andre sobel award 2011 first place winner

You Are First Place Winner 2011 Andre Sobel Award Katie Fitzgerald & Miranda Coleman

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The Andre Sobel River of Life Foundation has announced the winners of the 2011 Andre Sobel Award for Survivors of Pediatric Cancer and other Illnesses. Now in its tenth year, the Award invites teens who have survived serious illness to share their stories so that friends, family and others experiencing serious health challenges may learn from their experiences. In highly personal, wise, humorous and sometimes searing essays, teens reflect on how illness has changed their relationships, their outlooks and their lives.


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You Are

First Place Winner2011

Andre Sobel


Katie Fitzger

ald &

Miranda Coleman

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 Katie  and  Miranda  have  been  best  friends  for  8  years.  During  this  time,  Katie  has  had  to  battle  cancer,  chemotherapy  and  a  relapse.  It  has  been  a  long  journey,  but  since   April   2011,   she   is   now   in   remission.   Katie   and   Miranda   both   reside   in  Washington   and   attend   Green   River   Community  College.   Katie   is   working   on  general  education  and  is  thinking  about  going  pre-­‐med,  while  Miranda  is  focusing  on   general  education.  Both   girls  are  baristas  at  Starbucks.  Katie  enjoys  reading,  while  Miranda  coaches  a  girls’  soccer  team  in  her  free  time.  

Katie   and  Miranda   collaborated   on   their   pieces   together   and   came   up   with   a  unique  way  to  document  their  fear,  struggles,  humor  and  what  they  needed  from  each  other  through  that  dark  time.  They  are  both  grateful  to  have  each  other  and  their  unbreakable  bond  that  they  as  best  friends  only  know.

Katie  and  Miranda  both  plan  on  using  the  award  to  help  fund  their  education.


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Radio  Host  for  a  Day

Segment  1-­‐

• Introduction:o Hi,  my  name  is  Katie  Fitzgerald,  and  I  am  taking  over  92.5  KMF  radio  for  an  

educational  and  exclusive  inside  look  to  the  life  of  cancer  patients.    I  was  diagnosed  with  Hodgkin's  Lymphoma  when  I  was  16.    I  have  been  through  2  relapses,  13  rounds  of  chemo,  41  radiation  treatments  and  a  stem  cell  transplant.    Today  we'll  be  playing  songs  and  answering  viewer's  questions  that  deal  with  cancer.    Let's  get  started!

• Question:    Caller  named  Roy  was  just  diagnosed  and  hasn't  told  anyone,  "How              did  you  tell  people  after  you  found  out?"

o I  waited  until  the  last  minute  before  I  trusted  anyone  with  my  diagnosis.    It  wasn't  up  I  went  from  long  hair  to  short  hair  that  I  told  people.    After  the  initial  new  hairdo  change,  they  would  expect  all  of  to  be  gone  and  it  provided  me  a  way  to  reach  out  to  others  and  let  them  know.    I  needed  someone  to  tell  me  how  to  let  everyone  around  me  know  about  my  situation.    I  waited  for  something  like  hair  loss  to  initiate  those  kinds  of  conversations.

• Song  Intermission:o Why  Can't  we  be  Friends?-­‐  Smash  Moutho Upside  Down-­‐  Jack  Johnson

• Question:    Caller  named  Beth  just  lost  her  hair,  "How  did  you  handle  all  the  stares  in  public?"  

o Honestly,  I  almost  had  to  be  coaxed  into  heading  out  in  to  the  world.    I  didn't  know  how  people  would  react  to  seeing  someone  actually  look  sick.    And  all  the  staring  was  enough  to  get  under  anyone's  skin.    I  started  taking  others  with  me  into  public  and  pretended  that  the  pity  look  held  in  everyone's  eyes  was  for  the  person  walking  with  me  and  not  trying  to  figure  out  what's  wrong  with  me.    But  something  you  could  try,  just  like  they  tell  performers,  just  picture  everyone  else  in  their  undergarments!    Or  think  of  how  they  would  look  without  hair...They  probably  wouldn't  look  nearly  as  cute  as  you!

