visit from the president of iiumvisit from the president of iium (cont.) the process of compilation...

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March 2014

Visit from the President of

IIUMThe President of International Islamic University of Malaysia, YBhg. Tan Sri Dato' Seri Utama Dr. Rais Yatim visited Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design (KAED) on 27th December 2013 accompanied by Prof. Emeritus Datin Paduka Siti Zuraina bt Abdul Majid PesuruhjayaWarisan Malaysia together with YBhg. Dato’ Sri Kamaruddin Siaraf, KetuaSetiausaha, Kementerian Penerangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan

Malaysia. The entourage was brought to have a short tour of KAED Heritage Lab and followed with discussion over lunch in the same venue.

The honourable guest, Tan Sri Dato' Seri Utama Dr. Rais Yatim marked his visit to the Heritage Lab of

KAED in the guests’ log book, witnessed by the Dean of KAED, Prof Sr Dr Khairuddin Abdul Rashid

Visit from the President of IIUM

(cont.)The main subject been brought out by the President is; KAED to look upon Islamic Malay Cultural Heritage. Discussion on the subject mentioned started well from the moment he stepped into KAED Heritage Lab. Tan Sri Dato' Seri Utama Dr. Rais Yatim mentioned about the effort of JabatanWarisan which is now in the midst of compiling, listing and categorizing all the possible buildings in Malaysia to be recorded under Bangunan WarisanMalaysia; be it a house, a mosque, a palace or any public buildings.

The result of the effort will be in term of dossier that can be taken as referrals in the future. At this point, the President would like to give the opportunity to KAED experts concerned in the subject matters. The point was then taken further by Dato’ Sri Kamaruddin Siaraf, mentioning that in traditional Malay culture, the architecture is very much related to the cultural behavior of the users. There are meanings to every space in the building layouts especially to the Malay.

Host, Prof Sr Dr Khairuddin Abdul Rashid is explaining on the materials and artifacts kept in the Heritage Lab to the guests witnessed by Prof. Emeritus Dr Ismawi Hj. Zen

Visit from the President of IIUM


The process of compilation will definitely need a determined team for preparing the measured drawings. Prof. Emeritus Datin Paduka Siti Zurainawas inquiring on KAED’s methodology in carrying the task. The

methodology used by KAED is rather traditional (manual), not to say that the outcome is substandard, but as shown by the available samples, the outcome is promising and commensurable with other advanced technology which is undoubtedly expensive.

If given more time the discussion would go deeper in the scope of Islamic Malay Cultural Heritage. The discussion was adjourned once the call of Friday prayer was heard.

Prof Sr Dr Khairuddin Abdul Rashid, as the proud host for such a

commemorative event invited the honourable guests to mark their visits to Heritage Lab of KAED in the guests’ log book.

From right, (anti clockwise); Madam Mazlina Mustafa, Assoc. Prof. Datin Norwina Nawawi, Prof. Emeritus Dr. Ismawi Hj. Zen, Dato’ Sri Kamaruddin Siaraf, Tan Sri Dato' Seri Utama Dr. Rais Yatim, Prof. Emeritus Datin Paduka Siti Zuraina bt Abdul Majid, Prof. Sr. Dr. Khairuddin Abdul Rashid, Asst. Prof. Dr.Nurul Hamiruddin Salleh, Asst Prof Dr. Noor Aziah Mohd Ariffin, Asst. Prof Dr. Rosniza Othman, Asst. Prof Dr. Zumaheran Kamarudin

> editor’s notes

Sincerely;Rosniza Othman

With the members of editorial.

Thank you Allah, for the health, knowledge and rizq

bestowed upon us.

Hopefully it is not too late for the editorials to wish all

members and readers Happy New Year 2014 and

Salam Maulidur Rasul. Optimistically thinking that you

are on track with the new resolutions.

A month has passed since flight MH370 went missing

and our hearts are with all its passengers, the crew

members and their families. There are so many

opinions, speculations and theories…thus we are

hungry for information from the respectful leaders.

