winchelsea star vol.37 ed.35, 16 september 2014

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Winchelsea Primary school concert, a couple of impressive events at Barwon Park, writer's worshop (free!), Winchelsea Hospital Ladies Auxiliary AGM roundup (nearly 1/4 million raised in 3 years), case study of Inverleigh Public Hall for gardeners, and of course usual Who What Where When, Senior Citizens, Church, school Writers columns. Featured local business this week - Neil McInnes, Jim's Carpet Cleaning.


Vol 37 Ed 35 Tuesday September 16, 2014

Price $1

Your Weekly Community Newspaper Since 1977

After weeks of preparation and rehearsals, the night finally arrived on Thursday. Winchelsea Primary School concert. What an outstanding community effort.

Through a great variet of acts the students performed with enormous enthusiasm, obvious joy, and often impressive professionalism.

The whole school singing “Best Day of My Life” set the tone for the evening, followed by the choir’s rendering of “Viva

la Vida”. From there we were treated to a variety of modern day song and dance, to the more somber “Some Nights”, a taste of country, some past hits, and finishing with the sparkling, colour filled, “Funky Town”.

The “guest artists” of the Australian synchronized swimming team, fresh from the Commonwealth Games provided a fitting end to the evening. A pity they were eaten by a shark before we could meet


Congratulations to all the students who performed, and thank you to the school staff, parents, and community members who enabled it all to happen.

As one prep child wrote the following day: “ The concert is the best, it makes me happy.”

It made a lot of other people happy too. Thank you to everyone.


Fabulous photos courtesy of Jason Wilson

Tuesday September 16, 2014The Winchelsea Star2

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Tuesday September 16, 2014 The Winchelsea Star 3

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It might look innocent or even attractive, but declared noxious weed Cape Tulip (one leaf) is about to flower on the Surf Coast and now is the time to help stop its spread.

Surf Coast Shire Council is doing extra work to remove the weed on municipal roadsides, Council owned and Council managed land around Winchelsea and Buckley; and land owners are being encouraged to also step up their efforts to help protect their land and stock.

Cape Tulip (one-leaf) looks like a pink-orange flowering bulb that appears in early spring on roadsides and paddocks. All parts of the plant are poisonous to humans and stock. Stock consuming around 1kg of fresh material can die within 24 hours and there is no treatment readily available.

The weed is a perennial herb from South Africa that grows to around 700mm high with erect stems. It grows from underground corms, with more corms produced every year after a 2-4 week flowering period in spring.

Suggested control measures include:Manual control of small infestations is possible, however it is important to try and remove all corms. Any removed corms should be burned.

Cultivation provides some control however timing is critical as the work must be done after the old corm is exhausted (shrivelled) and before the new corms are formed (usually around June/July). Trash must be burned.

Chemical control using a registered herbicide just on flowering.

Cape Tulip (one-leaf) is a declared noxious weed under the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994 and landowners are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to prevent the growth and spread of Regionally Controlled weeds on their land.

Cape Tulip spreads by the movement of seed (up to 1200 seeds per plant) and corms (dense infestations can produce up to 7000 corms per square metre) which are caught up in farm machinery and particularly in hay or silage.

If you already have Cape Tulip on your property, it is vital that you do not allow it to spread beyond your boundary and that you maintain good machinery hygiene.

For more information on Cape Tulip control, contact Council on 5261 0600.

Kill This WeedHelp nip cape tulip in the bud

Tuesday September 16, 2014The Winchelsea Star4

The Winchelsea Star is a voluntary service to the town.Articles are most welcome from any group

or organisation and must carry the name and address of the sender. The editorial team

reserve the right to edit or not to publish any article. The views expressed in this paper are not necessarily those of the editors.

Copy / adverts can be emailed to or left

at IGA Supermarket.

Copies printed total 450 each week.

© Winchelsea Star Org. Inc. All rights reserved.

Weekly deadline is 4pm Sunday.Winchelsea Star Organisation Inc.

Reg. No. A1479 ABN: 57 207 411 958

Po Box 5, Winchelsea, Vic, 3241

Acting Editor: Stewart Mathison


Advertising: Neil McInnes


Sub Editors/Production: Tony Phelps and Stuart Fountain


President: Stewart Mathison


Treasurer: Cathy Cheadle


Secretary: Tony Phelps


Committee: Linda Carter, Don Smith,

Mick O’Mara, Lesley Mathison

Proud Member

Fantasie to Faust @ Barwon Park MansionAcclaimed violinist Elizabeth Sellars joins Team of Pianists artist Rohan Murray in performance at Barwon Park Mansion in Winchelsea on Sunday 28 September at 2pm. Titled Fantasie to Faust, the concert will feature works for violin and piano by Bach, Schubert and Franck.

The event is part of the 2014 C & C Rigg Bequest Classic Music in Historic Venues series, and admission includes afternoon tea and the opportunity to explore the colonial splendour of Barwon Park.

Australian-born Elizabeth Sellars has enjoyed a distinguished career as both performer and teacher in Australia and abroad. A graduate of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London, Elizabeth has toured extensively in the UK and Europe. In Australia, she has performed with the Australian Chamber Orchestra, Melbourne Chamber Orchestra, Elision, the Tin Alley String Quartet and Ensemble Liaison.

Now living in Melbourne, Elizabeth is a member of the Sutherland Trio with pianist Caroline Almonte and cellist Molly Kadarauch. She has appeared in festivals throughout Australia, including Dunkeld Weekend of Music, Port Fairy, Huntingdon, Bangalow, Castlemaine and the Blackwood River Chamber Festival. Elizabeth is also Lecturer in Violin and Co-ordinator of Strings at Monash


Rohan Murray has been a finalist and prize winner in the Australian National Piano Award and has performed in Australia and overseas. He is a partner in the Team of Pianists and his performances have been featured on ABC Classic FM, and on several CDs including an international showcase CD for Schimmel pianos. Rohan was a student at the National Academy of Music and has a PhD in music performance from the Victorian College of the Arts and Melbourne Conservatorium of Music.

EVENT DETAILSWhat: Faust to Fantasie @ Barwon Park When: Sunday 28 September 2014 at 2pm Where: Barwon Park, 105 Inverleigh Road, Winchelsea (Melway map X911 B8) Tickets: $40; children $20; pensioners $30 (includes afternoon tea), Group discounts available – phone (03) 9822 2959

Bookings:, phone (03) 9822 2959 or in person at Barwon Park (open Sun and Weds)

Elizabeth Sellars

Rohan Murray

Tuesday September 16, 2014 The Winchelsea Star 5

Now you can be a Star writer? Dates and Times set for Star Writers WorkshopsWith already eight interested people on the list to attend the writers workshops being organised by the STAR, dates and times for the 4 sessions have been agreed by participants. The list is not closed and more people are welcome to attend these free workshops.

The workshops will be held on Thursday evenings commencing at 7pm and finishing at 9pm on the first 4 Thursdays in October-2nd, 9th, 16th, and 23rd.

