webinaire sur le business model canvas par elton-pickford

Post on 19-Nov-2014






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Présentation du Business Model Canvas d'Alexander, slides à télécharger. Réalisation Elton-Pickford


webinaire Business Model









oui !!

je pense avoir un



Le Business model canvas nous permet

d’experimenter différents plans

jusqu’à notre idée ..

de 14H00 - 15H00 Merci de patienter

Innovation ??

Innovation produit

Innovation de processus

Business Model Innovation


1908 Ford Motor Company lance la Ford T

1er véhicule low cost du marché !

$300 vs $2000

1ère chaîne d’assemblage automobile

« Les gens peuvent choisir n’importe quelle couleur pour la Ford T, du moment que c’est noir »


15 millions de Ford T vendues

Ford Motor développe un Business Model : innovation au niveau production, innovation au niveau de la voiture (moteur, transmission, train roulant), innovation au niveau du prix 300 $ au lieu de 2000 $ pour la concurrence.

Décembre 2013…

Auto production

1 vidéo sur sa page Instagram

Diffusion exclusive sur iTunes

Décembre 2013 Beyonce lance son nouvel album SURPRISE

En 1 semaine 617.000 ventes aux USA 1 million d’albums vendus

dans le monde

Vente directe de sa music sur Apple iTunes, via Tunecore, 1 vidéo de lancement sur Instagram

Qu’ont-ils en commun ?

Ils ont proposé le nouveau produit accompagné d’un

business model1

Ils ont inventé un NOUVEAU Business Model !

2 Ont ils copié un Business Model

concurrent ?

Ils ont du prendre des risques et tester3

Comment peut-on créer un modèle économique à succès ?

Il faut un langage commun !

Un modèle économique (ou business model) décrit les principes selon lesquels une organisation crée, délivre et capture de la valeur.


Business Model

Business Model Canvas

9 blocs pour décrire l’économie d’une entreprise

qui couvrent les 4 grandes dimensions d’une entreprise : clients, offre, infrastructure et viabilité financière

L’origine du Business Model CanvasThèse d’Alexander Osterwalder en 2004 (Business model ontology)

Ouvrage collectif et collaboratif : 470 co-auteurs

Démarche innovante :

Tarif pour participer : de 24$ à 243 $

Editeur : theHUB

+1.000.000 livres vendus

Segments de clientèle

Source : Livre Business Nouvelle Génération - Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur

Proposition de valeur

Source : Livre Business Nouvelle Génération - Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur


Source : Livre Business Nouvelle Génération - Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur

Relations avec le client

Source : Livre Business Nouvelle Génération - Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur

Flux de revenus

Source : Livre Business Nouvelle Génération - Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur

Ressources clés

Source : Livre Business Nouvelle Génération - Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur

Activités clés

Source : Livre Business Nouvelle Génération - Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur

Partenaires clés

Source : Livre Business Nouvelle Génération - Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur

Structure de coût

Source : Livre Business Nouvelle Génération - Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur

Le Business Model Canvas

« Un langage pour décrire, visualiser, évaluer et transformer les Business Models »

Source : Livre Business Nouvelle Génération - Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur

What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?

Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now?How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best?Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?

For what value are our customers really willing to pay?For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?

For whom are we creating value?Who are our most important customers?

What type of relationship does each of our CustomerSegments expect us to establish and maintain with them?Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model?How costly are they?

What value do we deliver to the customer?Which one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment?Which customer needs are we satisfying?

What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?Revenue streams?

Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers?Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners?Which Key Activities do partners perform?

What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?Revenue Streams?

Day Month Year


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/

or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

Le Business Model Canvas

What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?

Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now?How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best?Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?

For what value are our customers really willing to pay?For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?

For whom are we creating value?Who are our most important customers?

What type of relationship does each of our CustomerSegments expect us to establish and maintain with them?Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model?How costly are they?

What value do we deliver to the customer?Which one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment?Which customer needs are we satisfying?

What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?Revenue streams?

Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers?Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners?Which Key Activities do partners perform?

What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?Revenue Streams?

