your new host country

Post on 21-Jun-2022






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Your new host country Do you want to learn or improve your knowledge of your new host country?

Having a good knowledge about Morocco is one of the first steps towards a successful integration. This part of the guide presents you a global view of the identity of your new host country, its history, its geography, its values etc… It also presents the information relating to the socio-economic context and the main strategic projects launched by the Kingdom.

► With a rich history and a great inheritance, Morocco is

a meeting-place of cultures

Morocco is the land where several civilizations succeeded and influenced its

identity in a differentiated way. Morocco is not the place of clash of cultures,

but rather the land of cross-cultural sharing and meeting.

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Prehistoric Civilizations dating back to the Palaeolithic eras: lower, middle, upper ...

Ancient Civilizations: Phoenician times, Punic times and Carthaginian influence, Mauritanian era (characterized by the emergence of the 1st political organization of the country, namely the Kingdom of Mauritania) and Roman era.

Islamic civilization and dynasties: the expansion of Islam in the region has put Morocco under the control of the oriental Caliphs (Umayyads and Abbasids) until 788. That’s when Idriss the 1st, fleeing persecution of these caliphs, has created a State in "Al Maghreb Al Aqssa" (Extreme Maghreb).

After the Idrissids, several Islamic dynasties, both Arabs and Berbers, came successively at the head of Morocco: the Almoravids, the Almohads, the Merinids, the Saadians and finally the Alaouites.

The Alaouite dynasty was founded by Moulay Ali Cherif who is a descendant of the Prophet Mohammed. The Alaouites have settled down in the region of the Tafilalet before establishing their authority in the country in 1666. In fact, the Alaouite dynasty is one of the oldest existing dynasties in the world. His Majesty the King Mohammed VI is

the current King of Morocco and is the

23rd Alaouite monarch and sovereign.

Key Dates of contemporary


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The Arabic word « Al-Maghreb » (in Arabic: المغرب) means “the West”. The

English word “Morocco” derives from the Portuguese pronunciation of the

word Marrakesh, “Marrocos”. Marrakech is a city located in the center of

the country. It was founded in 1062 and was the capital of three dynasties

(The Al Moravids, The Al Mohads and the Saadians)

All the different civilizations that came successively to Morocco have

characterized the territory of an indelible imprint and have marked the Moroccan

identity of a spirit of tolerance and openness.

► A constitutional, democratic, parliamentary and social


Morocco is a constitutional monarchy with a parliament which is democratically

elected. The Moroccan Constitution of 2011 is the current supreme legal

reference of the Kingdom. This Constitution marks a new phase in the process of

construction of the rule of law and of the democratic institutions in Morocco. It

guarantees the political participation of foreigners in Morocco following the

principle of reciprocity.

"Foreign nationals have the fundamental freedoms recognized for all Moroccan

citizens, in accordance with the law.

Every resident in Morocco may participate in local elections in accordance with

the act and the application of the international conventions or practices of

reciprocity. "(Article 30)

Extract from the Moroccan


To learn more about the history of Morocco, please visit the

website of the Moroccan Ministry of


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His Late Majesty Hassan II said: "Morocco is like a tree whose roots

lie deep in Africa and whose foliage breathes in Europe"

The executive power is entrusted to the Government.

The legislative power is exercised by the Government and the Parliament, with its two Chambers:

1. The Chamber of Representants includes 395 members who are elected through direct universal suffrage for a five-year period, respecting the system of proportional representation.

2. The Chamber of Councillors includes between 90 and 120 members elected through indirect universal suffrage for six years. The distribution of the members is as follow: three-fifths of the members representing the territorial communities and two fifths of the members elected in each region by electoral colleges.

The judicial power is held by the Supreme Council of the Judiciary.

► A gate to Africa

The Kingdom of Morocco is located in the Northwest of Africa and enjoys an

important strategic location between the African continent and Europe. It is

bounded to the North by the Strait of Gibraltar and the Mediterranean Sea, to

the south by Mauritania, to the east by Algeria and to the west by the Atlantic


You may consult the Constitution of Morocco


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► A new administrative division into 12 regions

Morocco has 12 regions, which are

subdivided into 75 provinces and

prefectures, which are subdivided into

1503 municipalities.

These constitutional institutions play

an important role in the

implementation of public policies.

