what is your pricing saying about you?

Post on 21-Jan-2018






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Are you

as cheap

as chips





Or do you

hit the

higher end

of the

market and



with value?

For most of us we hit the pricing bracket somewhere in the middle.

Hopefully it doesn’t mean that we’re vanilla, average or just like everyone else?

Whether we are aware of it or not our pricing is a marketing tool that lets our prospects think they know what they are going to get from us!

Scary hey?!

The truth is…

you could be cheap as chips

but still offering incredible value.

You could be super expensive and

not deliver on value at all!

People will look at your prices and make an instant evaluation.

We live in a designer mentality where most people associate high price with desirability and value.

How do you know if you’re trapped

in the

WRONG Pricing Strategy?

If you can relate to any of these

following statements on the

next few slides then it’s time for

a change my friend!

1. Your income doesn’t match the work and the skills you offer to the world?

2. Your customers call your work a ‘bargain’ or ‘cheap’?

3. You have little left after covering your costs with your work?

4. You work with a low ‘hourly ‘ rate?

5. You feel your prices are ‘fair’ or ‘acceptable’?

6. You work for free for your customers and don’t even charge them on occasions?

7. You have hit an income plateau?

8. You feel overwhelmed and depleted when thinking about raising your prices?

9. Your Prices haven’t changed significantly for 12 months?

10. You feel uncomfortable asking customers for money?

11. You don’t seem to have enough to spend on you or your family and feel guilty when you do?

12. You allow your customers to barter with you on your prices?

13. You swap your services with others and no payment is exchanged?

14. You’re afraid to raise your prices in case your customers won’t pay or call you out for being money-grabbing?

15. You over deliver to clients regardless of the cost to your business?

You can do so much more with

yourbusiness and


life with a

healthy pricing strategy.

I’ve created an Action Plan

that takes you through the

7 Steps to Pricing Heaven.

In other words…learn to charge what you’re worth without being

out of integrity.

In just

30 minutes

you will be in a position to view your prices very

differently and

Make Positive Changes For YOU & Your Customers.


Make 2016 your best year yet and experience the joy & possibilities of effective pricing that generates a sustainable income.

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