and kinematics - slac national accelerator … · jacobians and relativistic kinematics by k. g....

M-226 W. W. Hansen Laboratories of Physics Stanford University St anford, California Report No. M-226 October 1960 JACOBIANS AND RELATIVISTIC KINEMATICS BY K. G. Dedrick It is often necessary to calculate the energy-angle distribution of particles in one Lorentz frame of reference from knowledge of the distri- bution in some other frame. This problem occurs in the interpretation of experiments where an energy-angle distribution is measured in the labora- tory frame of reference and it is desired to calculate the distribution in the center of mass. Problems of this type are discussed in Section I. A distinct but related problem is the subject of Section 11, which is concerned with reactions where two reaction product particles are produced and hence specification of the bombarding energy gives rise t o a definite laboratory energy-angle relationship for the reaction products. In this problem we are interested in calculating the laboratory yield spectrum of particles produced when the bombarding particles are distri- , buted over a range of energies. An example of this problem is that of calculating the laboratory yield spectrum of single photopions given knowledge of the incident photon spectrum and the cross section for pion photo-production as a function of photon energy. In both of these problems, Jacobians of the Lorentz transformations occur as multiplicative factors in transforming particle yields between coordinate systems. In the description of the second problem mentioned above, where one is concerned with a distribution of bombarding energies, it is useful to group all possible reactions into classes having Jacobians and angle transformations of a given form. the subject of Section 111. This classification scheme is -1- 1

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Page 1: AND KINEMATICS - SLAC National Accelerator … · JACOBIANS AND RELATIVISTIC KINEMATICS BY K. G. Dedrick It is often necessary to calculate the energy-angle distribution of particles

M-226 W. W . Hansen Laboratories of Physics

Stanford University

S t anford, Cal i fornia

Report No. M-226

October 1960



K. G. Dedrick

It i s of ten necessary t o ca lcu la te the energy-angle d i s t r ibu t ion of

pa r t i c l e s i n one Lorentz frame of reference from knowledge of the d i s t r i -

bution i n some other frame. This problem occurs i n the in te rpre ta t ion of

experiments where an energy-angle d i s t r ibu t ion i s measured i n the labora-

t o ry frame of reference and it i s desired t o calculate the d i s t r ibu t ion

i n the center of mass. Problems of t h i s type a re discussed i n Section I.

A d i s t i n c t but r e l a t ed problem i s the subject of Section 11, which

i s concerned w i t h react ions where two react ion product p a r t i c l e s a re

produced and hence spec i f ica t ion of t h e bombarding energy gives r i s e t o

a de f in i t e laboratory energy-angle re la t ionship f o r t he react ion products.

I n t h i s problem we are in te res ted i n calculat ing the laboratory y i e l d

spectrum of pa r t i c l e s produced when the bombarding p a r t i c l e s a re d i s t r i -

, buted over a range of energies. An example of t h i s problem is t h a t of

calculat ing t h e laboratory y i e ld spectrum of s ingle photopions given

knowledge of the incident photon spectrum and the cross sect ion f o r pion

photo-production as a function of photon energy.

In both of these problems, Jacobians of t he Lorentz transformations

occur as mult ipl icat ive fac tors i n transforming p a r t i c l e y ie lds between

coordinate systems. In the descr ipt ion of the second problem mentioned

above, where one i s concerned w i t h a d i s t r ibu t ion of bombarding energies,

it i s useful t o group a l l possible react ions in to classes having Jacobians

and angle transformations of a given form.

the subject of Section 111.

This c l a s s i f i ca t ion scheme i s

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Page 2: AND KINEMATICS - SLAC National Accelerator … · JACOBIANS AND RELATIVISTIC KINEMATICS BY K. G. Dedrick It is often necessary to calculate the energy-angle distribution of particles


The t o t a l energy, momentum and angle i n the laboratory frame of ref-

erence w i l l be denoted by the quant i t ies E, p, and 8 respectively.