They are also considered by the

legislator as the agents of proximity by

excellence and the main actors in local


The new constitution has consolidated this approach by allowing the regions and

the other territorial collectivities to take part in the implementation of the General

Administrative capital: Rabat

Economic capital: Casablanca

(largest city of the Kingdom)

Area: 710,850km²

Population: 33.8 million people

(33.7 million Moroccans and 86.2

thousands of foreigners)

(Source: General

Population Census of 2014).

Population growth: +1 %

Life expectancy: 75.6 years

Currency: Moroccan Dirham (MAD)

1: Tangier- Tetouan

2: Oriental and Rif

3: Fez – Meknes

4: Rabat-Sale- Kenitra

5: Beni Mellal- Khenifra

6: Casablanca-Settat

7: Marrakech- Safi

8: Drâa- Tafilalet

9: Souss- Massa

10: Guelmim- Oued Noun

11: Laayoune- Saguia al Hamra

12: Eddakhla- Oued eddahab

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The Rif and the Middle Atlas

Interior of the country

Southern regions

Policy of the State and in the elaboration of policies through their representatives

in the House of Councillors.

Besides, it provides the establishment of new approaches by the Councils of

regions and the Councils of other territorial authorities to promote the

involvement of the citizens and the associations in the preparation and the

monitoring of development programs.

Within the current framework of advanced regionalization in Morocco, please note that the administrative division of the Kingdom will be subject to changes.

► A varied climate depending on the seasons and the regions

Due to its geographical position, Morocco is subject to several influences

(oceanic, continental, desert, etc…) which makes its climate very diverse. It is

marked by a temperate climate in the coastal regions which contrasts with the

dry Saharan climate in the southern and eastern regions of the Kingdom and the

continental climate in the interior of the country.

The climate also changes depending on the seasons and alternates between

warm and cold periods:

For further information about the advanced regionalization,

you may consult:

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Arabic is the language spoken by the majority of Moroccans. There is a difference between the Arabic commonly called "Darija" (used in everyday life) and classical Arabic (mainly used in the religious, political, administrative, legal and cultural fields as well as in the media).

The Moroccan Dialect is largely influenced by other languages like Amazigh, French, or Spanish. However, it varies from one region to another. “Hassaniya” is for example one of the variants of the dialect and it is spoken in the provinces of the South of Morocco.

The summer is generally hot on the coasts and in the mountainous regions, very

hot and dry in the south and east. The winter is cold and damp in most Moroccan

landforms with mild temperatures in the South.

► Different dialects depending on the regions and opening to several foreign languages

Morocco has two official languages which are Arabic and Amazigh:


The Amazigh (also called Berber) is recognized by the constitution of Morocco as an official language of the State. It is written in Tifinagh alphabet.


Like Arabic, Amazigh has several dialects, including the Rifian (spoken in the Rif), the Tamazight (spoken in the Middle Atlas, a part of the High Atlas and in several valleys) and the Tachelhit (spoken in the High Atlas, Souss and on the southern coast of the Kingdom).

7 Article 5 of the Moroccan Constitution

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It is taught as a foreign language

and is progressively taking over the

professional environment.


It is widely used in the North and the

South of the Kingdom, which were

once colonized by Spain.

German, Italian, Portuguese

These languages are used to a lesser

extent. They are mainly used by

people who are in direct contact

with tourists.

The use of other languages is a common practice in Morocco, including:

► Morocco, a country of religious tolerance

Islam is the state religion in Morocco. The country also has Jewish and Christian communities.

The Moroccan Constitution guarantees everyone the freedom of worship.8

His Majesty the King is “Amir Al Mouminine” (commander of believers). He ensures

that Islam is respected and guarantees the free practice of religions.

8 Article 3 of the Moroccan Constitution


The colonial language in Morocco

during the first half of the twentieth

century was French. Due to socio-

political events, French has become

over the years a language used for

instruction, work, and writing.

French is the second administrative

language. It is spoken by a large part

of the population, mainly in the

cities and in the educated circles. A

significant part of the Moroccan

press is published in French, as well

many books edited in Morocco.