Alhamdulillah, we are blessed with many hard working and dedicated leaders

who have done and still trying their utmost best. However, there is one small

frustration, perhaps only to my humble self that I have the opportunity to share

with the readers; as a member of an Islamic Institution and a citizen of an Islamic

country, I cannot help to notice with concern on every press conference of the

missing flight been addressed. I believe, it is only appropriate for all Muslim

leaders to start off with at least the recitation of even better the

Ummul Kitab, Al-Fatihah.

It is about time when being at the centre of attraction like our situation now, we

should take the benefit of the doubt and have the opportunity to perform

‘dakwah’ in a special way. Well, that is only from my humble judgement.

Our journey continues; finding ways to solve all the mysteries, probably new

solutions that we have yet to explore with a little more time with lots of prayer for

peace, solutions, health and iman. Lastly, let us always remember in our hearts

and souls that everything, no matter how trivial, whether good or bad, can only

happen by the grace and permission of Allah SWT.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Rosniza Othman

Chief Editor

Asst Prof Dr Aliyah Nurzafirah Sanusi

Dept of Architecture

Asst Prof Dr Lukman Hakim Mahamod

Dept of Urban and Regional Planning

Asst Prof Dr Norzailawati Mohd Nor

Dept of Urban and Regional Planning

Asst Prof Dr Khalilah Zakariya

Dept of Landscape Architecture

Asst Prof Dr Nor Zalifa Zainal Abidin

Dept of Applied Arts and Design

Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohd Fairullazi Ayob

Dept of Quantity Surveying

Br. Syarel Azill Yaali

Blog Administrator / IT Unit

Br. Munir Suhaimee

IT Unit

Br. Zaharuddin Abdul Rahman


Sr. Fazilla Abdul Jalil

Post-Graduate Unit

> editorial board

> reporting duty in 2014

Congratulations & welcome


No. Name Staff No. Dept. Date Reported



/ Place


Khairusy SyakirinHas-Yun Hashim

3839 Quantity Surveying

20/1/2014 PhD (Facilities Management),


Skudai Johor


Jasasikin Ab. Sani 4894 Landscape


04/02/2014 PhD


UiTM Shah Alam


MohamadSaifulnizam Mohd


5305 Quantity Surveying 27/03/2014 PhD




University of



> many happy returns of the day!

Congratulations from all of us!

AAD Ukhuwwah Day

> applied arts and design

On March 17th, the family of Department of Applied Arts and Design had gathered at Female Sports Complex celebrating their Ukhuwwah Day, a day where they seek to preserve and

strengthen the bond between them. The second year students was trusted to organize this event.

Childhood memory became the theme of the day. Various games and activities were prepared to reiterate the sweet memories of childhood and hopefully a long lasting memory shared by everyone.

Ammar, part of the organizing committee was grateful by the very supportive attitude of those who present. Their spontaneous, friendly and supportive attitude made the day a very fun and enjoyable one. For him the organizing committee had successfully achieved their objectives.

Arm wrestling game between brothers

‘Tuju selipar’ game, using water filled


> applied arts and design

The game which was said to be inspired from the Running Man series was planned using with the lowest cost possible. Used material was utilized in almost all part of the game, this however does prevent everyone from having fun, as if today they are children seeking to have fun and spent some wonderful time with their family and friends.

AAD Ukhuwwah Day (cont.)

Myth creature, created from used materials.

Another mythical creature spotted that day.

> applied arts and design

8th January 2014 mark a new memory for AAD Department, especially for their third year students who finally manage to successfully launch their long-organized exhibition. AAD Heritage and Contemporary Studies is a compulsory subject to be taken by every third year students in which they are required to study the heritage as well as the current condition of the selected palaces. The study will focus on the matters

which are related to the three majoring undertaken by the students which are Interior Design, Conservation Studies, and Industrial Design. In the end, the knowledge from the research and study is to be exhibited and shared with the public. This time around Cambodia was chosen and studied.