• Song  Intermission:o Strip  Me-­‐  Natasha  Bedingfieldo I  am-­‐  Hilary  Duff


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Segment  2:

• Commercial:o Nauseous?    And  do  you  want  to  forget  all  of  the  craziness  that  comes  with  

cancer?    Well  do  we  have  a  prescription  for  you!    Ativan  will  be  your  new  best  friend.    Just  take  one  of  these  pills  before  every  meal  and  when  you  start  to  feel  sick  to  your  tummy.    It's  guaranteed  to  take  you  on  fun  ride  that  you  probably  won't  even  remember.    Warning:  take  only  when  needed  and  follow  doctor's  orders.

• Question:    Suzanne  is  currently  going  through  treatment,  "What  helped  you  the  most?"o The  support  system  I  had  from  my  family  at  home  was  probably  the  biggest  

help.    I  also  had  amazing  teachers  to  work  with  me  through  all  of  my  missed  assignments  and  lessons.    I  think  I  needed  someone  to  tell  me  to  reach  out  and  lean  on  all  the  people  around  me  who  weren't  afraid  of  how  all  the  treatments  were  affecting  me.    Learn  to  trust  people  and  don't  be  afraid  to  ask  for  help;  this  is  too  much  to  handle  alone.

• Song  Intermission:o Live  it  Up-­‐  Lee  Dewyzeo Live  like  We're  Dying-­‐  Kris  Allen

• Question:    Zane  was  just  diagnosed,  "What  was  the  worst  part?"o Oh  my!    The  first  thing  that  came  to  mind  was  the  feeling  of  hunger.    After  every  

cycle  of  chemo  I  always  felt  hungry.    My  doctors  also  had  me  on  steroids  that  boosted  my  desire  for  food.    However,  the  constant  feeling  of  nausea  totally  killed  my  appetite.    Someone  needed  to  tell  me  to  stay  away  from  all  my  favorite  foods!    I  didn't  want  to  eat  my  favorite  comfort  foods  after  I  lost  a  few  of  them  during  treatment.

• Commercial:o Are  you  looking  to  lose  a  few  extra  pounds?    The  only  thing  standing  between  

you  and  a  new  body  is  a  cancer  diagnosis!    Spending  a  few  months  in  the  hospital  on  a  strict  regimen  of  toxic  poisons  is  a  sure  fire  way  to  jumpstart  a  new  you.    Did  I  mention  the  added  bonus  of  the  delicious  tastings  of  the  hospital's  cafeteria  food?    We  just  want  to  make  your  diet  is  as  pleasant  as  possible.    Nothing  will  make  you  feel  better  while  you're  nauseous  like  the  scrumptious  recipes  of  the  cafeteria.    Lucky  for  you,  this  new  diet  is  just  a  phone  call  away!    Please  call  1-­‐800-­‐CancerBody  for  details.

• Song  Intermission:o Apologize-­‐  One  Republico Skin  (Sara  Beth)-­‐  Rascal  Flatts  

Segment  3:

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• Commercial:o Are  you  tired  of  making  a  mess  every  time  you  have  a  last  minute  urge  to  purge  

your  latest  meal?    Well  with  this  new  pink  "Chuck"  bucket,  you'll  be  left  with  only  a  single  mess  to  clean  up!    "Chuck"  can  travel  with  you  in  the  car,  to  your  cozy  spot  on  the  couch  and  even  sleep  next  to  you  in  bed!    This  handy,  made-­‐to-­‐go-­‐anywhere  companion  is  there  to  help  you  throughout  any  last  minute  accidents;  guaranteed.

• Question:    A  cancer  researcher  wants  to  know,  "What  did  you  need  the  most  from  the  doctors?"

o I  really  needed  the  doctors  to  tell  me  reassure  me  and  keep  my  confidence  up  with  the  treatment.    They  did  an  amazing  job  though.    I  always  had  all  the  meds  I  needed  and  they  answered  the  millions  of  questions  I  asked.    I  felt  very  comfortable  with  them,  and  that  was  very  important  to  me.    All  throughout  treatments,  I  never  felt  in  the  dark  about  anything,  I  was  informed  with  an  idea  of  what  to  expect.

