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DRAFT ETHIOPIAN STANDARD CES xxx Compulsory Ethiopian Standard First edition xx-xx-202x ICS Published by Ethiopian Standards Agency © ESA hygiene and environmental health requirements

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CES xxx

Compulsory Ethiopian Standard

First edition


ICS: 13.060.20

Published by Ethiopian Standards Agency


Refrece number ***


(other than any packedwater) -

ICS Published by Ethiopian Standards Agency © ESA

Flour milling, wholesale and retail hygiene and environmental health requirements





CES xxx

This E thiopian S tandard has been p repared u nder the di rection of T echnical Committee f or hy giene,

sanitation and health related services (TC 205) and published by the Ethiopian Standards Agency (ESA).

The s tandard CES xxx:20xx first edi tion, Flour milling, wholesale and retail hygiene and environmental heal th

requirements, published by Ethiopian standards agency (ESA).

Draft of the standards has been presented by ministry of health and Addis Ababa City Government Food, Medicine and Health Care Administration and Control Authority.

Acknowledgment has been made for the organization for the effort of national standardization.




Flour milling, wholesale and retail hygiene and environmental

health requirement

1. Scope

This Ethiopian standard specifies hygiene and environmental health requirements regarding premises, staff,

transport, labeling, packaging and safety for flour milling services.

2. Normative references

There is no normative reference.

3. Terms and definitions

For the purpose of this standard the following terms and definitions shall apply

3.1. Flour milling house A Company that converts any grain or spice into flour by changing the physical content and shape of the ingredients used in the process of raw or semi-cooked or fully cooked and processed food.

3.2. Environmental health

Public health concerned with monitoring or mitigating those factors in the environment that affect human health and disease.

3.3. Hygiene Conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially through cleanliness.

3.4. Sewage Discharge from toilets, urinals, basins, showers, sinks and dishwashers, whether discharged through sewers.

3.5. Potable water Water that is acceptable for human consumption.

3.6. Potentially hazardous food Food that has to be kept at certain temperature to minimize the growth of any pathogenic micro organisms that may be present in the food or to prevent the formation of toxins in the food.

3.7. Hazard analysis critical control points (HACCP) System which identifies evaluates and controls hazards which are significant for food safety [SOURCE: Codex Alimentarius].






TANDARD3.8. Premises Any land, building (including residential premises) or places (including a public places or a moveable building or structure); or a part of a premises.

3.9. Environmental health hazard Any environmental factor or situation that can cause injury, disease or death.

3.10. Personal hygiene A condition promoting sanitary practices to the self

3.11. Food grade material Materials those are free from substances that are hazardous to human health and may be permitted to come in contact with food.

4. Requirements

4.1. General requirements

4.1.1. Products shall be classified in the storage areas according to their type and condition (e.g. frozen,

fresh, refrigerated, dry).

4.1.2. An infrastructure of water, electricity and roads shall be provided.

4.1.3. The premise shall be built to provide work flow of materials, products, personnel and physical

separation of raw from processed areas.

4.1.4. Shall have sufficient natural or mechanical ventilation to effectively remove fumes, smoke, steam

and vapors from the premises.

4.1.5. Shall have a sufficient natural or artificial light for the activities conducted on the food premises.

4.1.6. All staff shall be trained and certified by recognized body for their intended field of work.

4.2. Specific requirements

4.2.1. Environmental conditions of the mill house and design of building Environmental conditions The mill house should at least be 200 meters or more away from public institution and

residential area. Shall not be exposed to rodents, garbage, bad odors, chemicals or toxins, and generally

food that could endanger human health and safety. Shall be------ meters away from any service provider or manufacturer that is inconsistent

with the service or product and may pose a risk of contamination of the service or product. Total meter square is …… All the loading and unloading points should have shades to prevent grains from rain water. The mill house shall be made of smooth and non-absorbent surfaces so that they are easy

to clean and wherever necessary, disinfect.

2 ©ESA




TANDARD4. Entry/exit points should be tight fitting and suitably protected to ensure dust, insects, birds

and animals are kept out.

