winmalee whispers · we have recently put up no smoking signs on the gates. there is a 4 metre no...

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Winmalee Whispers

Winmalee Public School

Find us at: Leslie St Winmalee 2777 Tel 02 47541574 Website: Email:

Safe Respectful Learners

Term 1 Week 9 Friday, 29th March 2019 Principal’s Message Dear Parents and Carers, Wow we are already at the end of week 9! Thank you to everyone who came with crazy hair today. It was great to see so many students participating in this important fundraiser. All the money raised will go to the Leukaemia Foundation. Work on the top playground has finished and it is fantastic to see so many students playing on the grass. Having synthetic grass on the top playground not only makes the school look great but also allows the students to have a place to play on all year round. The school and the P&C are also getting quotes for synthetic grass and seating for the GLA so that there will be another area for the school and community to use for sport. We have a lot of students who have made representative sides for both sport and dance. This is a great achievement for our students and I wish them good luck. We have recently put up no smoking signs on the gates. There is a 4 metre no smoking zone around the school that needs to be followed by all our community members. School photos have been moved to the 30th April, which is the first day back from the holidays. We will put reminders on Facebook through the holidays so that people don’t forget. There was a clash with representative sport on the original date. Moving the photo day allows everyone to be a part of school photos. Thank you to all the students and staff for their hard work this Term it has been a very busy term and the staff and students have achieved a lot. I am very proud to be the principal of Winmalee Public School! I want to wish everyone a safe and relaxing holiday. The last day of term for staff and students is Friday 12th April and students return on Tuesday 30th April. Thank you Kate Ford

Principal: Kate Ford Assistant Principal K-2: Jenine Smith Assistant Principal Stage 2: Kim Curran Assistant Principal Stage 3: Christopher Pyne School Administrative Manager: Kim Berry

Term 1 Week 9 Friday 29th March 2019

Dear Parents and Carers, The Premier's Reading Challenge (PRC) is available for all NSW students in Kindergarten-Year 9, in government, independent, Catholic and home schools.

The Challenge aims to encourage in students a love of reading for leisure and pleasure, and to enable students to experience quality literature. It is not a competition but a challenge to each student to read, to read more and to read more widely.

The Premier's Reading Challenge is an initiative of the NSW State government.

All students who enter, and successfully complete the Challenge, will receive a Premier's Reading Challenge certificate for that year. If your child is in 3-6 and taking part in the 2019 Premier’s Reading Challenge, it is now under way and runs through to 30th August. During this time, they will need to read 20 books from the Premier’s Reading list. This can include 5 free choice books. Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 will complete the challenge during Library visits with Mrs Wilkinson and Mrs Holdsworth. Students can enter their reading online. A list of books for each level and the rules are available on the website: If you have any problems or questions please feel free to contact me. Jo Wilkinson Teacher/Librarian

Term 1 Week 9 Friday 29th March 2019

Term 1 Week 9 Friday 29th March 2019


There has been a change to the school photo day. School photos will now be taken on Tuesday 30th April, first day back for Term 2. All photo money needs to be handed to the photo company on the day. Reminders will be put on Facebook during the holidays.

Winmalee Artisan Markets Please support these markets that support our school. Markets are held at our school on the second Sunday of each month. The dates for the next five months are:

April 14th May 12th Mothers Day June 9th July 14th August 11th

Term 1 Week 9 Friday 29th March 2019

WINMALEE GREEN THUMBS At last the temperatures are cooling so we are having a rush on to take cuttings, put in young plants and move others around the grounds to new homes. Food Gardens Our leafy greens are growing nicely and we’ll start harvesting next week. Our beetroot didn’t grow (as the seeds were too old) so we will put in a different crop next week. School grounds Last newsletter I mentioned the Australian native blue-banded bee and the teddy bear bee which are often around the garden bed visible from morning lines. I have told some children, who are there early in the morning, about them and it’s been lovely to have them report back what they have seen.

Serenity Space I have topped up various parts of the space with straw and manure which will gradually decompose over the coming months. By spring we shall have rich beds to plant in. The lambs ears continue to go crazy so we will move them around soon so the kids can utilise their seats again. The outdoor classroom will be underway by the end of term, if not, then the beginning of term two. This will be next to the Serenity Space and consist of sandstone blocks and logs for seating. I’m hopeful this will be a greatly utilised space to observe, consider and be inspired by nature. The design has been done by Mrs Willingham, her students and me and we’ve tried to include several of the student’s requests…some were easier than others…think bridges, ponds and secret room. Warm regards Garden Clare

Term 1 Week 9 Friday 29th March 2019

Uniform Shop The Uniform Shop will be closed for normal trading during the next two weeks. We are still taking orders, they will be processed by some wonderful volunteers and sent home with your children once filled. We will be open on the following dates and times: Tuesday April 2nd from 8:30-9:30 Monday April 8th from 8:30-9:30 Year 6 Jackets

We should be receiving the year 6 jackets next week. For those that have paid when they come in they will be sent home with your child. Anybody wishing to pay please place your cash in an envelope with your childs name on it and hand in at the front office for our volunteers to fill. Online payments cannot be accepted as this is separate to the school.

Pedlars Parade The Winmalee K-2 Pedlar’s Parade will take place on Thursday 4th April, 2019. This Pedlar’s Parade is the annual fundraiser for K-2. The parade will start at 9:30am

in the hall followed by the sale of ‘goodies’ in the ‘Marketplace’ (courtyard area) until 11:00am. All parents and carers are invited to attend. K-2 children are to come to school in their fancy dress costume with a tray, box or basket of items to sell. When arriving in the morning, children may put their ‘goodies’ on their desks in the classrooms. The children will parade in their costumes for all to admire. After the parade, children will return to their classrooms to collect their ‘goodies’ and carry them to the ‘Marketplace’. Any Kindergarten parents wishing to help children carry items can meet outside their child’s classroom after the parade. Years 3-6 children are also invited to participate in the parade by dressing up and donating a gold coin to support this major K-2 fundraiser. Costumes can be as simple as a cape or as fancy as a robot. Everyone is always impressed by the creativity displayed on the day! Sale items can include anything from home-made banana muffins to fairy wands; fancy pencils to book marks; little bead bracelets or necklaces; or maybe some little bags of healthy organic popcorn, whatever your imagination can come up with. *Please have items of an appropriate size for individual purchases, *Please include the cost on each item (10c, 20c, 50c, $1, etc) When preparing foods please be mindful that many students at our school are allergic to peanuts. If you are sending food products to sell, please attach a list of ingredients to the container. Jenny McCarthy Pedlar’s Parade Coordinator

Term 1 Week 9 Friday 29th March 2019

Term 1 Week 9 Friday 29th March 2019

Term 1 Week 9 Friday 29th March 2019

Term 1 Week 9 Friday 29th March 2019

Term 1 Week 9 Friday 29th March 2019

Term 1 Week 9 Friday 29th March 2019

Term 1 Week 9 Friday 29th March 2019

Term 1 Week 9 Friday 29th March 2019

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