Day Month Year


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/

or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

Des post-it pour décrire son business model



gratuitenchères mots-


recherche gratuite

annonces ciblées

Coûts plate-forme

Plate-forme de recherche

Gestion plate-forme,

gestion services,

extension périmètre

Propriétaires de contenu

monétisation du contenu

Des post-it pour décrire son Business Model

Les épicentres de l’innovation des Business Models


business model innovation



Piloté par le Client

Partenaires clés Proposition de valeur Segments de clientèle

Structure de coûts Flux de revenus

Exemple : 23andMe à mis les tests ADN à la portée du plus grand nombre, jusque là réservés aux seuls chercheurs et professionnels de santé. Les conséquences sur la proposition de valeur ainsi que sur la délivrance des résultats a été considérable. C’est pourquoi 23andMe utilise des profils Web de personnalisation de masse.

Innovations basées sur les besoins des clients/consommateurs, une meilleure accessibilité ou une plus grande commodité. Ces innovations issues d’un seul épicentre influencent les autres blocs du Canevas

Relations avec les clients


Activités clés

Ressources clés

What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?

Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now?How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best?Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?

For what value are our customers really willing to pay?For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?

For whom are we creating value?Who are our most important customers?

What type of relationship does each of our CustomerSegments expect us to establish and maintain with them?Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model?How costly are they?

What value do we deliver to the customer?Which one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment?Which customer needs are we satisfying?

What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?Revenue streams?

Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers?Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners?Which Key Activities do partners perform?

What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?Revenue Streams?

Day Month Year


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/

or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

Piloté par le Client


Tests ADN facile


Accessible à tous

D’où venons-nous

Connaissances médicales

Segment client

Piloté par l’OffrePartenaires clés Proposition de valeur Segments de clientèle

Structure de coûts Flux de revenus

Ces innovations créent de nouvelles propositions de valeur qui ont un impact sur les autres blocs du Business Model

Relations avec les clients


Activités clés

Ressources clés

What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?

Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now?How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best?Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?

For what value are our customers really willing to pay?For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?

For whom are we creating value?Who are our most important customers?

What type of relationship does each of our CustomerSegments expect us to establish and maintain with them?Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model?How costly are they?

What value do we deliver to the customer?Which one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment?Which customer needs are we satisfying?

What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?Revenue streams?

Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers?Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners?Which Key Activities do partners perform?

What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?Revenue Streams?

Day Month Year


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/

or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.


Qualité du médicament

TEVA Pharmaceuticals est devenu le leader mondial des médicaments génériques avec un Business Model hybride Génériques / Innovants !CA 2012 + 20 Milliards de $

Business Model hybride

Médicaments génériques / innovants

Piloté par la Finance

Partenaires clés Proposition de valeur Segments de clientèle

Structure de coûts Flux de revenus

Exemple : Xerox invente la Xerox 914 en 1958. Xerox développe un Business Model économique : location du photocopieur à 95 $/mois comprenant 2.000 photocopies gratuites, 5 cents la copie supplémentaire.

Innovations reposant sur de nouveaux flux de revenus, de nouveaux mécanismes de prix ou des structures de coûts plus performantes

Relations avec les clients


Activités clés

Ressources clés

What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?

Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now?How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best?Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?

For what value are our customers really willing to pay?For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?

For whom are we creating value?Who are our most important customers?

What type of relationship does each of our CustomerSegments expect us to establish and maintain with them?Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model?How costly are they?

What value do we deliver to the customer?Which one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment?Which customer needs are we satisfying?

What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?Revenue streams?

Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers?Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners?Which Key Activities do partners perform?

What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?Revenue Streams?

Day Month Year


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/

or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

LocationFinancement du parcFinances

Meilleur Bilan


Location vs achat

Dépassements du contrat de


Piloté par les Ressources

Exemple : les Web Services d’Amazon s’appuient sur l’infrastructure de distribution existante d’Amazon pour proposer des capacités de serveur et de l’espace de stockage de données à d’autres entreprises

Partenaires clés Activités clés

Ressources clés

Ces innovations trouvent leur source dans l’infrastructure ou les partenariats existants d’une organisation pour étendre ou transformer le Business Model

Segments de clientèle

Structure de coûts Flux de revenus

Propositions de valeur Relations avec les clients


What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?

Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now?How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best?Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?

For what value are our customers really willing to pay?For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?

For whom are we creating value?Who are our most important customers?

What type of relationship does each of our CustomerSegments expect us to establish and maintain with them?Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model?How costly are they?

What value do we deliver to the customer?Which one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment?Which customer needs are we satisfying?

What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?Revenue streams?

Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers?Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners?Which Key Activities do partners perform?

What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?Revenue Streams?

Day Month Year


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/

or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.


