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Post on 01-Jun-2015



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RETIN-A MICRO Page 1 of 1

ul r C()ffid log lIooRET'N-A MICRO'" flir:ifJ'kinJ'-"~ mi" 0;04%/0:196

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Troubled by acne? You're not alone. Acne is the most common skin

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pimples from forming. Whether you're looking for acne facts or you've

already started treatment, we have information that can help. Click on the

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• Dryness, redness or peeling may occur during the first weeks of treatment. To prevent aggravating the skin. protect it from sun. tanning lights. extreme wind or cold and harsh skincare products. Use of sunscreen is recommended.

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©2003-2006 OrthoNeutrogena, a division of Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Capitalized product names are tradema~ks of OrthoNeutrogena

This site intended for U.S. residents only. Site last updated: 15 Noyember 2006 3116/2007

LEVITRA ED medication at LEVITRA Page 1 of2

/' Patient Information Important Sa ely Info Health Care


ED &' rg· Cholesterol

ED & 9 Blood Pressu

&, .abotes

Ta' king to Your Doctor

About L.EVlTRA

Information for partnern

Spec! IOffe

.Take the ED AllVafeness Wz

Important Safety and Dosing Information

LEVITRA is a prescription medicine that is used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). Men taking

nitrate drugs, often used to control chest pain (also known as angina), should not take LEVITRA.

Such combinations could cause blood pressure to drop to an unsafe level.

AS with all ED drugs, there is a rare risk of an erection lasting longer than four hours. To avoid

long-term injury, seek immediate medical attention. LEVITRA does not protect against sexually

transmitted diseases. In rare instances, men taking PDES inhibitors (oral erectile dysfunction

med icine, includi ng LEVITRA) reported a sudden decrease or loss of vision in one or both eyes. It

is not possible to determine whether these events are related directly to these medicines or to

other factors. If you experience sudden decrease or loss of vision, stop taking PDES inhibitors,

including LEVITRA, and call a doctor right away.

DiscuSS your medical conditions, including heart problems, and medications, including alpha

blockers prescribed for prostate problems or high blood pressure, with your doctor to ensure

LEVITRA is right for you and that you are healthy enough for sexual activity.

The starting dose of LEVITRA is 10 mg taken no more than once per day. Your doctor will decide

the dose that is right for you. In patients taking alpha blockers, your doctor may start you on a

lower dose of LEVITRA. In patients taking certain medications such as ritonavir, indinavir,

ketoconazole, itraconazole, and erythromycin, lower doses of LEVITRA are recommended, and

time between doses of LEVITRA may need to be extended.

In clinical trials, the most commonly reported side effects were headache, flushing, and stuffy or

runny nose. LEVITRA is available in 2.S-mg, S-mg, 10-mg, and 20-mg tablets.

http://WWVv'.levitra.comJ?banner_s=33321723&rotatioll_s=13255332 3116/2007

Myths and Facts of MS: Page 1 of 4

B Myths and Facts of MS

Real People, Real Stories

Heal from Brad {TId/VIti/wi resulrs may var}.

Don't believe you he,ll about MS

There are a lot of fOlsCOnCeptions aboul multiple sclerosis (MS). Take a look at this list of 10 myths about MS and see if you've heard any of them before-then take u lillie tIme 10 get the real "tory in the fact scellon included below each myth.

MYTH # I: All MS treatments are the same

The fact is, although MS therapies Illay secm similar. thcre arc some important difference" you should be aware of.

