistance,

    Intelligence (INT)Secondary Skills and Technology

    Power (POW)Heritage, Style, Leadership

    Willpower (WP)Mental Resistance

    Perception (PER)Sensory Increment

    Strength (STR)Melee damage, Wear Armour

    Dexterity (DEX)Attack, Actions

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    There is no such thing as Presence inBeyond Science, and there are only twotypes of resistance- physical and mental.Each resistance begins at 20 plus either

    your constitution modifier (physical) oryour willpower modifier (mental), andincreases according to your class.

    Combat Abilities

    Attack depends on Dexterity

    There is no block or dodge ability inBeyond Science, replaced by a single

    Defence ability, which depends onAgility.

    Wear Armour depends on Strength.

    Training Modules are no longer simplyfor combat, and subsume martial arts.

    Technological Abilities

    Genetic Potential is the cost for

    purchasing gene points, which you canspend on enhancements or splicing.

    Genetic Adaptation is themaximum level of geneticmodification you can undergo.Your adaptation is added toyour constitution score for this

    purpose.Cybernetic Potential is the costfor purchasing cyber points,which you can spend onenhancements.

    Integrity is the maximum levelof cybernetic modification youcan undergo. Your integrity is

    added to your constitutionscore for this purpose.

    Prototype Development isyour ability to invent newforms of technology anddepends on intelligence.

    Artificial Intelligence is yourability to program computer

    code and depends onintelligence.

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    New Character Creation Rules

    Natural Bonus

    Characters no longer receive a naturalbonus, instead they gain a bonus to twosecondary skills of their choice each levelequal to their intelligence modifier. If thecharacter has a negative intelligencemodifier they do not gain this bonus.

    Human characters also receive a +10innate bonus to five secondary skills of

    their choice at each level, called a RacialBonus.

    Fumbles and OpensFumbles occur on a roll of 01-05and incur a d100 penalty to theaction. Opens occur on a roll of 96-100 and apply a d100 bonus to the

    action. You cannot receive morethan one open per check.

    MasteryEvery 100 points of final ability isknown as a mastery level. Eachmastery level a character achievesalters the roll required to incur afumble or an open by one point in

    your favour.For example, 01-05 becomes 01-04,and 96-00 becomes 95-00.Remember, however, that a 01 isalways a fumble.

    Creation Notes

    The maximum number of points

    you can spend on any primary orsecondary skill is one quarter yourmaximum.

    For example, a level one charactercannot spend more than 150 DP ona single skill.

    This rule supersedes all previouslimits on purchasing skills.

    Characters may spend any amountof their points on combat ortechnological skills, but mustspend at least one quarter of theirdevelopment points on secondaryskills.

    There is no longer amaximum cap on innate or

    class bonuses.

    Mechanical Engineering is your ability toconstruct robotic chassis and heavy duty

    equipment and depends on intelligence.

    Other AbilitiesHeritage is an affinity to your ancestors,and a source of unexpected ability duringtimes of difficulty. It depends on power.All characters receive one heritage pointper level, including the first.

    Sensory range is your effective range withskills and attacks and depends onperception.

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    Creation PointsNew Advantages

    HeritorCP: 1,2,3

    For every Advantage point youinvest into this advantage, yougain a Heritage Point.

    Tech JockeyCP: 1,2,3For every Advantage point youinvest into this advantage, yougain 50 Technology Points.

    Mutant PhysiologyCP: 1,2,3Gain 2 Genetic Potential Pointsfor every advantage point youinvest into this advantage atcharacter creation.

    More Machine than ManCP: 1,2,3Gain 2 Cybernetic PotentialPoints for every advantagepoint you invest into thisadvantage at character creation.

    WealthCP: 1,2, 3You gain 200k, 500k or 1m CR at charactercreation, depending on how many creationpoints you invest on this advantage.Additionally, every session after the first,you receive 1/10th of this amount,representing canny investment.

    Superb ConditioningCP: 2You gain a +15 bonus to physical andmental resistances, and an additional +5 toboth every level, on top of your normalbonus. Additionally, you gain a +2 bonusto attribute tests.

    Transcend LimitsCP: 1,2,3Your constitution is treated as being 2points higher for the purposes ofcybernetic or genetic abilities. Eachadditional point increases your effective

    constitution for this purpose by 2.

    Weapons TrainingCP: 2You gain a +5 class bonus to attack perlevel. This bonus does not apply if yourclass would ordinarily give you a classbonus to attack..

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    Signature StarshipCP: 2,3You start off with 2m credits, which mayonly be spent on a starship or on starshipequipment. A third advantage point

    increases the allowance to 5m credits.

    Additionally, for every 10 Tech Pointsyou normally receive, you gain 5 morefor use on your starship only.

    If you invest 3 creation points in thisadvantage, you gain 10 more tech pointsinstead for use on your starship.

    Signature EquipmentCP: 1,2,3You begin play with a special weapon,suit of armour or other piece ofequipment. The benefits this gives youwill be unique, and must be negotiated

    with the DM, though a greater

    investment of CP will bringgreater benefit.

    Robotics Expert

    CP: 2

    The cost to purchase Cyberneticsor Artificial Intelligence PrimarySkills reduces by 1 point (eg.From 2:1 to 1:1). If it was already

    1:1, you gain a +5 bonus per levelto these skills.

    Additionally, you gain 10 TechPoints for every 10 you wouldnormally receive, which may onlybe used to build robots.

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    AdvantagesNot all advantages from the core Animarules are appropriate for a Sci Fi setting. Thefollowing advantages are approved for use

    in Beyond Science.

    Changed Advantages

    Acute Senses

    In addition to the usualbenefits, Acute Senseincreases your perceptionby one for the purposes ofcalculating rangeincrements.


    In addition to the usualpenalties, Acute Sensereduces your perception bythree for the purposes ofcalculating rangeincrements, to a minimumof 1.

    Advantages from Other Sourcebooks

    New Advantages may be taken from other sourcebooks in the Anima series with DM permission

    AmbidextrousCharmDisquietingAnimal AffinityDanger Sense

    Been AroundAptitude in a SubjectAptitude in a FieldGood Luck

    Jack of all TradesUntiringUncommon Size

    Immunity to Painand FatigueFortunateQuick ReflexesLearning

    Natural LearnerNatural Learner,FieldLight Sleeper

    Approved Advantages

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    Bad LuckSevere Allergy

    Addiction/Serious ViceDeep Sleeper

    Reduced AttributeUnfortunateExhausted

    Severe PhobiaSlow HealingSlow LearningUnattractive

    Vulnerable toHeat/ColdSlow Reaction



    AdriftCP: 1Whether by cruel fate ordeliberate choice, you have nolink to your past. You receiveno heritage point at first level,but gain them normallythereafter.

    Sensitive System

    CP: 1You receive half effect fromcombat enhancement drugs,twice the side-effect and mustpay double for cybernetic orgenetic potential points.

    RookieCP: 2

    You start the game as a levelzero character (400 DP), andmust gain 75 experience pointsto progress to level one.

    New Disadvantages

    Rookie Disadvantage

    Keep in mind whenhanding out experience,that being level zero willincrease the difficulty of

    most encounters andtherefore, the amount of

    experience that characterswill receive.

  • 8/3/2019 Anima Beyond Science


    Praav (Mikael)

    Caidos (Meseguis)

    A once proud people, now enslaved

    by the Lide, Caidos are nonethelessdetermined to make those whowould belittle their race pay dearly.They are now as famous for their actsof terrorism as they are for theirreverence for their ancestors.

    A race of philosophers. missionaries and priests,the Praav are determined to be a force for goodin the galaxy. Peaceful and optimistic, and witha penchant for charity, they are appreciatednearly everywhere they go.

    AliensPlayers may choose to make their starting character an alien. Aliens receive anumber of advantages over humans, but also have costs associated with them.

    Firstly, aliens only receive 2 advantages at creation, rather than the 3 that

    humans receive. Second, aliens cannot choose their Racial Skill Bonuses theywish to receive a +10 per level innate bonus from, instead they are assignedthem.

    It is important to note that racial bonuses to attributes are an exception to therule halving attribute bonuses above 10.

    +1 constitution; Ancestral Spirit; Heat Resistance; Cold

    Vulnerability; Infrared SpectrumDemolitions; History; Withstand Pain; Intimidate; Security

    +1 willpower; Sensory Empathy; Acute

    Hearing; Respect for LifeMedicine; Repair; Composure; Persuasion;Cultures

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    Undisputed masters of a number of primitiveworlds on the fringes of civilised space, thePurnata make up the Deity caste among theirown people. Used to being the centre of attention,

    and commanding a considerable number of lesserminions, many believe their own propaganda andare convinced that they are gods given form.


    Slimy in more ways than one, nearly all Yedigpossess considerable disdain for concepts of lawand morality, a quality which has made them intoideal crime lords, loan sharks and moneylenders.Yedig are an extremely old race, and the race

    possesses more reserves of Precursor technologythan almost anyone else.

    Tuerii (Raphael)

    Honourable and compassionate, the Tueriiwere originally one half of a symbiotic race.Though this is no longer the case, the Tueriiretain an instinctual desire to protect thehelpless.