The s i tua t ion i n the moving frame o f reference, which i n t h i s study i s the

center-oP-mass frame, i s described by the corresponding primed quant i t ies

E', p ' , and 8 ' . The velocity o f the center-of-mass frame with respect t o

the laboratory i n un i t s of t he veloci ty of l i g h t i s denoted by 6, and I' i s wr i t ten for 1 1

(1 - /32)-2. The Lorentz transformation may be wr i t ten

E = r ( E ' + (~P ' co ' )

PW = P(P'cu' + PE') P s i n 8 = P' s i n 8'

E' = P(E - ~ P w )

P 'W' = r(m - BE) 2 2 2 2 E2 - p Mc = E ' - PI


w = COS e; (13' = COS el

P = pc; P' = p ' c

W'(E',(u') denotes the energy-angle d i s t r ibu t ion of pa r t i c l e s i n the

moving frame of' reference, and W(E,u) i s t h e d i s t r ibu t ion i n t h e lab-

oratory. Conservation of pa r t i c l e s requires t ha t

W ' ( E ' , W ' ) ~ E ' dw' = W(E,u)dE dw ( 5 1

where ( E ' ,a1) and (E,cu) are r e l a t ed through the Lorentz transformations

(1) or (3). We then w r i t e

where d ( E ' ,a' )/d(E,cu) i s the Jacobian of t he Lorentz transformation.

'See for example : "The Kinematics of High-Energy Collisions, " by K. Dedrick, ML Report No. 574, February 1959, W. W. Hansen Laboratories o f Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, California.

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Subst i tut ion of (6) i n t o ( 5 ) y ie lds

W(E,w) = e a ( E l w ' ) W'(E' ,(I)') ( 7 ) E? UJ

Once t h i s Jacobian has been calculated, other usefu l Jacobians may

be obtained from it:

( 8 1

The Jacobian d ( E ' ,w ' ) /d (E7w)

given by evaluating t h e determinant

has a pa r t i cu la r ly simple form and i s

From Eq. (3) we f ind

p p ( l - B o f \

so t h a t t he Jacobian of Eq. (11) i s

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This las t form is obtained using Eq. (2). ( g ) , and (10) gives

Substi tution of (12) in to ( 8 ) , 2

a(P ' w') E' s i n 8 ' = P ' s i n e

. s i n 0 ' s i n 0

It i s important t o note that i n Eq. ( 5 ) w e wrote dE' du' and

dE dw ra ther than IdE'du' I and IdE dw I as suggested by the usual

p a r t i c l e conservation statement. I f the Lorentz tranformation reveals

t h a t more than one point i n the plane corresponds t o a given

point i n t h e E - cu plane, the pa r t i c l e conservation statement properly



where the summation is over a l l points ( E i , mi ) i n t h e E'-cu' plane which correspond t o the point (E,w) i n the E-cu plane. It is possible

t o make meaningful measurements only i f the re la t ionship between (E,u) and (E' ,a' ) i s single-valued. Consequently, c r i t e r i a f o r t he existence

of a multivalued re la t ionship must be developed.

The Lorentz tranformation equations may be used t o construct curves

i n the E-w plane of constant E' f o r several values of E ' . If any of

these curves touch or cross one another, then it i s c l ea r t ha t more than

one point i n the E'-w' plane corresponds t o a point i n the E-w plane. The same i s t r u e f o r curves of constant w'. In f ac t , i f these constant

E ' (or a') curves are t o cross a t a l l , the curves E' = constant and

E ' + dE' = constant will cross a t some point i n the diagram. Let

E(E ' ,w ' ) and w(E',w') be determined by the Lorentz transformation.

Arbitrary s m a l l changes i n E ' and w' are then made and we ask under

what circumstances w e a re l e d t o the same values of E and w.

2 . Eq. (12) was previously obtained by Panofsky (pr iva te communication) and Eq. (14) i s given by Behr and Hagdorn, CERN Report No. 60-20, May 1960.

