zentrale abschlussarbeit 2019 - schleswig-holstein€¦ · known companies all around the world. in...

Post on 01-May-2020






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Zentrale Abschlussarbeit 2019

Erster allgemeinbildender Schulabschluss

ESA Englisch 2019 (c) MBWK Schleswig Holstein

Herausgeber Ministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur des Landes Schleswig-Holstein Brunswiker Str. 16-22, 24105 Kiel

Aufgabenentwicklung Ministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur des Landes Schleswig-Holstein Institut für Qualitätsentwicklung an Schulen Schleswig-Holstein Fachkommissionen für die Zentralen Abschlussarbeiten in der Sekundarstufe I

Umsetzung und Begleitung Ministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur des Landes Schleswig-Holstein zab1@bildungsdienste.landsh.de

© 2019 Ministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur des Landes Schleswig-Holstein

ESA Englisch 2019 (c) MBWK Schleswig Holstein

Liebe Schülerin, lieber Schüler!

Vor dir liegt nun das Aufgabenheft des schriftlichen Teils der Abschlussprüfung Englisch Erster allgemeinbildender Schulabschluss.

Es gibt drei Teile darin, zu denen jeweils mehrere Aufgaben gestellt werden:

Teil LC: Listening Comprehension (Hörverstehen)

Teil RC: Reading Comprehension (Leseverstehen)

Teil W: Writing (Schreiben)

Du hast ausreichend Zeit! Die Prüfungszeit beträgt für alle Aufgaben zusammen 105 Minuten. Lies dir bitte jede Aufgabe gründlich durch und bearbeite sie, so gut du kannst. Wenn du mit einer Aufgabe nicht zurechtkommst, gehe zur nächsten über.

Wenn du dich einmal bei der Lösung geirrt hast, markiere deine richtige Antwort so:

A richtig B C Häkchen fälschlich gesetzt


Besonders in Teil LC Listening ist es wichtig, dass du vor dem Anhören der CD-Texte in der schriftlichen Aufgabenstellung zunächst nachliest, was du beim anschließenden Hören herausfinden sollst!

Nutze die jeweiligen Pausen, um die Aufgabe zu lesen und zu vervollständigen.

Benutze einen Bleistift, um deine ersten Vermutungen zu kennzeichnen, bevor du nach dem zweiten Hören den Füller oder Kugelschreiber nimmst.

Für die Teile RC und W (Reading/Writing) denke daran, dass du in deinem Wörterbuch nachschlagen kannst, wenn du Wortschatzprobleme hast.

In Teil W Writing bearbeite zunächst die Mindmap vollständig und übernimm unbedingt alle dort angegebenen inhaltlichen Aspekte in deinen Text. Nur so kannst du möglichst viele Punkte erhalten!

Bitte erst umblättern, wenn du dazu aufgefordert wirst.


ESA Englisch 2019 (c) MBWK Schleswig Holstein


ESA Englisch 2019 (c) MBWK Schleswig Holstein

LC Listening Comprehension

LC 1 Going out

Listen to five teenagers talking about how they like to go out. While listening, match their statements with the pictures. There are more pictures than you need. There is an example (0) at the beginning. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 30 seconds to read the task.

Bilder: grafikfoto.de / privat

/4 P.

0 1 2 3 4


Barbecue Party!

Join us!




Weekend Fever

Dance Fun




weekend ticket

music outdoors camping included


ESA Englisch 2019 (c) MBWK Schleswig Holstein

LC 2 School uniforms

Listen to two girls talking about school uniforms. While listening, complete the table below using about 1 to 5 words or numbers. There is an example (0) at the beginning. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 30 seconds to read the task.

0 piece of clothing that Emily bought (a new) blouse

1 colour of Jessica’s school uniform

2 forbidden outfit at Emily’s school

3 shoes for cold season

4 items Emily doesn´t like at all

(Name two.)

1. __________________________

2. __________________________

5 event at Emily’s school the following year

6 event the winner can visit

7 length of stay in London

/7 P.


ESA Englisch 2019 (c) MBWK Schleswig Holstein

LC 3 Awful weekend

Listen to Ben talking on his video blog about his weekend.

While listening, tick () the correct ending (a, b or c). Only one answer is correct. There is an example (0) at the beginning. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 30 seconds to read the task.

0. In Ben’s last podcast he … a) talked about a hiking trip to Canada. b) complained about travelling with his parents. c) mentioned a weekend with the family.