    +1 power; Extra Arms; Deific Grandeur; SlowLearner 2Leadership; Style; Science; Athletics; Composure

    +1 agility; Aquatic Breathing; Profiteering;Vulnerable to Heat; Aquatic MovementSwim; Persuasion; Hide; Theft; Appraise

    +1 strength; Protect the Weak;Armoured Skin; Nave

    Feats of Strength; Forging; Leadership;Demolitions; Climb

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    Anlayis (Erebus)

    Keepers of Secrets, the Anlayis consider machinemaintenance and innovation to be a religious duty.Meticulous and close-lipped, Anlayis habitually takeon cybernetics at each stage of their biological

    development, until nothing is left but machine.

    Karran (Noah)Obsessive and excitable, the Karran evolved ona world thought too dangerous for sentient life.A race of thrill seekers, the Karrans often decideto do something simply because the odds areagainst them. Neither particularly nefarious orvirtuous, Karrans admire skill and daring, evenin their enemies.

    +1 intelligence; One additional cyberneticpotential point per level; Hear the Machine;Forlorn; Ultraviolet SpectrumComputers; Repair; Science; Technology;Analysis

    +1 dexterity; Redundant Systems; CardiumAddiction; Immune to Climatic ConditionsPilot; Forging; Science; Art; Athletics

    Lide (Jedah)

    Manipulative and independent, Lide have

    an instinctive need to control their owndestiny- and the destiny of others. They areancient, almost as old as the Yedig,moving slowly and remaining behind thescenes.

    +1 intelligence; Night Vision; Tentacles;Voice of the Master; Light Sensitivity 10Persuade; Leadership; Analysis;

    Memorize; Appraise

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    Caius (Zemial)

    Brilliant, deadly and numerous, it is just aswell the Caius find it difficult to worktogether. Premier hunters and assassins, theCaius are natural psychopaths, completely

    lacking empathy or remorse.

    +1 strength; Withstand Death; The GrandHunt; Dement; Infrared SpectrumPoisons; Tracking; Stealth; Intimidate; Jump

    Lupa (Raphael)

    Self-proclaimed caretakers of life in thegalaxy, the Lupa consider geneticmanipulation to be a natural part ofevolution, and include a new code in everygeneration.

    +1 constitution; Shaperate; Sense the Forest;Hate the MachineAnimals; Herbal Lore; Tracking; Notice;


    Glaade (Gabriel)

    Lovers, not fighters, the Glaade appreciate beautyand peace in all its forms. Evangelists and

    entertainers, the Glaade travel everywhere insearch of new experiences to document for thefamous Overmind, which contains all theexperiences of an entire race.

    +1 Perception; Sensory Overload; QuickLearner 2; Respect for Life; UltravioletSpectrumArt; Music; Style: Acrobatics; Navigation

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    Alien Abilities

    Sensory Empathy

    The Praav can take on anothersnegative emotions and pain. The

    creature touched has the penalty ofany emotional or pain effectcurrently active on him halved. ThePraav takes no penalty in return,but the use of this ability can beextremely uncomfortable for him,

    Ancestral Spirit

    Caidos naturally feel the imprint of

    history everywhere they go. It isnot an exact science, but Caidosoften get glimpses of importantevents that have occurred nearby.The DM may roll a d100 for theCaidos in an area where animportant event took place. On anOpen Result (using the CaidosHistory), they get a glimpse of the

    event occurring, as if using the Seein History Sentience Power at ZenLevel.

    Deific Grandeur

    Millennia of godhood has left thePurnata confident of their personaland collective destiny. Purnata addan attribute bonus of their choice to

    all social rolls and to all coercionbonuses or penalties they inflict.


    Yedig know opportunity when itpresents itself, and rarely let it passthem by. They add theirintelligence and their powermodifier to critical results they

    inflict, and to all secondary skillrolls that the DM believes to be tosatisfying a base interest.

    Protect the Weak

    Tuerii suffer no penalty to defendanother, and may do so more thanonce a round. When fighting todirectly defend another weaker thanthemselves, they may add theirwillpower as an all-action bonus.

    Hear the Machine

    Anlayis can realize faults inmachinery just by listening to itsoperation. Fumbles with machinerythat an Anlayis is using are treated as40 points lower, to a minimum of 0.


    Anlayis dont understand people,

    and suffer twice their intelligencebonus to all social interactions, notincluding resisting coercion.

    Redundant Systems

    Karrans have an extra set of mostmajor organs, and are therefore verydifficult to kill. They receive a +40bonus to PhR.

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    Cardium Addiction

    Karrans are notorious for their loveof a semi-legal drug known asCardium. Karrans that takeCardium receive twice the normal

    benefits and side-effects.Voice of the Master

    Lide have extremely complex vocalchords, capable of mimicking justabout any sound. In addition, thecomplexity of intonation availableimproves the Lides socialsecondary skills by their

    intelligence modifier.

    Light Sensitivity

    Lide come from a shadowy worldwhere all light is simply reflectedfrom other planets. As a result, theysuffer a -10 all action penalty inbright light (such as daylight).Darkened lenses will not reduce the

    penalty, as the darkening of visionwill have the same effect, though itmay be more comfortable for theLide.

    The Grand Hunt

    Caius are patient hunters, and famousfor always getting the prey eventually.A Caius receives a cumulative +5 allaction bonus (to a maximum of +50)

    against a particular enemy every timethey face them, after the first. Thisbonus also applies to all rolls to track orfind them.


    Caius are solitary creatures, findinglittle comfort in social interaction. Allsocial interactions are considered one

    step more difficult for them. Intimidateis an exception to this rule.Additionally, Caius suffer a -10 allaction penalty in large crowds.


    Lupa see value in genetic diversity, andare constantly encouraging their race totake on the traits of aliens. They gain

    one additional genetic adaptation pointper level.

    Hate the Machine

    Lupa take a penalty equal to their levelx5 on all attempts to use or createrobots, cybernetics or other advancedtechnology.

    Sensory OverloadGlaade receive a bonus equal to theirperception to initiative and socialinteraction.

    Respect for Life

    Praav and Glaade receive a non-cumulative -20 all-action penalty afterkilling a sentient creature. This

    penalty disappears at a rate of 5 perday without firsthand witnessingviolence.

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    Sensory IncrementA weapons range is no longer limitedonly by the weapon in Beyond Science.In an age when most weapons can hit

    the horizon, a weapons maximumrange is less important. What mattersmore is the spatial awareness, hand-eye-coordination and all round skill ofthe user, which is where sensoryincrements come in.

    Weapons come in four range varieties:Short, Medium, Long and Extreme.You multiply the distance modifier ofyour weapon by your perception to getyour weapon increment, beyond whichyou begin to suffer a penalty to yourattack. You suffer a -50 penalty forattacking beyond your increment, plusanother -50 per increment beyond, to amaximum of -200.

    Notice and Search checks are also

    affected by your sensory increment.

    20mExtreme Range

    10mLong Range

    5mMedium Range

    2mShort Range

    Sight and Sound are consideredto be extreme in range. A Humansense of smell is considered to beshort range. Touch and taste arenot affected by sensoryincrement.

    Different species may havedifferent sensory increments.

    Perception attributes above 10have additional bonuses, asdetailed in Dominus Exxet.

    Optional Rule: Snipers Eye

    You may substitute yourperception bonus for an aimingbonus if it would be higher.

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    Each round, before initiative isrolled, players must declare howmany actions they intend to take.

    For each action beyond the first,they receive a -25 penalty to theirinitiative that round.

    Drawing a Weapon

    Drawing a light or pistol sizedweapon is considered apassiveaction.

    Drawing a heavy or rifle sizedweapon is considered an activeaction.


    Your cover bonus is taken froman enemies ranged attack whenyou are benefiting from it,

    1/2 cover -40

    3/4 cover -60

    9/10 cover -100


    Visibility modifiers are now thesame as they are in melee combat.

    Changing TargetEach time you change targetduring a turn you take acumulative -25 penalty to attack.

    DefencesFailing a defence does notprevent you from taking active

    actions next turn. Each defence youmake inflicts a -10 penalty to your nextattack, whether melee or ranged.Counterattacks are unaffected by thisrule. You may not suffer more than a -100 penalty from this rule.

    This penalty is called Taking Fire.

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    Elite Trooper

    The best of the best, elitetroopers are taken from the top

    of their classes in eachacademy throughout the

    galaxy and trained exclusivelyin the art of war.

    Heroes each, their only failingis that in a universe full of

    freaks, they are only human.Elite troopers have the best

    armour and weapons trainingin the game, but lack special


    Archetype: MilitaryLife Points: +15 per level

    Initiative: +5 per levelResistance: +10 per levelAttack: 2:1 +5 per levelDefence: 2:1 +5 per levelWear Armour: 1:1 +10 perlevel

    Technological AbilitiesGenetic Potential: 40

    Cybernetic Potential: 40Prototype Development: 3:1Artificial Intelligence: 3:1Mechanical Engineering: 3:1Tech Points: 25 per levelAdaptation: +1 per levelIntegrity: +1 per level

    Secondary Skills

    Athletics 2:1Social 2:1Perceptive 2:1Intellectual 3:1Technical 2:1Vigour 2:1Subterfuge 2:1Creative 2:1

    +10 composure per level+10 leadership per level

    Training Modules cost halfthe normal DP for an elitetrooper.