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On s e t t i n g the lefi-hand sides of these expressions equal t o


E(E',w') o(E' ,of ) , respectively, we obtain

A solut ion t o these equations e x i s t s f o r a rb i t r a ry dE' and do3' only

i f the determinant of the coefr ic ients vanishes. This determinant i s the

Jacobian a ( E Y ~ ) / a ( E ' , u ' ) . Similarly, more than one point i n the E-o

plane corresponds t o a point i n the


w i l l be ca l led c r i t i c a l points, and imply a multivalued re la t ionship

between (E,w) and (E',w').

E'-o' plane i f a ( E ' , o ' ) / a ( E , w )

The points a t which a Jacobian e i t h e r vanishes or i s i n f i n i t e

As an example, t he Lorentz transformation f o r $ = @ i s p lo t ted

i n Fig. 1 and shows how points i n the E'-8' plane transform t o the E-8


t he r e s t energy Me . A t the point (Ekc/Mc = 1, 8 = O), the Jacobian

a(EY~)/a(E',o') vanishes.

spons t o E i = 0 and a l l values of 8 ' . According t o Eq. (12), a (E ,u ) / a<E ' ,a1)

i s zero since P' i s zero a t t h i s point. Other c r i t i c a l points form a

locus and are located a t Ek/Mc2 = 0 for a l l values of 8 .

a(E',w')/a(E,w) i s zero i n tha t P vanishes.

Kinetic energies ra ther than t o t a l energies are shown i n un i t s of 2 2

As may be seen from Fig. 1, t h i s point corre-

In t h i s case,

This discussion shows t h a t Eq. (7) i s va l id i n a l l regions of t he

E-o plane except a t the c r i t i c a l points ment,ioned i n the preceding para-

graph, and t h a t except a t these points t h e mapping of the

onto the

of t h i s r e s u l t i s t h a t p a r t i c l e y ie lds measured i n the laboratory a t some

spec i f ic values of (E,cu) correspond t o the y ie lds a t spec i f ic values of

(E',o') i n the center-of-mass system.

E'-w' plane

E-o plane i s a one-to-one mapping. The p rac t i ca l significance

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,g ---e.

FIG. l--Lorentz transformation f o r p =$j-'/2

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I n the next section, considerations of t h i s nature w i l l be seen t o have more serious consequences i n ce r t a in cases.


Here we consider react ions of the type

1 + p 2 + p 3 + p 4

where i s the bombarding p a r t i c l e with r e s t energy Ml, P2 i s the

ld&ei?k p a r t i c l e with r e s t energy M2, and P and P4 a re the react ion

products having r e s t energies M and M4, respect ively. The k ine t i c

energy of t he bombarding p a r t i c l e

I; we are concerned with a d i s t r ibu t ion of bombarding energies.

7d1-" e7 p1

3 3

P1 i s not chosen f ixed as i n Section

The center-of-mass motion depends on the energy of the bombarding

pa r t i c l e , and for a given value of the bombarding energy, t h e energy of

a react ion product p a r t i c l e i n the center of mass i s uniquely determined

by some function of the bornbarding energy.

energies and angles of the react ion products a re determined by a function

of the bombarding energy Eo and the center-of-mass angle 8 ' . For a

d i s t r ibu t ion of bombarding energies, there e x i s t s a d i s t r ibu t ion function

U(EO, cos e ' ) which i s the number of p a r t i c l e s produced i n the center of

m a s s i n the d i f f e r e n t i a l so l id angle

Eo and E + dEo are causing the react ion. The spec- e ne r g i e s between

trum of e i t h e r of the two react ion products i n the laboratory may be

described by a d i s t r ibu t ion function W(E, cos e ) . Par t i c l e conservation

re quires*

In t h i s way, t he laboratory

s i n 8 ' d@' de' when bombarding


U ( E o , ~ ' ) d E o d ~ ' = W(E,w)dE dm (19)

where :

E = bombarding energy 0

E = laboratory energy of react ion product

LU' = COS e l ; LU = COS e .