1. On Friday he … a) was successful with his team. b) played basketball with his brother. c) met his soccer friends in town.

2. At the restaurant he …

a) ordered pizza and dessert. b) had a cold dish. c) got the wrong pizza.

3. After dinner … a) his parents came to pick him up. b) one of his coaches gave him a lift. c) he went home in the rain.

4. The next morning he … a) woke up early. b) slept in. c) played video games.

5. Ben spent all Saturday …

a) playing volleyball with his friends. b) studying for an important test. c) babysitting his younger brother.

6. One thing he didn’t want to do on Sunday was to …

a) watch a basketball game on TV. b) see his grandparents. c) work on a school project.

/6 P.


ESA Englisch 2019 (c) MBWK Schleswig Holstein

RC Reading Comprehension

RC 1 News

Read the news from a blog about people from around the world. Match each text with one of the headings. There are more headings than you need. There is an example (0) at the beginning.


Today is International Left Handers Day. If you’ve ever had

trouble writing on a whiteboard, using scissors or opening

doors, this is a day to celebrate your difference. Researchers say

that 10 percent of the population is left handed.


A seven-year-old student born without hands has won a US handwriting

contest. Anaya Ellick is from Chesapeake, Virginia. To write, she stands

to get the proper angle, holding a pencil between her arms. She beat

50 other competitors in the special-needs category at the National

Handwriting Competition.


Do you like wombats? Would you like to spend all day cuddling with

one? Well, Tasmania has just the job for you! Tourism Tasmania is

seeking a “Chief Wombat Cuddler” for Derek, their five-year-old

wombat. Tourism Tasmania’s website says, the winner of the

competition and a friend will be flown to Tasmania’s Flinders Island.


The 92-year-old British woman, Margret, had her false teeth stolen by

a hungry seagull. She had taken the teeth out to eat a biscuit and was

holding her teeth in her hand. Thankfully, the teeth were later found

and have been carefully cleaned. She can now see the funny side.


Long distance runner, Mina Guli, is trying to run more than 1,000 miles

(1600km) through seven deserts on seven continents in seven weeks

to raise awareness of worldwide water shortages. She averages 150

miles (240km) on each run. She has completed six of the runs through

harsh conditions in Spain, Jordan, Antarctica, Australia, South Africa,

and Chile.


ESA Englisch 2019 (c) MBWK Schleswig Holstein

/4 P.

A Sports for good

B Animal thief

C Award winning grandma

D People with different needs

E Researchers saving animals in the desert

F Successful despite handicap

G A very special job

0 1 2 3 4



ESA Englisch 2019 (c) MBWK Schleswig Holstein

RC 2 Youth Olympic Games

Read the article about the Youth Olympic Games. Complete the table in about 1 to 5 words or numbers. There is an example (0) at the beginning.


The Youth Olympic Games are a sporting event for young people from all over the


The sports event is based on the world famous Olympic Games and has 28 sports

in the summer games but only seven different sports in the winter competitions.

The young athletes compete in well-known Olympic sports such as swimming,

cycling and skiing. The Youth Olympic Games also offer interesting new disciplines,

such as 3-on-3 basketball and an ice hockey skills challenge.

The aim of the Youth Olympic Games is to bring together talented young people

(aged from 15 to 18) from around the world.

In the Summer Youth Olympic Games over 3,500 athletes participate in the

competitions, which take place over a period of 12 days. The Winter Youth Olympic

Games invite over 1,100 athletes and last 10 days.

Just like the Olympic Games, the Youth Olympic Games are held every four years.

The first summer games were in Singapore from the 14th to the 26th of August in

2010 and the first winter games were in Innsbruck, Austria, from the 13th to the

22nd of January in 2012.

In 2018, the summer games took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina. And the next

Winter Youth Olympic Games will be held in Lausanne, which is in the beautiful

country of Switzerland, in January 2020.

modifiziert nach www.olympic.org/news/what-is-yog


ESA Englisch 2019 (c) MBWK Schleswig Holstein

0 meaning YOG? Youth Olympic Games

1 number of sports during winter games

2 new sports in YOG

(Name two.) 1. ______________________________

2. ______________________________

3 minimum age of athletes

4 number of athletes in summer games

5 length of winter games

6 years of first games

(Name two.)

1. ______________________________

2. ______________________________

7 place of next winter games

/7 P.