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    Archetype: Military, ScoundrelLife Points: +5 per level

    Initiative: +10 per levelResistance: +5 per levelAttack: 2:1 +5 per levelDefence: 2:1 +5 per levelWear Armour: 1:1 +5 per level

    Technological AbilitiesGenetic Potential: 40Cybernetic Potential: 40

    Prototype Development: 2:1Artificial Intelligence: 3:1Mechanical Engineering : 3:1Tech Points: 50 per levelAdaptation: +1 per levelIntegrity: +1 per level

    Secondary SkillsAthletics 2:1Social 3:1Perceptive 2:1Intellectual 3:1Technical 2:1Vigour 2:1Subterfuge 1:1Creative 2:1

    +10 notice per level+10 stealth per level+10 hide per level+10 demolitions per level+10 security per level


    Never fight fair if you can help

    it. Though superbly trained incombat, the commandos true

    strength is their skill withstealth and explosives.

    Powerful combatants withsuperb subterfuge skills but

    few special abilities.

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    Archetype: Military,CyberneticLife Points: +10 per levelInitiative: +5 per levelResistance: +10 physical perlevel+5 mental per levelAttack: 2:1 +5 per levelDefence: 2:1 +5 per levelWear Armour: 1:1 +5 perlevel

    Technological AbilitiesGenetic Potential: 40Physical Potential: 25Prototype Development: 2:1Artificial Intelligence: 2:1Mechanical Engineering :1:1 +5 per levelTech Points: 50 per level

    Adaptation: +1 per levelIntegrity: +2 per level

    Secondary SkillsAthletics 2:1Social 3:1Perceptive 2:1Intellectual 2:1Technical 2:1

    Vigour 2:1Subterfuge 2:1Creative 3:1

    +10 forging per level+10 technology per level+10 repair per level

    Whether by freak accident orlust for power, Cyborgs use

    technology to rebuildthemselves, stronger, faster,

    tougher than before.

    Dangerous combatants withexcellent cybernetic abilitiesbut weak genetics and few

    social graces.

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    Archetype: Military, GeneticLife Points: +20 per level

    Initiative: +5 per levelResistance: +10 physical perlevel+5 mental per levelAttack: 2:1 +5 per levelDefence: 2:1 +5 per levelWear Armour: 1:1 +5 per level

    Technological Abilities

    Genetic Potential: 25Physical Potential: 40Prototype Development: 3:1Artificial Intelligence: 3:1Mechanical Engineering : 3:1Tech Points: 25 per levelAdaptation: +2 per levelIntegrity: +1 per level

    Secondary SkillsAthletics 2:1Social 3:1Perceptive 2:1Intellectual 3:1Technical 2:1Vigour 1:1Subterfuge 2:1Creative 3:1

    +10 feats of strength per level+10 withstand pain per level


    Born and bred for war, everymajor military keeps millions ofgenetically altered super soldiers

    ready and trained for war.

    Quick-grown, and not as module-heavy as the elite troopers, super

    soldiers make up for any lack oftraining in spades with the best ingenetic conditioning and mental

    reprogramming available, makingthem the toughest combat type in

    the game.

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    Archetype: CyberneticLife Points: +15 per levelInitiative: +5 per levelResistance: +10 physicalper level+5 mental per levelAttack: 2:1Defence: 2:1Wear Armour: 2:1

    Technological AbilitiesGenetic Potential: N/APhysical Potential: 20Prototype Development:2:1Artificial Intelligence: 1:1+10 per levelMechanical Engineering :1:1 +10 per levelTech Points: 50 per level

    Adaptation: N/AIntegrity: +2 per level

    Secondary SkillsAthletics 2:1Social 3:1Perceptive 2:1Intellectual 2:1Technical 1:1

    Vigour 2:1Subterfuge 2:1Creative 3:1

    +10 computers per level+10 repair per level+10 analysis per level


    Constructed, not born, androidsare built for a variety of purposes-espionage, infiltration, sabotage.Illegal on most worlds, Androidsmust cope with being cybernetic

    in a galaxy full of biologicals.

    Unusual, with no genetic abilitiesat all, androids would suit a

    player looking for a morecomplex role-playing challenge.

    Androids cannot be hacked, nor can they buy frame components.They can, however, purchase AI packages and are always

    considered to possess a CPU of the same Intelligence they are.

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    Archetype: SpecialistLife Points: +5 per level

    Initiative: +10 per levelResistance: +10 per levelAttack: 2:1Defence: 2:1 +5 per levelWear Armour: 2:1

    Technological AbilitiesGenetic Potential: 40Physical Potential: 40

    Prototype Development: 3:1Artificial Intelligence: 3:1Mechanical Engineering :1:1 +5 per levelTech Points: 50 per levelAdaptation: +1 per levelIntegrity: +1 per level

    Secondary Skills

    Athletics 2:1Social 2:1Perceptive 2:1Intellectual 2:1Technical 2:1Vigour 3:1Subterfuge 2:1Creative 2:1

    +10 pilot per level+10 repair per level+10 analysis per level+10 style per level+10 persuasionper level

    Pilot 1:1Composure 2:1

    Ace Pilot

    The flyboys, daredevil smugglersand elite pilots of the galaxy, AcePilots are fast, tough and always

    look like they have a plan.

    Aces are clever scoundrels, with

    decent skills, and are the quickestcombatants in the game.

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    Archetype: SpecialistLife Points: +5 per levelInitiative: +10 per levelResistance: +5 per levelAttack: 2:1Defence: 2:1Wear Armour: 2:1

    Technological AbilitiesGenetic Potential: 30

    Physical Potential: 30Prototype Development: 2:1Artificial Intelligence: 2:1Mechanical Engineering :2:1Tech Points: 50 per levelAdaptation: +1 per levelIntegrity: +1 per level

    Secondary SkillsAthletics 2:1Social 2:1Perceptive 2:1Intellectual 2:1Technical 2:1Vigour 2:1Subterfuge 2:1Creative 2:1

    +10 to two skill fields ofyour choice per level, theskills of which become 1:1 incost thereafter. These fieldsmust be chosen at first level.


    When something needs gettingdone and no-one else can do it,

    corporations and governmentsturn to the operatives.

    Highly skilled in a number offields, the operative is a catch-all

    class designed for the playerunsure of what to specialize


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    Archetype: SpecialistLife Points: +5 per levelInitiative: +5 per level

    Resistance: +5 physical perlevel, +10 mental per levelAttack: 2:1Defence: 2:1Wear Armour: 2:1

    Technological AbilitiesGenetic Potential: 30Physical Potential: 30

    Prototype Development:1:1 +10 per levelArtificial Intelligence: 1:1+10 per levelMechanical Engineering:1:1 +10 per levelTech Points: 75 per levelAdaptation: +1 per levelIntegrity: +1 per level

    Secondary SkillsAthletics 3:1Social 2:1Perceptive 2:1Intellectual 1:1Technical 1:1Vigour 3:1Subterfuge 2:1

    Creative 2:1

    +10 science per level+10 repair per level+10 analysis per level+10 technologyper level+10 medicine per level

    Analysis 1:1


    Scientists specialize inuncovering the secrets of

    technology and cybernetics,though rarely stoop to

    experimenting on themselves.

    Scientists have the besttechnological and inventivepowers and superb technical

    skills, but comparatively weakin combat.

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    Archetype: SpecialistLife Points: +10 per levelInitiative: +10 per levelResistance: +10 per levelAttack: 2:1 +5 per levelDefence: 2:1Wear Armour: 2:1

    Technological AbilitiesGenetic Potential: 30Physical Potential: 30Prototype Development: 3:1Artificial Intelligence: 3:1Mechanical Engineering : 3:1Tech Points: 25 per levelAdaptation: +1 per levelIntegrity: +1 per level

    Secondary SkillsAthletics 2:1

    Social 2:1Perceptive 2:1Intellectual 3:1Technical 2:1Vigour 2:1Subterfuge 1:1Creative 2:1

    +10 intimidate per level

    +10 repair per level+10 theft per level+10 security per level+10 trap lore per level


    Experts on all matters criminaland illicit, scum are

    unpredictable, innovative andopportunistic, always waiting

    for that next big score.

    Scum are survivors with a widerange of skills and abilities.

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    Archetype: Military,TechnologicalLife Points: +10 per levelInitiative: +5 per levelResistance: +10 per levelAttack: 2:1Defence: 2:1 +5 per levelWear Armour: 1:1 +5 per level

    Technological AbilitiesGenetic Potential: 40Cybernetic Potential: 40Prototype Development: 2:1Artificial Intelligence: 3:1Mechanical Engineering : 3:1Tech Points: 75 per levelAdaptation: +1 per levelIntegrity: +1 per level

    Secondary Skills

    Athletics 2:1Social 3:1Perceptive 1:1Intellectual 2:1Technical 2:1Vigour 2:1Subterfuge 2:1Creative 2:1

    +10 track per level+10 notice per level+10 technology per level

    Intimidate 2:1

    Bastions of order in a lawlessgalaxy, Bounty Hunters are

    charged by planetarygovernments to dispense semi-

    legal justice light years awayfrom where the crime occurred.

