warm-up pg. 37 how did salutary neglect fuel the fires of colonial resentment against britain?

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Warm-Up Pg. 37

How did Salutary Neglect fuel the fires of colonial resentment against Britain?

Road to the American Revolution

Rough Road Ahead

Freedom This Way


Navigation Acts(1650-1700s)

Stamp Act1765

Townshend Acts 1767

Boston Massacre1770

Tea Act 1773

Boston Tea Party1773

Coercive Acts (Intolerable) 1774

Proclamation of1763

Quartering Act 1765

The First Continental Congress (1774)

Key Vocabularyin Causes of Revolution

DebtTo owe money.

England was in debt

after the French and Indian War.


Taxesmoney collected by the government

to pay for goods and services

DutiesTaxes on imported and exported


RepealedTo take something back.

Yay! They repealed the

stamp act

Parliament An assembly (group) of representatives

who make laws for the people of England

(The colonists had no representation

in Parliament.)


RepresentationHaving someone to represent you and act on your behalf.

(voters elect their


ProtestA public expression of disapproval.

(The colonists protested


Modern Day Protesting ( Occupy Austin)


BoycottTo refuse to buy or do something


a form of protest.

Navigation Acts- 1650Laws that restricted trade in the 13 colonies to ensure that England received as much wealth as possible. Colonies could only buy manufactured good from England, could only sell raw materials to England, were not allowed to set up manufacturing in the colonies, and were required to use English ships for trade exclusively.


French an Indian War The French an Indian war was in 1754-1763,it was a conflict between France and Britain in North America over the land in the Ohio River Valley.

The French and Indian war ended with the Treaty of Paris, 1763. The treaty gave England all the land from the Mississippi River eastward to the Atlantic Ocean.

North America, 1763

King George III

The new King of England, 25 year old George III. How did the colonies go from loyal subjects to overthrowing the most powerful nation on earth in the short span of 13 years?

Money, money,money!


Paying for the War England began to create increased taxes that

the colonists would have to pay.

The idea was that this tax money was going to go back to England to help it recover some of the money lost during the French and Indian War. The colonists quickly grew very angry about the taxes they were now being forced to pay.

What are Taxes?

Taxes = the money collected by the government to pay for services

We just want someone in England to represent

the colonies when it comes to taxes we

have to pay.

Proclamation of 1763Proclamation of 1763-The British law prohibiting colonial settlement west of the Appalachians to avoid costly wars with natives.

• King George III passed the Proclamation to keep the colonists out of possible expensive wars with the Native Americas.

Sugar Act of 1764 (The American Revenue Act

The Sugar Act imposed new duties (taxes) on American commodities such as sugar, molasses, textiles, coffee and indigo. “No Taxation without Representation.”

Stamp Act of 1765


• .

Stamp Act - The British decree (law) taxing all legal papers issued in the colonies. (Books, newspapers, pamphlets, licenses, deeds, playing cards, letters)

In 1765 Parliament passed the Stamp Act. It required all legal and commercial

documents to carry an official stamp showing that a tax had been paid

Stamp Act 1765

I hate the stamp act

taxing paper

The Stamp Act Congress was a meeting held in New York City in October, 1765

• Colonial leaders met to discuss their concerns• First time the colonies met to consider acting

together in protest

The Colonies Protested the Stamp Act

1. The Stamp Act Congress drew up a petition to the king which declared that the right to tax the colonies belonged to the colonial assemblies

2. Colonial merchants organized a boycott (refusal to buy) of British goods

3. Some colonists formed secret societies to oppose British policies such as the Sons of Liberty

4. Public marches, rallies, and propaganda are created to denounce the Stamp Act

No Taxes!!!

Tax collector

Why Were The Colonists So Angry About Taxes?

The colonists believed they should have a say in the taxes they were being forced to pay. However, there was no one in the English Parliament (government) that was there as a representative for the colonies. It wasn’t fair, so the colonists would shout…

Turn and Talk

• What is the rallying cry of the colonists that describe how the increase in taxes are unfair?

Turn and Talk Answer

• No taxation without representation!!!!!

The Stamp Act was repealed (taken back) in 1766 due to pressure on

Parliament by British merchants hurt by the boycott

The British Parliament passed the

Quartering Act as a cost saving


To keep the peace with the Native Americans, Britain decided to keep 10,000 soldiers in the colonies

Quartering Act 1765

Quartering Act 1765 Allowed royal troops to live in colonists’ homes. Writs of Assistance allowed soldiers to search homes

• While living in people’s homes, the soldiers were given food, clothing, and a place to sleep. This was an attempt to save money by King George III.