ESA Englisch 2019 (c) MBWK Schleswig Holstein

I am looking for my eReader which I forgot in the library. It is

black, almost new and all my favourite books can be found on it. I will definitely pay something for your help if you bring it back to me. Call me: +441458956232

RC 3 On the noticeboard

Read the texts 1-6 from a noticeboard. Who can find help here? Match each of the notices with one of the statements (A-I). You may use each letter only once. There are two more statements than you need. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

We offer high-quality second-hand smartphones from well-

known companies all around the world. In good conditions, only

small signs of use. Black or white covers available.

Visit our website: www.professionalsmartphones.com Join us for our annual bike sale!

Brand new bikes available: for parents, children, even

grandparents. All colours, sizes, brands etc.. You will definitely find

something you like. Saturday, July 20 from 10-2.


I am looking for a new smartphone in silver, white or

black. It should not be older than one year, and still under warranty. Headphones and a charger should

be included. Call me and make an offer.


We buy all sorts of books, no matter if they are funny or sad. We like books about friendship, love, crime, fantasy - everything

you can imagine. Send a list with all the books you don’t

need any more and we will send you an offer.

www.welovebooks.com Sale. Top girls’ bike in blue.

It has never been used because our

daughter doesn’t like the colour. Delivery not possible.

Come and see for yourself! Address:

16 Xample Street, London



Looking for a special present? I am good at doing things with my hands and can create a special

present for you like cards, jewellery, boxes and many more. For more information, visit my website:







ESA Englisch 2019 (c) MBWK Schleswig Holstein

0 1 2 3 4 5 6


/6 P.


A Maggie loves reading but has too many books, so she wants to sell some of her old ones.

B Noreen has lost her mobile phone and wants to buy another one. Unfortunately she doesn’t have the money to buy a new one.

C Catherine loves reading but she has lost the device she uses to do so.

D Peter’s father is looking for a birthday present for his son Thomas. Thomas loves cycling.

E Nina wants to buy a bike for her daughter who loves pink. As her daughter often loses things, she doesn’t want to buy a brand new one.

F Carla’s best friend will turn 15 in some weeks and she wants to give her something that is handmade, even though she is not very creative.

G Marc needs money for the latest smartphone and so he decides to sell his phone which is not old at all but fully equipped.

H Rick wants to buy a brand new smartphone. The colour doesn’t matter to him.

I Elizabeth needs a new bike for her daughter right away because the old one is broken and her daughter has to go to school by bike. They don’t have the money to buy a new one.


ESA Englisch 2019 (c) MBWK Schleswig Holstein

who takes part?


reasons for starting this project

what kind of things?

W Writing

Exchange platform

You want to start a project for your school website. There you can offer things you don’t want or need any more in exchange for other ones.

Your English friend is also interested in this project and therefore you write him/her about your ideas.

W 1 Writing – Mind map

Collect some ideas first. Fill in each box.

/2 P.

exchange platform


ESA Englisch 2019 (c) MBWK Schleswig Holstein

W 2 Writing – e-mail

Now write an e-mail to your English friend. Use all your ideas from the mind map in W1. Write about 80 words.



















/14 P.



ESA Englisch 2019 (c) MBWK Schleswig Holstein

W Writing – Exchange platform

Listening Comprehension, Reading Comprehension, Writing

possible points

student’s points

LC 1 Going out 4 LC 2 School uniforms 7 LC 3 Awful weekend 6 RC 1 News 4 RC 2 Youth Olympic Games 7 RC 3 On the noticeboard 6 W1 mind map: Exchange platform 2 W2 e-mail: Exchange platform 14

Test Points Paper Pencil 50

Speaking/Mediation possible points

student’s points

SP/M Test Points Speaking/Mediation (see assessment sheet)


Total Points 100

W1 Mind map possible points

student’s points

Je 1 Notiz zu 4 Fragestellungen 2

Task: Writing an e-mail possible points

student’s points

Inhalt - reasons for starting this project- what kind of things?- who takes part?- rules


Textsorte/Situations-/Adressatenbezug 1

Entfaltung des Themas/Textaufbau 1

Satzbau/Satzverknüpfungen/Konnektoren (Kohäsion, Kohärenz)


Verständlichkeit/Lesbarkeit 1

Wortschatz: Spektrum/Korrektheit 3

Grammatische Strukturen: Spektrum/Korrektheit 3

Total points 14


ESA Englisch 2019 (c) MBWK Schleswig Holstein

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