• Song  Intermission:o Lean  on  Me-­‐  Bill  Witherso How  to  Save  a  Life-­‐  The  Fray

• Question:    Caller  Justin  has  just  relapsed  and  asks,  "How  did  you  handle  your  relapse?"o I  didn't  even  know  how  to  handle  having  to  go  through  everything  all  over  again.    

For  a  brief  moment,  I  was  so  terrified  life  was  over  for  me.    I  wish  there  was  someone  who  could've  told  me  that  things  were  going  to  be  ok.    I  needed  reassurance  and  support  from  all  of  my  loved  ones  and  close  friends.    The  treatment  was  more  demanding,  but  having  knowledge  of  what  to  expect  from  chemo  and  all  the  side  effects,  the  treatment  process  runs  a  little  more  smoothly.

• Song  Intermission:o Here  it  Goes  Again-­‐  Ok  goo Breathe-­‐  Ryan  Star

Segment  4:

• Commercial:o Attention!  All  chemo  patients-­‐  a  new  hospital  gown  had  just  been  released  to  

replace  the  boring,  everyday  attire  worn  by  civilians.    And  if  that's  not  enough,  we'll  help  you  stand  out  in  the  hospital  by  allowing  you  to  give  every  passer-­‐  by  the  potential  for  a  free  peep-­‐show!    So,  let's  shed  those  boring  attires  for  the  new  much  needed  designer  gowns.

• Question:    Rhonda's  son  was  just  diagnosed,  "What  did  you  need  most  from  those  around  you?"

o I  needed  everyone  around  me  to  keep  some  sense  of  normalcy  in  my  life.    I  know  they  were  struggling  with  my  diagnosis,  but  I  really  needed  them  to  stop  treating  

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me  differently.    I  was  still  the  same  exact  person  they  knew  me  to  be  and  I  just  wanted  to  be  treated  as  a  normal  human  being  just  like  everyone  else.    I  already  had  pity  and  curious  looks  from  the  rest  of  the  world  everywhere  I  went.    I  just  needed  a  safe  place  and  security  from  my  family  that  I  wasn't  some  fragile  thing  that  could  break  at  any  second.    I  craved  a  normal  environment  where  I  wasn't  being  looked  at  like  a  spectacle,  and  they  did  they  best  they  could  to  provide  one.

• Song  Intermission:o Love  Me  to  Pieces-­‐  Erik  Hassleo I  Won't  Let  Go-­‐  Rascal  Flatts

• Question:  Ethan  is  a  cancer  survivor  and  had  many  different  reactions  to  different  foods,  "What  was  the  worst  food  reaction  you  came  across?"

o I  think  the  worst  food  group  for  me  was  dairy!    I  wish  my  mom  would've  reminded  me  before  a  glass  of  milk  or  super  cheesy  quesadilla  that  after  dairy  has  had  a  chance  to  digest  it  is  sour  and  utterly  disgusting  when  it  comes  back  up  on  you.    I  needed  a  list  of  foods  to  avoid,  that's  for  sure.    Like  I  made  mention  earlier,  your  favorite  foods  or  foods  you  just  couldn't  live  without  I  would  recommend  skipping  them  completely.    Another  big  iffy  area  for  me  was  smells.    Smell  association  was  awful  for  me.    I  used  gum,  mints,  and  other  hard  candies  to  mask  the  taste  of  saline  but  the  smell  of  anything  spearmint  afterward  caused  almost  instant  nausea.    I  would  just  give  a  warning  saying  that  anything  you  may  be  a  fan  of  could  come  back  to  haunt  you  if  you  aren't  careful!

• Song  Intermission:o Survivior-­‐  Destiny's  Childo Stronger-­‐  Kanye  West

Segment  5:

• Commercial:o Going  through  chemo?    Have  you  reached  the  point  where  it's  time  to  cover  your  

new  do?    I  have  just  the  thing!    Replace  your  hair  with  different  colored  head  scarves  that  match  any  outfit.    Nothing  says  fashion  like  these  new  hair  replacements...after  all,  it's  not  your  fault  you  have  a  new  shiny,  soft  head.