    Powerful combatants with

    superb technology andperceptive skills but poorspecial abilities.

    Bounty Hunter

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    Secondary SkillsObsolete Skills

    The Occult, Magic Appraisal,and Lockpicking skills nolonger exist.

    New Skills

    Analysis [Perceptive] (Int)

    The ability to analyse data,such as a crime scene,historical records or star mapand reach a logical result.

    Security [Subterfuge] (Dex)

    The ability to disarm or evadesecurity measures, such asmechanical locks, alarms,motion sensors etc.

    Cultures [Intellectual] (Int)

    Knowledge of strange or alien

    cultures, traditions andetiquettes.

    New Skill Field: Technical

    Demolitions [Technical] (Int)

    The ability to create, set anddisarm explosive devices of all


    Computers [Technical] (Int)

    The ability to effectively use,hack or create computeriseddevices.

    Hacking in combat suffers a -80 penalty to the result.

    Piloting [Technical] (Dex)The ability to manoeuvre and controlall kinds of vehicles, mecha andstarships effectively.

    Technology [Technical] (Int)Knowledge of cutting edge or alientechnology, such as specs, alternateuses, new prototypes etc.

    Repair [Technical] (Int)

    The ability to repair mechanical orelectronic equipment. See Page 35 fordetails.

    Repairing in combat suffers a -80penalty to the result.

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    Computers are an everyday part of life inBeyond Science, and most characters willhave had considerable experience dealingwith them. Simple things such asbrowsing HoloNet, or checking youremail can be done without a check. Moreadvanced uses of a computer, such asprogramming or hacking are more in-depth and may require a Computers


    Hacking requires a computer, and aconnection to the target intelligence,either by a cable, a wireless connection, orby connection to a proxy with its ownconnection to the target.

    Once a connection has been made, youmay make one attempt per round to take

    control of a particular function, or to gainadministrative access.

    Every Artificial Intelligence andprotected computer has afirewall skill, which is comparedagainst your Computers checkevery time you make a hackingattempt.

    Unprotected computers require aroutine Computers check tohack.

    Artificial Intelligences roll a d100on top of their skill, whileprotected computers have onlytheir set skill.

    If the computer is actively beingused by another operator, whohas administrative control, theymay make a computers checkthemselves if you beat thefirewall. If they beat your result,your attempt is nullified, andthey maintain control. If youbeat their result, you gain control

    as normal.

    Trying to access a single functionrequires you get a result 40points below the target. Havingaccess to a single function (aweapon, a limb, a process)allows you to use that functiononly. Self-destructive procedures

    are never considered to be asingle function.

    Administrative access requiresbeating the firewall skill withyour Computers check, butallows you total access to thecomputer.

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    Making a command when youhave access to a combat-readycomputer (CRC) is a passiveaction. Otherwise, it is an activeaction.

    A CRC requires a HUD (see thetechnology chapter), and costsTechnology Points.

    The complexity of thecommands you can make of acomputer depend on itsintelligence. You cannotcommand a computer to do

    something beyond itscapability (such as explodingwithout a self-destruct, ormoving without parts).

    You can also command acomputer to Lockout, whichwill cause it to ignore all furthercommands, whether given byyou or not. This lockout can bepermanent or last for a givenamount of time. The only wayto end a lockout is to physicallyget inside the computer andmanually turn it off.

    Until told otherwise, even if acomputer is taken control of byanother, it will continue

    performing tasks given to itpreviously. A computer canperform millions of low-leveltasks simultaneously, so itpossible that the new user maynot notice that the computer isdoing it. Noticing this mayrequire a Computers orAnalysis check.

    It should be noted that in the BeyondScience universe security concerns

    about rogue hackers taking overmultiple systems have led virtually allSystem companies to separate computernetworks, and to severely restrict theuse of wireless connections.

    Generally speaking, you should only beable to access a computer in the room itis in, and then that computer will not be

    linked to any others unless absolutelynecessary for its function.

    Similarly, it is not possible to exert anycontrol over any computer over theHoloNet, and downloads and otherindirect attempts can no longer effectcore functions. Only a direct Computerscheck will suffice.

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    It will likely become necessary to repairequipment over time, as it takesdamage, or is subject to extreme forces.Repairs are the only way to restore lifepoints to starships or robots, treated asif a Medicine check, with additional

    components with a CR cost equal to thenumber of life points restored squared.

    Otherwise, repairs to equipment willcost anywhere from 1/100th to 1/2 theoriginal price of the equipment,depending on the severity of thedamage and the availability ofcomponents. The repair check will be 40

    points lower than the check required tocraft the item originally.

    The repair skill can also be used tosalvage components frommechanical or electronic devices.

    Salvaging an intact piece is usuallyless cost effective than selling it asis, but in some cases, such as if youlack the space to transport the

    whole piece, or if the object isbroken, it can be a worthwhileventure regardless.

    Salvage recovers useablecomponents worth the normalvalue of the object if it were intact.

    Severe damage may reduce thisamount considerably, though a

    high repair check may mitigatethe damage for this purpose.

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    Piloting Techniques:

    Evasive Maneuvres

    For one round, the defence of thepiloted craft is replaced by a pilotingcheck, modified by the size of ship.The pilot may not make attacks withthe weapon systems while takingevasive manoeuvres.

    Ramming Speed

    Make a piloting check rather than an

    attack to ram into another ship. Youdeal base damage equal to your sizemodifier multiplied by themovement value you attain whileramming, to both yourself and theenemy ship.

    Vectored Thrust

    An unexpected, jerky movement,allowing the pilot to make achange of any direction whilemoving.

    Requires a Piloting Check of:

    Vector Thrust movement during aturn can surprise an opponent ifin a dogfight, or leave themselvesvulnerable. In a dogfight theenemy must make a pilotingcheck opposed by the players.The loser is considered surprisedagainst that opponent if he failedby 40 or more.

    Only light cruisers and smallercan make a vectored thrustmanoeuvre.


    You may take a -30 penalty toyour defence to grant a +10 bonusto your attack. You may do thisup to three times to gain acumulative effect.

    Flying Cautious

    Alternatively, you may take a -30penalty to your attack to grant a+10 bonus to your defence. Youmay do this up to three times togain a cumulative effect.

    45 degrees Moderate90 degrees Hard135 degrees Very Hard180 degrees Absurd

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    Small Freighter; Superiority



    Freighter; Missile ShipFrigate0.4Colossal

    Drone Host; CommercialFreighter





    Capital Ship; Super Freighter0.6Battleship

    Bomber; Planetary Shuttle0.2Enormous

    Snub Fighter; Personal Shuttle0.1Big


    To accelerate past thespeed of light, and explorebeyond their own systemsthe races of Beyond Sciencedeveloped a technologyenabling a ship to foldspace, dramaticallyreducing the amount oftime spent in transit.


    A ships sub-light speed isworked out by subtractingits size from the enginepower as a fraction of thespeed of light.

    Those ships capable of itmay also fold space by theamount given, which is

    multiplied with the sub-light speed to give theships Fold Speed.

    Gravity Wells

    Any object with a mass of a small moon orgreater is considered to have a gravity well.

    Gravity wells cannot be folded through- yourtrip will end when you enter a gravity well. Youmay also not fold inside a gravity well, youmust leave it first.

    It is quite typical for a fold route to take a shipthrough many gravity wells, which is where themajority of space combat will take place.

    If a sub-light engines speed would reduced toless than 0,1 of the speed of light, they areinstead reduced to 0.05 instead. If the samewould increase an engines speed above 1.0, theDM may decide if he wants the law of LorentzInvariance to be absolute in his game- or not.

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    3 minutesLarge Star

    2 minutesMedium Star

    1 minuteSmall Star

    5 roundsGas Giant

    4 roundsLife-bearingPlanet

    3 roundsPlanetoid

    4 minutesGiant StarD50minutes

    Neutron Star


    Black Hole

    2 roundsLarge Moon

    1 roundSmall Moon

    Well RadiusObject Type The well radius given is for ships moving atlight speed. Multiply the time required by yoursub-light speed to find the amount of time youneed to escape the gravity well. All valuesassume you are moving at full speed.

    Working out your exact speed is not necessary,as all distances will be measured as if moving atthe speed of light- i.e. Light years- so you justneed to divide the time given by your sub-lightspeed.

    Your fold speed multiplies this speed by thenumber given when folding through open space.

    CostEffectModule10k4X750 Fold SpeedF-Type Fold


    X2000 Fold SpeedM-Type Fold

    250k9X1500 Fold SpeedX-Type Fold

    120k7X1250 Fold SpeedS-Type Fold

    50k5X1000 Fold SpeedA-Type Fold

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    Starship Costs

































    Cruiser1.2mCommercial Freighter

    Cruiser800kDrone Host

    Battleship5mSuper Freighter

    Cruiser1.6mBlockade Runner


    Light50kHeavy Fighter

    Light25kPlanetary Shuttle

    Heavy200kSmall Freighter



    Frigate600kFreighterFrigate520kMissile Ship

    Super Light30kSnub Fighter

    Frigate720kAssault Ship

    Battleship10mCapital Ship

    Super Light20kEscape Pod

    Super Light15kPersonal Shuttle


    Every starship starts off as a frame, which by itself does nothing but takepunishment and hold modules. The larger the frame, the more modules it can

    carry inside of it, and the more modules it has, the more it can do. Rememberthat you must pay for both the frame and modules for a ship to work.

