yes i am still here! · members’ benefits . . . . . . .34 & 35 to subscribe to the focus and...

Post on 03-Jul-2020






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Now nine years after arriving in the Self Storage Association UK and Europe(and still hoping to retire, soon!) I am going to give you the opportunity to pickme out from the crowd on Page 25. Good luck. Let me also take thisopportunity to thank The Self Storage Company for its support to my leadingcharity (I am a local committee member and fund-raiser), the ABF The Soldiers’Charity – see story on Page 28. This charity has a huge task on its hands formany years to come.

As we start 2013, we are all hoping that the UK economy will kick-start itself andpeople will begin moving again. While the early indications are not toopositive, there are other more welcoming signs. The opportunities are thereand I am sure you will have all picked up that, in the Baltic area, Pelican SelfStorage has acquired the young but significant Swedish company, Selstor, fromSelvaag. I sense that this acquisition will see considerable funding beingintroduced to this large combined company. At home initial signs indicate thatthe introduction of VAT across the industry has had a negative effect, buthopefully this should only be short-term, as new customers will know nothingdifferent.

The Association Board of Directors was elected “en bloc” at the AGM inNovember. As highlighted previously, Dave Davies of Safestore has taken overas Chairman and it is likely that he will remain in post until the summer of 2014.Although there will be changes when my successor takes over the reins, theBoard continues to place emphasis on a series of projects including enhancedcommunication, high priority on security and the importance of preventingcriminals from playing any part in our industry, revised licence agreements (theyare on their way, I promise!) and advice on other operational issues.

Some changes have already taken place and I would like to thank Louis Hill andthe Source Partnership, as their contract finishes, for all his support over thepast few years. We have managed together, in a small way, to make the industryand the Association better known to the Press, both nationally and locally. Louishas written a short article on making the best use of your website on Page 8,which also gives his contact details if you wish to keep in touch with him. Thereis also an interesting advertorial by Perris-Myatt on Page 17 on communication,which I recommend to you. For enhanced IT support, particularly in the Londonarea, you should read the advertorial by Amin Fard on Page 20.

The Board has decided to alter the time of year for the AGM, in order to bringit closer to the financial year-end, and it is intended this year to hold it onWednesday the 10th of July (probably in the Birmingham area). Prior to that,as you can read on Page 7, we will be running a series of regional meetingsalong with a more formal announcement of the results of this year’s survey. Forthose who have not yet completed their input into the survey, here is a strongreminder from me!

14th and 15th of October: Annual Conference and Trade Show. I cannow announce that this year’s European Conference and Trade Show isreturning to the UK for the first time since 2004. It will be held on Monday the14th and Tuesday the 15th of October at the etc.venues St Paul’s, London whichis in the heart of the city. Further details will follow in due course.

Rodney WalkerCEO SSA UK

Yes I am still here!contents

SSA UK News . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 & 25

Company News . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

• PTI Security Systems Europe

• Pound Gates wins award

Community News . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

• Pound Gates’ Santa Cycle

• Big Yellow and Armadillo

Technology Feature . . . . . . . . . . .15• 23% of Brits have shopped on line

Business News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16• Some legislation in the pipeline

Company Features

• Rooks Rider secures quality mark .18

• Store First sponsorship deal . . . . .22

• Norfolk business invests . . . . . . . .23

• Grant Shapps MP opens facility . .28

• HomeStore charity movie . . . . . .33

• Quickstore improves efficiency . . .36

Legal Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27• Self storage liens and bankruptcy

Members’ Benefits . . . . . . . 34 & 35

To subscribe to the Focus and Self Storage Europe magazine, please contact:

Self Storage Association, Priestley House, The Gullet,Nantwich, Cheshire. CW5 5SZ

Tel: + 44 (0)1270 623 150Fax: + 44 (0)1270 623 471


EditorialNews items and articles on all aspects of the self storageindustry are welcomed, and should be sent, together withphotographs if appropriate, to the editor, Stan McKerron:


The SSA UK and FEDESSA, or any of itsagents/representatives/staff, cannot accept any legal

liability for the accuracy of the news items and articlescontained in the magazine, which have been obtained

and are reproduced in good faith.

AdvertisingPlease contact Stan McKerron:

48 Talbot Way, Stapeley, Nantwich, CW5 7RQ.Tel: + 44 (0)1270 624 622e-mail:


2013 Dates12 March

South West Regional meeting (breakfast at The Berwick Lodge)

19 March

Scottish Regional meeting (probably in Edinburgh)

21 May

Announcement of results of the Annual Survey and a Southern Regional meeting

10 July

Annual General meeting in the Birmingham area

24-26 September

2013 Fall Conference & Trade Show, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

14-15 October

European Self Storage Conference, London

22-23 October

Moving Conference and the Movers and Storage Show


Volume 1, 2013 SSA UK NEWS

New SSA UK MembersOn behalf of the Directors and Members of the Self StorageAssociation, we would like to extend a warm welcome to:

Associate Provisional Operator Members

• Craven Self Storage – Craven Arms• Culloden Self Storage – Inverness• Dash Self Store – Redruth• Honeycomb Storage – near Braintree• Lock-Up Storage – Penygroes.

Full Operator Members

• Aztek Self Storage• Flexispace• Hogleaze Storage.

Overseas Members

• Ellis and Sun – China• China Self Storage• Samosklad, Russia.

Focus April (2/13) Edition Deadlines

The deadline for the submission of News Items and Articles isFriday 22nd of March, 2013. The deadline for AdvertisementArtwork is Friday 5th of April, 2013.