4.3. Premises requirements

4.3.1. Floors, walls and ceiling Floors Shall be designed and constructed in a way that is appropriate for the activities conducted

on the food premises. Shall be able to be effectively cleaned. Shall be unable to absorb grease, food particles or water. Shall be laid so that there is no pending of water; and to the extent that is practicable, be

unable to provide harborage for pests. Walls and ceilings Shall be designed and constructed in a way that is appropriate for the activities conducted

on the food premises. Shall be sealed to prevent the entry of dirt, dust and pests; Shall be unable to absorb grease, food particles or water Shall be unable to provide harborage for pests.

4.4. Staff requirements

4.4.1. Shall be trained and certified by recognized body.

4.4.2. The institutional management shall identify and document, the chart and the job descriptions for

hygiene and environmental health related jobs.

4.4.3. There shall be a person/department responsible for :- monitoring the provision of the services; identifying and recording any incident related to the provision of the services Initiating actions to ensure customer satisfaction in compliance with hygiene and

environmental health

4.4.4. Additional Training programs

4.4.5. A training program shall be designed, implemented and periodically reviewed by the institutional

management to improve staff competence, according to the identified needs.

The training program shall meet the following requirements: after recruitment of the new member of staff, a training or orientation period shall be provided; Trainings should be environmental good practices, hygiene and safety issues and Other

emergency training (e.g. what to do in an emergency, evacuation plan) and basic life support

(BLS) or first aid training shall be included.

4.5. Services and facilities for staff





TANDARD The management shall define the services and facilities offered to staff and conform to the following:

4.5.1. Shall decide and avail the staff use uniforms and other necessary personal protective equipment’s

as per service type; whereas for food handlers the color of uniform shall be white.

4.5.2. Shall avail facilities for staffs to change clothes for their job position, the changing facilities shall be

provided separate men's and women's employee locker rooms and vestibule entrances to block

sightlines into the locker rooms.

4.5.3. There shall be bathrooms and closets with toilet paper, paper towels or hand dryers, soap or

sanitizer, wastepaper baskets, pedal dustbin and hangers. Solid soap shall be avoided.

4.5.4. All staff facilities shall be clean and well maintained.

4.5.5. The institution should provide the adaptation of the workplace if it employs a person with any kind of


4.6. Personal hygiene

All food handlers shall meet the following personal hygiene conditions:

4.6.1. they shall be clean, have clean hands, and clean and trimmed fingernails; hair shall be clean and

covered and long hair should be tied back;

4.6.2. they shall wash their hands before starting to work and after each break;

4.6.3. They shall not wear visible rings, earrings or piercings, bracelets or watches. When it is not possible

to temporarily remove them, these items shall be adequately protected by a food grade plaster;

4.6.4. They shall know the allocated areas and the different types of preparation that can be carried out in

each of them.

4.6.5. Other staffs who occasionally enter in production area shall wear protective clothing.

4.7. Service requirements

4.7.1. General requirements The institution entrance and name shall be clearly identifiable from outside. The access area shall be clean and illuminated. There shall be adequate levels of lighting for safety and comfort in all public areas, light on the

stairways and the landing at night. If any symptom of communicable diseases happened in the institution, the institution shall notify

to the appropriate regulatory body. In all activities, basic hygiene and conservation conditions shall be defined and respected. The preparation area shall conform to the following requirements in all activities involving

handling and preparing of food:

4 ©ESA




TANDARDa) Hygiene and cleanliness shall be ensured;

b) Implemented measures to avoid contamination shall be established;

c) The amount of time food is out of the refrigeration shall be limited;

d) temperatures shall be maintained so as to guarantee that bacteria do not proliferate (e.g. in cold

areas a temperature of 18 °C ± 3 °C shall be maintained);

4.8. Reception of food products

4.8.1. The institution shall define the delivery criteria for products according to their type (e.g. greens,

fruits, fish, meat, vegetables) and presentation (e.g. fresh, frozen, prepared) and for beverages, as

well as a system for the returning of those products which do not conform to and In the reception of

products, the following issues shall be controlled:

a) condition of the packaging;

b) expiry date or preferred consumption date;

c) Temperature.

