warren buffet & winston churchill

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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He started demonstrating his financial abilities from his early years when he would go from door to door selling candies and soft drinks. He began investing as a teenager and had saved almost $10,000 dollars by the age of 20. He had great business acumen and started out on his career as a stockbroker. He developed his own investment principles which helped him acquire a lot of wealth.He was already a millionaire by the time he was in his early thirties.Having made his first million, he quickly increased this by taking over and merging several firms, and by 1990 had become a billionaire. 

1. Fear in others is an opportunity for you

2. Invest in what you understand

3. Maintain a healthy margin

4. Concentrate on long term results

5. Take full responsibility for your investment decisions

In 2006, 10 million Berkshire HathawayClass B shares to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (worth approximately US$30.7 billion), making it the largest charitable donation in history

In 2012: about $3.1-billion

The Giving Pledge: 99% of his wealth

Charity Lunch





January 2015, 128

Hurun Philanthropy List 2015

姓名 捐赠额(亿元) 主要捐赠方向 公司 年龄 主要行业1- 马云家族 146.5 社会公益 阿里巴巴 51 IT2↑ 唐立新 3.15 教育 新尚 52 房地产3- 王健林家族 3.11 教育、扶贫、救灾 万达 61 房地产、文化4* 邢福平家族 3.10 教育 力旺 \ 房地产5↑ 陶欣伯 3.08 教育 伯藜置业 99 房地产6↓ 黄如论 2.81 教育、扶贫、社会公益 世纪金源 64 房地产7↑ 许荣茂 1.97 教育、扶贫、社会公益 世茂 65 房地产8* 陈发树 1.87 教育 新华都 54 零售、矿9* 陈远东 1.7 教育 西部发展 \ 房地产、投资10* 党彦宝、边海燕夫妇 1.5 社会公益、教育 宝丰能源 42 煤炭采选业

1.When did Diana give birth to Prince Harry?

2.What charity work has Diana done?

War-Time PM

Winner of Nobel Prize

in Literature


Honorary Citizen of

the US

Winston Churchill

a permanent sign installed in a public place in the UK and elsewhere to commemorate a link between that location and a famous person or event, serving as a historical marker.

Realizing Hitler's threat to control Europe, Churchill advocated for British rearmament;By 1938, as Germany began controlling its neighbors, Churchill had become a staunch critic of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's policy of appeasement toward the Nazis.In April,1940, Germany invaded and occupied Norway, which was a setback for Neville Chamberlain, who had resisted Churchill's proposal that Britain pre-empt German aggression by unilaterally occupying vital Norwegian iron mines and sea ports.In May, debate in Parliament on the Norwegian crisis led to a vote of no confidence toward Prime Minister Chamberlain.On May 10, King George VI appointed Churchill as prime minister and Minister of Defense.

Within hours, the German Army began its Western Offensive, invading the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. Two days later, German forces entered France. Britain stood alone against the onslaught. Facing all this, Churchillformed a coalition cabinet of leaders from the Labor, Liberal and Conservative parties;made one of his iconic to the House of Commons, warning that "the Battle of Britain" was about to begin;Being a hard-nosed military strategist, he built the RAF fighter command to take on the German air force;kept resistance to Nazi dominance alive;Having cultivated relationship with U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1930s, he was able to secure vital U.S. aid; being a vehement anti-communist, he helped the Soviet Union when it was invaded by Hitler; Forged an alliance with the United States and the Soviet Union


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