It’s well known that a strong webpresence can make or break a selfstorage business. But Louis Hill,Managing Director of The SourcePartnership, suggests that having agreat website is not enough toattract customers, but that getting awebsite’s content right is key.The figures speak for themselves. Inthe last four years alone, newbusiness for self storage operators isincreasingly coming via the website.The SSA UK’s Member Survey showsthat in 2008 approximately 20% ofnew business came via companywebsites, while in 2012 the figure

rose to more than 50% of enquiries.This figure is set to further increase in the coming years, withlarger operators already suggesting that as much as 80% of newbusiness enquiries already come via the website. These figuresshow the importance of getting it right and suggest the trendcould have even wider ramifications on operator models, asperhaps there is less of a need to take such prime land adjacentto arterial roads.The key challenge for operators is, therefore, to advance theircompany up the search engine rankings. Operators need totake a two-pronged approach. Firstly, they need to ensure thattheir website is built properly and fully optimised in a Googlefriendly manner (yes “Google friendly”, as the company alreadyaccounts for nearly 90% of searches undertaken in the UK) and,secondly, focus on the website’s content. We won’t dwell on the website structure, as that’s the domain ofweb developers; however, let’s focus on how to get your contentright. Matt Cutts, of Google’s webspam team, suggests in arecent blog that Google wants to provide a great service to itsusers by giving greater preference to websites that have investedin fresh and well-written content. But what do consumers want? Figures from the SearchMarketing Benchmark Report 2012 suggest:• 70% of consumers prefer reading company information

through articles, rather than adverts

• 60% of consumers feel more positive about a company afterreading custom content on their website

• 52% of consumers say that blogs have impacted onpurchasing decisions

• Tweets are proven to help Google index content faster.Due to such findings, the search giant will be working to ensurethat only relevant and quality content ranks well on the web, somarketers providing content for operators’ websites are advisedto consider this when developing content for their sites.So what to do? Some simple tips to help boost your SearchEngine Optimisation (SEO) through content would include:• Publish unique and relevant content regularly – simply start

a blog and share your news or views• Build strong social platforms and distribute quality branded

content through these networks• Develop well researched content – like news – translates into

thought leadership, which boosts inbound leads• Keep it specific - if a local operator, keep content relevant to

your site as 30% of desktop searches and 50% of mobilesearches now have local intent

• Avoid keyword stuffing - don't add too many keywords insingle posts. Write for your readers and not for searchengines

• Don’t duplicate content as it annoys Google and “low qualitypages” (i.e. pages with no relevance) can count against you

• Build high quality links, but remember it's quality whichmatters and not the quantity.

Let’s also not forget that SEO is an evolving beast and is nevera task ticked off the list. But, if the point has not been madeclear enough, search engine Bing’s director, Duane Forrester,recently gave his own insight on SEO: “Never lose sight of thefact that all SEO ranking signals revolve around content of somekind.”The Source Partnership works with businesses across the UK byproviding outsourced PR and marketing support. If you needhelp to generate fresh and original content for your website, orsupport in developing your company’s social media platforms,contact: or call 01829 720789 and ask for Louis Hill.

Louis Hill is the Managing Director of The Source Partnership

Content is King

Self Storage Focus



PTI Security Systems Europe

In recent years there have been ownership changes to the PTIand Digitech brands of access control in the USA. Throughthese changes, the European distributorship under the name ofEOS Integrated Systems has continued its success in bringingthese brands to the European market within fully integratedsecurity systems for self storage.Barry Rimmer and John D’Aprano are co-directors of thebusiness and have provided continuity in product supply andservices for an ever expanding customer base, ensuring theposition of market leader. “Our supplier in the USA haschanged the combined branding of PTI and Digitech under thename PTI Security Systems”, said Barry, “and so having recentlysigned an exclusive distributorship agreement for Europe, itmakes sense for us to follow suit.”This new branding is consistent with the global representationof PTI and Digitech, including markets in the USA, Australasiaand the Far East. Henceforth, EOS Integrated Systems will beknown as PTI Security Systems Europe. The new logo, which combines PTI and Digitech elements,should be easily recognisable as a sign of quality of productsand services.

Reliability of these products has always been beyond question,but with the new dynamics will also come further innovation inproduct development.

Pound Gates wins award

Chartered insurance brokers Pound Gates, a leading UKprovider of insurance broking and risk management solutionsto the removals and self storage sector, is celebrating afterwinning an award for being the best employer in East Anglia, aswell as achieving both the ISO 14001 and 9001 accreditations.Pound Gates was recently acknowledged at the Best EmployersEastern Region Awards as the Best Overall Business with 50employees or less, and also received the Award for EmployeeValues.

The 2012 Awards, announced in October, are based on an on-line staff survey exploring a company’s culture and values. Theconfidential survey attracted over 5,000 participants.Director, Rob Thacker, said: “We are extremely pleased to havebeen recognised. The awards are testament to how much as acompany we value our staff, as it is only through their dedicationand commitment that we can deliver our superior clientexperience.” After months of hard work and rigorous assessment, PoundGates is also delighted to announce its achievement of the ISO14001 accreditation. This certifies its commitment toenvironmental management and controlling those aspects whichhave a significant impact on the environment.Pound Gates has also worked economic and green conceptsinto its supply chain, choosing and working with partners andsuppliers to monitor their environmental compliance, therebyensuring a sustainable future.

Environmental Officer, Juliet Hood, said: “As well as reducingour usage of consumables, such as paper and electricity, weavoid compromising our excellent client service, whichsometimes requires both national and international travel, byselecting low emission vehicles and asking our staff to cycle,walk or make appropriate use of public transport wherepossible.”In September Pound Gates also renewed its ISO 9001accreditation. This certifies its commitment to qualitymanagement, as well as recognising its drive to continuouslyimprove. Pound Gates has held this accreditation for 20 years.Owner and Managing Director, Kevin Collins, said: “At PoundGates, we put the client experience at the heart of everything wedo and one of the ways in which we do this is through theinvestment in our staff. I am extremely proud we have beenacknowledged as a good employer.Taking responsibility for our environmental impact has alwaysbeen high on our agenda and an important part of being aresponsible business within our community. This ISOaccreditation sits comfortably alongside the charity fundraisingand volunteering our staff undertake, as part of our widercorporate socially responsible approach.”