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The King is the head of the Higher Council of Ulema (forum empowered to pronounce fatwas, or religious consultations, officially approved)

► National and religious Events

National Holidays

They fall on the same day each year:

Religious holidays

► A developing economy

January 11th: Anniversary of

the manifestation of independence

July 30th: Throne Day

August 20th: Revolution Day of the King and the people

November 6th: Anniversary of the

Green March

May 1st: Labour Day

August 14th: Anniversary of Oued Eddahab


August 21st: National King’s

birthday celebration “Youth Day”

November 18th: Independence Day

Shawwal 1st: Eid Al-Fitr (Feast

of Breaking the Fast)

Dhu al-Hijjah 10th: Eid Al-Adha

(Feast of Sacrifice)

Moharram 1st: New Year AH

Rabia al-Awal 12th: Eid Al-Mawlid

Annabawi (Prophet Mohammed

Birth SWS)

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► A developing economy Morocco has a market-driven economy. In a difficult international economic

context, the Moroccan economy has consolidated its growth with a GDP growth

of 1.8 percent in 2014 (+ 4.6 % in 2013). This performance is due to the good

prosperity of the Moroccan agriculture in particular.

In addition, Morocco is committed to a sound macro-economic and budget

management in 2014. Thanks to a prudent monetary policy, inflation has reached

0.4 % and the current account deficit has been reduced to 6 percent of GDP,

compared to 7.2 percent in 2013. The budget deficit has been reduced from 4.9

percent of GDP. In this regard, the Moroccan Government has undertaken

corrective measures to improve the revenue collection and scale down public

investment in 2014.

Overall, the performance of Morocco is encouraging as it managed to take

advantage of its political and social stability. The business climate has improved

and the country has moved up by 16 ranks in the annual ranking Doing

Business in 2015 as it went from the 87th to the 71st place in 2014.

Morocco has focused on sector strategies in order to accompany several sector

reforms, accelerate the process of transformation and diversification of its

economy and therefore create more jobs.

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► The major sectoral strategies

Vision 2020 aims to convert

tourism into one of the main

engines of economic, social and

cultural development of

Morocco. One of the ambitions of

Vision 2020 is to make Morocco

one of the Top 20 touristic

destinations in the world by 2020,

while establishing the country as

a destination of reference in

sustainable development in the


Helpful Link:

Vision 2020- Tourism

The Vision 2015 for craft is a

proactive strategy which aims to

make this sector an economic

locomotive regarding job creation

and export. Vision 2015 was

elaborated in 2005 due to the

strong demand for crafts and the

Moroccan lifestyle. These high

demands are mainly from major

national cities, as well as from the

main economic partners of


Helpful Link:

Vision 2015- Craft

The RAWAJ plan has been

implemented to develop trade

and distribution by creating a

high quality service that meets all

the customer’s needs.

This plan is structured around

three main axes which are: The

balance of the commercial cover-

the attractiveness of the

commercial system- The quality

and the diversity of the proposed


Helpful link:


The NHRI was launched in 2005

by His Majesty King Mohammed

VI. It is an approach combating

poverty and exclusion issues.

Helpful Link:

National Initiative for

Human Development

The solar plan is part of the

Moroccan energy strategy. In

fact, Morocco counts on the

development of renewable energy

and on sustainable development.

This project will allow to make

Morocco a less energy dependant

country and to save fossil fuels.

Helpful Link:

Solar Plan Emergence plan

The e-government is based on the

creation of an electronic platform

gathering the procedures and

processes relating to the

functioning of the public

administration. The goal is to use

e-Government projects in order to

modernize the Administration

and the local communities and

eventually provide a better

service to citizens and businesses.

Helpful Link:


The Plan Halieutis, launched in

2009, aims to develop a new

dynamic in the fish industry.

This Plan is based on three

strategic axes which are

sustainability, performance and


Helpful link:


The strategy of the Green

Morocco Plan concerns the

sectors of agriculture and agro-


These sectors play a decisive role

in the macro-economic balance

of the country as they have a

strong social dimension.

Helpful Link:

Green Morocco Plan

The Emergence plan aims to

define a development framework

gathering all industrial activities,

including offshore activities. Its

purpose is to define the program

of implementation of the

industrial development strategy

in Morocco.

Helpful Link:

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► An independent judicial system

According to the Moroccan Constitution, the judicial system is independent from the

legislative and the executive powers. The King guarantees the independence of

judicial power.