The aim of the workshop is for participants to come with ideas for actual stories they would like to write, which may be a news report, history story, feature article about a place, person or a trip, opinion piece or maybe a comment about an event at your club or work place. This could include reviewing a previous article you have written or a completely new topic. It will be important to attend the first session so you can establish what you want to get out of the workshop and the subsequent sessions will be for you to write your story with the help and guidance of our facilitator Janet Brown.

Anyone who has attended the small business writing workshops held this week are welcome to come to the above sessions as it will be an opportunity for you to practice what you have learned with an experienced writer on hand to assist.

Further information: Stewart Mathison 0428 672054 email :


by Cheryl Mawson (HonSecretary) The Winchelsea Hospital Ladies Auxiliary held their 58th Annual Meeting on Monday 8th September.

Special guests were, Mr.John Carr Pres Hesse Rural Health Board, Mr.Peter Birkett CEO, Andrea Dunlop Corporate Services Manager, Cr Heather Wellington, Wayne Reid ADASS and Murray Aisbett Winchelsea Lions Club.

President Lynette during the course of the meeting presented Mr.John Carr with a cheque for $5000.

In accepting the cheque, John said that this money goes a long way to help the Health Service for future projects as do other funds raised by the Ladies Auxiliary through the Op Shop.

He thanked the Auxiliary for all their hard work over the year.

The Winchelsea Ladies Auxiliary has 44 members, with 3/4 of these members being available to work days at the Op

Shop when rostered do do so.

The Auxiliary has raised over $242,000 since opening the Op Shop 3 years ago. From this amount the Auxiliary has given money to the Hospital Board to enable more land to be purchased for the developemnt of the Health Service.

The Auxiliary must thank the community for their contribution of goods to the shop providing stock for the customers to purchase. It is this generousity which has made this such a great success.

Mr Peter Birkett thanked the Auxiliary for their contribution towards the service enabling them to do bigger and better things.

Office bearers for the 2014/15 are

President Lynette Henderson. Vice Pres Bev Foster Secretary Cheryl Mawson. Treasurer Merle Rigby

President Lynette thanked members for all their hard work and contribution toward the Auxiliary saying we have had a busy but rewarding year and look forward to another great year ahead.

Spectacular Op Shop Result

Lynette Henderson, Ladies Aux President, presenting Mr Carr, Hesse Board President, with a donation.

Elizabeth Sellars

Tuesday September 16, 2014The Winchelsea Star6

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Tuesday September 16, 2014 The Winchelsea Star 7

The Inverleigh Public Hall is a bluestone Mechanics Institute building attached to a 1950s cream brick hall and recently added community room, back verandah and front verandah over the footpath. This year I convened a sub-committee of the Hall Committee with seconded community members with backgrounds in design, gardening and heritage buildings. The task was to design a garden for the Hall. We imagined there were no financial limits to free us up to think of all the possibilities.

First we established a brief which we put to the Hall Committee. The main items in the brief were:

1. Bring the bluestone building to prominence and to enhance its heritage aspects 2. Sustainable and tough gardens, requiring little maintenance. 3. Streamlined mowing so it can be done by ride on mowers 4. Retain wide open spaces in the back yard for events 5. Increase shade and seating 6. Consult with users of the Hall and neighbours 7. Soften and visually unify the different building materials and sections

Next, we walked the gardens together talking about eyesores, throwing ideas and thinking about practicalities. A hard to mow area could be changed to an exploratory garden for the playgroup children with a living cubby house of a weeping cherry at the end, the splotchy back fence could be sprayed charcoal, a gazebo could be built for shade. The big list was brought down to a tentative plan which was then taken to meetings of the Hall Committee, the Playgroup and the Senior Citizens for ideas and feedback. More perspectives raised different ideas and issues. The expensive gazebo went, to be replaced by a shade tree and seats under an existing tree in the meantime, stepping stones in the garden in front of

the bluestone building became a paved path for safe walking for brides in long dresses and access for wheelie walkers, wheelchairs and prams.

Our design for the garden in front of the Mechanics Institute building harked back to historic photos showing a picket fence with garden behind it. Purposes for the garden were: to showcase the building, to provide an area of beauty to sit and relax for passers-by, for people waiting for the bus or the Hall to be open and for people wanting photos with the building and garden as a backdrop. Each purpose informed decisions, hence the selection of tough plants flowering at different times of the year and a little table as well as seats. The height of the new fence and gate had to enable the windows of the building to be seen from the road. The fence was set back from the path so that plants could be viewed both from the road and from inside the fence. We will attach heritage trims to the verandah posts and paint them, the barge board and the picket fence the same creamy mustard colour to create a link between the old building garden and the new front verandah.

Of course there really are financial constraints and, in the home situation, you would have to consider them. By now though, we all shared a grand vision and wrote to Bunnings to see if they could help us create the garden in front of the bluestone building as part of their community program. Our proposal was

pegged out and adjusted on the site so we could ‘try it out’ before I drew a plan to scale. The Hall Committee voted finances towards the project. Bunnings came to the party with materials, plants and four workers for the day on the 5th of September and the community provided catering and six workers on the day, workers before the day levelling and putting in fence posts and ongoing volunteer labour to complete the task. The Hall Committee thanks everyone who worked on the project.

While not finished in one day, the new garden is well on the way. In addition, all the trees in our larger plan have been planted so they can start growing. Everything else on the grand plan – seats, tables, herb garden, screening plants, flag pole, fence spraying and corner and exploratory gardens - will come. The long time spent planning and consulting was well worth it because we have an overall vision and know why and how we are going to do each aspect. We will be able to prioritise and work on parts over time without compromising our vision.

I hope this case study has helped you in thinking about your own garden. Just substitute yourselves for the committee and include children, pets, wildlife and visitors as users to think about as you create a brief and a plan. I am always happy to chat about aspects of garden design when people visit our nursery.

If you would like to have a copy of any of the garden notes that I have written, drop in at the Garden Gate of Inverleigh nursery, 77 Dundas St Inverleigh (the Winchelsea Road) or email me at

Until next time, happy gardening. Christine Windle, Garden Gate Nursery Inverleigh

Through the Garden Gate – Aspects of garden design A case study – Inverleigh Public Hall

Tuesday September 16, 2014The Winchelsea Star8



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Tuesday September 16, 2014 The Winchelsea Star 9

Church NewsSt John’s ChurchOops, Sorry listening to the notices Saturday week when I heard Bill say that the Ladies Guild were holding their meeting, but the mind wandered and I missed hearing that the date for the meeting would be on Thursday the 25th of September at 7.30pm in the Hall. The Guild will hold their annual street stall on Friday the 3rd of October, commencing at 11am. Donations for the competition prize of a hamper can be placed in the basket at the back of the church. As well any donations of cakes, slices, plants jams, pickles etc. would be very much appreciated on the day of the stall.

