what is journey mapping?

Post on 12-Nov-2014






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Are you looking for a plain-English explanation of what journey maps are, what they can do for your business, and for a simple overview of how to make them? This presentation by Storyminers (pioneers in the customer experience and service design business since 2002) you will get a clear definition, a description of the business benefits, valuable best practices, examples, and a dose of inspiration. Journey Maps are a great way to get everyone on the same page when it comes to figuring out which improvements to make in a customer or employee experience--then they help you get started and make progress. Mike Wittenstein got his start at customer experience, service, and adaptive enterprise design at IBM as their eVisionary. Since then, he's helped hundreds of leadership teams in dozens of countries improve their own brand experiences. Mike is based in Atlanta and travels globally as a consultant, designer, and speaker. +1 770.425.9830


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what is journey mapping?definition + benefits + best practices + examples + inspiration

© 2014 Storyminers, Inc.

journey maps show you your customers’ experience

then, they help you make it better

before you build a map, you have to learn about your customers and employees

so, go undercover…

see what it’s like to shop your business on-line

see what it’s like to shop your business by phone

see what it’s like to shop your business in-person

see what it’s like to shop your business with a mobile device

see your business like your customers see it

capture what you see, feel, and think in a notebook

you might be surprised at how your ideas grow!

jot down what makes customers happy,

and what your brand does that makes them laugh

capture what gives rise to frustration…

or confusion

write it down—even when the business does something that makes people angry

then, plot what happens at each touch point

a touch point is a place in time where something important happens—like being greeted at a bank or

getting seated at a restaurant or checking out of a store

wrap up

but, with each pass…

things will get clearer

sticky notes are great—but be sure to tape them down before you roll them up

storyboards supply essential details; you don’t have to be an artist to succeed!

and clearer!

girl with two emotions

no two maps are the same— because no two companies are the same

sometimes, a conceptual map is a good starting point

when you have hundreds of touch points to manage, switch from paper and spreadsheets to software

for example, www.TouchpointDashboard.com, lets you see any combination of touchpoints

and channels or attributes

journey maps do several things at once

understand customers’ + employees’

needs better

engage employees

streamline service delivery

delight customers

prioritize projects

improve top and bottom

linesreduce effort

ok, let’s get started

start with one type of customer

wrap up

1. create their persona

personas describe your key customer types so that designers, planners, and everyone else can keep real

people clearly in mind as they improve the experience

2. plot their persona (and others they work with) on a stakeholder map

a stakeholder map clarifies the internal promises that run the business and maintain the brand

wrap up

3. use the sticky notes from your ‘undercover’ work to designate stages

at storyminers, we use five stages: aware | compare | buy | use | share

wrap up

3. use the sticky notes from your ‘undercover’ work to designate stages

when you feel ready, add touch points that represent the ideal experience!

this is what your organization will build to differentiate itself and

make your brand experience better!

wrap up

4. add these details to your map

wrap up

when your colleagues ‘see’ the experience, they’ll begin to believe it’s possible!

that’s when it gets really interesting

5. print, share, test, revise, measure

use your journey maps everywhere and all the time

post them on the wall talk about them at meetings

keep them up-to-date

don’t be afraid to add some color. socialize new ideas on your journey maps.

* the secret to journey maps is that they let others align their efforts to a common purpose.

journey maps matter… because customer experience matters

everything your brand does for customers - everything your business processes do to them

= how the experience makes them feel

customer experience defined

it’s your turn! journey maps will give you a new perspective.

have fun ;-)

http://www.pinterest.com/storyminers/journey-map-examples/ http://www.pinterest.com/storyminers/service-design/


very helpful resources

Mike is a global customer experience and service designer who likes to roll up his sleeves and help do the work that makes retailers and service providers better. • 25+ years, 25+ countries, 4 languages • 400+ companies, $1.5B+ influenced In addition to design and consulting work, mike also speaks, facilitates, and mentors.

mike@MikeWittenstein.com | +1 770.425.9830 | @MikeWittenstein | http://www.MikeWittenstein.com

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