The Moroccan judicial system is based on six general principles:

The principle of equality: Only the state can mete out justice which is the same for all according the same rules of procedures;

The principle of the right to appeal: any case decided by a court of first

instance may be judged on its merits a second time at the second instance

jurisdiction (appeal court);

The principle of free access to justice: Justice is a free public service;

The principle of collegiality: The decision is not made by a single judge

(Principle of the Single Judge), but by a panel of magistrates (with a

minimum of three magistrates);

The principle of judicial independence: In his judicial function, the judge

cannot receive any order or instruction, or be subject to any pressure;

The rule that both parties shall be heard: The accused must have the right

to defend himself and to be heard by the judge.

The judicial system in Morocco has 2 types of courts:

Courts of general jurisdiction

• Municipal and district courts

• Courts of First Instance

• Appeal Courts

• Courts of Cassation

Specialized courts

• Administrative courts

•Commercial courts

•The Permanent Tribunal of the Armed Forces

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• No one can dispense justice on his or her own behalf. Only the state can

mete out justice, which is the same for all according to the same rules of


• You have the right to have a lawyer in criminal cases. Minors have the same

right in fraudulent and criminal cases according to Article 316 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure.

• You have the right to have an interpreter depending on the level of

procedure - Articles 21, 120 and 318 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

What you need to REMEMBER:

Anyone may have recourse to the competent judicial authority to assert his/her

rights. This court must decide upon the application, failing

under penalty of justice denial.

The request may take the form of a document written

and signed by the applicant or his representative and

addressed to the court. The applicant may go directly to

the court or send a registered letter with

acknowledgment of receipt.

The rules relative to the organization of a lawsuit in a civil

court are detailed in the Code of Civil Procedure.

Everyone has the right to have a lawyer in criminal cases, and every minor has the

same right for fraudulent and criminal acts.

For further information, you may visit the website:

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► Culture, art, sport and good manners in Morocco The geographical location of Morocco, the cultural influence and the diversity of its

population (Arabs, Berbers, Muslims, Jews, Africans, Andalusian etc.) have enriched

its cultural and artistic heritage.

This cultural richness is present in several areas:

Cinema: Moroccan film industry has known some considerable development

during the past two decades. Morocco (and especially Ouarzazet) is famous for

being the location where several worldwide successful movies were shot (Babel,

Gladiator, Kingdom of Heaven, Alexander, Prince of Persia etc…).

Literature: Moroccan literature has evolved throughout the decades. The

contemporary Moroccan literature is young (barely 70 years of existence). It is

characterized by its bilingual character (French and Arabic).

Music: Moroccan music reflects the richness and the diversity of its national

culture. Besides, each region is characterized by its own folklore that you can

find in festivals and “Moussems” and some of them are even classified as world

heritage by UNESCO. Moroccans are also very open to the musical influences

from all over the world.

Theatre: The Moroccan theatrical tradition is very ancient. Its origins go back to

the art of "Lhlaqi". The first modern troops were formed in 1920.

Historical Sites and Monuments: Morocco has plenty of historic sites and

monuments, some of which are classified as world heritage by UNESCO.

Gastronomy: The Moroccan cuisine is famous worldwide for the authenticity of

its dishes and recipes, its diversity and its refinement.

Media and Communication: The Moroccan media environment is diverse. Its

role has strengthened more and more, particularly thanks to the democratic

progress made in the country.

Sport: Football is the national sport by excellence. Other sports are also

followed and widely practiced in Morocco (athletics, cycling, tennis, horse riding


Crafts: Crafts demonstrates the values of the Moroccan craftsman: his

great technical know-how, his concern for the aesthetic design, his commitment

to his culture and his openness to other international influences.

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Who to contact in case of emergency?

Useful numbers:

Police: 190

Fire Brigade/ Ambulance: 150

Royal Gendarmerie: 177

► Security and civil protection

The security and civil protection are primarily a matter of awareness.

Several entities are involved to ensure the safety of the population and make sure

everyone respects and abides by the law. They also undertake concrete operations of

life saving and are responsible of and environment safeguarding (before, during and

after disasters).

Security and civil protection are represented by several entities: police stations, fire-

fighters, gendarmeries (outside of urban areas).

For more information on Moroccan craft, you can visit the


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