Saint Vincent de Paul Meeting will be held at 16 Levy Road Bannockburn, on Thursday the 18th of September. All welcome.

Samaritan’s Purse Christmas Child appeal, (the Shoe Box appeal) to help make a difference in children’s lives, we have boxes and information leaflets available now, with the boxes due back by the beginning of October.

Adult faith education continues this Wednesday, 17th and then Wednesday the 24th over at the Parish House in Meredith, commencing at 7.30pm.

The Annual CatholicCare Appeal will take place in our Parish next weekend; CatholicCare has been serving families of the Archdiocese for 79 years, and also in our local community. Please support their work with families.

Until next time, God Bless. Marg Bushell

Uniting ChurchSinging Group practise – Thursday September 18th at 1.00pm in the hall.

Bible Study – Friday September 19th at 2.00pm in the hall.

Worship on Sunday September 21st at 9.30am – John Bumford

John Bumford Co-ordinator

St Thomas’ Church This week at St Thomas Church

Wednesday 17th of September at 12 noon the Annual Guild casserole luncheon is on in the hall with Maureen King and John Bumford providing the entertainment and a donation of $15 for the meal. Please note the Inter-church prayer meeting is not on this week owing to the luncheon.

Sunday the 21st of September at 9am Holy Communion in the church.

Monday the 22nd of September no Mainly Music since it will be the school holiday break, Mainly Music returns on October the 6th at 10am.

Coming events for your diary

Tuesday the 16th of September 3-5pm Paradise Club in the Leisure Time Centre. This children’s program is run each term by the combined churches through the Inter-Church committee with a team that is headed up by Judy Staples. Come along for some stories, games, songs, craft and fun.

Sunday the 28th of September at 9am will be our family service, why not bring the kids?

* St Thomas Fete will be held on the morning of election day November the 29th from 9am, so please start putting things aside for the fete. Amongst other things we are planning a sausage sizzle, salads and pancakes with cream, last year some local women suggested they would like to help with our stalls so that our more senior members could enjoy some time sitting and having a Devonshire tea, if this is still the case please ring Judy on 0438 024 886 or Wendy on 5267 2042. Volunteers for the convict stocks could also speak to Wendy! More news to follow.

God bless, Rev’d Wendy Gravolin.

Doug Rolfe from the Geelong branch of the Alternative Technology Association (ATA) is presenting the Future Energy Film that runs for 1 hour & 15 minutes.“Inspiring and positive, with practical ideas on what individuals and communities can do”

Gold Coin Donation Please

Light refreshments provided

When: 19th September 2014, 7.30pm.

Where: Wurdale Hall, 220 Wurdale Road, Winchelsea Sth.


For more information contact Nikki 52887205 or Jim 52887274

Barwon River Care & Wurdale Landcare Groups

Information Evening

Tuesday September 16, 2014The Winchelsea Star10



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Tuesday September 16, 2014 The Winchelsea Star 11

Senior Citizens News Jean Shinners

Hi folks, - the town is certainly abuzz with the sound of everyone mowing their lawns. It really is Spring. All the jobs need to be done and we are all running out of time. Have you got your seedlings in yet ? Have your tomatoes come up in the greenhouse yet?Make sure there is nothing that a frost will get at. We are all just so busy. Let’s hope the weather bureau is correct, we do stilll need some more rain.

WEDNESDAY RESULTS BOWLS Vida Bath and Isabel Walker CARDS This game was a draw. COMPETITION Vida BathOn Wednesday it was nice to have Shirley Leak come in and visit us. (Hope your flat tyre had nothing to do with this). !!!FRIDAY RESULTS BOWLS Isabel Walker, Vida Bath and Haydn Shinners CARDS Helen Bath and Kath Wilson SKIP-BO Jean Shinners COMPETITION Marg ShepherdAll members PLEASE NOTE there will be NO SENIORS on Wednesday the 17th of September owing to the Guild Luncheon at St. Thomas’s.

GET WELL Get well wishes are sent out to any of our members who are feeling “under the weather” at the moment. We hope to see you all back at the clubrooms very soon and in the best of health.

BLUMES FASHIONS Blumes Fashions will again visit our clubrooms on Friday the 19th of September to display their new season’s Spring Fashions. The show will begin at 10.30am. Ladies, please bring along a plate of goodies to share for Morning Tea.

COMMITTEE MEMBERS PLEASE NOTE The scheduled committee meeting for Wednesday the 17th has now been transferred to Friday the 19th of September. This will be held after the Blumes Fashion Parade. A Bring n Share lunch will follow the meeting and then our usual games at 1pm.

SOUTH MELBOURNE MARKET TRIP All who have booked to go to the South Melbourne Market on Sunday the 21st of September, please note the bus will leave the clubrooms at 8.30am sharp.

LIMERICK OF THE WEEK My friend who comes from Stanmore, Fell asleep by the baking seashore. Her eyebrows were fried, She was burnt on each side, And her cheeks are painfully sore. !!!!

RECIPE OF THE WEEK PROVENCALE SILVERBEET1 1/4 Cups Long Grain Rice 400g Silverbeet 3/4 cup Grated Cheese 1 Tablespoon chopped fresh Thyme Pinch Salt Ground black pepper 400g sliced Tomatoes 3 Eggs beaten 200ml Low Fat Milk1 Preheat oven to 180c. Cook rice in a large saucepan of boiling water, following packet instructions, until just tender. Drain well.2. Trim stalks from the silverbeet & chop. Cut the leaves into 2cm slices. Drop silverbeet stalks into a large saucepan of boiling water & cook for 2 minutes. Add silverbeet leaves & cook for a further 1-2 minutes. Drain well in a colander, then refresh under cold running water. Squeeze out excess liquid.3. Combine silverbeet & rice. Stir in half of the grated cheese & thyme. Season with the salt & black pepper.4. Lightly grease a 4 cup shallow oven proof dish. Spoon half of rice mixture into the dish, spreading evenly. Top with a layer of half the tomato slices, then spoon over the remaining rice mixture.5. Whisk together the eggs and the milk. Pour over the rice mixture. Arrange the remaining tomato slices on top and sprinkle with the remaining cheese. Bake for 45 minutes, or until the egg is lightly set and the top is beginning to brown. Serve Hot and this dish will serve 4.

Tuesday September 16, 2014The Winchelsea Star12

Sean’s Surf Coast Massage

I will relax and promote healing of your tired and overworked muscles.

My service includes Therapeutic Massage I am currently studying Remedial Massage at VFA in Geelong which means that any

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Phone 0425 852 374

Email: Web:

Introductory price is $40 per hour then $30

per half hour for further bookings (Winchelsea locals only, a travel fee will be charged for clients outside of Winchelsea)

Scrap Metal Bought

Call Peter on 0448 343 105

FirewoodFirewoodFirewood Timber SlabsTimber SlabsTimber Slabs

for salefor salefor sale

Fun, Interactive music sessions for pre-school children (0-4 y.o.) and


When: Mondays from 10 to 11 am (Starts 3rd Feb. runs during school terms)

Where: St Thomas’ Hall, 25 Barwon Tce. To

Enquire ring: 0407838256

Monday to Friday, 8-5pmSaturday, by appointment only2990 Princes Hwy, Winchelsea

Ph: 5267 2703 or 0417 054





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Tuesday September 16, 2014 The Winchelsea Star 13

Thankyou!A BIG THANK YOU. To the thoughtful lady that drove Mum & another lady, home from the Dr Surgery last Monday. Lovely thing to do, we appreciate your care. Debbie Larkins & Jean Campbell.

