why do you want culture driving your sports brand 05.10.13

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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Why do you want


Driving your sports brand?


This isn’t just about Nike

although it could be

Nike is by far the market leader in running shoes (+ a bunch of other categories)

And was the all-out winner for the most recognized brand during the 2012 Summer Olympics

But Nike WASN’T an official sponsor

Yet, by embracing the idea of ‘London everywhere’ Nike surpassed the official sponsor Adidas in impressions and more importantly – being remembered

Being remembered isn’t easy – but it’s critical in the highly competitive world of sports

… and it’s the only way to become remarkable

Let the world’s MOST INNOVATE COMPANY (FastCompany 2013)

& a few others teach you how to embrace culture – and become remarkable

#1 Understand your audience

This may seem STRAIGHT FORWARD…but this is where most brands go off the rails

Most people – about 99.8% of people will never become a professional athlete

Yet, most sports brand talk to their audience as if they were

SPEAK to and with your audience on their level

speak TO and with your audience on their level

Use powerful images that reflect your audience

speak to and WITH your audience on their level

& let your audience be a part of your story – even if it’s during the Super Bowl

#2 Always…ALWAYS have an emotional tie

Buy a pair…GIVE a pair

TOMS has enjoyed expediential growth thanks in large part to their unusual philosophy

If emotions make a story stick…then to be REMEMBERED, you need an emotional story

When emotions are triggered, your brain is flooded with dopamine (the stuff that makes us feel)

IT’S LIKE YODA SAID: Dopamine leads to feeling, feeling leads to remembering, remembering leads to being Remarkable

#3 Go beyond your product

Remember when all Red Bull was known for was giving people WINGS?

Now, visiting the Red Bull site, it’s extremely hard to even tell what they sell – OTHER THAN AWESOME (or extreme sports…take your pic)

They’ve full HEARTEDLY embrace the idea that every company needs to be a media company

Red Bull gave people a reason to say YES to the brand, while they may have initial said no to the product

Red Bull gave people a reason to say YES to the brand, while they may have initial said no to the product

Why should I like your brand? How do fit with my life? Who else likes you?

#4 Let others sell for you

There is a classic advertising line: Brands don’t sell products, advertisements do!

That’s not 100% accurate

It should say…Brands don’t sell products, PEOPLE do! (and I don’t mean sales people)

In an always connect world, people are just a tweet / update / pin…away from asking their friends about a possible purchase

How are your ads going to compete with that?

They’re NOT

But if you have people going out of their way to tell others about our product – you WIN! (winning = sales)

Are you going snowboarding? Then you gotta check out Burton

For years, Burton has been the dominate player in the snowboard industry. They have good product placement, strong on hill representation and have developed programs to introduce people to snowboarding & BURTON

But all that would mean bull flop if local riders didn’t say “hey, you really SHOULD check out Burton.”

All Together NOW

#1 Understand your audience

#1 Understand your audience

#2 Always…ALWAYS have an emotional tie

#1 Understand your audience

#2 Always…ALWAYS have an emotional tie

#3 Go beyond your product

#1 Understand your audience

#2 Always…ALWAYS have an emotional tie

#3 Go beyond your product

#4 Let others sell for you



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