ancient christian texts = demons built the jerusalem temple

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  • 8/9/2019 Ancient Christian Texts = Demons Built the Jerusalem Temple



    Ancient Christian Texts:

    Demons Built theJerusalem

    Temple! The temple of Jerusalem was built with the help of

    Solomons demons. Many ancient traditions assert thatSolomon was heavily involved with the demonic realm, andthat the integrity of Jerusalem was compromised as a result.In the words of one ancient Christian tradition,

    Solomon, whom David fathered by adultery, built Jerusalem with the help of demons which gave himpower. When construction was complete, he kept the

    demons in the temple. He locked them up in seven jarsand left them there in the jars for a long time. Whenthe Romans came to Jerusalem, they found the jars, andstraightway the demons escaped their jar prisons. Thenthe jars became pure. Nowadays, the demons influenceignorant people, and they are still in the world butthese things are mysteries. [1]

    Is this true? Was the temple at Jerusalem built by demons?And did these demons continue to live in the temple after itwas built? The tradition is actually a lot older than this text.An earlier text called The Testament of Solomon includes apassage with a command allegedly given by the arch-angelMichael to Solomon saying,

    You must put all the demons, both female and male, inprison, and you must build Jerusalem with their help.[2]

    The text continues, describing all the various demons whohelped build the Jerusalem temple. Many are quite hideous

    Ancient lore says the Jerusalem temple(above) was built with the help of demons.The Genesis Creation Story was written by

    heretic priests of that temple.




    Ancient Christians believed that some parts ofthe Bible were written by God and other partsof the Bible were written by Satan the Devil.

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    and vulgar. Josephus adds that Solomon had a special wayof controlling the demons by means of a ring, which heplaced in the nostrils of those who were possessed. [3] Solomon could direct demons in this fashion .

    Mohamed too, in the Qur'an, indicated that there wasblack magic associated with Solomon's time, although he

    attempted to exonerate Solomon himself, because he mistookSolomon for a Prophet.

    The blasphemy did not come from Solomon, but fromthe evil ones who taught the Babylonian witchcraft thatcame down with Harut and Marut. [4]

    In his commentary on this verse, Islamic theologian AbdullahYusaf Ali identifies Harut and Marut as angels who camedown from heaven and were tempted. [5] This ties togetherwith Enoch, which also states that the lustful angels taughtwitchcraft and sorcery to humans. [6] These angels hadsexual intercourse with humans and animals, and thus theycaused evolution to happen .

    Other texts also record the legend in these words:

    Solomon was a joke because he thought he was theMessiah. He was puffed up by the six. [7]

    Solomon built the temple with demons. [8]

    The demiurge was troubled and asked 'How powerful isthe Man who is above us?' The third kingdomproclaims he was born of a virgin Solomon dispatched

    an army of demons to capture the virgin. [9]

    Like the dragon of Revelation who chases the child and thewoman, [10] Solomon is accused of trying to capture thevirgin mother in order to destroy the Christ child.

    Why was there a tradition that the Jerusalem temple wasthe residence of demons? There is actually a very goodreason, and it is based on mainstream scholarship.

    Animal sacrifice was practiced in the ancient Hebrewfaith, but not in today's Jewish and Christian faiths? Why?The answer is found in the Priestly text, which Jews andChristians have unfortunately and unwittingly inherited intheir Bible. The Priestly text is a late forgery that waserroneously added to the Bible; it contains the unscientific

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    Above: Marduk, the heroof Enuma Elish, the

    pagan myth from whichGenesis 1 is derived.

    Below: Map of Israel andwhere different parts of

    the Bible came from.

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    Genesis 1 creation myth . The Priestly text commands thatsacrifices should only be performed in the place where Godresides, at the altar of his tabernacle, which is assumed to bethe temple of Jerusalem , since that is where the tabernaclehas resided since the days of Solomon. [11] The Priestlycommand to sacrifice at only one central location is asfollows:

    Any Israelite who kills a cow, lamb, or goat in the campor outside the camp, and fails to bring it to the door ofthe tabernacle of the congregation, to offer it toYahweh, in the tabernacle of Yahweh, blood will beupon that person. They have shed blood, and they shallbe cut off from their people. [12]

    Deuteronomy is even more poignant:

    Take care not to burn your sacrifices in every locationyou see, but in the place Yahweh chooses within one ofyour tribes, there you must bring all your sacrifices. [13]

    Today, an Islamic shrine sits on the spot where the ancienttabernacle of Jerusalem used to sit. Consequently, nosacrifices are performed.