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    15k1+Provides 2 points of power per slotFusion Reactor


    1+1 slot +1 per size category above Super-Light; uses Tech Points, each arrayrequires 1 Power

    Tech Array

    6k1A Medical Bay, Workshop or otherfacility











    6k per1 slot +1 per size category aboveMedium, each weapon requires 1 PowerWeapon System

    2k perSupports 5 human-sized biologicals:each slot doubles this number (stackingexponentially), requires 1 Power

    Life Support

    400kSub-light 1.2, requires 5 PowerSplash Engine

    150kSub-light 1.0, requires 4 PowerFlow Engine

    60kSub-light 0.8, requires 3 PowerImpulse Engine

    25kSub-light 0.6, requires 2 PowerTwin PulseEngine

    3k perAllows 1 person to survive onboard forlong trips: each slot doubles this number(stacking exponentially)

    Living Quarters

    10kSub-light 0.4, requires 1 PowerSingle PulseEngine


    Quality modulesrequire 1 less slot

    per grade ofquality

    (minimum 1).They also granttheir bonus toany relevant

    checks or tests touse them.

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    Starship RulesIn most respects, a starship istreated as being a creaturedirectly controlled by the pilot.

    For example, a starship rollsdefence using the pilots basedefence primary ability,modified by its agility(manoeuvre) instead of thepilots own.

    Initiative is calculated as if thepilot were using the ship as a

    weapon, with the base initiativebeing its speed.

    Ships gain life points as if theywere level 0 damage resistancecharacters with a constitutionequal to its mass attribute.

    Ships have physical resistanceequal to 25 plus their

    constitution modifier (assumingthe ships mass attribute isconsidered to be itsconstitution), Ships have nomental resistance.









    ArmourMultiple DamageResistance




    The Importance of Piloting

    A starships maximum defence and initiative bonus is limited to thefinal skill bonus of the pilots Pilot secondary skill.

    Quality increases both manoeuvre andmass attributes by 1 point, and increasesavailable module slots by 50%.

    Double the ships manoeuvre to find itsFlight Value when in atmosphere.

    The ships Lift Value is equal to its mass,and it can carry as much cargo as a humanof that strength could have as itsmaximum load. Battleships can carry 1mtons, not an infinite amount!

    You may reduce the ships Lift Value for

    the purposes of cargo by any amount togain the same amount of module space, toa minimum Lift Value of 10.

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    PowerStarship Reactors generate Power everyround, which can be used to power aships sub-light speed, shields, weaponsystems, and a number of functions.

    Power can be rerouted with an easycomputers or repair check (dependingon whether the character is using acomputer or manually reroutingpower), drawing most of the power

    from one module and putting intoanother.

    Each unit of power rerouted in a roundincreases the check difficulty by twogrades. In a combat situation, thischeck may be subject to the relevantpenalties.

    These effects are temporary, but once

    rerouted, the bonus and penaltyremains in place until rerouted again.

    No effectBarelyenoughtosurvivefor 24hrs


    x2 Regen-50%Regen


    ExtraGrade of












    The above table lists the effect ofrerouting power away and towardsa module. You cant overcharge amodule with extra units of power,it must be rerouted.

    Rerouting for a long period of time

    can be dangerous. Modules thathave been rerouted power TO themcan suffer the effects of a long-termbuild up of power.

    For each minute of time that passeswhile rerouting power TO amodule, roll a d100. On a roll of a01-05, the module short-circuits and

    becomes damaged. Each minutethat passes the roll becomes 5points more difficult- 01-05becomes 01-10.

    Quality modules are not damaged,but temporarily lose a grade ofquality instead. This does not effectthe number of modules they takeup.

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    EquipmentCharacters roll a d10 to determine theirstarting wealth:


    Petty Bourgeois



    25k Credits8-940k Credits10

    15k Credits5-7

    8k Credits2-4

    4k Credits1

    Whats a credit worth?

    A new land transport

    or a crampeddormitory freehold


    A handgun and a clipof ammo or 1 monthsrent in a standarddormitory


    Standard fare for an

    interplanetary trip oran entertainmentsystem


    A second-hand landtransport or a 2yrlease on a standarddormitory


    A standard

    ammunition clip or awilderness survivalkit


    A RTE meal or astandard travel fare toanother city


    A small freighter or adormitory suitefreehold


    A basic meal or aGalactic Netsubscription


    A newsdisc or a bottleof distilled water



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    QualityNot all equipment is created equal.Superior craftsmanship, bettermaterials and cutting-edge

    technology can set a select fewapart from others. Of course, thiskind of power doesnt come cheap-costs are multiplied accordingly,and the level of skill required tocraft them ensure they remain rare.







    Cost MultiplierQuality

    AvailabilityKeep in mind that high qualityweapons and armour are difficult tocome by. Even a +5 weaponrepresents decades of experienceand tens of thousands of credits ofinvestment beyond the simple cost

    of purchase. Not every communityis capable of such a feat, much lesseager to do so.

    Purchasing beyond these limitsrequires special circumstances, suchas an auction or unique trade deal.

    200k CRMetropolis/Pirate Mega Station

    20k CRMinorCity/Orbital

    Station50k CRMajor City/

    Deep SpaceStation

    1m CRHub/GalacticExchange

    10k CRTown/MiningColony

    5k CRVillage/FuelDepot



    Community Size

    Note: When making a conversion from BeyondFantasy, assume a credit is worth 1 Silver Piece

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    Fire ExtinguisherHighly pressurized foam heldtightly within a handy redcontainer. Extinguishes a 1m/1marea per round, and there are 10

    applications inside each canister.Cost: 20 CR

    Med-packIn extensive use throughout thegalaxy, the humble medpack grantsa +40 bonus to medicine checks totreat injury, poison or disease.Higher quality versions grant a +20bonus per grade of quality.Cost: 100 CR

    NutriPAKUbiquitous artificial food on the go,NutriPAK is available in thousandsof different flavours andsurprisingly nutritious, though thetexture is worryingly consistentwith cardboard.Cost: 1CR

    RebreatherA more advanced form of gas mask,the rebreather filters out airbornetoxins and allows for a short timespent in zero atmosphere. The air

    supply will last 8 hours in areaswithout oxygen, 24 in areas of lowoxygen.Cost: 50 CR

    Spray-on LCDPerforms all the usual functions of amonitor, on any surface and at anysize.Cost: 150 CR

    PersoComAvailable in a variety of sizes, thissmall computer performs all thefunctions you would expect of amodern computer and more.Cost: 300 CR

    PersoComs grant a +20 bonus toComputers checks per grade ofadditional quality.


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    Power Generator

    Constructed in a multitude ofdifferent ways, power generators useionized water to produce energy. Notethat a fully fuelled power generator is

    fairly heavy (10kg), and produces adistinctive energy signature that canbe read by most sensors at range withan analysis check. More generatorsmake a signature easier to read.

    Cost: 2k CR


    The quintessential tool, able toperform a vast array of electronic andmechanical tasks. Grants a +20 bonusto all repair, security and forge tasks.Each 5 points of quality improve thisbonus by 10 points.

    Cost: 750 CR

    Power Cell

    Smaller than a generator, andwithout the tell-tale signature,Power Cells store energy in acomplex series of compressed

    nanotubes. Provides one energyunit for 10 rounds of use.Recharging a cell is possible, butdangerous, and voids thewarranty. After a recharge, a resultof 51-00 on a fumble causes the cellto explode, inflicting damage asper an Overloaded Power Source.

    Cost: 50 CRPortable Jamming Device (PJD)

    A handheld, easily concealeddevice that jams most forms ofwireless communication. Requiresa Computers check to use and hasan effective range

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    500m. Higher quality versions jam atan increased range (1km per grade ofquality) and grant a +10 bonus per

    grade of quality to the computerscheck. The DM dictates the difficultyof the check depending on thestrength of the signal, from routine fora childrens walkie-talkie to nearimpossible for a planetary defencealarm. A successful result jams allsignals (including friendly ones) ofthat grade or lower within the range.

    Cost: 4k CR

    Complete Immersion Chamber (CIC)

    As often used for training asentertainment, the CIC allows anindividual to experience scriptedevents and view Immersion feed as ifshe were actually there. Expensive tobuy, and complicated to program, fewown a chamber,

    but they remain popular in arcadesand in other public entertainmentareas.

    Immersion feed is difficult to design,requiring at least a very difficultcomputers check to design simpleprograms.

    Cost: 50 CR per hour, 15k CR to own


    Cheap, ubiquitous security,

    OPTCAMs function like modernCCTV over a wireless or cablenetwork. Special programs andconnection to a CPU is required torecognise insignia, faces, weaponsetc. Notice checks are considered tobe made by the camera at a +20bonus.

