www.diabetesvic.org.au the community network program diabetes australia - vic peer support in...

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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The Community Network Program Diabetes Australia - Vic

Peer support in managing chronic illness

To help all people affected by diabetes and those at risk and to contribute to

the search for a cure


Who We Are

We are the peak consumer body and leading charity representing all

people affected by diabetes and those at risk

(with over 27,000 members)

Diabetes Australia – Vic peak consumer body & charity since 1953

• Pharmacy Approved Retail Scheme• National Diabetes Services Scheme• Diabetes Prevention Initiatives• Health Promotion Resources• Educators and Dietitians• Consumer Advocacy• Community Information Sessions• Children’s Recreation and Camps Program• Diabetes Australia Research Trust• Planning Giving and Bequests• Membership• Diabetes Support Groups

Community Network today…

• 60 diabetes support groups • Combination of type 1 and type 2 groups• ComNet Coordinator supporting type 2 groups

across the State• Type 1 Coordinator supporting and expanding

type 1 groups in rural and regional Victoria• Over 500 members currently in the program

Community Network Diabetes Support Group….what do they do?• Provide an opportunity to build community capacity• Support and encourage group membership• Build strong friendships• Contribute to community leadership• Advocate for the rights of people with diabetes• Promote healthy lifestyle options utilising the resources

and information provided to them by DA – Vic• Work with health organisations interested in raising the

profile of diabetes management

Who is involved … ?

• People with type 1 and type 2 diabetes

• Family members, friends and carers• Health professionals• Funding agencies or sponsors• Local communities • Local media

How does DA-Vic support ComNet?

• Informs

• Builds relationships

• Evaluates

• Supports

• Recognises effort and achievement

• Promotes

What are the benefits…?• Better diabetes knowledge and self care • Improve quality of life• Support and friendships• Raising matters of discrimination• Latest research• Advocating for local and personal needs

The Community Network slogan is:

Help Others, Help Yourself

How can ComNet members support self management of a chronic illness?

• Use the resources and skills already in ComNet to support healthy living options

• Identify ‘champions’ who can advocate change• Add ‘value’ to existing activities and programs to promote

more meaningful outcomes• Raise funds to support DA-Vic’s work and those who

support research into a cure• Build stronger networks with health professionals• Support the newly and ‘long term’ diagnosed• Promote the ‘voices’ in ComNet to advocate change and act

as leaders on diabetes issues in Victoria• Promote ComNet as a ‘vehicle’ for diabetes management

through information and support

As health professionals questions to consider

• How can you link your clients into health support groups?

• How can you improve service delivery for your clients utilising support groups?

• How can you work with other agencies and health professionals to support your clients staying well?

Any questions?

570 Elizabeth Street

Melbourne Victoria 3000

t 03 9667 1777

f 03 9667 1778

info line 1300 136 588

e mail@diabetesvic.org.au

w www.diabetesvic.org.au

ABN 71 005 239 510

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