The Jacobian most readi ly calculated i s

dE h = dEo dw'

* Eq. (19) i s va l id i f the mapping from (E,cu) t o (EO,w') i s a

- 7 - one-to-one mapping. See the discussion of Eq. (16).

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so t h a t (19) becomes

I n t h i s problem, f3 and E’ may be w r i t t e n as functions of Eo alone. The Jacobian i s

This Jacobian can a l so be wr i t ten

w T&$= (R)

This l a t t e r expression i s perhaps eas i e r t o understand physically since

(aw/aw’ )

i s taken of the d i s t r ibu t ion of Eo through the fac tor

Evaluation of t he Jacobian of Eq. (22) yields*

i s the familiar solid-angle transformation fac tor and account EO


This expression i s va l id f o r both react ion product pa r t i c l e s provided

proper subscripts a re employed.

with rest energy M4 i s then

Equation (24) f o r the react ion product


Jc Variations of t h i s expression may be constructed i n the manner used

i n deriving (8), (9), and (10).

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In addition t o t h e c r i t i c a l points a t

the poss ib i l i t y that the quantity i n the square brackets i n Eq. (26) i s

zero f o r ce r t a in values of LU' W e now w r i t e

P& = 0 and P4 = 0, there e x i s t s


If the magnitude of f i s less than unity, there e x i s t s a locus of

c r i t i c a l points f o r the Jacobian corresponding t o a range of

important, then, t o know how f var ies w i t h bombarding energy i n a l l ul;. It i s

possible react ions.

of t h i s section.

The quantity f

function of E ' the

terms of E;, f i s 0'

where* :

This i s the subject f o r discussion i n the remainder

i s most conveniently discussed when expressed as a

t o t a l energy avai lable i n the center of m a s s . In

given by

E ' = E' + E& = t o t a l energy avai lable i n the center of mass. 0 3

- % E = M + M2; 61 = M1 1 1

- M4 E = M3 + M4; 82 = M3 2

Now E; i s never l e s s than E and i n endo-ergic reactions i s grea te r

than E so t h a t a react ion can proceed only i f E' > E ~ . Hence we are 1'

1' 0

* This expression i s not va l id f o r M = 0, i n which case f is iden- 2

t i c a l l y zero since El; i s independent of p and hence (dE/+/dp) vanishes. See a l so Eq. (37).

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in te res ted i n the behavior of (28) for values of

E o r E depending on which i s the grea te r . Further, since 6 1 = c1

and ( f j 2 1 5 c2? we see that f as given by (28) i s posi t ive f o r values

of EA i n the region of i n t e re s t , and becomes unity as EA approaches

i n f i n i t y . The values of E ' leading t o f2 - 1 = 0 a re readi ly calcu-

l a t e d and may be examined t o see i f indeed they fall i n the region of

i n t e r e s t .

EA greater than e i t h e r <

1 2' I 1


The d e t a i l s of t h i s examination a re too lengthy t o be included

here, but they show t h a t i n only two cases a re there values of

the region of i n t e r e s t s a t i s o i n g EA i n

f2 - 1 = 0. These cases a re :

5 + M2 > M + M4 and M > 5 ( implies M2 > M4) 3 3 Case 1:

M + M4 > % + % and % > M (implies M4 > M2) 3 3

Case 2:

That is, unless the c r i t e r i a for these cases a re sa t i s f i ed , e i t h e r there

a re no c r i t i c a l points i n the Jacobian due t o t h e f ac to r given by (27) or the Jacobian i s c r i t i c a l for ce r t a in "1; for a l l E6 i n the region

of i n t e r e s t . This l a t t e r condition obtains i f f2 - 1 < 0 for a l l EA i n the region of i n t e re s t . The value of El2 sa t i s fy ing f2 - 1 = 0

for both Cases 1 and 2 i s 0

?LM3 + M2M4 b3 [?) - Y (?) 1 M3 - Y

and the bombarding energy Eo giving r i s e t o the above value of EA2 i s

2 For values of Eo greater than 5' we f ind t h a t f - 1 is posi t ive

%? it for Case 1 and negative f o r Case 2. Similarly, for Eo l e s s than

may be seen t h a t

Thus the Jacobian has c r i t i c a l points for Case 1 when the bombarding e n e r a

i s l e s s than the value given by ( 3 0 ) , and fo r Case 2 when the bombarding

energy i s grea te r than the value given by (30).

f2 - 1 i s negative f o r Case 1 and posi t ive for Case 2.

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In problems of the type discussed in Section I1 the characteristics of the energy-angle plots for product particles can be separated into cer- tain classes.

transformations, viz:

and the laboratory angle of a reaction product particle; of the Jacobian as given by (22) or (26).

This classification is based on two characteristics of the (a) the relation between the center-of-mass angle

(b) the behavior

The Jacobian has been discussed in the previous section in terms of

f(E6) given by Eq. (28). laboratory angle transformation can be characterized by a number

may be expressed as a functior, of

In a similar manner, the center-of-mass to y which

E;. The angle transformation is

J- sin 0;

yi + cos 8' tan Bi =


and is obtained by dividing Eq. (2) by Eq. (lb) and using the definition

The subscript

sidered. It is shown in reference 1 that. for y < 1 the angle trans- formation gives a single-valued relation between

'i value of ei.

i denotes which of the product particles is being con-

i and Of, and for 'i

> 1 there are usually two values of 0; corresponding to a given

By using energy and momentum conservation in the center-of-mass

system it can be shown that

where (33) refers to E are defined below Eq. (28); and as before Eo is the total energy

available in the center-of-mass.

to those of f(E6)

y4 (i.e., i -T: 4); the quantities 6*, E ~ , and

2 The general features of (33) are similar

of Eq. (28) and are described immediately below Eq. (28),

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2 with the exception t h a t

following spec ia l cases:

7 - 1 is zero i n the region of i n t e re s t i n t he

Case 3: 5 + M2 > M + M4 and M4 > M2 (implies 5 > M3) 3

M3 ’ M1) Case 4: M + M4 > 5 + M2 and M2 > M4 (implies 3

The value of E l 2 sa t i s fy ing y2 - 1 = 0 f o r both Cases 3 and 4 i s c

M M M2M4 + [ M4 - M2 (:)I

M4 - M2

The bombarding energy Eo giving rise t o the above value of EA2 i s

1 E = a m 4 - M2,


( 3 5 )

For values of E

f o r Case 3 and negative f o r Case 4. it may be seen t h a t

grea te r than Ea, we f ind t h a t y2 - 1 i s posi t ive 0

Similarly, f o r Eo less than Ea,

y2 - 1 i s negative f o r Case 3 and pos i t ive f o r Case 4. The general features of these Lorentz tranformations f o r M2 # 0 are

shown i n Fig. 2-4. The behavior of 7 and f i s shown as a function of

t he bombarding energy

of the transformations a l so shown i n these figures.

on these l a t t e r p lo t s correspond t o la rge values of E 0’ l i n e s correspondingly denote s m a l l values of Eo. In endo-ergic reactions

(See Fig. 4) t h e bombarding-energy threshold i s given by

Eo, and from these graphs one may sketch the mapping

The heavy s o l i d l i n e s

and the l i g h t

The energies E and % re fer red t o i n Figs. 3 and 4 are given by

( 3 5 ) and ( 3 0 ) , respectively.