4.8.2. The institution shall ensure the safety of the food offered by the providers. receiving bay for raw materials areas for storing non-perishable goods, refrigeration and freezing chambers

4.9. preparation services

4.9.1. Raw material receiving Inspection and receiving information shall be documented. This document shall include but not

limited to the following

a) Type of grain

b) Receiving date

c) Source of the product

d) Address of supplier

4.10. Storage

4.10.1. Separate storage areas with 16 meter square shall be provided for cereals and grains and

temporary storage for processed grains not less than 4 meters in height. (Ceiling is as per it is

needed). When the number of milling machine increase the area also increase by 1/3.

4.10.2. Storage shall be free from rodent, insects, and birds.

4.10.3. Shall be kept in a hygienic condition and cleaned.

4.10.4. Storage room shall be fumigated/when necessary/ ask certification from wholesaler.

4.10.5. Each material/lot shall be stacked separately, ensuring no mix-ups.

4.10.6. Should Follow FEFO / FIFO system while releasing the material from the store.

4.10.7. Corrugated steel bins can also be used as whole grain storage.

4.10.8. Storage of materials shall be done off the floor on pallets/tarpaulins.





TANDARD4.10.9. The shelf/pallet/ shall be 20 cm up from the floor, 20 cm far from the wall and 60 cm from the

ceiling and distance between racks shall be 1m that a person can easily able to move between


4.10.10. the structure shall be elevated and away from moist places

4.10.11. the structure shall be airtight, even at loading and unloading

4.10.12. rodent-free materials shall be used for construction of storages;

4.10.13. the area surrounding the structure shall be clean to minimize insect breeding;

4.10.14. The structure shall be plastered with an impervious material to avoid termite attack, or attack by

other insects.

4.11. sieving and picking room

4.11.1. There shall be a separate room of 4m2 and at least 4m of ceiling height arranged for sieving and

picking of unwanted wastes from cereals and grains only for a single mile.

4.11.2. If debris to be picked up by hand, a table with chair set to 0.9 meters from the floor should be


4.11.3. Filtering debris shall be made by wire mesh with food grade content, with a mechanical

mechanism that is easy to move by hand.

4.11.4. For hand-picking and brushing, there should be a temporary storage under the provided table or

combs, but the garbage should be placed in a plastic bag that at least 4 square meters wide and

2.5 m or more in height.

4.12. Milling section

4.12.1. The area of the milling room shall be 9m2 for a single hopper and shall be increased by 1/3 for

each additional one and number of workers.

4.12.2. The mill hopper should be made of stainless steel and is used for food grade (flour) content. The

floor should be tight enough made of concrete able to hold mill, non-slip and easy to clean.

4.12.3. Safety guards shall be in place for rotary hopper parts.

4.12.4. The wall of the mill shall be sound proof, made of easy-to-clean materials and resistant to


4.12.5. 45 db for night, 50 db for daytime shall be applicable in the milling house.

4.13. Storage of milled products

The following requirements shall be met:

4.13.1. A rotation system [e.g. based on the first in, first out (FIFO) or first expires, first out (FEFO)

principles] shall be implemented to ensure expired products are not being served;

4.13.2. The storage areas shall be identified; access to these areas shall be restricted to authorized


4.13.3. Area of the storage shall be 9m2.

4.13.4. Store shall be constructed to maintain the temperature and prevent entrance of rodents and


6 ©ESA




TANDARD4.13.5. Store shall be free from any kind of waste

4.13.6. Store shall be well ventilated and illuminated

4.13.7. Foods stores shall be stored in the pallet and have labeling

4.13.8. The pallet shall be placed 20cm above from the floor, 20 cm from wall, 60cm from ceiling and 50

cm between pallet

4.13.9. Humidity of storage room should be 50-60 %.

4.14. Storage for detergent and chemicals for cleaning purpose

4.14.1. The area shall be 4 m2. And above

4.14.2. The storage shall be free from rodents and vermin.

4.14.3. The storage of detergent and chemicals shall have pallet

4.14.4. The storage shall have pedal system waste collector bin

4.14.5. Storage shall be well ventilated.

5. Fire extinguisher and first aid kit

5.1. Fire extinguisher

5.1.1. There shall be fire extinguisher not less than 2 kilogram by weight and filled with carbon dioxide.

5.1.2. Fire extinguishers shall be placed in a clear and user-friendly manner in the serving room,

warehouse, staff dining room, and at important place of the building.