Barry Rimmer (Director, PTI Security Systems Europe)

Do you have any Company News?If you have any news items about your company, such as awards

won, new appointments, retirements, results, new builds or openings, please e-mail them to Stan McKerron at:


Volume 1, 2013



Staff members at Chartered insurance brokers Pound Gates, aleading UK provider of insurance broking and risk managementsolutions to the removals and self storage sector, are overjoyedafter raising more than £6,000 for East Anglia’s Children’sHospices (EACH) by cycling 25 miles dressed as Santas.On the 9th of December, 25 staff members, family andcolleagues cycled 25 miles dressed as Santas. To date PoundGates has raised over £6,000 through personal and corporatedonations, including £1,000 donated by Pound Gates. Staffalso generously donated presents of DVDs, CDs, toys andgames for the EACH Treehouse hospice, which were deliveredby the Santas on the day.Kevin Collins, MD and a cycling Santa, said: “We are delightedat how much we have raised for EACH and while a little soreand cold after the 25 mile ride, it was great to spend time at theTreehouse and see the wonderful staff and facilities we aresupporting.”

Vanessa Bell, fundraiser for EACH, said: “We are all so thankfulfor the great effort by the staff at Pound Gates. Our care teamand children couldn’t be happier to have received dozens ofpresents donated by the team, and the money will go to supportmany families when it is needed most.”You can find out more and make a donation by

Pound Gates’ Santa Cycle

Staff members at Big Yellow and Armadillo Self Storage havebeen busy raising over £4,300 for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust in thelast few months.This includes an amazing Lighthouse Abseil in the Wirral in Junelast year and more recently the challenging Hell Runner event inHampshire. Staff members have also taken part in the SevernBridge 16k Walk, put on a Cake Bake, held a Sports Eveningand an Olympic Torch photo shoot.

Sue Piper, Senior Corporate Fundraising Manager for the CysticFibrosis (CF) Trust, said:“We are hugely grateful to the staff members of Big Yellow andArmadillo Self Storage, at their head office in Bagshot, and attheir facilities in Bristol, Cardiff, Cheltenham, Gloucester,Swindon, Liverpool and Stoke, who have taken part in someamazing events raising over £4,300 for the CF Trust. The generosity doesn’t stop there, as Big Yellow has been kindenough to provide us with free storage space, which will makea big difference and allows the CF Trust to spend its donationson research into cystic fibrosis, improving care and helpingfamilies affected by the condition.”Cystic Fibrosis is one of the UK’s most common life-threateninginherited diseases. It is caused by a defective gene that resultsin the internal organs, especially the lungs and digestive system,becoming clogged with thick sticky mucus, resulting in chronicinfections and inflammation in the lungs and difficulty absorbingfood. The CF Trust relies on donations from companies and thegeneral public to help it carry on its good work in improving thelives of those living with CF.

Big Yellow and Armadillo in fundraising challenge



New research by delivery company DPD reveals that 23% ofpeople have bought goods on line using their smartphones,while 19% have shopped on line using a tablet computer. Theresearch shows that the m-commerce trend is set to continuewith a quarter of people (24%) saying that they expect to shopvia their smartphone or tablet device in the next year.On-line shopping apps are key to the m-commerce revolution;23% of tablet and smartphone users have downloaded on-lineshopping apps to help them make transactions more easily.Dwain McDonald, DPD’s CEO said: “Technology hasrevolutionised the way we shop from researching productfeatures, to finding the best deal, through to doorstep delivery.In the space of just a few years m-commerce has grown fromzero to an increasingly important retail channel. The m-commerce boom is hugely significant for retailers as internet-connected mobile phones and tablets give customers instantaccess to the high-street, 24/7.

Technology savvy home shoppers now not only expect to be ableto browse and buy products whenever and wherever, they expectthe same access to information when it comes to the delivery ofthe goods they’ve ordered. In developing their mobileplatforms, retailers need to consider the whole customerexperience from product search and secure sale, through todelivery. Capturing customers’ e-mail and mobile contactdetails are an essential part of this process. An on-line sale isn’tcomplete until the goods arrive on the customer’s doorstep andmany shoppers expect to be able to track the progress of theirparcel.”DPD was the first UK national carrier to launch a mobile website,allowing customers to track their packages or re-arrangedelivery while on the move. Customers logged onto the site areable to alter the delivery day of their parcel to a more convenientdate, arrange for it to be left in a safe place, or collect it fromthe local depot, or an alternative address where they knowsomeone will be in to receive it. If for any reason there are anydelays, both the retailer and the recipient are automaticallyinformed by text or e-mail.

Dwain McDonald continued: “Our tracking system means thatwe know at every point where a parcel is and if a van is delayedfor any reason we can now automatically send an e-mail or atext to the customers with a parcel on that van. With initiativeslike this and Predict, which sends a personalised text message ore-mail to give customers a precise one-hour window for theirdeliveries, we’re aiming to fill the information void between on-line purchase and delivery; but it is dependent on retailerscapturing the contact information.”Since its introduction at the end of 2011, over 1.8 million peoplehave used DPD’s mobile site to track over 3.2 million parcels.Over 97% of parcels delivered using Predict are delivered “rightfirst time”. However, all DPD’s “sorry we missed you” callingcards are printed with a Quick Response (QR) code. Customerscan simply scan the code using a smartphone, which takes theminstantly to the relevant DPD mobile webpage to reorganisedelivery. DPD was the first carrier to use QR codes to re-arrangedeliveries.

Since its launch in November 2011, in excess of 100,000deliveries have been re-arranged using the QR codes printedon DPD’s calling cards.

23% of Brits have shopped on line using their smartphones

Dwain McDonald, CEO of DPD


Some UK legislation in the pipeline...

Fees in Employment Tribunals

The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has published the results of itsconsultation on the introduction of fees in employment tribunals.The changes are intended to be implemented in the summer of2013.

The purpose of introducing fees is to lower the cost of theemployment tribunal system to the taxpayer and the MoJ hasabandoned the previous rationale that it was about reducing thenumber of weak claims to help business.