The most common treatment options are the beta interferons (BETASERON, Rebi(";, and Avonex®) and glatiramer acetale (Copawne@). Of these, the interferon beta therapies are the most frequently prescnbed. There are imponalll distinctions among them, sueh as:

• How oftenlhey are injected l-4

• How e()lIlfl r1abk they are to injeelS.6

• Th 'Ike of the needle used to inject 1-4

• The need for refrigeralion 1·4

• The support available

BETASERON )S also the only high-dose, high-freqnency interferon beta FDA-approved for use 'lIthe tug.: of relap"ing MS and is ,hnwn to delay the progression of clinically definLle MS (CDMS) when used frOin the fllst even sugge.stil·e of MS 2 A

MYTH # 2: Strong, elfective therapies are hard to tolerate

The faci is. strong Iherapies like BETASERON can be welilolerated. Ovel the years. we've learned thaI there are stcps you can lake L help reduce common side effects. For example, gradually increasing the dose (called titration) can help you adjust to Iherapy2 And many people lind 0Ier-tI1e­counter pain relievers often lessen nu-Iike symptoms 2 Your heallhcare leam and BETA Nurse can give you olher ways to help manage L1l1y side effects you may have.

BETASERON is well tolerated by people living With MS. In the BENEFIT Study. 93% ofpcople living with MS receiving BETASE1{ON completed the ~tudy, a rail' similar Lo thaL of people nOltaking anYlhing. And 96% of all people who completed the study chose LO ontinue wllh BETASERON as pan of a 3D-year follow up analysis7

It helps thai all people taking BETASERON have access 10 BETA Nurses-any tIme, day or night. The.'c MS-trained nurses even prOVIde one-on­one Injeclion training in your home'" or In your healthcare team's office.

MYTH # 3: A few relapses per year is a normal part of MS

ThefaC/ is. if you're having several relapses a year. your current treatmenl might noL be working for you. And if that's the case, you should consider doing something about it. Talk to your healtheare team. Many people living with MS have sucn:"fully switched therapies ",ilb positi lJ resulh.

MYTH # 4: I'm already on treatment-J should just stay with it

The fau is. we learn more about MS Iherapies every day. The Ireatment you began with may not be Ihe right choice for you now. [f you are haVIng frequent relapses, Or if you're flnding thaL your normal aCLivities are becoming more difficult. you should talk to your healtheare professional about finding a better. more effecli ve MS Ireatment Lhal's right for you.

BETASERON, lhc most extensively "udied MS medication available. is constantly being researched. SClenllst> are also lesling new MS therapies

http://betaseron,comJpatients/u nderstand ing_ms/myths.j sp 4/1412009

Myths and Facts of MS: Page 3 of 4

Myths and Facts of MS: Page 2 of 4

with promiSing resulls.

MYTH # 5: I feel fine, so there's no reason to starl MS treatment

The./i/cr is. MS can be deceiving. Not long ago. delaying therapy was consider d 'LCC'I la ok hy many expclb-bulllOW "'e know tlial ~crimh

damage can happen very early. MS doesn'l wait, and neilher should you.

A rcecnt study showed that MS can eause over 3 times more d'i111agc in the first year than in years 5 to 108 In another study, 8Y,} of pc ric who II ad one episoLle ofMS dewlopcd L'linically definite MS (CDMS) withIn 2 ye;lr.> when the.. fJ left UllI 3l~ 7 So wlul(' ynll rnay nOl feel symptoms, Ihis early damage can affecl memory and infol111ation processing-even wor:.c, It may b~ irre\crsibJe. Remember, bcing Ir,-~ ,'1 sy,nptoms doesn't mean you're free of MS. F.\l:ry mUIl1ent you delay effective treatment is a nomen[ you RIllY never get back.

A reeenl sludy of people who have experIenced a firsl MS e\enl has shown Ihat when used early, BETASERON can signifieanlly delay progression to a second MS tlare-up 7.9

MYTH # 6: MS aITects everyone the same way so you should treat it the same way, too

Thefacr is, MS is unprediclable. After you've had a firsl MS event, there is no way to tell when relapses mighl occur or how severe the <;:ff.:cts might be,

While scientists continue to e:'k answers. there are f~Cls you can bc sure of-like the importance of starling treatment as soon as rossible.. ' Thi, way you ean start slowing down MS before it begins interfering wilh your life.

Not every person hying with MS is the same and there are ilnportalll differences bel ween MS Lrealmenls (see Myth # I). Some treatments Will tit i.nto your life beller than others. and It'S worth taKing some time [0 look elosely at all of [hem.