Drol Kar Buddhist Centre 625 Nortons Road Paraparap Ph. 03 52661788

September Calendar

Special Teaching Geshe Doga 11-12.30 September 14th Bookings essential

Check our website for Regular Weekly Meditation and Philosophy classes

AGM - Barwon Park PromotersThe Barwon Park Promoters Inc Annual General meeting to be held at Barwon Park Mansion,105 Inverleigh Road, Winchelsea on Sunday the 12th of October,at 5.00pm Everyone is welcome and a light supper will be provided. The Barwon Park Promoters are a not for profit group that helps to raises funds for and assist with activities at the Barwon Park Mansion. It is free to join, meetings are held every second month at Barwon Park Mansion at 5pm, so if you’re interested in historical homes and wish to help preserve this iconic mansion then come along to our AGM. Elva Cawood, President Barwon Park Promoters Inc

Are you a Star writer?If you are interested in joining the proposed writing classes sponsored by The Star at Winch House during October, please contact Winchouse on 52672028 or by email and add your name and contact details to the list. We are looking forward to working with you to develop your story ideas.

Art & Photography Show Oct 31st - Nov. 3rd.

The Uniting Church will hold their 15th Art show in the Globe Theatre. Entry forms are available from Jeanette 0409 418766 / 52 672488 or email

Information EveningSpring is in the air! Do you need more energy, want to sleep better, want to improve digestion, age healthily and shed those extra kilos? Then come along and learn about the world leader in nutritional cleansing and replenishing, with natural products for weight loss, energy and performance, healthy ageing and wealth creation. A complete experience that kick starts your journey to complete wellness, ready for Summer! Come along to learn more about these amazing ‘solutions to transform lives’ at an Info night next Tuesday 23rd September at 37 Sussex St. Winchelsea at 7.30 p.m. or an afternoon session at 59 Heyers Rd. Grovedale at 2.00 p.m. on Monday 22nd September. If you can’t make it and would like some information contact Lesley Mathison on 0438672197

Winchelsea Uniting Church Warehouse Shopping TourSaturday, October 18 - departs Winchelsea 7am from Uniting Church car park (Hesse St).

Cost $30.00. Contact: Norma 52 672 243 or Jeanette 52 672 488

Pick up points: 7 .30am Kmart Belmont 7 .45am Corio Village Shopping Centre This is a fundraising event contributing to a World Vision sponsored Child

Annual St John’s Church Street Stallwill be held on Friday 3rd October, commencing at 11 am. There will be cakes, slices, pickles, plants etc. Also the usual competition.

Neighbourhood WatchA reminder to consider nominating someone for the Good Neighbour award, to be presented at our School’s Day on October 27th, and that this fun event is open to any interested members of the community.

The same for our regular monthly meetings - next one, September 24th, Bowls Club. Nomination forms in the Star, at P.O. and Police station.

Tennis Anyone?Winchelsea Tennis Club is keen to expand and is looking for anyone interested in participating at any level or parents interested in starting up some junior teams. Please phone Tracey 52672726 or Sue 52672345. WINCHELSEA TENNIS CLUB AGM WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 1st at 7pm Venue Tennis Clubrooms Armytage St

Winchelsea Community House - AGMWinchelsea Community House develops activities based on the needs of the local community. Winch House is not religiously or politically affiliated. The vision of Winch House is to support and develop diverse opportunities for community engagement.

The Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday October 16th at 10am. Only members may vote or stand for the Committee of Management, but membership is open to all at the AGM - just register and pay the 20c membership fee!

Community members are very much encouraged to come along and join the friendly Committee of Management. Add your skills and ideas to keep building this amazing and indispensable community resource. Many hands make light work.

Who, What, When, WhereAdvertise your event in the Winchelsea Star who, what, where and when for FREE. Please be brief.

The Editor’s decision whether to publish a who, what, where and when notice request is final.

Tuesday September 16, 2014The Winchelsea Star14

55 Stephenson Road Winchelsea 3241 Ph: 5267 2467 Mobile: 0411 610 678

Caravan Annexes, Trailer Covers, Shade Sails, Alterations and

Repairs to Camping and Tents.

Clear PVC Blinds Repairs to CLEAN Horse Rugs

No Job Too Small Email:

B & H Modifications Bob Verity

Industrial Sewing Machine Work

Offers 1st class agistment. Agistment can be short / long term spelling of horses

28 security cameras operat-ing 24 hrs—7 days per week

Accommodation Indoor Arena Hire is now—

Adults $15 / hr and Children $5 / hr

580 Deans Marsh Road, Winchelsea Contact Charlotte

0438 318 870

Burong Equestrian Centre

5234 6585 0417 385 984 For all your domestic & stock water.

Also available for road and civil construction Local owned and operated.


256Call Wazza Mob: 0428 877 260Email: Web:

Water Delivery


Stainless Tanker Up to 22,000 ltr loadsBarwon Water Registered

Domestic & Rural Water Supplies

Winchelsea Trading—agents for:


For all your sharpening needs Rural—Domestic– Industrial

Hand tools TCT Blades Chainsaws Kitchen tools

Chipper & planer blades Drill and router bits Dog & horse clipping blades

Garden tools Brobos Firewood saws Bandsaws

‘We give you the edge you need’

5248 2061


Supplied & Erected 7 days

Geelong—Bellarine—Colac Phone Rick Dodd

0417 310 800

Tuesday September 16, 2014 The Winchelsea Star 15

Please Write For The StarThe Winchelsea Star welcomes YOUR news, information, articles and items for publication. This newspaper aims to reflect its own community.

Naturally, any article submitted for printing must comply with legal requirements such as for libel, discrimination, racism etc. Ideally, submissions fit within one page (allowing for adverts) and at most two pages. With a photo or two, this is around 700-800 words per page. Photos make for a much better article - please do not edit, crop or retouch photos, the Star team will do this as required. If you are able to ‘resize’ the photo(s), aim for around 1000 pixels (px) for the longest side. Many phones and computers can automatically resize photos when being emailed, be sure NOT to choose the small (or “email”) size as this is too small to use in a printed page. Note also that there is no need to submit carefully formatted and laid out

documents, as all formatting is stripped out when the article is imported into The Star. Please also note that any submissions in hard copy (ie. printed or hand-written) or ‘locked’ formats will incur delays as they have to be typed and/or scanned - the Sunday deadline applies to material that can be readily copied-and-pasted. Please send the article wordage separately from the article photos and images. In other words, when submitting an article, attach a document of words only and then also attach the associated images. Include image captions at the end of the article.