    Cost: 20 CR

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    8.6kBlast 1mLong4138-3080Light AAR

    10kBlast 3mLong41510-50100Heavy AAR



    4.8kBurstMed1696-1555Assault Rifle





    Blast 1m;Pistol

    Immolate; Pistol
















    800895050Heavy Pistol


    2k8522020Dart Pistol

    2.4k4-5040Flame Pistol

    8.4k2116-4080Rocket Pistol









    7.4k7-4090Sniper Rifle

    40041040Light Pistol





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    Med16-7-2565Beam Rifle




    Blast 5m

















    8k8-5050Energy Pistol

    12k8-7-2070Energy Rifle












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    12kBlast 20mStationary-100200Fusion Bomb

    100Blast 10m;Obscure

    Thrown0-Smoke Bomb

    400Blast 10m;Interference

    Thrown0-EMP Bomb

    3.2kBlast 5mStationary-100120Render Mine

    1.6kPhR 140Incapacitate10m

    Thrown0-Tear Gas

    800PhR 140 Blind3m


    -Blast 3m;Improvised

    Thrown050OverloadedPower Source

    Knockback 15





    Ignore ATBlast 3m









    1k040CRYO Grenade

    800040INC Grenade

    2.2k080Pulse Grenade

    1.4k040Shock Trigger


    1k080ANAR Grenade400060Frag Grenade


    Grenades and other Explosives

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    Weapon Upgrades

    Red Dot Laser Sight

    +20 attack once/round against anopponent who is unaware of the dot.You must be able to see the dot to gainthe bonus. Spotting the dot is easy (40) ifthe opponent knows where you are andcan see on that spectrum. If the opponentdoesnt know where you are, thedifficulty increases two steps.

    Comes in Standard, Infrared, Ultravioletforms.Cost: 1k CR

    Extended Clip

    As standard clip, but contains twice asmuch ammunition.Cost: 250 CR

    BayonetConvenient mounted knife, has samestatistics as Longknife.

    Non-Pistol Firearms Only

    Cost: 300 CR

    Sometimes called TacticalUpgrades, these attachmentsadd versatility to a weapon

    at the cost of speed.

    Each upgrade chosen fromthis list lowers the weaponsspeed by 5 points.

    Underslung GrenadeLauncherFires Grenades at Long

    rather than thrown range.Each launcher can hold fourgrenade at a time.

    Non-Pistol Firearms OnlyCost: 1.5k CR

    ScopeHalve penalty for a targeted

    shot while aiming.Halve distance penalties forsight based notice checkswhile focusing on particulararea.

    Single-shot capable riflesonlyCost: 500 CR

    SuppressorIncreases Notice check tohear sound of gunshot or tosee muzzle-flash by twosteps.

    Conventional Firearms Only

    Cost: 1k CR

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    A Human/Anlayis companybased on Veraya, DynaTechspecializes in designing state-of-the-art computerised weaponsystems as well as a wellestablished reputation forpushing the acceptable limits ofVI technology.

    DynaTech equipment have afumble and open range twopoints higher than normal (01-05becomes 01-07 and 96-00becomes 94-00).

    Additionally, you can ignore halfthe penalty to a skill or attackfrom a single source with acomputers check with adifficulty equal to the opponentsdefence or the normal difficultyof the check. This featurerequires a HUD to activate incombat.

    Cost: 2x normal cost


    More religious than corporate,this Caius-owned manufactorytakes quality very seriously,putting out weapons on a case-by-case basis, and threatens itsemployees with corporalpunishment for poor work. Thisunusual setup appears to work,

    for it produces reliable weaponsof the very highest quality everytime.

    Reaving weapons have a fumble onepoint lower than normal.

    Additionally, Reaving weapons reloadone action faster than normal (becomingpassive if already one action), and neversuffer a Break or Explodes result on afumble. Replace such a result with Jam.

    All this reliability comes at a cost,however, as the heavy components slowthe wielder somewhat, applying a -5penalty to speed.

    Cost: 2x normal cost

    Nightborn IndustriesA Yed-ig consortium of considerableinfluence, Nightborn specialize in covertoperations, and their equipmentdemonstrate their mastery of subterfuge.

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    Nightborn weapons have very littlemuzzle flash or weapon trail.Attempts to detect their presencehave their difficulty increased bytwo steps.

    Additionally, the final damage ofthe weapon is increased by 50%against an opponent who does notknow where the wielder is.

    Nightborn armour improves StealthFields, increasing the difficulty tospot them by one grade, andattempts to use the Hide or Stealthskills normally receive a +20 bonusper grade of quality.

    Cost: 4x

    SynTale Masters GuildInnovation and perfection is themantra of SynTale, a Glaadesociety dedicated to designing theperfect weapon. They do not

    take just any commission, and theirpride in their work evinces itself inevery piece they produce.

    SynTale weapons always possessthe Precise quality, and increase theopen range of any

    weapon by 1 per grade of mastery thewielder possesses in that weapongroup.

    Cost: 6x

    VanquisherWhen the excrement hits the engineexhaust, youll wish you had aVanquisher.

    Made notorious by a popular action-vid featuring a hard-bitten Karrandetective sharing his culture withother aliens, Vanquisher weaponsmake up for what they lack insubtlety in sheer firepower.

    Vanquisher firearms apply a 1m blastradius to their ammunition. If theweapon already has a blast radius, itincreases by 50%.

    Vanquisher weapons apply a +5bonus to base damage per grade ofquality.

    All that firepower makes Vanquisherweapons unwieldy however, andthey suffer a +1 penalty to theirRequired Strength.

    Cost: 3x

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    Purchasing ManufactoryEquipment

    Difficult to come by, Manufactoryequipment often fetches a high price onworlds far from their place of origin.

    On the planet of origin, a Manufactoryobject costs the same for purposes ofavailability.

    In the system of origin, a Manufactoryobject costs double for the purposes of

    availability and the cost multiplier isincreased by 1.

    In the sector of origin, a Manufactoryobject costs quadruple for the purposesof availability, and the cost multiplieris increased by 2.

    Otherwise, a Manufactory object coststen times its usual amount for the

    purposes of availability, and the costmultiplier is increased by 4.

    It is common for manufactoryequipment to be of an exceedingly highquality. You do not multiply themanufactory cost increase by qualitymultipliers, you simply add themultipliers arithmetically. For example,

    a +5 quality DynaTech weapon wouldcost 22x the weapons normal price.

    It is not possible to stackManufactory modifiers together ona single item, though you may useseparate equipment from differentmanufactories together.

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    When making a fumble with an attackroll while using a firearm, there is thechance that the weapon can jam,break, or even worse- explode. Whenfumbling with a firearm, consult thefollowing table.


    As Normal01-40



    EffectFumble Result


    A Jammed weapon cannot fire until it

    is fixed. You must make a repair checkof moderate difficulty to unjam it.Remember that Combat modifiers tothis check may apply in challengingcircumstances. Unjamming a weapontakes an action per attempt.


    A crucial component in the weapon

    overheats and breaks, leaving theweapon useless.

    Fixing a break requires componentsworth 1/10th the cost of the weapon(taking into account any qualitymultipliers) and a difficult repaircheck, increasing in difficulty onegrade per grade of quality.

    A weapon can be repaired withlower quality components, butfunctions at the lower quality untilproper replacements are found.


    An explosive component overheatsand explodes, showering the wielderwith heated shrapnel.

    The weapon explodes as if it were an

    overloaded power source in thewielders hands. Its attack isconsidered to be Absurd (180).

    As you might expect, the weapon isruined after an explode result.

    A weapon may be rigged to jam,break or explode the first time it isused with a moderate repair

    check, increasing in difficulty onegrade per grade of quality.

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    Additional WeaponsRules

    The physical AT of allarchaic armour (pre-

    modern) is halved againstattacks made by firearms.

    Fully Automatic weaponscan attack a number ofmetres up to 1/3 theirmaximum clip size in a lineas a Full Automatic attack,attacking everything withinthat arc. The attack is madeat a -40 penalty and costshalf the maximum clip sizein ammunition. Everythingstepping into that arcduring that turn is alsoattacked at the samepenalty.

    Weapons whose Strength is

    higher than the strength ofthe enemy hit may knocktheir target over. In such acase, both weapon andenemy must make anopposed strength test.

    If the weapon beats thetarget by 3 or more, the

    opponent is knockedprone.

    If the weapon beats thetarget by 6 or more, theopponent is knocked flyingback a number of metresequal to the amount theyfailed by, then falls prone.

    The weapon must have hit and causeddamage, and suffers a -3 to this test if it didless than 100% damage.

    Knockback weapons always incur this test,regardless of strength, and grant a +2 bonusto the weapons result.


    Every projectile-based weapon has a set clipsize, after which the character must reload.Reloading time depends on the range of theweapon:

    Short 1 Active Actions

    Medium 2 Active ActionsLong 3 Active ActionsExtreme 4 Active Actions

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    CounterattackingRemember that only meleeweapons are capable of beingused in a counterattack. Tomake a counterattack when

    attacked in melee, you must bewielding a melee weapon,have a bayonet or similardevice attached, or possess anatural weapon.