Ressources Humaines

Ressources Logistique

SI• Livré par amazon!• Cloud computing

Piloté par plusieurs épicentres

Partenaires clés Proposition de valeur Segments de clientèle

Structure de coûts Flux de revenus

Innovations pilotées par plusieurs épicentres peuvent avoir un impact important sur plusieurs blocs du Business Model

Relations avec les clients


Activités clés

Ressources clés

What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?

Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now?How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best?Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?

For what value are our customers really willing to pay?For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?

For whom are we creating value?Who are our most important customers?

What type of relationship does each of our CustomerSegments expect us to establish and maintain with them?Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model?How costly are they?

What value do we deliver to the customer?Which one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment?Which customer needs are we satisfying?

What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?Revenue streams?

Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers?Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners?Which Key Activities do partners perform?

What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?Revenue Streams?

Day Month Year


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/

or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

Location de kits d’outilsPlusieurs épicentres

Gestion de la «flotte» d’outils

Location Mise à

disposition Maintenance, réparationHilti, fabricant mondial d’outils de

construction professionnels, ne vend plus d’outils à ses clients, mais loue des kits d’outils. L’impact est sur la proposition de valeur ainsi que sur les flux de revenus, qui deviennent des revenus de services récurrents.

Entreprises du bâtiment &


Services associés

Illustrations de l’utilisation du Business Model Canvas

avec différents Business Models

Avez-vous déjà programmé le

thermostat de votre logement ?

90% de la population ne programme pas correctement le thermostat de

son habitation

A quoi sert un thermostat ?

1°degré de moins = 5% de consommation d’énergie en moins

Comment se différencier sur le marché des thermostats ?

Tony Fadell CEO de Nest

Création 2011 en Californie






L’iPod des Thermostats

What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?

Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now?How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best?Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?

For what value are our customers really willing to pay?For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?

For whom are we creating value?Who are our most important customers?

What type of relationship does each of our CustomerSegments expect us to establish and maintain with them?Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model?How costly are they?

What value do we deliver to the customer?Which one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment?Which customer needs are we satisfying?

What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?Revenue streams?

Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers?Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners?Which Key Activities do partners perform?

What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?Revenue Streams?

Day Month Year


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/

or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.




Thermostat qui apprend -

«intelligent & communicant»



Jusqu’à 5% à 10% d’économies sur la consommationR&D

Producteurs d’énergies




Conception / Fabrication

Apple Store




Produit 3 fois + cher // Forte


Comment inciter les consommateurs à baisser leur

consommation d’énergie ?

Alex Laskey CEO / Fondateur d’OPower















=Zero impact

sur la consommation des ménages

Coupez votre climatisation



















What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?

Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now?How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best?Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?

For what value are our customers really willing to pay?For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?

For whom are we creating value?Who are our most important customers?

What type of relationship does each of our CustomerSegments expect us to establish and maintain with them?Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model?How costly are they?

What value do we deliver to the customer?Which one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment?Which customer needs are we satisfying?

What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?Revenue streams?

Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers?Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners?Which Key Activities do partners perform?

What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?Revenue Streams?

Day Month Year


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/

or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.



Développement & maintenance IT/


ParticuliersComparez votre

consommation avec celles de vos voisins

Données des Clients des

fournisseurs d’énergie


Equilibre du réseau

Baisse des émissions de CO2

$$$ CA 2011 : 11,4


Contrôle à distance du thermostat

Fournisseurs d’énergie

Stats / Big data

Evite le gaspillage

Service courrier

Logiciel d’analyse / Big Data

CourriersLogistique courrier





Le particulier contribue à la création de valeur et

indirectement à financer le modèle


➡ 3 à 5 % d’économies de consommation d’énergie par an sur 14 Millions d’abonnés

➡ Soit 2 TWh = 342 millions $ d’économies ➡ Equivalent à la consommation annuelle d’énergie

de +500.000 foyers (en Europe) ➡CA 2011 : 11,4 Millions de $

Stef Kranendijk CEO de DESSO de 2005 à 2012

Notre objectif stratégique est d’être le meilleur fournisseur mondial d’espaces de vie et de travail beaux et sains grâce à nos solutions innovantes de revêtements de sol.

Les moquettes



What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?

Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now?How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best?Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?

For what value are our customers really willing to pay?For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?

For whom are we creating value?Who are our most important customers?

What type of relationship does each of our CustomerSegments expect us to establish and maintain with them?Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model?How costly are they?