5.1.3. The fire extinguisher shall be renewed annually.

5.1.4. Employees of the organization shall receive training on the use of fire extinguisher.

5.2. First aid kit

5.2.1. There shall be first aid kit according to the size of the organization and the number of employees

in it.

5.2.2. It shall be placed in a clear, user-friendly manner and where necessary.

6. Health Safety in terms of pest control

6.1. The institution management is responsible for the pest control prevention system at the premises.

6.2. A pest control plan shall be defined and documented by qualified staff (internal or subcontracted),

according to the needs and facilities of the institution.

6.3. Treatment records as well as a copy of the authorization and sanitary registration of the products used

shall be retained.

7. Smoking

7.1. Smoking in working place shall not be allowed.

7.2. Shall apply the proclamation concerning tobacco.

8. Waste management

8.1. Solid Waste management

8.1.1. Solid Waste generated shall be segregated, collected and generally controlled as per Ethiopia

Standard ES 6433.





TANDARD8.1.2. Each solid waste container shall be identified indicating the type of waste and shall be duly


8.1.3. The waste bags shall be removed whenever necessary and at least once a day (e.g. external

collector, waste room).

8.2. Liquid waste management

8.2.1. There shall be a plan for liquid waste disposal.

8.2.2. Liquid waste shall be disposed in septic tank or with the system of municipal liquid waste disposal


8.2.3. Any sewage from organization (dish and hand washing and sinks, bathroom, laundry room, toilet,

etc.) shall be connected to an approved sewer line.

8.2.4. If the septic tank is used by the organization to collect sewage, it shall pump half a meter before it

is filled;

8.2.5. No sewage shall discharge into the rainwater drainage line.

8.2.6. Sewage disposal information shall be available and provided when requested by the concerned

body. (Whether it is connected to an approved sewer line or accumulated sewage, etc.).

9. Cleanliness requirements

9.1. Cleaning products shall be used responsibly, respecting the instructions of the manufacturer related to

both safety of people and to protection of the environment.

9.2. Environmental friendly and chlorine-free cleaning products should preferably be used, as well as

microfiber cloths that reduce the amount of cleaning liquid is required.

9.3. Furthermore, the following requirements shall be met:

9.3.1. Cleaning tools for the bathroom shall be identified according to the use given to them;

9.3.2. Cleaning products shall retain their original labels or be visibly identified. If these need to be

transferred to a smaller container, this shall have an automatic dispensing system. Food

receptacles that could result in accidents if mistaken shall never be used;

9.3.3. During cleaning activities and when the floor is wet, warning signposting shall be displayed to

inform customer and prevent accidents;

9.3.4. Housekeeping staff shall have adequate means (cleaning trolley or similar) for cleaning rooms;

9.3.5. The minimum content of cleaning storage rooms and of cleaning trolleys shall be defined

9.3.6. Housekeeping staff shall report incidents (e.g. defective lights, damaged faucets) and shall keep

the cleaning equipment in a suitable condition for performing its function.

9.4. Cleaning plan

9.4.1. A cleaning plan shall be defined, documented, implemented and maintained, allocating tasks to

staff accordingly and defining the cleaning routes for the different areas of the Restaurant. This

plan, drawn up either by the bar and restaurant or by a subcontractor, shall include disinfection

activities where disinfection is needed (i.e. toilets, kitchens).

8 ©ESA





9.5. Cleaning of common areas

9.5.1. The institution shall ensure the cleaning of its common areas (e.g., corridors, stairs, parking lots,

gardens, and yards, indoor and outdoor, toilets).