• A  Final  Note:o I  thought  I  would  conclude  your  day  with  me  by  offering  a  few  helpful  hints!1. Don't  be  stubborn  or  afraid  to  ask  for  help!    People  are  willing  to  help  and  you  just  

need  to  let  them.    Those  closest  to  you  are  dealing  with  and  going  through  a  lot  of  what  you  are,  so  allow  them  to  help  you.  

2. Don't  be  afraid  to  take  medication.    I  was  one  of  the  worst  to  wait  until  it  was  too  late  to  take  something  for  my  nausea.    I  would  always  regret  it  to,  because  I  hated  throwing  up  more  than  anything.

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3. Sleep  is  so  important.    Get  as  much  sleep  as  you  can  so  you  have  the  most  energy  throughout  your  days.    Rest  is  so  important  for  the  body  to  heal.    Going  through  treatment  sends  your  body  to  hell  and  back.    Even  work  in  a  little  exercise  here  and  there.    When  you're  tired  or  not  feeling  well  just  rest,  you'll  need  all  the  help  you  can  to  keep  your  energy  up.

o Thanks  for  spending  the  day  with  me  on  92.5  KMF  Radio!    I  hope  all  of  you  with  lives  that  have  been  affected  by  cancer  continue  to  reach  out  to  support  and  educate  the  rest  of  America.    We  will  find  a  cure  one  day!


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Dear  Katie,

                           It's  been  almost  4  months  since  your  last  treatment.    I  think  we  should  agree  that  you  can't  get  cancer  again.    Or  maybe  next  time  you  could  give  me  a  heads  up  so  I  have  some  time  to  prepare.    I'm  just  messing  with  you.    Looking  back  I  honestly  don't  know  how  we  made  it  through.    There  were  so  many  things  I  didn't  know  and  had  to  learn  about  Cancer,  you,  and  even  myself.    You've  always  been  curious  about  what  it  is  like  to  be  on  the  outside  looking  in  so  I  made  you  a  few  lists.    I  think  these  lists  will  help  you  understand  what  it  is  like  to  be  the  sidekick.

"What  I  Needed  To  Know"      

• The  Basics:o I  needed  to  understand  that  cancer  is  bad.    It  will  suck  the  life  right  out  of  you  

with  a  little  help  from  some  chemo.o Chemo  is  like  a  Sour  Patch's  sour  and  then  sweet;  it  will  kill  you  before  it  

helps  you.o Chemo  is  an  easy  process.    It  is  just  an  IV.    I  assumed  there  would  be  someone  in  

a  lab  coat  with  an  evil  laugh,  armed  with  a  syringe,  scalpel,  numerous  needles,  big  instruments,  and  other  dangerous  items.    I  was  a  little  off.

o Doctors  don't  care  about  your  sleep  or  mine.    I'm  sure  they  live  by  the  rule,  "I'm  awake,  so  you're  awake."

o Hospital  food  is  more  dangerous  than  chemo.    I'm  just  kidding.    But  it  was  horrific  and  my  stomach  hated  me  for  quite  some  time,  consider  yourself  lucky  that  you  didn't  have  much  of  an  appetite.

o There  is  no  such  thing  as  comfort  in  a  hospital.    The  beds  are  not  comfortable.    The  chairs  are  not  comfortable.    Nothing  is  comfortable.

o All  the  entertainment  in  the  world  such  as,  Facebook,  the  Wii,  Spongebob,  iPod  apps,  Angry  Birds,  How  to  Train  your  Dragon,  or  any  other  source  of  entertainment-­‐  will  not  be  enough  to  overcome  the  boredom.

o It  is  good  to  know  what  each  medicine  is  and  the  last  time  you  took  it  because  the  last  thing  we  need  is  the  cancer  patient  overdosing  on  her  cancer  meds.

o Bring  multiple  articles  of  clothing  to  the  hospital  with  me...accidents  happen  often.