The exhibition took the visitors back to the glorious day of Khmer Empire and their magnificent Angkor Wat. Moving along they will had a share of experience of how Cambodia people live during the dreadful reign of Khmer Rouge Regime. Not only that, they also had the opportunity to

learn about the silk industry of Cambodia and more importantly, to a get closer insight to the life of minority Muslim community there. The study and research was further completed from the help of Cambodian students studying in IIUM through the Cambodian Student Society here.

AAD Heritage and Contemporary

Studies Exhibition

Opening ceremony by the Dean of KAED.

Salam (left) the representative from the Cambodian Student Society

explaining something to the Dean.

> applied arts and design

The respond was great. The Cambodian student society expressed their gratitude on how the exhibition managed to closely reflect their homeland. The guest book was filled with speeches congratulating the committee for the amazing exhibition, an exhibition which was made possible by the hard work, understanding, and support between the

students as well as the guiding lecturers.

This study had managed to open a new outlook of the outside world as well as providing a new perspective on our own homeland. It teaches us to appreciate the things that we took granted, and to live a life full of hope, energy and love as experienced from the amazing people of Cambodia.

AAD Heritage and Contemporary

Studies Exhibition (cont.)

Prof. Datuk Dr. Mizan b. Hitam, Deputy Rector of Student Affairs signing the guest book during the closing ceremony.

Cambodia traditional game in the exhibition.

Technical Visit to KLIA 2

> architecture

In the midst of research writings and classrooms and studio teachings, the staffs and a few students of Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design devoted one day of their busy schedule

to go for a technical visit to KLIA 2 on the 20th of February 2014.

This trip was initiated by the Department of Architecture, led by Assoc. Prof. Datin Ar. Norwina Mohd Nawawi, Dr. Nurul HamiruddinSalleh and Mr Nik Ruiz.

There were 30 participants in total consisting of staffs and students from all departments across the Kulliyyah. The Kulliyyah is very grateful to Ir. Mohd. Zaifuddin Idris and staffs of Malaysia Airports Holding Berhad involved, for the warm welcome and an eventful visit.

Left: Participants from KAED, IIUM and staffs from Malaysia Airports Holding Berhad. Upper-

right: Check-In counter area in KLIA2. Middle-right: KLIA2 exterior features. Lower-right: Interior

space in KLIA2.

A book by Dr. Nurul Syala

> architecture

Presenting a newly published book by Dr. Nurul Syala Abdul Latipstaff of Department of Architecture, KAED, IIUM, which was published in 2013. Congratulations on the achievement and we look forward to more good news in the near future.

For purchasing, please visit the following website:

iDiDE - Sarawak

> architecture

Since being piloted in 2010, Deakin University’s Intercultural Dialogue through Design (iDiDe) has gone from strength to strength.

iDiDe is a collaborative master class design workshop and intensive in country experience involving Masters of Architecture students from Deakin University and architecture students from Department of Architecture, International Islamic University Malaysia.

The program seeks to deliver an enriched international study experience through an intercultural themed workshop agenda, with activities focused on collaborative design.

iDiDE – Sarawak (cont.)

> architecture

From 12-24 January 2014, Deakin University hosted inbound iDiDE Bario, Sarawak with its Malaysian partner, the International Islamic University of Malaysia (UIA) in Sarawak. In the workshop, students collaborated on designs for a Museum of Kelabit Community in Bario Sarawak. 16 participants, including students, academic staff (including our own Dr

Nurul Syala Abdul Latip – Department of Architecture), guest professionals and five architectural practices took part. Design outcomes were showcased as a public exhibition in Kuching.

IIUM participant – Fahmi 4th year Bachelor of Architecture IIUM.

During my part 1 I already interested in joining IDIDE. In my opinion by joining this program I ll exposed to outside world in dealing with people from other culture where I never met before. Ii is an early exposure to me since as a future architect

iDiDE – Sarawak (cont.)

