anatomy illustrations

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Anatomy Illustrations

Anatomy Illustrations

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem-Hadassah Medical SchoolMaria Jubran 3d Year Dentistry Student November 28, 2016 [email protected] Illustrations were made in a way that each dissection organs and vessels were combined and included in one drawing so that the student can look at the organ from all different angles, and will be able to integrate all of its structures .You may want to print the drawings it might help for the revisions ,In additions to adding some notes , and to work with the checklists added below each slide

Dissection 1 Thorax

' 1- True/ false/ floating ribsSup./ inf. Articular facetHead of ribCrest of headTubercle of ribNeck of ribCostal angleCostal grooveScalene tubercleSerratus anteriorCostal marginBody of vertebraPedicles of vertebraLamina of vertebraVertebral archSuperior/ inf. Articular process + facetTransverse processSpinous processCostal demifacetsCostovertebral jointZygapophyseal jointIntervertebral jointSternumManubriumxiphoid processjugular notchsternal anglexiphisternal jointext. / int. / innermost intercostal muscletransversus thoracicintercostal nervesubcostal nervelateral / anterior cutaneous branch

Dissection 2 Lungs

' 2 Visceral pleuraParietal pleuraHilumPulmonary ligamentCostomediastinal recessCostodiaphragmatic recessPhrenic nerveSup./middle/inf. Lobe of r. lungHorizontal fissureOblique fissureSup./inf. Lobe of left lungCardiac notchLingulaInf. Pulmonary veinSup. Pulmonary veinPulmonary arteryMain bronchusTrachea & esophagus impressionSuperior vena cava impressionr. brachiocephalic vein impressionarch of azygos vein impressionimpressionthoracic aorta impressionaortic arch impressionbronchial arteriesbronchial veinsext. / int. / innermost intercostal muscletransversus thoracicintercostal nervesubcostal nervemedial pectoral nervecardiac lateral / anterior cutaneous branch long thoracic nervelateral thoracic arteryinternal thoracic arteryanterior intercostal arterybrachiocephalic arterycommon carotid arterysubclavian arterymusculophrenic arterysuperior epigastric arteryposterior intercostal arterymusculophrenic aarterySuperior epigastric arteryLong thoracic nerveLateral thoracic artery

lateral pectoral nervelong thoracic nervelateral thoracic arterycephalic veinpectoral branch of thoracoacromial arteryinternal thoracic arteryanterior intercostal arterybrachiocephalic arterycommon carotid arterysubclavian arterymusculophrenic arterysuperior epigastric arteryposterior intercostal arterypectoralis majorpectoralis minor

Dissection 3 The Heart

' 3- Fibrous pericardiumParietal layer of serous pericardiumVisceral layer of serous pericardiumTransverse pericardial sinusOblique pericardial sinusEndocardiumMyocardiumEpicardiumAtrioventricular grooveAnterior/ posterior interventricular groovesApex of heartBase of heartSternocostal surfaceDiaphragmatic surfaceRight pulmonary surfaceLeft pulmonary surfaceSuperior vena cavaInferior vena cavaCoronary sinusRight auricleAscending aortaPectinate musclesSinus venarumTerminal crestSulcus terminalisInteratrial septumFossa ovalisConus arteriosusTrabeculae carneaeTricuspid valveAnterior/ posterior/ septal cuspsAnterio/ posterior/ septal Papillary musclesChordae tendineaeSeptomarginal trabeculaPulmonary valveAnterior/ right/ left cuspsPulmonary veinsLeft auricleValve of foramen ovaleMitral valveAnterior/ posterior cuspsAortic vestibuleAortic valveRight coronary arteryLeft coronary arterySA nodal branch of RCARight posterior descendingRight marginal branchLeft anterior descendingDiagonal branches of LADCircumflex branch of LCALeft marginal branchGreat cardiac veinMiddle cardiac veinSmall cardiac veinOblique veinAnterior cardiac veins

Dissection 4 Mediastinum

' 4- Superior vena cavaLeft & right brachiocephalic veinInternal jugular veinsSubclavian veinsAscending aortaAortic archBrachiocephalic trunkleft & right common carotid arteryleft & right subclavian arteryligamentum arteriosumright & left vagus nerveright & left recurrent laryngeal branchright pulmonary plexusesophageal plexusleft pulmonary plexusanterior/ posterior vagal trunkphrenic nervepericardiacophrenic vein & arterytrachearight & left main bronchiicarinaesophagusesophageal hiatusthoracic aortaaortic hiatusposterior intercostal arteriesesophageal branches of thoracic aortabronchial branches of thoracic aortaazygos veinarch of azygos veinhemiazygos veinaccessory hemiazygos veinleft & right superior intercostal veinfirst posterior intercostal veinsympathetic trunkparavertebral gangliagreater splanchnic nervelesser splanchnic nerveleast splanchnic nervethoracic ductleft venous anglesubcostal muscles

A bit Embryology. of Dr. Caspis Lectures ' 5- Superficial fasciaCamper's fasciaScarpa's fasciaAnterior cutaneous branches of intercostal nervesLateral cutaneous branches of intercostal nervesDeep fasciaExternal oblique muscle (muscular & aponeurotic parts)Linea albaInguinal ligamentInternal oblique muscle (muscular & aponeurotic parts)Semilunar lineTransversus abdominis muscleRectus sheathInguinal canalAnterior layer of rectus sheathPosterior layer of rectus sheathArcuate lineTransversalis fasciaExtra-peritoneal fatParietal peritoneumRectus abdominis muscleTendinous intersectionsSuperior epigastric artery & veinInferior epigastric artery & veinPyramidalis muscleInguinal canalSuperficial inguinal ringDeep inguinal ringLateral & medial cruraIntercrural fibersRight & left common iliac arteryExternal iliac artery & veinFemoral artery & veinSuperficial epigastric artery & veinSuperficial circumflex iliac artery & veinDeep circumflex iliac artery & veinInferior epigastric artery & veinLateral thoracic veinSubcostal nerveIliohypogastric nerveIlioinguinal nerve

The Arrows are just for fun ! Now its time for the Real arrows!!!#Adams:D

Please Enjoy your Studying