
Post on 19-Mar-2016






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Crash Diets: The Goods and Bads About It

Losing weight in a few days does seem to be a tempting idea to numerous weight loss aspirants,

and this makes thousands to turn to crash diets. But, are they safe enough for everyone to

follow? If you want to clear the fog about crash diets and learn the true facts about it.

Facts About Crash Diets

Crash diets are published in books, written about in magazines and promoted on the Internet.

Most crash diets involve eating very low-calorie portions of one food or food group every day

for a period of several weeks. Crash diets often promise drastic weight loss and recommend

strange food combinations to curb the appetite and burn fat. Because they are so low in calories,

you may lose weight while following a crash diet, but gain it all back when you start eating

normally again.

Types of Crash Diets

Just because a diet is well-known, it doesn't mean the diet is reputable, healthy or recommended

by doctors. The cabbage soup diet and the Atkins diet are both considered crash diets, even

though they have been prominently featured in books and magazines. The cabbage soup diet

involves eating a homemade cabbage soup mixture for a week to lose weight, while the

grapefruit diet, recommend eating grapefruit for every meal. Although these diets may sound

safe, cutting out food groups or eating the same food every day does not provide a varied,

nutritious diet.


1. Premise o The premise of the banana diet is that by consuming only room temperature water

and fresh, raw bananas, the metabolism will be boosted, creating lasting weight

loss without requiring any other dieting or exercise. Dieters can eat as many

bananas as they like during breakfast and are encouraged to eat until they feel full.


o During lunch and dinner, dieters are encouraged to eat anything they like, but they

must stop eating before 8 p.m. The only meal that requires a strict eating guideline

is breakfast, while all other meals and snacks are flexible. Dieters are encouraged

to eat sensibly, but not restrict what they eat any more than normal.



o The banana diet only recommends exercise if the dieter wants to participate.

Because the banana diet is not specifically restricting calories, exercise may be

helpful to boost the calorie burn necessary for adequate, healthy weight loss. For a

healthy level of weight loss, approximately 30 minutes of moderate exercise is

recommended between three and five times per week.


1. Avoid Empty Calories o One of the biggest tips for a crash diet is to stop the consumption of empty

calories. These come in the form of soda pop, alcohol, fruit juices and other high-

calorie drinks. Cutting out unnecessary drinks is the first step to cutting out empty

calories. Reach for water instead, and drink up to eight glasses per day.

Exercise Every Day

o When you are on a crash diet, you should exercise as much as possible. An hour a

day of physical exercise will help push your weight loss fast, plus it can make you

feel energized. Just be careful not to overdo it, and stop if you feel sick, dizzy or



Body Cleanse

o A body cleanse can help achieve a weight-loss goal quickly. Consider the

lemonade detox plan, which consists of juice from a fresh lemon, Grade B organic

maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water. This drink is consumed all day long, and

is designed to flush built-up toxins from the body. You can expect to lose a pound

a day when you follow the lemonade detox diet.

Eat Very Little

o This seems like an obvious suggestion, but with a crash diet, the less you eat, the

better. Choose foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans.

Organic foods are the best bet for a crash diet. Green, leafy vegetables, such as

broccoli, lettuce and spinach are best for a crash diet. These foods will also aid in

digestion, so that you are eliminating on a regular basis.

Use Caution

o A crash diet plan should only be followed for a few days in order to reach your

goal. Never follow a crash diet for weeks or months at a time, as you can damage

your metabolism as well as harm your health. Talk to your doctor or nutritionist to

find a healthy weight loss plan to keep you at your goal weight after your crash



Now that you have known quite a great deal about crash diets, you can weigh its pros and cons before

pursuing it.

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