• Specific  Things  About  You:  o You  don't  tell  people  when  you  are  going  to  get  sick  so  I  always  got  a  nice  little  

random  surprise,  like  when  driving  or  in  the  middle  of  the  night.o You  make  a  face  when  you  start  to  feel  sick.    It  took  me  a  while  to  learn  this  one  

but  once  I  did,  it  made  it  easier  to  predict  the  next  surprise.o I  will  need  to  know  where  "Chuck,"  your  pink  throw  up  bucket,  is  at  all  times.o You  don't  like  to  be  touched,  held,  or  comforted  when  you  don't  feel  well.o Although,  if  I  start  talking  about  random  statistics  like,  a  ducks  quack  doesn't  

echo,  you're  less  likely  to  get  sick.o You  don't  eat  on  the  days  you  have  to  go  to  the  hospital  but,  if  you  do  eat,  it  will  

come  back  up  shortly.

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o Certain  smells  make  you  sick.    Spearmint  gum  is  the  best  example.

• How  Cancer  Will  Affect  You:o Chemo  will  make  you  weak.    It  will  take  all  of  your  energy.    It  will  kick  your  butt  

and,  ironically  enough,  eventually  save  it  too.o You  will  look  ghostly.    Your  eyes  will  get  darker  and  sunken  in,  your  skin  will  

change  colors,  and  you  will  lose  your  hair.o Your  confidence,  faith,  strength,  will,  and  attitude  will  be  tested  and  need  to  be  

built  up  with  positivity  every  day.o At  first  you  will  hate  leaving  the  house.    It  will  take  some  pushing  to  get  you  into  

public.o There  will  come  a  time  when  you  won't  be  able  to  speak  because  of  all  the  drugs,  

I  just  have  to  tell  be  silent  with  you.    Communication  will  be  through  the  eyes,  sense  of  touch,  and  of  course  text  messaging.

o You  will  hardly  remember  any  of  this.    The  drugs  they  give  you  such  as  Ativan  and  Morphine  will  help  you  feel  like  it  was  more  a  dream  than  reality.

o You  will  be  bitter.o You  will  cry  frequently  out  of  frustration,  sadness,  and  helplessness.    Don't  worry  I  

know  to  keep  tissues.  o Your  nose  will  bleed  astronomical  amounts  of  blood.o You  will  be  fragile.    I  have  to  be  careful  not  to  squeeze  you  to  death,  literally.o Your  strength  and  willpower  will  prevail  even  if  at  times  I  doubt  it.o Cancer  will  weaken  you  physically,  mentally,  and  emotionally.    But  when  you  are  

cured  you  will  be  better,  stronger,  a  fighter,  and  more  importantly  a  survivor.    You  will  have  the  strength  to  overcome  any  obstacle.

• What  To  Know  For  Myself:      o I  am  not  the  cure.o Cancer  will  take  away  every  aspect  of  my  best  friend.    You  won't  remember  most  

of  the  conversations  we  had,  your  actions,  or  the  things  we  did.    You  won't  be  able  to  really  listen  to  my  problems  or  give  me  advice.

o It's  okay  to  cry,  be  frustrated,  question  everything,  feel  exhausted,  and  hopeless.o I  will  doubt  my  own  strength,  my  relationships,  my  beliefs,  and  everything  else.o I  will  be  extremely  protective  of  you.          o I  will  experience  a  deeper  level  of  fear  than  I  ever  thought  possible.o When  I'm  frustrated  I  need  to  remember  how  much  I  love  you.                  o I  will  need  to  remember  to  breathe,  relax,  and  calm  down.o A  journal  and  iPod  will  be  my  best  friends.    Along  with  ice  cream  and  any  dollar  


Well  my  lists  turned  out  a  little  longer  than  I  had  planned  but  you  should  be  able  to  understand  what  it  is  like  on  the  outside  looking  in.    I  just  wanted  to  let  you  know  that  I  admire  your  inner  strength,  your  will  to  persevere,  your  positivity,  and  your  overall  being.    I  couldn't  be  prouder  to  call  you  my  best  friend.


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[1(I)  4(love)  3(you)]Miranda