    Sacrifice Outside Jerusalem

    Yet virtually every "righteous" individual who performedanimal sacrifices in the Old Testament directly violated thisregulation. Abraham sacrificed everywhere but inJerusalem. He built altars at Shechem, Bethel, and Hebron,and these altars were used for animal sacrifice. [14] AsAbraham journeyed south, he passed right over Jerusalem,not even stopping there. His son Isaac was no different.Isaac built an altar at Beer-Sheba, but not at Jerusalem. [15] Before them, Noah built an altar and sacrificed animalssomewhere in Mesopotamia. [16] Moses asked Pharaoh to"let my people go" so that they could sacrifice animals out in

    the middle of the Egyptian desert. [17] None of these altarswere even close to the so-called "holy city" of Jerusalem.Clearly, the idea that animal sacrifice can only occur inJerusalem is a false doctrine of the priests, and is easilydisproved by the earlier texts of the Bible.

    Whats more, the Priestly text never mentions any of thesesacrifices. It omits the story of how Noah sacrificed after theFlood, of how Abraham and Isaac sacrificed at randomlocations in Canaan, and of how Moses attempted to sacrificein the sands of Egypt. These omissions were not accidental.

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    places, Yahweh continued to bless them with freedom andprosperity in the Promised Land. Evidently, God was quitehappy with the high places.

    Then, one day, an eight-year old boy named Josiahascended to the throne, and his priests convinced him to teardown all the high places and leave only Jerusalem. [24] It

    appears the boy king was easily manipulated by thepriesthood, for these priests supposedly "found" a holy bookthat had been missing from the Bible for hundreds years, [25]yet scholars believe they largely invented it. The book wasDeuteronomy, which, like the Priestly text, commands theIsraelites to sacrifice at only one central location. [26] Thisexplains why Josiah tore down the high places. The name"Deuteronomy" means "second giving of the Law," and it islikely that it was the second edition of the Elohist Torah. Theoriginal Elohist Torah was not compatible with the Priestlytext; therefore, it was reworked into Deuteronomy. This canbe deduced from who "found" Deuteronomy in the temple namely Hilkiah, who was related both to Abiathar'spriesthood at Anathoth and also to Zadok's priesthood atJerusalem .[27] Insofar as Hilkiah was the child of bothtraditions, he sought a merger of the two, and thus we havethe book of Deuteronomy, which merges Elohist and Priestlydoctrines. This is further substantiated by a tradition thatEzra omitted part of the Elohist Torah , and justified thisomission by referencing Deuteronomy in its place. [28]

    The priests loved Josiah, so they formulated a falseprophecy that the young king would live long and diepeacefully. Yet, in actual fact, Josiah would later die inbattle at a young age. [29] Obviously, God wasnt filling themouths of the Jerusalem priests with prophecy! Rather,these were the false prophets Jeremiah so frequentlymentions. Josiahs religious reformation lasted exactlythirteen years. [30] By the end of those thirteen years, Josiahlay slain, Judahs armies were defeated, and the Hebrewnation had lost its ability to sustain itself. The once loftykingdom of David was reduced to a puppet state. Over thenext twenty years, the Hebrew kings played political stuntswith their Babylonian overlords, until finally, Babylonutterly destroyed them in the siege of Jerusalem. The templewas destroyed and Jerusalem was burned to the ground. Thelucky survivors were exiled to Babylon, where they remainedfor 70 years.

    Thus, within a generation of Josiahs religious reforms,the Hebrew nation went from freedom to slavery. If onechooses to view history theologically, then one should revisethe book of Kings in this light.

    Why did Yahweh abandon his chosen people in the middleof the greatest religious reformation of they had everaccomplished? Why did God punish Israel at a time whenthey were obeying Torah Law better than they ever had inthe past? The answer, I believe, resides in the fact that the

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    theology of Kings is wrong. That is to say, Josiah was not agreat reformer, but was rather a heretic, and Yahwehpunished Israel with the Babylonian exile because of hisheresy. To the king of Assyria, this was obvious, as he says,

    You tell me that you trust in your God Yahweh. But

    isn't this the same God whose altars Hezekiah hasdismantled, telling you to worship only at the altar inJerusalem? [31]

    The logic of the king of Assyria was simple: Hezekiah toredown Yahweh's altars on the high places. Therefore,Yahweh punished Hezekiah as the Bible tells us andarchaeology confirms. Hezekiah was besieged in Jerusalemand kept locked up like a caged bird, and he was forced toloot the temple and give its treasure to Assyria. TheAssyrians even claimed Yahweh had commanded them to

    invade. [32] The next king to remove the high places wasJosiah, and he was slaughtered at Megiddo, whereuponIsrael effectively lost its sovereignty. [33]

