wk2 exploration: storyboard

Post on 26-Jun-2015






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Gerard Wiley Week 2 Assignment


Before I started the MCBS Program at Full Sail University, I was just working a regular 9-5 at a call center.

I was making decent money, but I had no passion for what I was doing

I did not want to end up stuck working at a Call Center for the rest of my life either!

I considered getting another job at first, but then I realized I just might end up in the same scenario

Why should I expect a better paying job when I don’t have the proper degree I need for it?

I decided to do what I knew was best and go back to school!

This time around I would be more focused and mature about learning as well

It finally felt like something I wanted to do for myself!

I gave my mother a call for some advice as well; ever since its as if she’s gained a new respect for me.

After a few meaningful conversations with my her and my girlfriend, I started looking up other degrees I could actually get at Full Sail.

If I couldn’t find something that I knew I shared a passion for, my plan was to look at different colleges until I did.

While on the Full Sail  Page, I came across the “Media Communication” Bachelors Program and was immediately hooked

Because of that, I began reading up on it and the careers it prepared you for

Every career path was something I have always had great interest in!

I called a few more people for advice, researched every and anything that had to do with media communications, and kept at it until finally I was convinced.

 I gave my old advisor from Full Sail a call, and he then explained the Program was basically a brand new major offered on campus

We had brief discussion about my goals and interests in life, and he agreed that “Media Communications” would be a perfect fit for me!

Because it was such a new program, there were more faculty than students! I would now be able to get that “individual” attention from my professors.

I have ADHD and the best environment for me to learn is in a classroomwhere I can apply things “hands-on”. The high faculty to student ratio was exactly what i needed.

I now had the opportunity to actually build a “ real" relationship with my professors and I had to immediately take advantage

I let my manager at work know I was planning to return to school, and applied that same day

I knew I would need to balance work and school to pay my rent, so I chose to do the extended program.

This way I would only have one class a month, and more flexibly with my schedule

I knew what i wanted to do, and had a plan of action to get there!

 Ever since I decided to pursue my passion for media my life took a turn .. for the better 

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