I n the event t h a t


% = 0, such as OCCLWS i n decay-in-flight reactions,

the formulae fo r f and y of (28) and ( 3 3 ) a re meaningless and special

r e l a t ions must be developed. These are:

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In the l i m i t

equal t o unity, so t h a t t he angle re la t ionship becomes double-valued for

Eo > Ec, where

Eo -+ 00, it i s easy t o show t h a t y i s greater than or

The mapping of the transformation and the quant i t ies f and y are

sketched i n Fig. 5 . The graphs i n Figs. 2-5 are sketches which have been drawn t o point

out various features of the transformation equations. In some cases the

d e t a i l s shown in the mappings of the transformations may be found t o be

of l i t t l e consequence i n the design of experiments. A s an example, con-

s ide r the react ion

y + p + n + E+

where we choose

M~ = 938.20 Mev

M = 535.45 Mev 3

M4 = 139.63 MeV

In t h i s reaction, M1 + M2 < M3 C Mb and b$ > M4 so t h a t conditions

f o r the L a s t case shown i n Fig. 4 are s a t i s f i e d . Equations (35) and (36) y i e ld i n t h i s example

Ea = 153.35 MeV

Eth :- 151.50 MeV

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This shows t h a t the angle r e l a t i o n for the pi-meson i s double-valued only for incident photon energies between these values of E and Eth. a

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MI -M, = M,-M,


M 3- M, > M I - M


M I - M, > M,-M,




M,+M, = M,+M,



E o - Angle rel. sinyle-volueo for 0 1 1 E, . ;YO particles appear ot .


Jacobian regular for 0 1 1 E, .

Eo - -

Angle rel. single-valued for a l l E, . Jacobian regular for all Eo .

Angle rel. for a1 I Eo

Jacobian c r certain 8'

Eo ~


tico or a

e-va I ued

for I E o .


I1 I i i I 1


90" I800 @LAB

I I I \


4 K

0 I I

O0 9oo I 80" @ L A B

Figure 2

- 15 -

.I .

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1 I

M, ' M 4

M I ' M 3


M 3 > M l

I M P L I E S M P > M 4

A n g l e r e l . s i n q l e - v a l u e d f o r 0 1 I E, . J a c o b i a n c r i t i c a l f o r c e r t a i n a' f o r 0 1 1 Eo .

A n y l e r e l . s i n q l e - v a l u e d f o r a l l E, . J a c o b i a n c e r t a i n and r e p


c r i t i c a l f o r Q' i f Eb>E,>O o r i f Eo> Eb .

A n g l e r e l . s i n g l e - v a l u e d i f Eo>Eo>O an0 d o u b l e - v a l u e d i f EO>LO .

J o c o b i a n c r i t i c a l f o r c e r t a i n 8' f o r a l l Eo


9 oo I 80" 0 O0

@ L A B _-


- 16 -

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A n q l e r e l . d o u b l e - v a l u e d f o r a l l E$E,.

J a c o b i a n r e q u l a r e v e r y w h e r e f o r E,-E,.

I E o

O 0 Eth

A n g l e r e l . d o u b l e - v a l u e d f o r a l l E,j=Eth.

J a c o b i a n c r i t i c a l f o r c e r t a i n a' i f Eo?'Eb .

0 O0 L 9 oo I eoo

Figure 4

- 17 -

Page 18: AND KINEMATICS - SLAC National Accelerator … · JACOBIANS AND RELATIVISTIC KINEMATICS BY K. G. Dedrick It is often necessary to calculate the energy-angle distribution of particles



M, = 0



F L I G H T )



0 0 E,

E o - Angle rel. single-valued i f Ec’Eo=-O and double- valued i f E d E C .

Jacobian critical f o r # = g o o at Q I I values o f E o *


Figure f3

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Page 19: AND KINEMATICS - SLAC National Accelerator … · JACOBIANS AND RELATIVISTIC KINEMATICS BY K. G. Dedrick It is often necessary to calculate the energy-angle distribution of particles


The author would l i k e t o thank W.K.H. Panofsky for a discussion

leading t o t h i s work, H. Clark f o r checking many of' t he formulae, and

R. Harris for his excel lent work with the figures.