Send to

Bus to the HubFree Bus Pick up from your home and Drop off (Winchelsea) if you are:

• over 65

• have a disability

• find yourself socially isolated

Free Complimentary Main Meal for “Bus to the Hub” Users (1st Time Users)

To book your seat phone 5267 1200 After hours; Annie Ph: 0427 840 280 or Michelle: Ph: 0437 783 551

Get The Star by Email !

Every week that the Star is published we email it to paid up subscribers. The

emailed version has the advantage of earlier delivery and full colour, and can be read

online OR downloaded as a PDF. To subscribe, go to and follow the directions.

A yearly subscription is just $25 for 12 months

We prefer Direct Deposit but Paypal is available. If you need help contact

Mick on 52672295 or

Postal subscriptions are available at $125. For postal subscriptions contact

Don on 52887231.

Trains to Geelong/MelbourneMon-Fri 07:22 13:18 19:03 Sat 08:19 13:28 19:12 Sun 08:57 14:35(bus) 19:12 Sunday bus service departs from Winchelsea Post Office

Trains from Geelong/MelbourneMon-Fri 08:55 14:27 20:15 Sat 09:30 14:32 20:32 Sun 10:30 20:32

Old Shire Hall (tea rooms), Hesse St, Fridays, 2pm-5pm

Bus From Geelong to ColacMon-Fri Geelong Rail Station 17.35 Deakin Uni 17.57 Winchelsea Station 18.24 Terminates Colac Rail Station 19.05

Sunday Geelong Rail Station 17.10 Winchelsea PO 17.40 Winchelsea PO 14.35 Geelong Rail Station 15.20

Phone 0429 672 888 or 5267 2888 Wheelchair access 10 seater bus avail.

Monday 6-11am & 5-8pm Tuesday 9am-Midday & 5-8pm Wednesday 6-11am & 5-8pm Thursday 9am-Midday & 5-8pm Friday 6-11am & 5-7pm

Train Services

Surf Coast Mobile Library

Bus Services

Winchelsea Taxi

Winchelsea Gym Hours 5267 2336

Wednesday September 17 Volunteer Required - Call 5261 0508

Friday September 19 Helen Verity & Helen Davie

Monday September 22 Hayden & Jean Shinners



est. 2012




Est. 1858

Winchelsea & District

Op ShopOpen every Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, 10am to 4pm.

All proceeds to Hesse Hospital.

Items for donation very welcome - clean and in suitable condition for resale. Please do NOT leave items outside the door.

Tuesday September 16, 2014The Winchelsea Star16

TAMINGA EQUESTRIAN CENTRE Breaking in ponies Training horses and riders School pony available for

children’s lessons Julie Middleton 0421 645 940








By Doug Burns est. 1976 All Furniture French polishing Carving Veneering Wood Turning Porcelain

Unusual Requests Welcome

180 Barwon Tce Winchelsea

Ph: 5267 2704 0428 672 704

Where Quality Counts

Antique Repairs

Lunch & Dinner 7 days Kids Play Area

Coffee & Deserts Free Kids Entertainment

(monthly) Like us on Facebook for

regular updates Or call 5267 2046

Take Away meals now available

Civil Celebrant Elizabeth Bennett

A personalized ceremony that makes your special day unique.

Weddings, Renewal of Vows. Naming Ceremonies, Funerals.

Phone: 5267 2181 Mobile: 0407 040 471

Winchelsea Transfer Station

Opening Hours

Monday Closed Tuesday 2pm-4pm Wednesday Closed Thursday 2pm - 4pm Friday Closed Saturday 1.30pm - 3.30pm Sunday 9.30am - 12.30pm

55 Cressy Road, Winchelsea. Accepts household garbage, mixed

commercial & industrial waste, mixed construction & demolition waste.

Accepts recyclable materials. Accepts one recycle bin two waste bins.

Does NOT accept clean fill.

Phone: 5267 2444 13 Main St, Winchelsea, 3241.

The salon wishes to offer high quality and personalised service to all our clients. We use Australian owned and made

De Lorenzo products. Hours:

Sun & Mon: Closed Tues: 9-5

Wed: 9-8 (6-8 by appointment) Thurs: 10-6

Fri: 9-5 Sat: 9-2

Appointments preferred. Hours may vary depending on demand.

For updates and price list

Tuesday September 16, 2014 The Winchelsea Star 17

Position Vacant Editor Winchelsea StarGreat way to be involved in the community Weekly tangible results Working with experienced subeditors Interesting and creative Time required 2-3 hours per week Enquiries to Stewart Mathison 0428 672054 email

WantedAt Barwon Park the garden parterre has been rebuilt and we are looking for help with plants or cuttings of the succulent ECHEVERIA ELEGANS (low growing, pearly teardrop shaped leaf) as a feature of the re-planting design. If anyone can assist, no matter how few I would be delighted to collect. Please phone 52889223 Phyllis Kininmonth

Star ClassifiedsWinchelsea Star classified ads are FREE for personal entries. Please be brief, and be sure to include a

contact name and phone number. One photo may be included if appropriate. The Editor’s decision whether to publish a classified ad request is final.

For SaleExtending Dining Room Table with 4 chairs. Good condition. $80

Jenny Mathison 0409672054

March 2nd 1978.

A tanker became bogged on the Princes Highway opposite the Winchelsea Post Office on Thursday.

The tanker weighing 36 tons was eventually towed clear by a passing low loader weighing 38 tons.

The Shire could do with a lesson in PR as they refused the driver of the tanker assistance in the use of the grader. Apparently they would rather see the

tanker blocking a part of the highway for the rest of the day. Winchelsea Police stopped traffic on the Highway to assist the drivers of the two vehicles to pull the tanker out.

March 16th 1978

BUILDING PERMITS Building permits to the value of $144,850 were issued for the month throughout the Shire. This includes 3 new houses.

March 16th 1978

WHO WHAT WHEN WHEREOur C.U.B reporter got yet another scoop on the phantom joy-rider. Wendy Knuckey left her car in the Main Street last week

and returned to find it parked around the corner. Joy-riding of the 3rd kind by the phantom joy-rider, we believe.

A very enjoyable 12 days was spent at Kennett River by Wendy and Peter Hole and family. The weather was enjoyable until the last few days when it rained. The fishing was not very successful but the experience valuable.

OPENING SOONWinchelsea Mini-Mart

Slippers, Drapery, Moccassins In the old Butcher Shop

Blasts From The Past

Tuesday September 16, 2014The Winchelsea Star18

5234 6585 0417 385 984 For all your septic tank, grease traps

and interceptor pits servicing. Locally owned and operated

Plasterer & Painter

Daryl Hecker

Domestic & Commercial Renovations & Repairs Suspended Ceilings Dustless Sanding New Homes Extensions

Ph 0419 194 799

SEWING MACHINES Repairs & Service

Pat McKay 0419 356 064

2014 FixtureRound 18

Winchelsea vs Inverleigh 2:10 PM / Sat 16 Aug

Last game of the regular season.. bring on the finals !!


