world house party instruction & idea brief

Post on 15-Mar-2016






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World House Party


Will you Party to make a Difference?

December 5th - 11th, 2011 is the week for the unique fundraising campaign known as

the World House Party.

World House Party is a

campaign that encourages Muslims from around the world

to hold fundraising parties, whereby guests donate a nominal amount ($10

to 20) towards a defined cause - this year Somalia famine and five other local causes.

We would like you to host a party this year or organize a party through your organization..

The following pages contain some ideas to make a difference. Don’t hold back feesabilillah and regret missing your

chance to earn reward.

Rebuild School Educate A Nation

Somalia Famine Relief

Invite 20 of your closest friends and family for a day of games and pizza. Encourage them to spend a minimum amount and remind them that whatever they spend Allah will return!

Friday night is halaqa pizza night


Friday night is halaqa pizza night

Ever wonder if your Imam can cook? Or has a favourite dish? Partner with your local Imam (we’ll help convince him!) to teach a cooking class for charity.

Celebrity Imam Cooking Class

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Race You There

That’s right-, jog-, bowl-, lift-, skate-, bike-, shoot- or dribble-a-thon! Create teams & hold competitions at your local masajid or community centre and invite everyone to sponsor their favourite

outrageous team.

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Paint for Profits


Organize an children’s art exhibition, with dozens of paintings and drawings: At the end of the event auction them off for profits!

Spend (in charity) out of the sustenance that We have bestowed on you before that time when death will come to someone, and he shall say:

“O my Lord! If only you would grant me reprieve for a little while, then I would give in charity, and be among the right-

So you want to help,

Whats the Next Step?

Register a Party - Visit to

register your party. Contact your local representative

to get assistance in holding your party.2:step

Develop - Download some tools from to help you with your

invitations, everything is written up for you and

ready to go.3:


Plan - Plan a creative party idea and get your family

and friends to help out. We’d like you to have a

party in your home or at an outside venue, with a

minimum of 10 people, each donating a minimum

amount (Australia: $10 AUS, Canada: $10 CAD, India:

Rs 100, South Africa: R50 ZAR, UK: £10)


Spend (in charity) out of the sustenance that We have bestowed on you before that time when death will come to someone, and he shall say:O my Lord! If only you would grant me reprieve

for a little while, then I would give in charity, and be among the righteous.

The Holy Quran, 63:10.

Spread the word - Contact your guest list and flyer at

masjids, community centres, work, and everywhere

else you go!4:step

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