> architecture

In related to my design studio, this program thought me well in giving fast decision. Since the program is only 2 weeks, and we need come out with a design scheme within that period, all decision needs to be done quickly.

And it is the group work. To not being a burden to our group, all work done as per planned without any procrastination. In that 2 weeks my work is quite efficient an fast. Hopefully I can apply that working environment in my design studio as it will benefit to my time management as well as my grade

Moment that affected me most in IDIDE 2014 is during consultation with kelabit community on The Community Museum Design Proposal at Imperial Hotel, Miri. This community can be considered as a client where we need to present all the 3 proposals, which have different siting option. This meeting is very important where we can have 2 ways communication with the user itself. Because the museum will be build at their place and as an architect we need to consider all opinions and comments by locals as to ensure the building’s sustainability.

If I can describe the program in 1 word, the word definitely will be contemplation.

Hospitality in Islamic Compliance

– Seminar on Hotel Architecture

> architecture

4th year, Bachelor of Architecture Students, Department of Architecture

KAED, organized hospitality Islamic compliance – Seminar on Hotel

Architecture 10 March 2014.

Hotel architecture is one of many parts of hospitality and tourism industry and thus requires architects and designers

to acquire the necessary knowledge of the industry to be able to plan and

design innovatively.

Malaysia is heading towards shariahcompliant hospitality, industry and

distinct identity, this this seminar will provide exposure to a range of design

considerations envisaged in this industry, from the philosophy of human

nature, technology to business of memory as the core of hospitality.

Hospitality in Islamic Compliance

– Seminar on Hotel Architecture


> architecture

Objectives of the seminar are:

• To understand the operational and organizational of hotel industry.

• To understand shariah compliant in

hospitality including selected case study of hotels

• To understand concept formulation, planning and design in hotel design.

News on Prof Asiah Abdul Rahim

> architecture

P.A. Nazeer Khan Solo Exhibition

> architecture

P.A. Nazeer Khan Solo Exhibition

> architecture

> landscape architecture

Assembly of Landscape

Architecture Students Malaysia (ALAM 2014)

ALAM 2014 was successfully organised by Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design, under the Department of Landscape Architecture, Earthwork Student Society and ARCHIMIC for three days, from 24th of January until 26th of January 2014 (Friday to Sunday). This event was participated by eight institutions in Malaysia, which are International Islamic University Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi MARA (Shah Alam), Universiti Teknologi MARA (Sri Iskandar), Kolej Geomatika, Kolej Risda and Kolej Komuniti Masjid Tanah. ALAM 2014 was organised by 142 committee members (Landscape Architecture students from Year 1 until Year 4), facilitated by lecturers from Department of Landscape Architecture. This event was participated by 115 students and 11 lecturers.

> landscape architecture

The concept for this year’s ALAM was “Re-emerge”, or “Kembali”, which brought various meanings. Firstly, ‘Kembali’ referred to the cycle of ALAM that has returned back to where it was first held for the first time, which was IIUM back in 2008. Secondly, ‘Kembali’ symbolized the nature of the event that brought back participants to the natural environment. Third, ‘Kembali’ in the spiritual aspect is viewed as a journey of man in creating a good relationship with God when making new friends and seeking relationship with His other creations. The term ‘Kembali’ for the concept is explained in Bahasa Malaysia as to create a nostalgic essence and feelings.

ALAM 2014 was officiated by KAED’s Deputy Dean of Student

Affairs, Asst. Prof. Dr. SrazaliAripin. The events for ALAM

2014 included exhibition from all participating institutions, a forum

entitled “I Have Seen the Earth Change” between professionals,

NGOs and students, motivational talk, community service talk, design charrette, creative performance show,

video competition, exploraceand hi-tea ceremony. The

highlight of the event was the design charrette called “The Bench Project”. In this event, participants were required to

design and construct benches using recycled materials

provided. Participants had to present their bench project in

front of judges after the completion of work for


Assembly of Landscape

Architecture Students Malaysia (ALAM 2014) (cont.)