The key points are:

• Level 1 claims (the straightforward ones such as unlawfuldeductions) - £160 issue fee, £230 hearing fee

• Level 2 claims (pretty much everything else) - £250 issue fee,£950 hearing fee

• Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) - £400 appeal fee,£1,200 hearing fee

• There are several other fees, e.g. £60 for an application todismiss following settlement and £600 for judicial mediation.

The response paper states that these fees do not cover the actualcost of running the employment tribunal system and thegovernment is committed to reviewing the fee structure once itis implemented.

Employment Tribunal Rule Changes

Mr. Justice Underhill, the former President of the EAT, hascompleted his fundamental review of employment tribunalrules to replace the existing Tribunal Rules and Regulations. Inan effort to make them more understandable by unrepresentedparties, the new rules use simpler language and are less thanhalf the length of the old rules.

A formal consultation on the proposals will follow. If approved,the new rules would make wide ranging changes, including:

• Requiring an early paper sift of weak cases to ensureemployment judges consider these earlier in the processand dismiss claims with no arguable complaint or response

• Combining separate case management discussions andpre-hearing reviews into “preliminary hearings”.

Self Storage Focus


Who are they?Sarah Perris was a leading PR in the automotive industry and worked for a number of years as Worldwide Director

of Communications at Bentley Motors. Merryn Myatt is a former BBC newsreader, journalist and programme presenter. Together, they advise global brands, SMEs and public and voluntary bodies on how to engage with the media productively, providing practical media training, presentation training and confidence skills courses.

Do you have any Community News?

If you have any news items about your company, such as

charity events, fund raising, sponsorship or supporting

the community, please e-mail them to Stan McKerron at:


As the economic crisis continues to drag on, finding newcustomers becomes ever more critical…and ever morechallenging. Where are they? How do you tell them aboutyour services? How do you persuade them that they needyou at all?

Advertising is expensive and while it is good at telling peoplesimple things like where you are, it’s not an effective means ofexplaining the value of your services…and it is little use inbuilding any kind of long-term, productive relationshipbetween you and your customers, potential customers or youand the public.

The secret is, if you’re proud of what you’re doing, if you thinkyou offer a valuable service that other people ought to knowabout, get a journalist to spread the word for you! Despitewhat you may think, not all journalists are tabloidmonsters…most of them are happy to help, if they get a goodstory.

Whether it’s newspapers, magazines, social media, radio, TV,or trade/professional publications, most business people steerwell clear of the media. But they’re missing a valuablecompetitive trick; PR is not only free…it also has addedcredibility because consumers perceive ‘editorial’ to be morehonest and impartial than the ads!

Like every business decision, though, engaging with the mediapresents risks as well as opportunities, but provided you plan,prepare and follow our top tips, the commercial advantagesare compelling.

Before you start trying to publicise something, define who yournews is aimed at. Who is your ultimate audience? Whichmedia do they consume? Select the publication or programmeappropriate to the audience you want to engage. For storagecompanies this may be your local paper, regional businesspress or local radio station.

News agendas are dictated by so many factors that it’simpossible to predict if your story will interest a journalist, buteven if you don’t hit the jackpot with your first idea, keeptrying! Most reporters will value making another helpfulcontact.

However, your story will stand a better chance of being pickedup by reporters if the subject involves the letters ST: first,biggest, fastest, best, etc. And, if there’s one thing reporterslike better than today’s story, it’s tomorrow’s! So think ahead.

Before you join the PR game, you need a newsworthy story,but it doesn’t necessarily have to be a big headline grabber.Try holding an event for customers or the public…or somecharity fundraising. Tell the world about your latest ITupgrade…and the benefits it will bring to your customers.Have you won an award recently? Tell the press. Warm, humaninterest stories are always strong…especially if they involvecute furry animals! And, don’t overlook the tiny stories, such astaking on a new member of staff – newspapers often have littlespaces for last-minute ‘fillers’. Your story could even be assimple as your professional opinion on – say – the budget, orpackaging/waste issues or any relevant current issue.

• A press release is still the best way to gain a reporter’sattention, but it should never extend beyond one page ofA4 in normal print. Aim for no more than 500 wordsinclusive.

• If you’re publicising an event try to email details a monthin advance – for weeklies or dailies. Repeat at two weeks,one week and 48-hours before the event. Follow up with acall. Magazines can have lead-in times of several months.

• Busy reporters don’t bother to open attachments – so writethe release on the email page.

• Spend some time on creating a catchy headline, preferablyno more than six words – also use it in the email subjectbox.

• A short explanatory sub-headline often helps.

• Your press release is effectively an advertisement, don’tunderplay it! Put the most interesting fact in the firstsentence.

• After the story (but within the 500 words) include a singlesentence describing your company.

• Always include the name of at least one person in yourorganisation who can be contacted for more information –and several means of contacting them. Make sure they willbe available because the reporter is unlikely to bothercalling twice.

• Inform all staff who may take the reporter’s call what isgoing on. Junior staff have been known to turn journalistsaway.

• Include a link to your website, indicating if you have good,appropriate downloadable images for use.


Self Storage Focus

Rooks Rider secures Law Society’s new quality mark

Rooks Rider Solicitors LLP, London, has secured membership tothe Law Society’s Conveyancing Quality Scheme (CQS) – themark of excellence for the home buying process. Rooks Riderunderwent rigorous assessment by the Law Society in order tosecure the CQS status, which marks the firm out as meeting therequired high standards.

Law Society President John Wotton said that the Law Societyintroduced CQS to promote high standards:

“CQS improves efficiency with common, consistent standardsand service levels and enables consumers to recognisepractices that provide a quality residential conveyancingservice. Buying a home is one of the largest purchases anyonewill make in their lifetime; so it is essential that it is done to thehighest standard by a solicitor. There are many differentconveyancing service providers out there, making it difficult forhome buyers to identify those which can ensure a safe andefficient level of service.”

James John says: “We are delighted to have secured CQSstatus. It is recognition of the high standards we provide forour residential customers.