Carpet—Steam & Dry Cleaning

Upholstery Tile & Grout Flood Restoration

Winchelsea Bannockburn Taxis

Stan Smith

0429 672 888 or 5267 2888 Wheelchair access 10 seater bus available

Tuesday September 16, 2014 The Winchelsea Star 19

Camp at Spring Dale

Today was the last day before school camp, and I had already packed, but my 2 friends, Alice and Lisa were way behind. They had barely packed. My mum told me to take some warm clothes to camp because we were going to one of the coldest places in Spring Dale. I ran down the hallway and went into the kitchen and grabbed a piece of cold pizza off the bench and ran out the door saying, “Bye Mum!”

I ran to school as fast as I could, hoping that the bus to camp hadn’t gone yet. I finally got there and I saw that the bus was still there. I could see Alice and Lisa getting on the bus with their stuff. Mrs. Smith came over to me and said, “Sadie Hopkins, I knew you would be late! How typical!”

I hopped straight on the bus and sat right next to Lisa. Alice sat behind us, next to one of the

meanest girls in school, Lucy Nelson. She always gossips about people and once she stink bombed the cafeteria!

By the time we got there we saw large spooky cabins, which we were supposed to stay in. The cabin on the right side was for the girls and the one on the left side was for the boys. Alice said that she heard. Mrs. Smith said that this place was haunted and I agreed. At 7.00 we had dinner. After that we walked back to our cabin and went to bed. I was half asleep and suddenly we woke up. We heard footsteps outside our cabin. We ran to the front door, but no one was there. Then I turned around and counted every one. All up we had 20 people in our class 13 boys and 7 girls, but now we only had 6 girls. Lucy Nelson was missing! Just as I worked out that we had lost her, we heard a

horrible scream coming from her in the 2nd room in the cabin. All 6 of us hurried in there. We saw little blue drops of ink on the ground and on the wall it said “if you don’t leave I will kill you! “

Suddenly, I woke up and everything was back to normal and my friends were standing near my bed. I had been screaming in my sleep!

The next day it was time to go home. I can still remember every little detail of that horrible dream!

By Rebekah Price – Grade 5/6

Hi Kids,

I heard lots of singing and music the other night and I think it was coming from the LTC. My friend the platypus said some of you were having a school concert. I hope you all had heaps of fun and enjoyed singing and dancing for your families. I would love to hear from you and then you can tell me about some special things you have been doing, like the concert! So please, send in your pictures, stories, puzzles, jokes etc. and put them in my mailboxes, as they are so empty! Don’t forget they are at the Winchelsea School Office and the IGA supermarket.

Jokes of the WeekQ: What did the baby corn say to its mom? A: Where is pop corn? Q: What is green and sings? A: Elvis Parsley

Q: Why did the banana go to the doctor? A: Because it wasn’t peeling well!

Bunyips CaveWinchelsea Primary SchoolWriters of the weekMy dog is Boozer. My dog died because he was in the ground.

Brodie Howarth - Prep

CINQUAIN POEM by Vedasara Farmer - Grade 1/2

Bear Furry, scary Fast, attack, kill The bear attacks animals Dangerous

LIMERICK POEM by Karly Dawes - Grade 5/6

There once was a green frog He got lost in the thick fog One night he became free Then climbed up a tree To find a buzzing bee

A Dog by Jordi Jacques - Grade 3/4

I see the dog’s tail swinging Her hair is soft Macey runs really fast She smells a tasty bowl of dog biscuits It would be good to be a dog.

Inside Macey’s mouth there is sharp teeth Macey’s mouth is really smooth Macey’s bark is really loud Macey can smell something yuck Macey is a good dog.

Her nose is really hairy Her nose is really hard When you hear her footsteps, they go click, click, click. Macey smells beautiful Being a dog must be hard.

Macey has long legs Macey is so silky With Macey’s long legs, Macey can walk fast Macey smells really good I want to be a dog.

Macey has good long ears Macey’s hair is so prickly Macey likes crying a lot Macey is the most beautiful dog that ever lived Macey is the best dog ever!

Tuesday September 16, 2014The Winchelsea Star20

fast@showers Splashbacks and Mirrors

10mm Frameless from $350 Glass Kitchen Splashbacks

from $199 m2 All available in 48 hours

Winchelsea & Geelong West

Sue 0417 011 952 Dave 0400 200 073

The Winchelsea

Men’s Shed

Open Hours: Tues & wed from 9:30am Thurs from 12:30pm Every 2nd Sat from 9:3am

at 51 Hesse Street New members welcome

For more details ring: John Bader (co-ordinator)

5267 3030 Colin Mayman (Treasurer)

5267 2164 David Kellas (Secretary)

5266 1549

TheBooks Pty Ltd Registered Tax Agent


Tax Returns: Individual, Business, & SMSF

Financial Statements GST & BAS Returns MYOB & Quickbooks

Bookkeeping Services


Ph: 0481 324 802 E:

Winchelsea Supermarket

Trading Hours Monday to Saturday— 8:30 am to 7:00 pm Sunday— 10 am to 7:00 pm

Ph: 5267 2676 29 Main Street, Winchelsea


Phone OzTrees for professional advice,

569 Warrowie Rd. Colac P: 5233 6280 F: 5233 6393 E: W: Open Monday—Friday 9am—4:30pm

Affordable seedlings—over 200 species Complete plantation service—farm forestry,

shelter, aesthetics Deep ripping & mound ploughing. Rotary

bed forming Our experienced staff will help you select

species for your site conditions and needs Also available—tree planting tools, milk cartons, plastic tree guards & bamboo stakes

SB D A GW OR K S (DPI Licence 9297)


broad acre - small acre spraying - spot spraying vegetable spraying

commercial green houses - orchards


Application of UAN other products

SPREADING Pasture top up

urea – super

LABOUR All farm work Truck driving

Machinery operation Maintenance


Slug baiting Rabbit bait laying

Phone Sandon 0400 169 623


Paper depot rear of elderly citizens rooms Harding Street, Winchelsea



Remember: It’s nearly a sin to put paper in a bin. More fun to give it to the local Lions of Winchelsea— then we can all have a grin

5267 2011 0408 520 606


Tuesday September 16, 2014 The Winchelsea Star 21

The Star Puzzles

© Lovatts Puzzles

Solution page 25

JUNIOR SUDOKUFill in the boxes using the numbers 1 to 4. Each di�erent number must appear:only once in each row going across;only once in each column going up and down; andonly once in each group of four boxes (boxes within the darker lines).

1 44 12

4 2

11 32 14 1

Solution page 25

DID YOU KNOW1. In the course of an average lifetime while sleeping you might eat around 70 assorted insects and 10 spiders or more.