Writs of Assistance would be used to enforce the new tax laws.

• They were blank search warrants to enter homes and businesses to search for smuggled goods

• Many felt the writs violated natural rights• James Otis - “A man’s home is his castle”

Fearing loss of control the British move 4,000 armed troops into Boston and tension fills the streets

Boston MassacreTo help control the colonists, England sent British soldiers to monitor colonial unrest. Everyday tension (anger) grew between the colonists and the “Red Coats”.

On March 5, 1770, tensions finally exploded into violence in the streets.

Stop insulting

me Hey lobster

Boston MassacreA group of young men and dockworkers, one of whom was a African-American man named Crispus Attucks, began arguing in the streets with a group of English soldiers. A fight broke out, and the soldiers began firing into the crowd. Attucks and four other laborers were killed.

People began calling the shooting of 5 people a massacre. This incident became a tool for anti-British propaganda.

Boston Massacre - 1770

The colonists in Boston were tired of the presence of the British troops and the taxes. The Townshend acts were repealed (cancelled) after the Boston Massacre.

British troops fire into a crowd of protesting colonists. Crispus Attucks is the first casualty. Committees of Correspondence spread propaganda about event.

5 People Killed in the Boston Massacre.

What is Propaganda? (Turn and Talk)Propaganda is information that is spread for the purpose of promoting some cause.

What was the cause/reason for calling the shooting of five people in Boston a massacre by the English soldiers?

Sam Adams establishes the Committees of Correspondence to

exchange letters about colonial affairs and issues.

• He wanted to make sure people did not forget the cause of liberty

Tea Act of 1773

Tea Act - This act helped the British east India company by giving it control (monopoly) over the American tea trade.

The Tea Act of 1773

• Tea would arrive in the colonies only on English ships and be sold by English merchants directly to colonists without paying the taxes colonial merchants had to pay

• Bad for the colonists because..1. It lowered the price of tea even below the

cost of smuggled tea and that would break the boycott.

2. It cost the colonial tea merchants (smugglers) a lot of money.

The colonists got so upset about the British taxes there were several stories about the colonists grabbing tax collectors dumping hot tar and feathers on them and then pouring boiling hot tea down their throat.


No Taxation without


We were just doing

our job

Mother! Look at those stupid tax collectors!

The Sons of Liberty organized the Boston Tea Party.

Samuel Adams was the leader of the Sons of Liberty.

Boston Tea Party 1773 A protest against British tea taxes in which the Sons of Liberty

dressed like Indians and threw British tea overboard into the harbor.

• It took nearly three hours for more than 100 colonists to empty the 340 chests of tea into Boston Harbor. The chests held more than 92,000 lbs. (46 tons) of tea, which would cost nearly $1,700,000 dollars today. The amount thrown overboard could have brewed 18,523,000 cups of tea.

Intolerable Acts 1774 The Intolerable(Coercive) Acts - laws enacted by Parliament in 1774

restricting the rights of Massachusetts colonists and stopped trade between Boston and other colonies. Punishment for the Tea Party.

The Intolerable Acts:

Prohibited government assemblies and closed the port of Boston until the destroyed tea was paid for.

The effect of the Intolerable Acts was that the merchants lost huge sums of money due to the closure of the port. • British officials and soldiers could now be tried outside

of Massachusetts in an effort to get away with crimes. • Land in the Ohio River Valley was extended to French

residents of Quebec where now Catholicism was the established religion.

The Intolerable(Coercive) Acts - laws enacted by Parliament in 1774 as punishment for the Boston Tea Party. The laws restricted the rights of Massachusetts colonists and closed the port of Boston.

Intolerable Acts 1774

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xuo045kh9wY

The First Continental Congress 1774

• The First Continental Congress brought together representatives from each of the colonies, except Georgia, to discuss their response to the Intolerable Acts.

• They agreed to take action in 1775 if the King did not back off.

The First Continental Congress brought together representatives from the colonies and sent the Parliament a list of grievances and asked for peace.

First Continental Congress The colonists wanted to stay loyal to the King of England. They decided to send a letter to him asking him to end the tax on tea.

The King refused to read the letter and responded by sending ships full of English soldiers to Boston.

Turn and Talk• Why do you think the 13 colonies are

willing to work together now, but were not willing to work together during the French and Indian war?

Turn and Talk Answer

• The hardships they struggled together at the hands of the British over the 13 year period between wars forged unity among the colonists and they believed the risk of sacrificing some individual power for the good of the whole was better than enduring their limited power and authority under British rule.

Causes of the American Revolution Brain pop Video

• http://www.brainpop.com/socialstudies/ushistory/causesoftheamericanrevolution/

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