Rooks Rider has enjoyed a long involvement with the real estatesector, handling all types of property transactions on behalf of

developers, investors, trustees and banks, as well as privateindividuals and businesses. We also have considerable skilland experience in the field of landlord and tenant matters inboth commercial and residential sectors.

The CQS accreditation is a signal to future property buyers ofthe excellent service we provide to our clients, and anendorsement of our reliability and expertise in this area.”

The Law Society’s scheme requires practices to undergo a strictassessment, compulsory training, self-reporting, random auditsand annual reviews in order to maintain CQS status. It is openonly to members of the Law Society who meet the demandingstandards set by the scheme and has the support of the Councilof Mortgage Lenders, the Building Societies Association, LegalOmbudsman and the Association of British Insurers.

For information about the services provided by Rooks RiderSolicitors LLP or to speak to James John directly, ring:

+44 20 7689 7000 or e-mail:



IT challenges in the Self Storage IndustryIn recent years a variety of cloudsolutions, which allow businesses tobenefit from implementing andmigrating to these highly availableplatforms, have been introduced tothe market. These solutions arehosted in sophisticated and highlymaintained data centres, rather thanbeing located within the businesspremises.

There are a variety of benefits inmigrating to cloud services; the

most important ones are as follows:E-mail communication and access between branchesE-mail communication and monitoring, and seamless access toincoming and outgoing e-mails, is one of the most importantelements for any business. There are a number of different e-mail solutions currently available and, depending on businesssize, etc., cloud solutions could be the answer. Such solutionsallow access to synchronised mailboxes between HQ andbranches, multiple computers, tablets and smartphones and alsoallow managers to review incoming orders.These e-mail solutions also provide the option to retain allincoming and outgoing e-mail messages.Document management and collaboration platforms As many self storage businesses operate from multiple branches,the need for document management and collaboration solutions

is very important. The current cloud solutions provide businesseswith seamless access to data from different branches and thehead office. These solutions also allow almost instanttransferring of files and documents between branches.Remote access to company resources for key employeesSince cloud solutions are hosted outside of the businesspremises, most of the services that are hosted within thesesophisticated data centres can be made accessible to employeesworking remotely. This allows for increased mobility andproductivity, and ensures that employees have access tocompany resources no matter where they are located.Securing company documents and databasesOver 90% of businesses that suffer a security breach, or majorloss of data, go out of business within a year. Cloud solutionsoffer the most sophisticated content security and back-uptechnologies that allow any business to continue to operate inthe event of such breaches, or loss of data.With different solutions available it can be a laborious task tochoose which solution is best for your business.Dot Ones Technology, a sector-focused IT support companybased in London, has been working with self storage businessesfor many years and has helped them to implement cloudsolutions. Dot Ones understands the self storage sector’srequirements very well and can tailor solutions for individualbusinesses. To find out more about our services, and how your IT costs canbe minimised and productivity increased, contact our MD, AminFard, at: or call 0207 112 8912.


Amin Fard, MD

Volume 1, 2013



Store First signs Stanley sponsorship deal

Accrington Stanley has recently agreed a full stadium and shirt sponsorship dealwith North West storage company Store First. Store First, which has facilities inBlackburn, Burnley and throughout the North West, confirmed a three-year, six-figure stadium and kit sponsorship deal at a press conference with Stanley’sManaging Director, Rob Heys.The club’s ground, currently known as the Crown Ground, will be renamed the“Store First Stadium” and a new away kit (produced by Samurai Sportswear) waslaunched in the storage chain’s blue and yellow colours to mark the deal.

Stuart Laverty, Operations Director at Store First said: “We’re a local business sowe believe that supporting a local football team really brings the communitytogether; it’s important to us to see them do well. We sponsor many youngteams at a grass roots level, so this is our way of taking our love of sport andstrong community values to the next level. We look forward to a long andmutually beneficial partnership with the club.”Accrington Stanley’s Managing Director, Rob Heys, said: “We are delighted toannounce this partnership with Store First; it’s a natural fit for Stanley and we’reproud to be working together. Store First is a fantastic business that shares ourcommunity values, so this sponsorship deal is wonderful news for our club.”Stanley’s Chairman, Peter Marsden, said: “I'd like to welcome Store First to theStanley family on behalf of everyone at the club.”Store First has facilities in Blackburn, Burnley, Rochdale, Liverpool and Barnsleywith plans to expand across the North West over the next 12 months.

Family-run Norfolk business invests in new venture

Norfolk born Simon Long is a local entrepreneur with several companies inThetford and Kings Lynn. Not one to sit back on his success, and despite thecurrent economic climate, Simon has invested £500,000 in new, state-of-the-artstorage facilities in Hall Road, Norwich. 4 Secure Self Storage was established in2003 as a complimentary service to Simon’s existing removal business, SimonLong Removals. Simon first entered the storage market as the housing marketbegan to slow down, and identified a need by businesses and householders foradditional storage space. With a successful background in logistics, Simon started his career in the 1980’sat Arrowdene, his late father’s company. In June 1993, he set up Simon LongRemovals, an independent removal service for residential and business customers.The business has since grown and now employs 70, with a fleet of 37 vehicles.With the downturn in the housing market, the national removals sector was hitseverely and is still slow. However, not prepared to wait for the market to recover,Simon focused on the storage side of the business by marketing short and longerterm storage facilities to businesses and householders. The slow housing markethas left many looking for temporary storage facilities, either because of downsizing,children moving back with parents or because of failed relationships.Also, the growth in Internet trading, e.g. ebay, has seen many traders using storagefacilities for extra storage space. Businesses riding the recession choose additionalstorage space on short term rental, rather than bigger business premises, and theyuse the facilities to reduce overheads or for on-going archiving space.