2. Some lipsticks contain fish scales

3. Cat urine glows under a black light

4. Like fingerprints, everyone’s tongue print is different.

5. It is impossible for most people to lick their own elbow (try it

6. A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.

7. In a study of 20,000 ostriches over a period of 80 years no one reported a single case where an ostrich buried its head in the sand, or attempted to do so.

8. The “sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick” is believed to be the toughest tongue twister in the English language.

9. If you sneeze too hard you could fracture a rib.

10. In every episode of Seinfeld there was a Superman somewhere in the picture

Tuesday September 16, 2014The Winchelsea Star22

Theatre of the Winged Unicorn is returning to Barwon Park Mansion this October with their new production, ‘The Woman in White’. Adapted from the 1860 novel by Wilkie Collins, ‘The Woman in White’ is one of the first examples of detective fiction.

Theatre of the Winged Unicorn is based in the village of Ceres, and has been performing at the Ceres Temperance Hall for over 20 years. More recently they have joined forces with the National Trust to bring their productions to Winchelsea.

Performed by six experienced young actors, including Winged Unicorn veterans Ben Mitchell, Madelaine Field, Julie Fryman and Hannah Verspaandonk, ‘The Woman in White’ is the story of the Fairlie sisters of Limmeridge House.

Sweet, rich Laura Fairlie is engaged to be married to the awful, cruel Sir

Percival Glyde. But Sir Percival has an important secret. Laura’s sister, Marian, and Laura’s true love, drawing teacher Walter Hartright, set about to discover the secret; to save Laura from a life of misery. Sir Percival is aided by his mysterious friends, the ruthless and suspicious Count and Countess Fosco.

The production features two actors new to the company: Simon Finch as the dreadful Sir Percival Glyde, and Matt Biscombe as the hero, Walter Hartright.

Adapted from Collins’ novel by director Amelia McBride Baker, ‘The Woman in White’ is performed in period costume in the imposing house and grounds of Barwon Park Mansion. Audience members will truly be

transported back to 1860!

Wilkie Collins was a close friend of Charles Dickens, and the two men travelled extensively in Europe together. They wrote and produced plays together, and cast themselves in as performers as well. Collins’ younger brother, Charles Collins, married Dickens’ daughter, Kate.

Wilkie Collins didn’t believe in marriage, nor did he believe in monogamy – at one point he was running two households, with two partners, two sets of children, and two sets of bills! He sold stories to magazines to keep

everyone fed and watered. ‘The Woman in White’ was one such story; it appeared in serial form over many months. There were queues round the blog every week, with people keen for the next installment!

‘The Woman in White’ plays at Barwon Park Mansion on Saturday October the 4th at 8pm, and Sunday October the 5th at 2pm. All tickets cost $35, which includes entry to the mansion before the performance.

The play also appears at the Ceres Temperance Hall on the following dates:

October 3rd, 10th, 11th and 17th at 8pm, Oct 12th at 2pm, and Oct 18th at 5pm.

Bookings can be made online at or by calling Heather on 52 411 900.

The Woman in White At Barwon Park

Hannah Verspaandonk as Anne Catherick

Ben Mitchell and Julie Fryman as the Count and Countess Fosco

Tuesday September 16, 2014 The Winchelsea Star 23

Winchelsea Golf ClubLadiesWednesday and the team of Ivy Stephenson, Deb Drayton,Michael hedger and Neil Hickman played in the Ocean grove mixed Ambrose and came second. They missed out on the big prize by just 1 point, well done team.

Elizabeth Alston and Una Ellis played in the Sandscrape championships on Tuesday and Wednesday at Inverleigh and had a great time although no trophies.

MenM. Howard trophy day1st P Ovens (34) 44pt 2nd C Currington (27) 38pt 3rd D Baker (28) 35 pt 4th R Edwards (13) 35 pt golden hole D Mayall NTP S Reyland


1st C Currington 46-13 1/2 = 32 1/2 2nd B Perry 39 5 34 3rd G Morgan 48 13 35 NTP B Perry

Next weekWinchelsea trading day par event

TennisWinchelsea Tennis Club are keen to expand their Club.Anyone interested in participating at any level, or parents interested in starting up some junior tennis . please phone Tracey 52672726 or Sue 52672345.

B Grade Runners Up in GDFNL Grand FinalAfter a week off our B Grade team came into the Grand Final up against Bell Post Hill, who had knocked out top placed Werribee by two goals to earn a spot in the Grand Final. Having beaten Bell Post Hill a couple of weeks ago by fifteen goals we knew that we could do it. Unfortunately Grand Finals are hard to win and this one wasn’t to be ours. Bell Post Hill came out very strong in the first quarter fighting for every ball and making good use of it once they turned it over. The freedom of feeds into the circle gave their tall target goal shooter plenty of opportunities and getting her first couple of goals in she gained significant confidence for the rest of the game. At quarter time Bell Post Hill led 11 to 9.

We made a couple of positional changes in the second, both at the break and during an injury time. This made little difference to the score line as we continued to lose possession of the ball through both the pressure of Bell Post Hill defence and the mistakes of our team. Belinda Czerniawski held exceptionally well in our goal circle and finished off once she received the ball. Unfortunately we just couldn’t get enough feeds into her to make an impact on Bell Post Hill. They once again managed to score fairly easily and if turnovers did occur it was only to regain the possession that we had lost. Bell Post Hill added another three goals to their lead and we went into half time down by 6.

The third quarter changes were similar to our previous weeks where some fresh legs were brought in to create some extra drive in the attacking end. Unfortunately some unforced errors and again Bell Post Hill’s defence forced us to turn over the ball. The continued to gain confidence in

attack and moved the ball with patience and just waited for their attackers to open up. Bell Post Hill led 34 to 25 at three quarter time. We tried a few different options in the last quarter to try and peg Bell Post Hill back but nothing really seemed to make an impact and Bell Post Hill took the game 45 to 34.

Congratulations to the B Grade team who along with the Under 16 Football were the only teams to make a Grand Final in 2014. Although we couldn’t bring home the cup the team is an extremely strong one who only lost four games for the season. With a diverse range of players, boasting both youth and experience we know that they have plenty more to give our club and success will find them if they work hard enough. We hope that the girls stick together, stay with the club and work hard towards the next year.

2014 Vote Count ResultsSunday 14 September we hosted our Annual Junior and Senior Club Vote Count and Junior Presentation in Community Bank Room. Congratulations to all players that were awarded. Below are the Best and Fairest Winners for our divisions.