What value do we deliver to the customer?Which one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment?Which customer needs are we satisfying?

What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?Revenue streams?

Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers?Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners?Which Key Activities do partners perform?

What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?Revenue Streams?

Day Month Year


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/

or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.


Collecte & recyclage des

moquettesDesso Airmaster

Moquettes anciennes

Moquettes recyclées


Stades de football


Santé (moins de particules dans




Do It Yourself online



32% de baisse de consommation




60% des nouvelles moquettes sont fabriquées à partir de moquettes


Baisse de 32% de la consommation d’énergie pour la fabrication d’une

moquette 1998 - 2011

Baisse de 50% des emissions de CO2 entre 2007 et 2011

Purification de l’eau 100% biologique = 56 millions de litres d’eau fraiche économisés


+8% d’augmentation de

part de marché

Rentabilité X 8

7 questions pour tester votre Business Model

source : http://www.businessmodelalchemist.com/2011/09/7-questions-to-assess-your-business-model-design.html

Coûts du Changement / System Lock-in

Quelles facilités ou difficultés ont les clients pour partir vers la concurrence ?

Avec Windows vous avez accès à des centaines de milliers d’applications compatibles Wintel

...et vous êtes verrouillé avec nous car il est très difficile de changer de produit

Revenus Récurrents

Est-ce que chaque vente est un nouvel effort ou résulte-il d’un renouvellement automatique ? !

Comment sont lissés vos revenus sur l’année ?

Vêtements pour

les enfants

Source : Elton-Pickford

What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?

Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now?How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best?Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?

For what value are our customers really willing to pay?For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?

For whom are we creating value?Who are our most important customers?

What type of relationship does each of our CustomerSegments expect us to establish and maintain with them?Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model?How costly are they?

What value do we deliver to the customer?Which one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment?Which customer needs are we satisfying?

What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?Revenue streams?

Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers?Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners?Which Key Activities do partners perform?

What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?Revenue Streams?

Day Month Year


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/

or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

Plateforme Informatique

Abonnement mensuel de 39, 99 $/mois


Fournisseurs Facilité les courses des

parents lors de l’achat de

vêtements pour leurs enfants

Business Model WittleBee

Parents d’enfants de 0 à 5 ans



LogistiqueAutomatisée :

usage profil des enfants, âge, garçon/fille, région, goûts

Vente en ligne


Préparation des colis

RH, Stylistes

«club» sur la page Facebook, photos

des enfants avec les vêtements

Source : Elton-Pickford

Source : Elton-Pickford

Les Produits de beauté Le Vin

Source : Elton-Pickford

Source : Elton-Pickford

Les Produits pour les chiens Les Jeux pour les enfants

Source : Elton-Pickford

Encaissez avant de payer

Gagnez-vous de l’argent avant d’en dépenser ?BFR (Besoin en Fond de Roulement) négatif ou flux de trésorerie positif

BFR (Besoin en Fond de Roulement) négatif ou flux de trésorerie positif

Source : Elton-Pickford

BFR (Besoin en Fond de Roulement) négatif ou flux de trésorerie positif

Source : Elton-Pickford

Changer la structure de coûts

Votre structure de coûts est-elle différente et meilleure que celle de vos concurrents ?

Les appels téléphoniques seront totalement gratuits dans le futur

Niklas Zennström Co-fondateur de Skype

Faire faire le travail par les autres

A quel niveau de contribution vos clients ou tierces parties participent à la création de valeur de votre Business Model ?

Ray OffmanFondateur de Linkedin

Source : Elton-Pickford

Partagez vos données sur votre page Linkedin...

Source : Elton-Pickford

Cela va rendre ma plateforme plus attractive...

Source : Elton-Pickford

...et augmenter la valorisation de Linkedin...

Source : Elton-Pickford


A quelle vitesse et facilité pouvez-vous faire croitre votre Business Model sans rencontrer d’obstacles sur votre route ? (ex: infrastructure, support client, etc..)

Protection contre la concurrence

Comment votre Business Model vous protège de la concurrence ?

Ils utilisent le Business Model Canvas

Questions/ Réponses

Pour nous contacter

Elton-Pickford www.elton-pickford.com Twitter : @eltonpickford

Peter Keates Président

peter.keates@elton-pickford.com Mobile : +33 (0)6 24 39 32 21

Twitter : @peterkeates

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