The Hall Road secure storage facility has just opened with 116 storage rooms over8,025 ft2. It has the same high level of investment as the Thetford and Kings Lynnfacilities. Not far from the Southern Bypass, it is ideally situated to serve localbusinesses and households in Norwich and South Norfolk. The Thetford storage business started as a basic sea container concept, whichproved very popular. After further investment, the business doubled in size toinclude secure indoor facilities and further investment in August 2012 added anextra 74 storage rooms on two floors. This provided an extra 3,630 ft2 of netlettable space and a total of 231 units, an overall total of 16,240 ft2, all with thelatest security equipment. The success of the Thetford facility encouraged Simon to open a facility on theHardwick estate, Kings Lynn in 2008. This facility introduced full CCTV and WiFifacilities, providing Internet use in all of the units, which incorporate the latestsecurity technology. The busy site has 141 rooms over 9,950 ft2 with lift and bayaccess. The technology has now been rolled out across all the sites. All three facilities combined have 34,215 ft2 of rented space and a choice of roomsizes. The business now employs five people, across the three sites. Theinvestment in the sites compares favourably with other national storage businessesin the area, while being able to provide a more friendly and personal service. Moving forward, further investment in secured storage is planned; Simon iscommitted to growing the business and is considering expansion in Norfolk, Suffolkand Cambridgeshire.


Simon Long at the 4 Secure Self Storage facility

L to R - John Slater (MD, Store First), Rob Heys (MD, Accrington Stanley) and Stuart Laverty

(Operations Director, Store First)


Volume 1, 2013 SSA UK NEWS

Can you spot Rodney Walker?All of the photographs below are of Rodney’s family. But only one of the photographs is of Rodney himself.

Can you tell which one it is?

Self storage liens and bankruptcy By: David Niven, Partner (Penningtons Solicitors LLP)

In the self storage industry the bottom line is the collection offees from those occupying storage units. So, what do you doif an individual or small business starts to default on theircontracted payments?

The first, and most commercially sound option, is to contactthe individual or business in question in order to establish thereason for the non payment, and to see if the arrears can becollected. That way there is a chance that cash flow can bere-established and, more importantly, you the storage facilityprovider, are not left with an empty unit.

Sadly, and as individuals within the industry will recognise, itis often the case that those defaulting on payments cannotbe traced, or at the very least are no longer able to pay forthe unit due to some form of insolvency.

In the event of non payment, a self storage provider has aright to exercise a lien over the property which remains in theunit. It is good practice to include the right to exercise a lienin your terms of business and any contracts into which youenter. However, failure to do so does not mean this right isextinguished.

In the case of bankruptcy, creditors with a lien are securedcreditors. In the context of self storage companies, thissecurity is provided by the retention of goods left in the unitand will result in you being paid before those creditors whoare classed as unsecured. This is provided that the sale ofthe goods will cover your debt. Unsecured creditors have tojoin the back of the queue; a position from which they wouldbe less likely to be paid.

In order to exercise your lien, you must submit an applicationto the individual conducting your debtor’s bankruptcyproceedings. The application must set out that you hold alien over their goods. Once this is recognised, you are freeto exercise your lien and do as you wish with the goods.

The situation varies only slightly when the defaulter inquestion is a business as opposed to an individual. In thesecircumstances, you should get in touch with the OfficialReceiver, notifying them of your application to exercise a lien(unless they get in touch with you first!)

Once the Official Receiver has been notified of theapplication, the trustee or liquidator will send you a Proof ofDebt Form, which needs to be provided to the OfficialReceiver within the specified time limit. If the deadline ismissed, the claim of a lien will fall away and the storagefacility provider will become an unsecured creditor (asdescribed previously).

Once your lien is in place, and in order to free up the unitfor a new customer, you will need to consider how to disposeof the goods. You are at liberty to sell, re-cycle or throwaway the goods, notwithstanding any claims of the formerowner, who will often re-appear after the sale or disposal hastaken place. Please note that you have no duty to sell thegoods for the highest price achievable.


Volume 1, 2013 LEGAL FEATURE

So, what do you do if an individual orsmalbusiness starts to default on their

contracted payments?

Self Storage Focus



Grant Shapps MP opens new self storage facility

The opening of The Self Storage Company in Welwyn GardenCity will help to regenerate the area, said Welwyn Hatfield MPthe Rt. Hon. Grant Shapps, who performed the openingceremony. “With the right business we can continue to growout of the recession,” he continued.

By re-developing the site, The Self Storage Company hasestablished a facility that has around 50,000 sq. ft. of selfstorage units that can be rented by domestic and businesscustomers. This latest facility is the second to open less than12 months from the company’s launch and six months fromopening its head office in Hatfield.

Speaking at the official ribbon cutting ceremony, Mr. Shappssaid: “In the current financial climate it is very encouraging tosee expansion of businesses like The Self Storage Company.It shows that with the right business approach we can continueto grow our way out of the recession. Of course, I amdelighted that the company has chosen Welwyn Garden City,but what is really impressive is their commitment to thecommunity. The company’s support for such a worthwhilecause as The Soldiers’ Charity sets a positive example to otherbusinesses. I’ve no doubt that this will lead to greaterrecognition for the charity in our area.”

At the opening, The Self Storage Company showed itscontinuing support for the ABF, The Soldiers’ Charity, whosework is becoming increasingly important as more of our armedforces come back from theatres of war with serious injuries andits tireless work in supporting former soldiers and their familiesfrom the world wars.

Brigadier John Palmer said: “It is a great privilege to be invitedto take part in this event and to have the chance to thank TheSelf Storage Company for its support. ABF, The Soldiers’Charity gives grants to help individuals and, although eachgrant may not be large, it does have a huge impact on thelives of the individuals involved. Calls for our support areincreasing, and that is not going to change, we need toincrease our funds for grants and the help of The Self StorageCompany will make a real difference to those who need ourassistance.”

The Self Storage Company’s CEO, Emil Sohrab, said: “I amdelighted to be opening the second of our facilities and toreport that we have exchanged contracts on another two, andare expecting a further three in the near future. Our growthallows our continued support for ABF, The Soldiers’ Charity.

Rt. Hon. Grant Shapps cuts the ribbon, Graham Gunn (L) & Emil Sohrab (R)

Brigadier John Palmer speaking at the opening

The Self Storage Company’s Customer Reception

“Our growth allows our continued support for ABF,

The Soldiers’ Charity.”