MYTH # 7: I should deal with MS alone

ThefaCI is, a goud support syslem can Inake a real differenee whcn you're dealing with MS. People like your heallh~are team. family, and fr,it'nds arc your importanl fir~! line of sUppOJ1..

Another valuable source of support is Ihe BETA PLUS Peer MenlOI' Program. Thi;: Pt;cr MentOJ.'s are people who are eurrenlly lukin" 8 :r SERON and can share witb you tll.:ir own experiences wllh MS and how tbey manage. pe-aking wilh someone el c who truly under.';[ands \Vhat you arc gl iug through can really help. Peer Mentors are available to you by visiling ~ "" \ '_lJetll!,er '1l".j,rn/lTh!nl -r or call1llg 1-800-788- I·Hi7.

MYTH # 8: All injectable MS therapies are painful

ThefaC/ is, some people report pain while olbers do nol. Some therapic, may cause less injeetion discomfort tban others. Only BETASERON has the thinnest needle In MS. And in a study. people laking BETASERON reportcd that alnlost 86'/0 of their injections were pam-free an hour after jnjection 9

In another study, people laking BETASERON reponed 4 times more pain-free injections [han those laking Rebif ilnnlcdrately after mJection 5

MYTH # 9: All MS support programs are the same

The facl is, support programs differ in the level of services they offer. The BrTAI'LUS '" program. brought to you by BF.TASERON, is the only suppon program thaI a. signs an MS-traincd BETA Nursc to every person. So you'll have access to an MS-lrained nursc any tllne, day or night.

From one-on-one injection training i]1 your home" or healthc<lfe team's office, ,t phone calls Ju;;t to check in, your BETA Nurse WIll ;I\ways be there for you, ThaI's part of the Bayer MS pledge 10 every person taking i3ETASERON, and a big reason why people liVing wilh MS rated BETAPLUS the # I support progra1111n MS. t

BETAPLUS also offers you a personal Peer Mentor for gllid;lm:e and support. Access Specialist. to help with insurancc issues, as well as educational webcasts.

MYTH # to: There are MS therapies without side ellects

Thefaci is, every injectable lherapy has ,ome side effects and MS therapy is no different. Knowing more aboutlhe pOSSible side effects of each MS therapy can help you choose the therapy thaI's rlght for you

[n one study, people taking BETASERON had 20% fewer injecIJon-site reactions than those taking Copaxone. In the sanle study, more people taking Bf.TASERON completcd the study than those taking Copaxone9

'vlild injectlon-sile rcactions. such as redness or ",,,,,,elling, usually improve over time, while others require inunediale allenlJon. Talk to your healthcare team before you ,Ian therapy so you can discuss your options.

Ru-like symptoms are another lype of side effect assOCiated with MS Iherapy. With BETASERON, these symploms are typlcaily mIld and there's evidenoe t'hey decrease over time 2 In the study clIed above, there was a higher incidence of nu-like symptoms with BETASERON; however these 4/1412009

Myths and Facts of MS: Page 3 of 4

symptoms decreased markedly ufter J year for those laking BETASFRON. In another recenL 2-year study, tile maJotil or people takIng BETASERON reported no flu-like symptoms throughout the sludy7 During t e first year, 42~" of people taking B'TASERON reported flll-like symptollls, but that nllmher was down 10 just 13'1c by the s 'cond year.? That':, impOrlanl becaus" with MS, you need an Jkclive therapy 111:11'5 .:asy to stan wilh and easy to stay with over Ihe long term.

