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Post on 15-Sep-2020






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Lesson 1: Worksheet 1

Victorian Britain, a step in globalization

Who were the Victorians?

The Victorian age in British history is named after Queen Victoria, who was Britain's queen from 1837 until 1901.

Victorian London was the world's biggest city. This is Fleet Street in 1894. Horses had not yet been replaced by cars

A coach : une voiture (motorisée ou non)

Sprinkle : éparpiller

Retail shop : boutique au détail

Street lamp : lampadaire

A three story building : un immeuble à trois étages

Congested : congestionné

1) Describe the photograph using the methodology.

2) Pick up the marks of the industrial revolution in the picture.

A view of Manchester’s boroughs in 1870 (right). The industrial revolution brought prosperity to the cotton manufacturers of Manchester who built grand monuments to their success. Nowhere is the extravagance of those 19th-century capitalists more visible than in the neo-Gothic architecture of the Town Hall (sources: Wikipedia and Machester Mexican Society)

The industrial revolution was a major event that happened for Great Britain starting in the XVIII th century that provided many advantages and changes. There were many different positive and negative affects of the industrial revolution in Britain. There are four main topics that were most effective, which are the technological changes, social/cultural, economic and environmental aspects. The economic aspect with the money being brought in caused the formation of political standpoints with negotiations of the good and profits from Great Britain. The market played a huge role in how the goods were sold and consume by people. The environment aspects had an effect on people’s health and an effect on their social issues with change from man made to machine made.

The industrial Revolution opened a new age of promise. Not only did the Industrial Revolution show signs of promise, as well it “transformed the balance of political power within nations, between nations and between civilizations also revolutionized social order.”

Standpoints: points de vue.

To consume: consommer

1) Describe the top-right-hand corner picture using the methodology.

2) What relations can you draw between the majestic monument, the workers and the cotton factories in Manchester ?

3) Explain the last sentence of the text.

Worksheet 3

As the twentieth century dawned, the British Empire enjoyed its heyday. It spanned 11 million square miles with 400 million inhabitants. This detailed colour reproduction of a contemporary world map shows details of global trade including the furs of fox, bear, seal and otter brought from the shores of Canada's Lake Athabasca by canoes in summer and dog sleds in winter; cochineal, indigo and vanilla from central America; teak and bamboo from Siam; cinnamon and pearls from Ceylon; tortoise shells and birds of paradise from New Guinea, as well as minerals and foodstuffs from all over the world. In the Sahara, we note that slaves were still traded. Coaling stations, telegraph cables, railways and caravan routes are all marked (additional maps would show the development of the Empire in the preceding three centuries).

Dominion: a name formerly applied to self-governing divisions of the British Empire

1) How did Britain get richer in teh XIX th Century ?

2) After presenting the map, connect each figure of the framed map to its original land.

3) Why can you say that Britain turned a world economy to her advantage ?

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