30 31

Steel Storage has been the leading solution provider to theAsian self storage industry since 2003, so it knows that selfstorage works in this booming market. It has seen Asia’sproperty prices increase steadily and consumerism seems tobe an unstoppable force, as more of Asia’s four billioninhabitants move towards the middle-income class. With itcomes a transition to modern living and self storage is aproven and necessary part of this modernisation.

Many of Asia’s current self storage facilities were started byentrepreneurs from Australia, the USA and Europe, but Asianentrepreneurs are now catching on. All of them see thesimilarities with the development of self storage in establishedmarkets outside Asia; the parallels are noted. In some Asiancountries, the self storage market is so mature that largeinvestments are being made and the first portfolio sales arestarting to happen with $100s of millions in transactionsalready completed.

Sharing information at the Expo

15 years ago, Steel Storage helped to establish the first TradeShow in the UK, with a number of expert trade companionsand some enthusiastic self storage operators. This event hassince developed into the FEDESSA European Self StorageConference, which attracts some 250 delegates from acrossthe region who attend to learn and exchange ideas.

We think it’s time to repeat this concept in Asia and showeveryone who is interested in what is happening with thisexciting self storage investment opportunity in Asia. We willgather some of the leading experts in the market to share theirviews and advice. In addition to our design, manufacture andconstruction capabilities for partitioning and door systems, wehave:

• Property agents and appraisers

• Self storage management consultants

• Suppliers of access control and security systems

• Operational software developers

• Lock and merchandise providers.

We found equally enthusiastic self storage operators andinvestors from Asia, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and theUSA excited to attend, speak and share their stories. All ourspeakers have a wealth of experience in self storage ownership,investment, development issues and operations and we’ll alsohave round table sessions for more in-depth discussions.Whether you are new to self storage, have recently started inself storage, or are a veteran who is interested in Asian selfstorage, we aim to answer all your questions during the courseof the Expo. Nowhere else will you find such an experiencedcollection of resources on the subject of Asian self storage.

Together with the support from some of the leading vendorslike SiteLink, PTI Australasia, Chateau and Cushman &Wakefield, we aim to make this event the meeting place fornew investors and operators, established operators andinterested investors.

Join us

If you would like to attend the Self Storage Expo Asia on the20th and 21st of March 2013 in Hong Kong, please contactus, or register on line at:


The Expo will take place at the five-star hotel, The Langham,Kowloon, Hong Kong, which lies in the heart of the bustlingTsim Sha Tsui shopping district and is only a three-minute walkfrom the famous Star Ferry.

Social Programme

The social programme includes drinks on board a traditionalChinese Junk in Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbour. And, there willbe offers available to attend the Hong Kong Sevens Rugby,which takes place from the 22nd to the 24th of March at theHong Kong Stadium.


Self Storage Expo Asia 2013

Changes at Steel Storage Holdings

Jon Perrins recently announced the following changes:Jon has moved to the role of Executive Chairman of SteelStorage Holdings. He will continue to work on groupdevelopment into new markets and product development,as well as chairing the board.Colin Jeromson, currently MD of Steel Storage Europe, isappointed CEO of Steel Storage Holdings. Colin hascompleted five years with the company in Europe and willcontinue to operate from there.Steel Storage Holdings is having a strong year and hasrecently announced the sale of its self storage operation inAsia, Extra Space Self Storage, to Jarvis Properties in theUK.

HomeStore staff and customers make their movie debut for charity

The search for ways to entertain, publicise and inform potentialcustomers about the benefits of self storage has taken a newturn with the filming of a comic video for HomeStore’s twoSuffolk facilities. Filmed in just one day, with the help, the “stars” of the short video were the Ipswich facilitymanager, John Taylor, as an intrepid explorer, a few customerswho happened to be in the facility during shooting andbecame “extras” and a very large squirrel!

Originating from HomeStore’s mascot squirrel, who is lookingfor a place to store his nuts for the winter, the plot featuresJohn’s efforts, armed with a large butterfly net and suitablykitted out for the jungle, to track down the elusive squirrelthrough the undergrowth.

Pre-production work was all done by HomeStore staff andsourcing props was going well, until the weekend beforeshooting when it was discovered that suitable nuts could not befound in Ipswich. However, the ever resourceful Ipswichassistant manager, Sarah Bliss, managed to find some walnuts,and with the judicious application of nail varnish on a Sundayafternoon, was able to turn the essential items into the requiredwarm, brown hazelnut colour; mission accomplished!

The comedy video is now on the HomeStore website for BurySt Edmunds and Ipswich and has been put to good use sincefilming. It is the subject of a competition for people whoreceive the HomeStore e-newsletter to raise money for twolocal hospices, St Elizabeth’s in Ipswich, and St Nicholas inBury St Edmunds. HomeStore promised to donate £1 for everyclick on the video via the e-newsletter with a target to raise£500 to be shared between the two hospices.

Readers were also invited to get involved, by voting on whetherto allow the squirrel to stay in his chosen “nest” for the winter,with a bottle of wine each for of the two funniest submissions.We won’t reveal where the squirrel ended up; to watch thevideo visit:

And, we would respectfully suggest that John doesn’t give upthe day job!


Volume 1, 2013 COMPANY FEATURE


SSA UK Membership: What are the Benefits?

Networking and Meetings

One of the most valuable benefits of SSA UK membership isaccess to the contact details of fellow members and suppliersand their expertise on all aspects of the construction andoperation of self storage facilities. This is particularly useful forthose just setting out in the industry. Free regional meetings andnetworking events, plus the Annual European Conference (whichthis year will be held in London), provide on-going opportunitiesto discuss and share ideas with industry professionals and tobenefit from others’ experiences.

FREE Licence Agreement

Member operators have access to a FREE Licence to StoreGoods (i.e. a contract with terms and conditions) which

represents a huge cost saving. Members can also be reassuredthat this Licence has been developed and has been used by mostmembers over many years.