    Bayonets deal 30 base damageand have a +20 speed modifier.They inflict a -10 penalty to

    attack to whatever weaponthey are attached to. It is anactive action to attach orremove a bayonet, and areenhanced separately to theweapon.

    Alternatively, you maycounterattack with a melee

    weapon in your offhand, anunarmed strike or a naturalattack.

    Weapon SpecialQualities


    Burst weapons can target anarea instead of an individual.For each metre of radius youchoose to attack, you receive a-20 penalty to attack, to amaximum of 10m.

    ImmolateImmolate weapons force an

    enemy hit by the attack to rollon the In Flames table, page 216of the Core Anima rulebook.

    Required StrengthMany firearms are too heavy or have toomuch recoil for a weak character to properlyuse. For each point a character fails to meetthe required strength of a weapon, theyreceive a cumulative -10 to initiative andattack rolls.

    Increased SizeThe same rules for increasing the size of aweapon apply in Beyond Science as they didin Beyond Fantasy. Larger weapons are oftenused in weapon systems on vehicles andmecha.

    Quality and ResistanceWeapons that induce resistance checksincrease the difficulty by 10 per grade ofquality.

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    PoisonEnemy hit must make a PhR checkagainst the damage dealt plus 40,

    taking an all-action penalty equal tothe failure, and to all futureapplications of this poison. Failureby 80 or more knocks the enemyunconscious. The penalty wears offat a rate of 1 point per minute.

    BlastAffects everything and everyone

    within the blast radius.

    ScopeAfter aiming with a weapon with ascope, you halve the penalty formaking a directed attack on thenext attack roll.


    Hits enemy on the Energy AT,ignoring most forms of armour.

    TrappingTraps enemies hit, using the weaponsstrength for all relevant tests.

    Knock-backAlways forces enemies hit to makeopposed knock-back tests. Weaponreceives a +2 bonus to these tests.

    BeamThe base damage of the weaponincreases by 10 points per consecutiveround it hits a specific enemy. Damageresets if a round passes without theweapon hitting that enemy, even for nodamage.

    GrenadeWeapon fires a grenade, rather thandealing damage directly.

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    stunned for a number of rounds

    equal to the failure.

    Stun weapons do not deal life pointdamage.


    Sight or shooting through obscuredarea is considered partially blind.Sight or shooting through 6m of

    obscured area is consideredcompletely blind. Special methodsof vision, such as infrared can negatethis penalty. For twice the cost, anobscure weapon can obscure onespecial method as well as normalsight (ie. Hot smoke obscuresthermal imaging).


    Electronics are blocked out withinthe affected area, preventing HUDuse and wireless communicationincluding giving commands torobots, much like a jammer, butmuch smaller in range, and requiresno knowledge of computers.


    Enemy hit must make a PhR checkwith a difficulty equal to the damageplus 40, taking a penalty to initiativeequal to the failure. Failing by 40 ormore inflicts minor paralysis, whilefailing by 80 or more inflicts partialparalysis. Penalties fade at rate of 1per minute.

    PulseElectrical equipment and robots hitwith a pulse weapon must make aPhR check with a difficulty equal tothe damage plus 40, Failing by 60 ormore causes the equipment or robotto shut down, restarting in 1 minute.

    Pulse weapons only deal damage to

    electrical equipment and robots.

    StunEnemy hit must make a PhR checkwith a difficulty equal to the damageplus 40, losing an active action nextround per 10 points of failure. Losingmore active actions than you haveresults in being

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    Unarmed weapons apply adamage bonus to yourunarmed damage, and theirpenalty to your unarmed


    You do not gain the benefit ofyour unarmed modules tocombat manoeuvres whilewearing Unarmed weapons,though you gain any otherbenefit.


    Improvised weapons werentdesigned for combat, andsuffer a non-proficiencypenalty when used.

    The improvised weaponmodule halves this penaltybut does not remove itentirely.

    DMs should consider anyobject that wasnt designedfor combat as a potentialimprovised weapon.


    Noisy weapons are easilyheard, requiring a Routine

    Notice check to hear if noother modifiers are present.Intervening doors, walls,background noise etc. maychange the Notice checkrequired.

    All Firearms are considered tobe Noisy as standard,

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    Visibility and LightNot every form of light is visible tothe human eye. Some parts of thespectrum, such as Infrared, or

    Ultraviolet remain invisible to thosewithout the means to detect them.

    Poor visibility can drasticallyreduce your chances of successfullyscoring a hit in combat. DMs mayapply the partially obscured ortotally obscured penalty under suchcircumstances.

    For each mastery you possess inNotice, and for each point you haveabove 10 in Perception, the penaltyfor poor visibility is reduced by 10points, to a minimum of 0.


    The original night-fighting spectrum,infrared sight allows you to see heatsignatures and infrared beams of light,such as those commonly used in

    remote controls and red dot targets.


    An extremely versatile spectrum,Ultraviolet sight allows you to noticeorganic substances against anysurface, spot invisible fluorescentmarkings and see in what is totaldarkness to others with an ultravioletlight.

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    Flak Jacket





















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    Modifying Armour

    In addition to enhancing armour withtechnology points, you may alsoimprove a single AT of your choicefor each 10 points of additionalrequirement. This increases the cost

    of the armour as normal. If thisenhancement occurs after the armourhas already been paid for, you mustpay the difference between thecurrent and improved armour.

    Damage Barrier

    Your damage barrier in armour isyour modified AT x10 against theweapon used, rather than a setnumber.


    Generally speaking, armour costs therequirement to wear it squared incredits, though circumstances mayalter the price.

    Additional Rules

    If your wear armour skill is lowerthan the requirements of the armour,you take the difference as a penalty toall physical actions, includinginitiative.

    You may no longer stack armour,

    unless you naturally possess it, inwhich case the lower AT ishalved and added to the total.

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    For non-space faring adventures,characters may need to travel byland, air or sea. Fortunately, vehiclesare here to get them where theywant to go.

    Vehicles are treated as beingstarships for the purposes of life-points and AT, although theminimum size of a vehicle is muchlower, allowing for evenMediumsize vehicles such as bicycles.

    Factors such as air-resistance, gripand poor manoeuvrability canhamper a drivers ability to avoidattacks, however, causing them to bemore vulnerable in combat thanstarships.

    The pilot/driver therefore, takes thefollowing penalty depending on themedium travelled.

    -40 to Pilot/DefenceHighAtmosphereFlight

    No PenaltyOpen SpaceFlight

    -120 Pilot/DefenceGroundSurface

    -80 to Pilot/DefenceLowAtmosphereFlight

    -120 Pilot/DefenceWaterSurface

    -200 Pilot/DefenceUnderwater


    These penalties also apply tostarships entering atmosphere,

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    Training ModulesWeapon Class Modules

    To effectively use a class ofweapon, you must possess theweapon class module relating toit. If you use a weapon withoutthe requisite module, you suffer a-30 penalty to attack andinitiative.

    Each weapon class module costs20 points. You may buy aparticular weapon class module

    once then once again per level ofmastery. Buying the same moduleagain grants a stacking +10 attackand initiative bonus when usingthat weapon class. This is called aspecialization.

    Specializations beyond the firstone grant additional bonuses:

    2nd Specialization

    +20 criticals with class

    Make additional attacks at -20penalty

    3rd Specialization

    +40 criticals with class

    Make additional attacks at -15penalty

    4th Specialization

    +60 criticals with class

    Make additional attacks at -10penalty

    Weapon Classes









    Exotic (per weapon)


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    Mental ConditioningWhenever your will might be tested,either by torture, propaganda orconfidence tricks, your trainingalways sees you through.

    +2 on willpower tests and +10mental resistanceCost: 40

    Linguistic TrainingYou can speak any language still incirculation and available to thegalactic community, regardless ofyour intelligence.

    Cost: 40

    Perfect FormYou reduce the Strengthrequirements for wielding a rangedweapon in two hands by 2 points.Cost: 30

    Trained Marksman

    While aiming, you are treated as ifyou have aimed for an additionalround.Cost: 40

    Double-TapYou may gain an additional attackwith a semi automatic weapon onceper round. The usual multiple attack

    penalties apply.Cost: 40

    Bull's-eyeYou are treated as aiming for around after spending an activeaction doing nothing but aim. Youmay do this once per round for eachtime you take this module.

    Cost: 40 (may take up to 3 times)

    Hail of BulletsYou only suffer a -10 penalty peradditional attack when makingmultiple attacks in a round, whileusing a semi-automatic weapon.