> landscape architecture

The closing of ALAM 2014 was celebrated during the Grand Hi-Tea held at KAED Gallery. This high-tea was attended by the invited VIPs: the President of ILAM, LAr. En. Mohd Fadrillah Mohd Taib and the Deputy Rector of Student Affairs, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mizan B Hitam, as well as lecturers from the Department. During this ceremony, there were the community service video presentations, presentation of awards, ALAM baton handover and the closing ceremony. The guests and participants were served with a variety of food and beverages with the theme ‘Culture and Classic’.

ALAM 2014 was successfully organized with the support of the Dean of KAED, Deputy Deans of KAED, HOD of Landscape Architecture and lecturers from Department of Landscape Architecture. This event was also strongly supported by the Earthwork Student Society and ARCHIMIC. The organizing committee would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the Kulliyyah for giving us support and encouragement throughout the planning and execution of ALAM 2014.

Assembly of Landscape

Architecture Students Malaysia (ALAM 2014) (cont.)

> landscape architecture

The competition is about redesigning the new image of the main entrance of Gombak campus as aspired by the University.

The competition was opened to the IIUM’s students only with the design concept of infusion between ‘Gardens of Knowledge & Virtue and Malay Islamic Heritage.

The objectives of the competition are:

• To solicit the best design idea that represents the main entrance of IIUM, Gombak campus.

• To create an iconic image of the main entrance and the surrounding using the concept of “Malay Islamic Heritage” and the “Garden of Knowledge and Virtue”.

• To encourage students of IIUM to participate in the competition.

> landscape architecture

SubmissionA total of nine proposals received for the competition. The respondents were the IIUM community of Gombak Campus. Invitation to view and select the most preferred design proposal was held at the Gallery of Kulliyyah of Architecture & Environmental Design (KAED). The event had lasted for three days (5th February – 7th February 2014) from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. Calling for participants was done through the IIUM website, electronic bill board and banners posted on strategic campus areas with high crowds.

Judging and Making DecisionThe results of the voting will be tabulated and submitted to the Office of the President and Top Management. Selection of the best design will be done by the Office of the President and Top Management. The winning teams shall be finalised by the Office of the President and Top Management.

MICRA 2014

> quantity surveying

This 12th Management in Construction Researchers’ Association (MiCRA 2013) annual conference and general meeting was organised by the Department of Quantity Surveying, Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design (KAED), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM).

This conference is held to celebrate the 30th IIUM anniversary celebration. This 12th annual conference and general meeting aim to help participants (members and non-members alike), to network and keep abreast with the latest research efforts in aspects of management in construction and related areas.

Process Improvement in Construction:

Design, Tendering and Documentation, Contract Administration,

Completion, Maintenance and Life Cycle Costing

MICRA 2014 (cont.)

> quantity surveying

It also serves as a nurturing platform for researchers, students and practitioners to present their works and obtain feedbacks. The main objectives of this conference are:

• To increase the understanding of participants on the issues and challenges in construction management in Malaysia and elsewhere

• To develop the culture and motivation towards research and publication in construction management

• To provide a platform for networking between practitioners, academics, researchers and students in construction management.