SSA UK Accreditation

All Members receive an SSA UK Membership Certificate and forFull Operator Members, the use of the SSA UK logo on theirwebsites, signage, stationery, etc. Customers will know that theywill be receiving a first class service from those membersdisplaying the SSA UK logo. Details of Full Operator membersalso appear on the “Facility Locator” device on the SSA UKwebsite.


The SSA UK has a number of ways of communicating with itsmembers, including:

• A website, with a dedicated “Members Only” section

• Regular newsletters, offering the latest industry informationand advice

• FREE quarterly copy of the SSA UK’s Focus magazine; theonly self storage magazine in the UK and Europe

• Security Bulletins to alert members about incidents, as andwhen they occur.

Research, Studies and Projects

Since 2006, the SSA UK has carried out an annual survey of itsmembers, offering a very valuable insight into the self storageindustry in the UK. Last year, the survey report was produced inassociation with Drivers Jonas Deloitte (now Deloitte Real Estate)and has benefited from their analysis of the factors relevant toself storage in the UK.

The SSA UK continues to work on a number of smaller projectsto improve the support and advice that it provides. Currentprojects include:

• Communication - improving how the Associationcommunicates with its members

• Data protection - considering the legal implications anddeveloping advice, including the impact on the LicenceAgreement

• Security - developing advice, improving the use of SecurityBulletins, and speeding up the reporting process.

Membership Support Services

The SSA UK Head Office team are able to answer most queriesfrom members and if they can’t, they will put you in touch withsomeone in the industry who can. Members also have accessto all SSA UK guidelines and support on issues such asinsurance, late payers and lien (non-payment) procedures, firesafety and security. It is always on the look-out for further newbenefits. The SSA UK also provides members with access to:

• FREE legal Helpline

• Utility savings through the Spiral Group

• StorePAK retail products (boxes and packaging) throughSmithpack.

Advocacy and Government Relations

The SSA UK has built a close working relationship withinternational self storage associations including FEDESSA andmany government bodies and agencies. It is a member of theBritish Property Federation and the local Cheshire Chamber ofCommerce. The Association works with the London MetropolitanPolice (MPS), Trading Standards, HMRC Inland Detection &Criminal Investigation teams and the UK Border Agency todevelop specific security guidance and encourage jointprocedures with the industry to combat crime.

What the CEO has to say

“The SSA UK has more than 15 yearsexperience of this growing industrybehind it. Membership allows you toenjoy these many benefits and mostnotably it brings you into contact withthe market leaders. Please take

advantage of your membership,” saidRodney Walker, the CEO.

“We have benefited hugely from being members of the SSA UK,especially as a small, independent operator. Attending conferences has given us

access to a network of suppliers who are able not only to perform certain specialist tasks with agreat deal more experience of the sector than we have, but who are also able to advise us informally to

help shape our decision making as the business grows. It is also a good opportunity for members to meetother operators and to share experiences, with everything from the current trading environment to dealing

with difficult clients or security risks being discussed on a regular basis. Being able to use and displaythe SSA UK logo is also of significant commercial benefit, helping customers to choose an

independent operator with confidence.”

Frederic de Ryckman de Betz, Attic Self Storage

“Smart Storage has been a memberof the SSA UK since opening its first store in 2005.

Membership has assisted us on a number of levels. It hasprovided a forum to meet numerous contacts within the industry,

including suppliers and operators, the opportunity to attend industryspecific training courses and invaluable industry data through the annualindustry survey. However, one of the main benefits is the credibilitymembership provides when marketing and selling our business to our

customers.”Jon Wyles Managing Director,

Smart Storage Ltd.“Store & Secure has

benefited in the past year as anSSA UK member. We are a relatively

new company within the marketplace andaffiliation as a member enhances our reputation

and gives us credence that we do things “the right way”.An association with the SSA UK gives us industry recognition and

one that we are proud to be associated with.” Lucy Maidman Facility Manager,

Store & Secure

What do our members think?

• Networking

• FREE Licence Agreement with Terms and Conditions

• SSA UK Accreditation

• Communications

• Research, Studies and Projects

• Membership Support Services

• Advocacy and Government Relations

European Self Storage Conference 2012, Hungary

Self Storage Focus Volume 1, 2013



Self Storage Focus AdvertorialCOMPANY FEATURE

Quickstore improves business efficiency

South West self storage company Quickstore has completed amajor investment in its business infrastructure and on-linemarketing with the launch of its new website. The websitemarks an industry first by becoming fully integrated withleading self storage software solution Store-IT, enabling realtime data, financial analysis and marketing campaignmanagement through Cloud based technology.

The launch marks a step change in the way Quickstore doesbusiness by allowing the opportunity for home working andreducing travel between its sites, as part of the company’scommitment to reducing its carbon footprint. It also enablesQuickstore to provide more bespoke offers for customers andextract greater value from its marketing investment, byintegrating its e-newsletter and social media activity. Theintegration was achieved following detailed project work overa number of months between Quickstore, Store-IT and digitalagency Fuel Communications.

Andy Patrick, Managing Director of Quickstore said: “As abusiness we are always looking to innovate and could clearlysee the benefits in bringing everything together on line. Wealready had established relationships in place with Store-IT andFuel Communications, so it is really exciting to successfullycollaborate on this strategic project for us.”

Ben Masters, Head of Web Development at FuelCommunications, who designed and developed the newwebsite explained: “Quickstore is a shining example of abusiness seizing the opportunity to transform its business usingweb-based technology. We are very pleased to have provideda business changing solution to what was previously a complexdevelopment issue.”

Dick Stolp, CEO of Netherlands based Store-IT commented:“We are delighted to work with Quickstore and FuelCommunications to enable our storage management solutionto become fully integrated with the new website. This seamlessintegration is a real development for us and we look forwardto completing more projects of this kind.”

Quickstore was established in 1989 and was only the 14th selfstorage facility to open in the UK. Since opening in Plymouth,Quickstore has an additional facility in Plymouth with furtherfacilities in Exeter, Saltash and Torquay. Overall the companyhas more than 1,200 storage units across Devon andCornwall.

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