A Grade Best & Fairest: Janelle Birch A Grade Runner Up: Alisha Adams

B Grade Best & Fairest: Karley Honner B Grade Runner Up: Monique Bulte

C Grade Best & Fairest: Lillian Kent C Grade Runner Up: Millie King

D Grade Best & Fairest: Hollie McFarlane D Grade Runner Up: Kelly Rochford

15 & Under Best & Fairest: Connie Royal 15 & Under Runner Up: Chloe Miller

13 & Under Best & Fairest: Iiesha Brown 13 & Under Runner UP: Georgia Glynn

Netball News

Tuesday September 16, 2014The Winchelsea Star24

Dear editor,

WOW...I open the whichelsea star and immediately see something that makes my heart sing. I have worked with people and their dogs for thirty years. There is such a huge need for expanded awareness on all topics related to dogs... Lucky Spud...His family love him and include him in their life, their life is enhanced because of this. Spud I hope you have started something very precious for your canine mates. Our dogs give us unconditional love , they are more special than we could ever know.

Thanks Spud.....

(Name supplied)

Dear Editor

I would like to thank Winch House and the Surf Coast Shire for organising the

Small Business Seminars held at Winch House. The presentations from Belinda Lyle of ‘Patrick Rowan and Associates’ and Shannon Stevenson of ‘Moomedia’ was both interesting and informative. It was a pity that there were only two participants other than staff members of the Surf Coast Shire.

I believe even if the business owners feel that there would be nothing to learn or what role such as ‘Media Releases’ have in their business or organisation, it would seem that such a tool can greatly increase interest in events and the associated business. Another important aspect that was discussed was the role of Social Media and the links to a Web page or site.

Yours sincerely Margaret Forbes-Biram (Mrs)

The Annual Good Neighbour Award will be presented at the NHW-Schools Day on Monday 27th October 2014. Please take the time to recognize those who help us.

Nominate a person or persons who you consider to be a “Good Neighbour”.

The definition is very wide and can include anyone who lives or works in Winchelsea and district.

It may be someone who has helped you, helped someone else you know of, or performed community work.

Recognise their efforts and fill out and submit the nomination form.

Nominations must be received by the Secretary, Beryl Read, 40 Main St. Winchelsea. 3241 by 20th October 2014.

The Annual Good Neighbour Award will be presented at the NHW-Schools Day on Monday 27th

October 2014. Please take the time to recognize those who help us.Nominate a person or persons who you consider to be a “Good Neighbour”.The definition is verywide and can include anyone who lives or works in Winchelsea and district.It may be someone who has helped you, helped someone else you know of, or performed communitywork. Recognise their efforts and fill out and submit the nomination form. Nominations must be received by the Secretary, Beryl Read, 40 Main St. Winchelsea. 3241by 20th October 2014.


Name of person nominated……………………………………………………………………………….

Address of person nominated……………………………………………………………………………..

..............................................................................................Reason for Nomination - Please make a short note outlining your reasons for nominating this person, attach it to this form and send to the Secretary of Winchelsea NHW as above.

Name of Nominee……………………………………………………………………………………………….

Signature of Nominee………………………………………………………………………………………….

Contact details of Nominee ………………………………………………………………………………..


The Annual Good Neighbour Award

Letters to the Editor

EditorWantedWe are searching for the next Editor of the Winchelsea Star. A great way to be involved in the community. Weekly tangible results. Working with experienced subeditors. Interesting and creative. Time required 2-3 hours per week. Enquiries to Stewart Mathison 0428 672054 email

Tuesday September 16, 2014 The Winchelsea Star 25

Solution from page 21

lic. 49546


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plumbing & gas

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Water Tanks New HomesRenovations ExcavationHot Water Service ChangeoversMotorised Sewer CleaningSolar Hot WaterGeneral Plumbing

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3 2 1 41 4 2 32 3 4 14 1 3 2

School Holiday fun at the Deans Marsh MarketFollowing up from a successful festival back in March this year, the Deans Marsh community are gearing up for a September community market.The market is being held during the upcoming September school holidays and visitors can enjoy a wide selection of art and craft stalls, local wine & produce, kids activities while listening to local tunes from a range of great local musicians.

Market organisers, the Deans Marsh Community Cottage, are excited to show-off what the region has to offer, along with plenty of unique stalls, each market will be a little different!

This market will feature two kid’s drama workshops for 3 - 13 year olds. The

drama teacher Heidi loves to focus on bringing out the passion of performing in the children she teaches. The workshops will include drama games, script working, improvising with props, movement and voice projection, concluding with a small performance.

Other kid’s activities will include face painting, craft activities, games and a treasure hunt.

Bring your family & friends, enjoy the sunshine and colourful atmosphere, there is something for everyone.

The market will take place on the Deans Marsh reserve on Sunday 28 September from 9am – 2pm.

Market DetailsSunday 28 September 2014 9am – 2pm 10 Pennyroyal Valley Rd, Deans Marsh 03 5236 3388

Tuesday September 16, 2014The Winchelsea Star26

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Use this space to tell your readers about your business, product, service, or event. This text should tell the reader what your offer can do for them.


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Tuesday September 16, 2014 The Winchelsea Star 27

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Tuesday September 16, 2014The Winchelsea Star28

When did you start trading?

I started trading early May this year after almost ten years working in Landcare. Prior to that I owned a commercial cleaning business with my wife servicing large retail clients, car parks and schools. Before moving to this area I was involved in farming and woolclassing

Why did you decide to start your business?

To have more independence and control over my life. I always like to learn something new and this provides many opportunities

Why did you choose to run your business in Winchelsea?

It is where we have lived for the last eight years and is well located to my client base and other services

What are some of challenges you encountered?

Early this year there was some illness and a couple of deaths in my family which all came at once and were major setbacks. The positive aspect of this was that it forced me to slow down, develop my skills and upgrade my equipment in a fairly orderly fashion

What do you wish you had known before you started?

Why I hadn’t woke up and done this sooner.

What type of education helped you to open/run/manage your business?

I already had plenty of life experience so had a fair idea of what I was getting into. As I have bought a well recognised franchise there has been some good initial training to get started and I am able to call on the vast knowledge within the organization. In addition I have completed some extra training to develop specialized skills and gain industry certification. I will continue to do this to keep up with new developments.

How many employees do you have?

Currently I am an owner operator working by myself but there are plenty of other franchisees in the organization I can call on for backup or to handle jobs outside my normal services

Describe a typical day in your business?

Thankfully there is no such thing. Every day is different and can offer new challenges or opportunities. A lot of my work is in family homes and rental properties plus some commercial premises. I specialize in restoring carpets using modern, powerful equipment with minimal cleaning solutions. Dry cleaning of carpet is offered where it is appropriate.

In addition I clean upholstery, fabric and leather as well as cleaning ceramic tiles and grout. I like meeting new people as well as having some flexibility, especially if it involves spending some extra time with my grandkids.

Best thing about Winchelsea?

I have had a lot of support and encouragement from local people which I really appreciate. Community spirit and can do attitude to get things done here. We are well located to lots of services. There is a strong volunteer ethic in the town and some truly amazing people here that are great role models

One thing you would change in Winchelsea?

A better laid out retail and visitor precinct that is more accessible, safer, user friendly and makes better use of the river area. Currently things are fragmented and likely to be more complicated with the dual road through town

Local Business Profile Neil McInnes Jim’s Carpet Cleaning

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