New Intake Students, Semester

2, 2013/2014

> postgraduate


Name: Md Humayun Kabir

Matric. No: G1234439

Programme: P_AED

Title of Research Proposal: Climate Change and Its

Mitigation In Bangladesh


Prof. Dr. Mohammad Abdul Mohit


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abu Eusuf

Asst. Prof. Dr. Rustam Khairi Zahari

Name: Muhammad Hazrin Abd Ghapar

Matric. No: G1327851

Programme: P_AED

Title of Research Proposal: Formulation of Redevelopment

Guideline for the Conservation of Urban Market Place asHeritage Tourism Site

Supervisory Committees


Emeritus Prof. Dr. Ismawi Hj. Zen


Asst. Prof. Dr. Khalilah Zakariya

Asst. Prof. Dr. Norzalina Harun

Name: Shaibatul ‘Islamiah Binti Che Man

Matric. No: G1327586

Programme: P_AED

Title of Research Proposal: Examining the Dimensions of

Public Art as a Creative Medium to Promote Islamic Valuesin Public Space


Emeritus Prof. LAr. Dr. Ismawi Hj. Zen


Asst. Prof. Dr. Mazlina Mansor

Asst Prof. Dr. Khalilah Zakariya

Name: Anis Fatihah Abu Yazid

Matric. No: G1321350

Programme: MSc.BE

Title of Research Proposal: Assessment of ZN, CU and PB

Sequestration Rate Through In Vitro Model System Using

Aquatic Fern Species as Potential Biosequester Agent forPolluted Urban Freshwater Bodies


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rashidi Othman

Name: Anis Syahirah Binti Kamaruzaman

Matric. No: G1329726


Title of Research Proposal: Carving Application on

Buildings:Its Effectiveness, Functions and Contribution toEnergy Savings and Aesthetics


Asst. Prof. Dr. Zuraini Denan

Co :

Asst. Prof. Dr. Noor Hanita Abdul Majid

Name: Azeanatul Binti Aminuddin

Matric. No: G1328212


Title of Research Proposal: A Study on Functions ofCourtyards in Malaysian Mosque

Asst. Prof. Dr. Rosniza Othman

New Intake Students, Semester

2, 2013/2014 (cont.)

> postgraduate

Name: Nooredlin Ismail

Matric. No: G1320110

Programme: MSc.BE

Title of Research Proposal: Identification of Ecological Indicatorsfor Sustainable Campus Environment


Asst. Prof. Dr. Norzalina Harun


Asst. Prof. Dr. Mazlina Mansor

Name: Nor Fazlina Binti Manaf

Matric. No: G1325694

Programme: MSc.BE

Title of Research Proposal: A Study on Awareness of QuantitySurveyors in Green Building Construction


Asst. Prof. Sr. Dr. Tan Chin Keng

Name: Nur Bazliah Zaidin

Matric. No: G1325392

Programme: MSc.BE

Title of Research Proposal: The Influence of Cultural Element inUrban Landscape Design : Case Study of Putrajaya City Centre


Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohd Ramzi Mohd



Asst. Prof. Dr. Izawati Tukiman

Name: Nurfarihah Binti Mohd Rozi

Matric. No: G1328264


Title of Research Proposal: Roof Carving Performance asSunshading Devices in Malay Traditional Houses


Asst. Prof. Dr. Noor Hanita Abdul


Co :

Asst. Prof. Dr. Zuraini Denan

Name: Roshan Rasid

Matric. No: G1323795

Programme: MSc.BE

Title of Research Proposal: The Influences of Cultural and Social Aspect to the Vernacular Mosques Architecture in Malaysia

Main : Asst. Prof. Dr. Rosniza Othman

Name: Safiah Abu Noh

Matric. No: G1328376

Programme: MSc.BE

Title of Research Proposal: Development of Ecological Indicatorsfor Islamic Eco-Campus Environment for Student’s Well Being


Asst. Prof. Dr. Norzalina Harun

Co:Asst. Prof. Dr. Mazlina Mansor

Name: Siti Zulaikha Binti Mohd

Matric. No: G1325578

Programme: MSc.BE

Title of Research Proposal: Assessing the Influence of Place

Characteristics on People’s experience in Iconic UrbanMarketplace


Asst. Prof. Dr. Khalilah Zakariya

Co:Asst. Prof. Dr. Zumahiran Kamaruddin

Name: Syamim Azhari

Matric. No: G1325406

Programme: MSc.BE

Title of Research Proposal: Assessing the Social Value of IslamicPublic Art in the Campus Environment


Asst. Prof. Dr. Khalilah Zakariya

Co:Asst. Prof. Dr. Norzalifa Zainal Abidin

Name: Shairatul Akma Roslan

Matric. No: G1317324Programme: MURP


Name: Salwa Farag Abdelkarim Gad

Matric. No: G1323212Programme: MSBSE


> staff’s contribution

Wandering in Wonders…….


