your first sinatra app

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Your first Sinatra app

Create a basic Sinatra web, in just 2 minutes

..or less

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mario Zaizar@ Twitter, Github, Facebook, **

Thursday, February 3, 2011 06:18pm(finished at) Mario Zaizar@ Twitter, Github, Facebook, *.*

ok, Sinatra?o_O

Sinatra is.

Is a Ruby web frameworkIt's written in Ruby. dahIt's based in URLs, get, put, delete..

Sinatra is a very simple, yet powerful, Domain Specific Language (DSL) +RESTful


Its, simple, only have what you need.Better performance than Rails.You can use gems. There is life beyond Rails.Templates, Views, supports

*all of them. good for? API implmentations, quick demos, minimal applications, widgets..


No Rails mystical magic, forgot it.Everything from scratch, only your needs.Isn't the best MVC frameworkNot so

popular, than others

Lets go!

Installing the core, yeah, we'll need rocks, stars, and mud

Create a folder, install ruby, group all the gems in a single gemset.

Define which ruby, your gemset name, and enable them by default.

* rvm is your only friend.

$ mkdir ~/rubyc/ && cd ~/rubyc;$ touch .rvmrc && open .rvmrc;

Paste:rvm 1.9.1@rubyc --create

Reload your bash, let rvm bring the magic!

Manage your gems with Gemfile and Bundler Install bundler, use a Gemfile to declare all your required gems, repositories, version locking stuff, etc. $ gem install bundler;$ touch Gemfile && open Gemfile; Paste :source :rubygemsgem 'sinatra'

Use bundler to install and maintain them.$ bundle install;

Create your App. $ touch rubyc.rb && gedit rubyc.rb

Paste: require 'sinatra' get '/' do "It works!" end get '/hi:name' do "Hello #{params[:name]}!" end

Step 1 / 19

Make coffee. Step 2 to 18

Test your App!

Start the server.$ ruby rubyc.rb Open it$ open http://localhost:4567

Step 19 / 19

Click me!

That's easy :P


ruby langsinatra framework sinatra and bundler best way


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^C== Sinatra has ended his set (crowd applauds)

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