9.5.2. In general terms, the minimum cleaning frequency should conform to

9.5.3. These stated frequencies can be decreased if there is low use of the facilities or they are clean


9.5.4. In the same way, the frequency shall be increased when there is an intensive use of the facilities

and cleanliness might not be guaranteed with the stated frequencies, or when it is proved that

customer are unsatisfied with the level of cleaning.

EXAMPLE Toilets which are situated next to the lobby will probably need a higher frequency of cleaning

than toilets located next to the events rooms (if those exist) when the meeting rooms are not in use.

On the other hand, when the events rooms are in use the nearby toilets will probably need a higher

frequency of cleaning. The same situation could be applicable to facilities next to the outdoor pool,

depending on the season and the use of the pool, gardens or any other area.

9.5.5. The cleaning plan shall ensure:

a) Regarding indoor common areas, that: walls, floors, ceilings, furniture, mirrors, doors, panels, push

buttons, decorative elements, wastebaskets and trash containers are clean;

b) the facilities are ventilated and fresh smelling;

c) areas and equipment used by the hairdresser (if any) and spa (if any) are kept clean and


d) Regarding toilets in common areas, that: the walls, floors, ceilings, furniture, mirrors, equipment,

windows, decorative elements and visible parts of the faucets are clean;

- consumables (e.g. toilet paper, soap) are replaced;

- bags are changed and placed in the bins at least daily if they have been used, and every time it is


- toilets are ventilated and fresh smelling;

- Daily cleaning and disinfection records (where applicable) are kept.

- Regarding outdoor common areas, that:

- the walls, windows and decorative elements are clean;

9.5.6. Deep cleaning program A deep cleaning program for all rooms shall be carried out at once in a month, considering the

level of occupation, seasonality and need. Mattress labeling and turning as well as curtain,

carpet and window cleaning shall be included in the program, when applicable. Frequency should be increased according to need (e.g. humidity).






Hand washing with soap as needed during a) Return from toilet.

b) Before and after transferring from one person to another in the middle of work.

c) When we take a break and go back to work.

d) Before eating, after eating, after smoking.

e) After contact with dirt or any cleaning materials and chemicals.

f) After performing any cleaning.

g) Before and after using glove

h) before and after attending a client

i) before and after a procedure

j) after exposure to a body substance

k) after touching a clients surroundings

10 ©ESA





The Head Office of ESA is at Addis Ababa.

011- 646 06 85, 011- 646 05 65 011-646 08 80 2310 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.ethiostandards.org

Organization and Objectives

The Ethiopian Standards Agency (ESA) is the national standards body of Ethiopia established in 2010 based on regulation No. 193/2010.ESA is established due to the restructuring o f Quality a nd Standards Authority o f Ethiopia ( QSAE) which was established in 1998.

ESA’s objectives are:-

Develop Ethiopian standards an d establish a system that enable to check whether goods and services are in compliance with the required standards,

Facilitate the country’s technology transfer through the use of standards,

Develop national standards for local products and services so as to make them competitive in the international market.

Ethiopian Standards

The Ethiopian Standards are developed by national technical committees which are composed of different stakeholders consisting of educational Institutions, research institutes, government or ganizations, certification, inspection, and testing organizations, regulatory bodies, consumer association etc. The requirements and/ or recommendations contained in Ethiopian Standards are consensus based that reflects the interest of the TC representatives and also of comments received from the public and other sources. Ethiopian Standards are approved by the National Standardization Council and are kept under continuous review after publication and updated regularly to take account of latest scientific and technological changes. Orders f or a ll Ethiopian Standards, International Standard and ASTM standards, including electronic versions, should be addressed to the Documentation and Publication Team at the Head office and Branch (Liaisons) offices. A catalogue of Ethiopian Standards is also available freely and can be accessed in f rom our website.

ESA has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of ESA. International Involvement ESA, representing Ethiopia, is a member of the International Organization for Standardization ( ISO), and Codex Alimentarius Commission ( CODEX). It also maintains close working relations with the International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) and American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).It is a founding member of the African Regional Organization for standardization (ARSO).

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