It is the river flowing downstream, everlasting…..


In the morning, afternoon and evening, never stopping…..


Delivering pebbles, seeds, food and many more things….


Down the hills, through the valleys, across the county to the open sea, never ending…


Without HIM, those would never be heard,

seen, touched, tasted and smelt,

Ever wondering…..

By: Rosniza Othman

> iohk


I was approached few weeks back by the Editor to write an article for this issue. I was

worried because I did not have any notion on what topic to write about. As the

deadline to submit the draft draws near, I was in a near panic state. Few days ago I

got a message on the group social network of my schoolmates wishing a friend on

her 53rd birthday. I too send her a birthday note saying that may Allah accepts her

past deeds as good deeds and make her busy in her remaining life with doing deeds

of virtue. Suddenly I realised that I too would be 53 this year and based on the

Prophet’s (pbuh) life, Allah called him back when he (pbuh) was 63 years old by the

Hijri calendar. A simple mental calculation that I made jarred me to a realisation that

I have only less than 10 years before I too am at the age when the Prophet (pbuh)

was called back to the Creator. There are many questions that come to mind, things

yet to be accomplished, among others, how many surah or chapters of the Quran

have I memorised? How many of the obligatory prayers, that were left unperformed,

were supplemented with replacement (qada’) prayers? How many days of the

obligatory fast, that were left unperformed, were supplemented with replacement

(qada’) fast? The obligatory deeds were never fulfilled perfectly, what more of the

nafil or voluntary deeds.

Much is needed to be done to prepare for the Yaumul Mahshar, and that not much

amount of time is left. I want to reproduce the last sermon of Prophet Muhammad

(pbuh) during the 9th day of Dhul Hijja (Arafat Day of the Haj Wada’) in the Uranah

Valley, for I hope it will bring benefit to the reader.

After praising, and thanking Allah s.w.t, he (the Prophet) said:

"O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I know not whether after this year, I shall

ever be amongst you again. Therefore listen to what I am saying to you very



O People, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as Sacred, so regard the life

and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Return the goods entrusted to you to

their rightful owners. Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you. Remember that you

will indeed meet your LORD, and that HE will indeed reckon your deeds. ALLAH has

forbidden you to take usury (interest), therefore all interest obligation shall henceforth

be waived. Your capital, however, is yours to keep. You will neither inflict nor suffer

any inequity. Allah has Judged that there shall be no interest and that all the interest

due to Abbas ibn 'Abd'al Muttalib (Prophet's uncle) shall henceforth be waived...

Beware of Satan, for the safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will ever

be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things

> Iohk (cont.)

O People, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they

also have rights over you. Remember that you have taken them as your wives only

under Allah's trust and with His permission. If they abide by your right then to them

belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Do treat your women well and

be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers. And it is your right

that they do not make friends with any one of whom you do not approve, as well as

never to be unchaste.

O People, listen to me in earnest, worship ALLAH, say your five daily prayers (Salah),

fast during the month of Ramadan, and give your wealth in Zakat. Perform Hajj if you

can afford to.

All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a

non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black

nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action. Learn

that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one

brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow

Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to


Remember, one day you will appear before ALLAH and answer your deeds. So

beware, do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone.


BORN. Reason well, therefore, O People, and understand words which I convey to

you. I leave behind me two things, the QURAN and my example, the SUNNAH and if

you follow these you will never go astray.

All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again;

and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me

directly. Be my witness, O ALLAH, that I have conveyed your message to your


May Allah grant you and I the strength to abide to the advice of our beloved

Prophet (pbuh). He (pbuh) has shown the path to Allah’s pleasure which has been

followed strictly by the Companions (r.hum), followed by the tabi’in then followed by

tabi tabi’in. All of them have reached their purpose in life and waiting for

Judgement Day to witness the fruits of their labour.


By Bro. Sr. Azrin bin Mohd Din.

20th March 2014M

18th Jamadil Awwal 1435H

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