    This theological interpretation, which reduces Jerusalemand its temple to heresy, is perfectly compatible with Jesusand the New Testament, as Jesus says, "Believe me, the houris coming when you wont worship the Father on thismountain nor in Jerusalem." [34] Likewise Saint Paul, "TheLord of heaven and earth doesnt live in temples made byhands." [35] Also, the gospels frequently state that Jesusworshipped on mountain tops, an action analogous to earlyHebrew worship on the high places. Moreover, Josephusinforms us that the Essenes refused to sacrifice at theJerusalem temple. [36] Apparently, components of theoriginal Hebrew faith had survived in the Essene sect, buthad been forgotten by other Jewish sects. Jesus resurrectedthe true Hebrew religion from corruption.


    The foregoing arguments have shown that the six-daycreation account in Genesis 1 comes from the Priestly text,and that the Priestly text is a forgery. Moreover, JesusChrist rejected the Priestly text, as do scholars and ancientcritics. The people who wrote the Priestly text operated in atemple that was the home of demons.

    Yet for all this, there is still one more accusation thatcan be brought forward against Genesis 1. The creation

    account in Genesis 1 is the Whore of Babylon .

    Return to this section's landing page: Genesis 1 is a forgery .

    The creationist narrative in Genesis 1 is contradicted by

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    many ancient Christian texts. Instead of an AlmightyCreator God, ancient Christian texts espouse that theuniverse is born from blind arrogance and stupidity . Theangels caused evolution to occur from species to species .There are many gods , (or aliens?), and the Christian God isust one among them . Satan the Devil writes scripture, and

    thus the Bible was polluted with Genesis 1 . Archaeology and

    modern scholarship demonstrate that Genesis is indeedcorrupted. Cavemen walk with Adam and Eve . Esotericprophecies reveal the coming of Christ , and also reveal thedark forces that govern the cosmos . Such are the ancientChristian writings.

    Science vindicates the truth of these ideas. Evolution oftenhappens too fast for Darwins theory . Gaps in the fossilrecord indicate that some kind of unnatural force actstogether with natural selection. Astrobiology reveals thatintelligent life probably evolved long before us . The fossilrecord reveals strange clues that aliens abducted species andtransported them across oceans , and that DNA from diverselineages was combined to spawn hybrid species . Evidently,aliens influence evolution, and they are the gods of theworlds religions.

    This is not fiction. All these facts are thoroughly documentedin the links above.

    [1] The Testimony of Truth, Nag Hammadi 9.70

    [2] Testament of Solomon 1:7

    [3] Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews 8.2.5

    [4] Qur'an 2:102

    [5] Ali, Abdullah Yusuf. The Meaning of the Holy Qur'an. 2001, Amana Publications, Beltsville, MD,p 44

    [6] 1st Enoch 8

    [7] The Second Treatise of the Great Seth, Nag Hammadi 7:63

    [8] The Testimony of Truth, Nag Hammadi 9:70

    [9] The Apocalypse of Adam, Nag Hammadi 5:77-79

    [10] Revelation 12

    [11] 1st Kings 8:3-8

    [12] Leviticus 17:3-4, see also 17:9, 1:3, 3:7

    [13] Deuteronomy 12:11-14

    [14] Genesis 12:7-8, 13:18, 15:9-12

    [15] Genesis 26:25,33

    [16] Genesis 8:20

    [17] Exodus 5:3

    [18] 1st Samuel 20:6,28-29

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    [19] 1st Kings 3:2-15

    [20] 1st Samuel 9:12-10:11

    [21] 1st Samuel 14:32-35, Judges 13:19-20

    [22] 1st Kings 18:19,30-39

    [23] 2nd Kings 15:1-4, 14:1-4, 12:1-3, 1 st Kings 22:41-43, 15:9-14

    [24] 2nd

    Kings 22-23

    [25] 2nd Kings 22:8

    [26] Deuteronomy 12:11-13

    [27] 2nd Kings 22:8, Jeremiah 1:1, Ezra 7:1-2, 1 st Kings 2:26-27

    [28] Wellhausen, Julius. Translated by Black, J Sutherland; Menzies, Allan. Prolegomena to the History of Israel 8.1.1. Kessinger Publishing, p 121

    [29] 2nd Kings 22:20, 23:29

    [30] 2nd Kings 22:1,3, 23:23

    [31] 2nd Kings 18:22

    [32] 2nd

    Kings 18:4-30, The Prism Inscription of Sennacherib at Ninevah

    [33] 2nd Kings 23:8, 23:29

    [34] John 4:21

    [35] Acts 17:24

    [36] Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews 18.1.5

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