    Cost: 30

    Combat Martial ArtsYou deal 30 points of damage withyour unarmed strikes, and gain a +10nonclass attack bonus when strikingunarmed.Cost: 30

    Defensive Martial ArtsYou halve the penalties to attack whenattempting to trap, take down ordisarm an opponent. You gain a +2characteristic bonus to perform theseattempts.Cost: 40


    You can defend someone else beforeor after your initiative, and take nopenalty to do so.Cost: 20

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    Coolness under FireYou gain a +40 bonus to composure,and take only half the normal penaltyfor Taking Fire.Cost: 40

    Rapid ReloadYou can reload in half as many activeactions. Short range weapons may bereloaded with a passive action.Cost: 30

    LongshotYou take half the normal penalty for

    attacking beyond your range increment.Cost: 40

    Hacking ProtocolNo penalty for attempting to hackcomputer systems during combat.Cost: 40

    Galactic Fighting ChampionshipContenderPrerequisite: Having qualified to fightin the GFC; Combat Martial ArtsYou now deal 50 points of damage

    with your unarmed strikes, ignore 2points of armour and increasecriticals inflicted by your unarmedattacks by 20 points. You gain anadditional +10 attack and +20initiative when fighting unarmed.Cost: 50

    Shoot from the Hip

    You suffer no penalty to rangedattacks when moving quarter yourspeed in a turn or less. If you runfaster than this, the penalty formaking ranged attacks is halved.Cost: 30

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    Defensive SpecializationRequires 100 Defence per gradeYou gain an additional defence perturn, a +10 training bonus todefence, and a +1 bonus to attributetests to defend against combatmanoeuvres. You may take thismodule multiple times.Cost: 60

    Glahan DoPrerequisite: Trained for at least twoyears in traditional Glaade martialarts; Defensive Martial ArtsYou take no penalty to trap,takedown or disarm an opponent,add four times your opponentsstrength modifier as a bonus to

    your base damage during a counter, andgain an additional +20 to defence and+10 to initiative when fighting unarmed.Cost: 50

    Extreme Sports FanaticYou gain +10 physical resistance and +1to all physical characteristic tests.Cost: 40

    Lightning DrawYou suffer no penalty for attacking in thesame turn that you draw a weapon, andgain a +20 attack on one attackimmediately after drawing a pistol-sizedweapon. You may only gain this bonusonce per combat.Cost: 40

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    Assault Training

    You gain the Shield Weapon Module.When using a shield, you may declareone direction for it to face at thebeginning of your turn.

    When attacked from that direction bya ranged attack, your physical ATincreases by 2 +1 per grade of qualitythat the shield possesses. This bonusstacks with armour.

    Cost: 50

    Lightning Reflexes

    You do not have to pay the first -25initiative penalty to gain an additional

    action on your turn.Cost: 50

    Armour Specialization

    Reduce all Wear Armourrequirements for armour youwear by 10. Additionally, you

    may reduce the final damagefrom blows you take by 5 pointswhen wearing any type ofarmour.

    You may take this module morethan once, but each additionaltime requires you to have gaineda mastery in Wear Armour.

    Cost: 40

    Blackblood InitiateRequires Mastery in Poisons

    Increase the PhR difficulty of anypoison you craft and then use by20.

    At the creation of the poison, youmay choose a particular species toeffect, e.g. Human. When used onthat species, the poison has twicethe normal effect (e.g. damagebecomes x2 damage). Effects thatcannot be doubled have theironset time halved instead.

    Cost: 40

    Blackblood AdeptRequires Blackblood Initiate; TwoMasteries in Poisons

    Increase the PhR difficulty ofany poison you craft and

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    then use by 40.At the creation of the poison youmay introduce a sample of thespecies to be affected(hair/skin/blood etc.). If you do

    so, the difficulty to cure thepoison you develop increases twosteps, and its duration is doubledwhen used on a species of thattype.Cost: 60

    Ancient StyleRequires Combat Martial Arts or

    Defensive Martial Arts

    Choose one benefit from the listbelow each time you take AncientStyle. You may take this modulemultiple times.Cost: 40


    You suffer no penalties to combatmanoeuvres during acounterattack and may add twiceyour opponents strengthmodifier to your final unarmeddamage on a counter.

    Kung FuKung FuYou gain a +20 bonus to final

    damage, unarmed attack, defenceor initiative. You may changewhere this bonus is applied eachround.

    MuayMuay ThaiThaiYou may add your strengthmodifier to your unarmed basedamage, and again to your

    unarmed final damage.

    Hold Position

    You do not receive penalties for TakingFire during a turn where you do notmove.Cost: 30

    Ghost-StepYou take no penalty to Stealth for fullmovement.Cost: 30

    Advanced Weapons TrainingHalve the penalty for using unfamiliarequipment or weaponry.Cost: 30

    Combat TechnicianYou suffer no penalty for attempting torepair equipment or vehicles during

    combat.Cost: 30

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    Halve the penalty to Hide in front ofsomeone.

    Cost: 40

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    Training Packages

    Often a particular race or groupwill train their members in aparticular set of skills, a holisticpackage rather than one aspect at a

    time. Training packages are alarger investment, but each part ofthe package will be cheaper, andoften will have benefits greaterthan the sum of the whole.

    You may only take one trainingpackage at each level.

    Glaade CelebrantteLinguistic Training; Extreme SportsFanaticAdditional Racial Bonus (Cultures)Cost: 60

    Karran ErrantBlades Module; Coolness underFire; Lightning Draw and In theFace of Adversity (see Core Bookp267)Cost: 80

    Caius HeadhunterRifle Module; Trained MarksmanIncrease difficulty to be tracked twostepsCost: 40

    Human Special ForcesMental Conditioning; Defensive MartialArts; Unarmed ModuleHalf effect from enemy coercionCost: 50

    Tuerii PeacekeeperAssault Training; Bodyguard; ShotgunsModuleIgnore PhR checks of less than 80Cost: 80

    Lupa KeeperBlackblood Initiate; Polearm ModuleImmunity to Natural (not custom-made)PoisonsCost: 50

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    Super-Heavy Armour

    Lying somewhere between heavyarmour and Mecha class, super-heavy armour or Tactical

    Battlesuits enable the mostexperienced and well-off soldiersthe same kind of protection asbeing behind six feet of steel.Many sport exotic abilities anddefences, such as protective force-fields, radar and power-assistance, but their prohibitivecost in both training to use and

    expensive components leavethem out of the reach of theordinary soldier.

    Any armour with a Wear Armourrequirement of more than 200,unmodified by training modulesis classified as Super-HeavyArmour.

    Being Super-Heavy has a numberof benefits and restrictions.


    The character using Super-HeavyArmour suffers a -40 penalty toinitiative and any secondary skillthat would be affected by Natural

    Penalty in the Core Rulebook.Similarly, the character suffers a -2 penalty to movement speed.

    Neither penalty can be reducedby virtue of the characters WearArmour.


    Characters wearing super-heavy armourare more difficult to knock over or trip.They receive half their impact AT as abonus against such tests.

    Characters wearing super-heavy armourno longer have a vulnerable point.Attacks against the head or heart aretreated as if they were normal attacks.

    Additionally, half of the Damage Barrierthey receive against conventional attacksnow applies against attacks that ignore it(such as energy weapons or ATreduction weapons).

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    Only cutting edge equipment thatcannot be easily bought with credits willbe found here- for everything else, seethe equipment section.

    If you see the asterix symbol (*), thenthe technology requires a power sourceto function. More asterixes mean morepower is required.

    Massive Calibre (weapon)+5/+10/+15 Final DamageCost: 10/30/50 TP

    Carbide Matrix (armour)+5/+10/+15 Damage BarrierCost: 10/30/50 TP

    Digital Camouflage* (armour)+40/+80 HideCost: 10/30 TP

    Polymer Mesh (armour)+1/+2/+3 AT (two types)Cost: 10/30/60 TP

    Accelerator (weapon)+1/+2/+3 StrengthCost: 10/30/60 TP

    Linear Compensator (weapon)-10/-20/-30 Range PenaltyCost: 10/30/60 TP

    Custom Action (weapon)

    +5/+10/+15 SpeedCost: 10/30/60 TP

    InventorYou may develop new technologiesusing the Prototype Developmentprimary skill.

    Cost: 20 TP

    TechnologySufficiently advanced technologymay appear as magic to theuninitiated, but for the properly

    educated, it can mean thedifference between life and death.This section details how players canuse advanced technology toimprove their equipment andconstruct prototype weapons anddroids.

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    Thermal Camouflage (armour)You gain a +200 bonus to hidefrom infrared sensors or sight.Cost: 30 TP

    Plasma Sheathe (weapon)

    Ignore 20/40/60 points ofdamage barrier. Melee weaponsonly.Cost: 10/30/50 TP

    Cardio-Regulator (armour)+10 PhR, increase regenerationby 2 points and automaticallystabilizes wearer when he is

    between life and death.Cost: 50 TP

    Miniature Power Source(equipment)A miniature but stable fusionreactor, producing 1 unit ofpower with no telltale signature.Cost: 20 TP each

    Magnified Targeting(equipment)Requires HUDHalve penalty to shoot beyond normalrange when aiming for at least 1 round.Cost: 10 TP

    Electric Generator * (per grade) (weapon)Deal extra 10/20/30 electrical damagewith melee attack,, may stun opponent atfull damage dealtCost: 10/30/50 TP

    Thermal Sink (weapon)+10 speed, increase clip size 50%Cost: 40 TP

    Integrated Equipment (armour)Integrates a piece of equipment orweaponry into a suit of armour.Cost: 5 TP

    Hidden Equipment (armour)Conceals an already integrated piece ofequipment or weaponry in a suit of

    armour.Cost: 10 TP

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    Flechette Rounds (ammunition)Doubles damage for purposes ofinflicting criticals only.Cost: 20 TP

    Personal Shield * (equipment)A 100LP shield, prot