"Where state Jaws and your insurance allow.

tIn iln independent study. I3ETAPLUS (formerly MS Pathways) wus raled sii!lIitieamly higher on h w va.luable it IS to people' 'Ii\illg with MS compured with other MS support programs

I. Avone ® pad'..'1gc insert]. Cambndge, MA: Biogen [dec Inc; 2006. 2. BETA. ERO ® lpackage in crtJ, M .ntviJlc. NJ: Bayer HcalthCare Pharmaccutic<lls Ine; 2008. 3. Copaxon(.'\1 lrackage inSCrI]. nsas City. MO: Tcva Neuroscience, Inc; 2007. 4. Rebif® [pac a~e insel'l]. Rockland. MA: Serono. [nl': 2005. 5. Ballm K. O'Leary C, Coret Ferrer F, Klimova E, Prochazkova L. Bugge J, and lor the Bright Study Group. Comparison of injcction sitc pain

and injection SilC reactions in n:bpsing-remining multiple sclerosis patients trc<lled with interferon beta-I a or lb. Muh Scler. 2007; 13: I] 53. hllp:/Iin;;,tTH,·tJ] 3/9/ IJ53. Ace -,"sed Octoher 29, 2007.

6. O'Leary C, Baum K. Ferrer FC. Kllmova E. Proehazkova L. The BRIGHT Study: evalu~l\ing injection tolerability dLu'ing lnterf~mJl beta treatment. Poster presenled ut: 9th European FcderU!lon of Neurological Societies (81 '. ); September 17·20.2005; AtJlens. G ceee.

7. Kappos L. Polman CH, Freedman MS, et al. Trcatmcnt wilh interreron hda-Ib delays' n\·cr. Ion Lo clini lAlly definite 111ld Md)onitld MS In pallents wllh clinIcally isolated syndromes. l"eurologl" 2006:67:J 242-9.

8. Kuhlmann T, Lingfeld G, Bitsch A. Schuchardt J, BJ'A',~ck, W. Acute axonal damage in multiple sclerosis is Inosl extensive in carly discilse stages and dOCrCii. es over lime. Brain. 2002; 125:1202-12l2.

9. Durelli L, Verdull E, Barbero Pet al. Every-other-day interferon beta-I b versus once-w elJy interferon beta-I a for multiple sclerosis: results of <I 2-year prospecti ve randomized mulLi centre study (INCOM[N) Lancet, 2002, 359: lAS 3-60

Thinnest Needle Jll MS

Peer Mentor Program Sign up now Lo connect with a real person wllo is liVing well with MS.

BETAPLUS'M MS Support Program

The MS Supp0rl program rated #1 by people !tving with MS.~· Acccss a BETA Nurse 2417,365 days a year.

Call 1-800-788-1467



• I"i 1..... ~lfd 10.1 'ricn I ,inl Page


BETASERON® (interferon beta-lb) is .indicated for the treatment of relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis 10 reduce the frequency of clinical exacerbations. Patients with mulilple sclerosis in whom efticacy has been demonstrated include patients who have experiene\~d.1 first clinical episode and have MRl feutures consistent with multiple Tlerosis.


The most commonly reporled adverse reactions are lymphopenia. injecllon-site [eaClion. a5lt'lenia, flu-like symptom cOl\lplex, headache, lIf1d pain. Gradual dose titration and use of analg.esics during lrcatm.:nl initialion may help reduce flu-like synlpLoms. BETASERON 'he uld b u.ccl wilh C,llllion in p<lllents with depreSSion. lnjectioA-site necrosis has been reported in 4'1f of patients in controlled Palicnts should be advi. ed ot' Ibe importance of rotating injection sites. Female palients should be warned aboul the potential nsk to pregnancy. Cases of anaphylaxis ha ... .: ~.t.:n

repol1ed rarely. See "Warning.s." "Precautions," and "Adverse Reactions" scctions of fuJI Presenbing lnform;lIion.

You are encouraged to report negative side effecls of prescription drugs to tile FDA. Visit, or call 1-800-FDA-I08S.

For imporLant risk and us' information, please s'e the fulll"e rill II I 'III Tffillllon,

BETASERON is a r>gis!ered trademark and BETAPLUS is a tradelnark of Bayer Heal.tbCare Pllannaceutkals Inc.

© 2009 Bayer HealthCare PharmaceuLicals [ne. All righls reserved.


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