vedic astrology

Post on 18-Nov-2014






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Vedic astrology    Basics 

Houses And Planets

The zodiac is divided into 12 signs and each sign has one house. So the whole life has been divided and contained in 12 houses which is explained as follows:

Signification of Houses

1st House: This is called Ascendant or Lagna, its lord is called Lagnesh. This house signifies life, longevity, self, health, nature and appearance of native. Complexion, vitality, sorrows, gains and profits to younger brothers and his friends. It governs head and face.

2nd House: This house indicates inflow of finances, bank position, right eye, family, early age or boyhood, speech, sanyas, servants and friends. Self earned wealth, loss or damage, worldly possessions, jewellery, grandfather and mother. It also denotes family, eyesight, understanding with family members, inheritance, law suits, throat, right eye, domestic comforts in general.

3rd House: It denotes younger brothers and sisters and their relations. It signifies courage, intelligence, education up to Higher Secondary level, taste for writing, ornaments, clothes, short journeys. Signing contracts and documents etc. Body parts are arms, right ear, shoulders, sports  etc.

4rh House: This house signifies mother, property, conveyance, domestic surroundings and happiness. Old age environments, private affairs, public, inheritance, false allegations, agriculture land and its produce. It represents breasts, chest, lung, stomach, elbow joints etc.

5th House: Children, speculation, intellectual status and luck are gauged from this house. Pleasure, love affairs, lady love, legal or illegal amusements, kidnap, rape etc. are also checked. Belly, heart, liver, spleen are the body covered by this house.

6th House: This house is responsible for enemies,, health, service, servants, uncle, aunts and relations on father’s side. Food, subordinates, debts, obstacles in life, mental worries, theft and calamity etc. The body parts denoted are kidney, large intestine, uterus and anus.

7th House: Matters regarding wife, husband, partnership, external sex organs, conjugal happiness are checked from 7th house. This house also denotes marriage, married life, love, contracts, litigations, divorce, honour and reputation in foreign country. Body parts are private parts, uterus, glands etc.

8th House: Diseases, death finances through unfair means, internal sex organs, longevity, mental pain, obstacles, dowry of wife, gain from in-laws, mode of death,

imprisonment, worries and privations are checked from 8th house. It indicates body parts as scrotum, pelvis, seminal vesicles, external genetalia, etc.

9th House: This house indicates religion,luck,father , foreign travel, publicity, preceptor, higher education, learnings, writing books, also faith, wisdom, prosperity, powers of foresight, religious institutions, providential help, etc. Hips, thighs are body parts.

10th House: This important house indicates father, profession, status in life, activities outside house, pleasures, honour, power and authority, Government favour, trade, business, command, honour, occupation, adopted son. All questions regarding worldly activities and moral responsibilities. Body parts are knees, joints, bones, hairs and back.

11th House: It accounts for accumulated wealth, elder brothers and sisters and relations with them. Friends, fluctuating money gains, club or social activities, emotional attachments, love affairs and friends, honour, social success etc. Body parts are legs, left ear, ankle etc.

12th House: It signifies private enemies, pleasures of beds, law suits, imprisonments, secret works, moksha, hospitalisation, conjugal relations with opposite sex other than legitimate. Sorrows, debts, lost goods etc. are judged. Body parts are feet, left eye, teeth etc.


Planet                                                  Lord of house            

Sun                                                             Leo             

Moon                                                      Cancer                           

Mars                                             Aries& Sagitarus         

Mercury                                           Virgo   &Gemini                        

Jupiter                                               Sagittarius&Pises          

Venus                                                 Libra& taurus                  

Saturn                                           Aquarius&capricon          

Rahu or  kethu havenot own any  house but behave like the which planet that own his house and planet which joined with Rahu or Kethu


Planet                                  Moolatrikona                                  Own house           high power house      low power house

Sun                                 Upto 20 deg in Leo                      Last 10 deg in Leo              Aries( 0-10dec)            Libra

Moon                         From 3 to 30 deg in Taurus                         Cancer                           Tarurs(0-3)             Sagitarus

Mars                         Upto 12 deg in Aries                    Rest of Aries& Sagitarus         Capricon(0-28)           Cancer

Mercury                From 15 to 20 deg in Virgo                 Virgo   &Gemini                        Virgo(0-15)               Pises

Jupiter                    First 10 deg in Sagittarius           Rest of Sagittarius&Pises               Cancer                   Capricon

Venus                      First 5 deg in Libra                            Rest of Libra& taurus                      Pises                  Virgo

Saturn                    Upto 20 deg in Aquarius              Last 10 deg in Aquarius&capricon          Libra                  Aries

Planets and its Significations


(1)The soul (2)power (3)Father  (4)fortress (5) good strength (6) heat (7)splendour (8)fire (9)worship of Siva (10)courage (11)thorned trees (12)being in royal favour (13)bitterness (14)old age (15)cattle (16)wickedness (17)land (18)father (19)taste (20)self-realisation (21)skyward look (22)one born of a timid woman (23)world of mortals (24)square (25)bone (26)valour (27)grass (28)the belly (29)strenuous effort (30)forest (31)half a year (32)eye (33)wandering over the mountains (34)quadruped (35)king (36)travelling (37)dealing (38)bite (39)scorch (40)circular shape


(1)Mother (2)flower (3)good perfune (40going to a fortress (5)disease (6)Brahmin (7)idleness (8)Phlegmatic humour (9)epilepsy (10)enlargement of the spleen (11)mental disposition (12)heart (13)woman (14)virtue or vice (15)sourness (16)sleep (17)happiness (18)any thing like water (19)silver (20)thick sugarcane (21)typhoid (22)travel (23)well (24)tank (25)mother (26)impartiality (27)mid-day (28)pearls (29) consumption (30)whiteness (31)waistband (32)bell-metal (33)salt (34)short stature (35)mind (36)ability (37)pond (38)diamond (39)winter season (40) a break of 48 minutes


(1) SPORTS (2)land (3)strength (4)carrying arms for the battle (5)Kingship (6)loss of verility (7)thief (8)battle (9)hostility (10)enemy(11)generosity (12)love for deep red colour things ((13)owning a garden(14)sound of a trumpet (15) affection(16)quadruped (17)king (18)fool (19)anger (20)going to a foreign country (21)firmness (22)supporter (23)fire (24)controversy (25)bile (26)heat (27)wound (28)service under a ruler (29)day (30)sky (31)seeing (32)shortness (33)disease (34)fame (35)tin (36)sword (37)lance or spear (38)minister (39)fracture of a limb (40)jewel


(1)education (2)‘horses (3)treasury (4)mathematics (5)wisdom (6)speech(7)Brahmin (8)infantry (9)writing (10)new garment(11)palatial building (12)green colour (13)sculprure (14)astrology (15)pilgrimage to holy places(16)wise lectures (17)temple (18)trading (19)best ornaments (20)courteous speech(21)Vedanta philosophy (22)maternal-grand-father (23)bad dreams (24eunuch (25)facing North (26)skin (27)wet (28)bell-metal (29)renunciation (30)Ritu (31)a beautiful house (32)doctor (33)neck (34)influencing through recitation of mantras (35)child (36)crooked look(37)heaven (38)modesty (39)paternal relation (40)fear


(1)SON OR DAUGHTER (2)Guru (3)one’s duty(4)Chariot (5)cow (6)infantry (7)savings(8)Meemamsa (9)treasure (10)horse (11)curd, etc. (12)large body (13)Valour (14)reputation (15)logic (16)astrology (17)son (18)grandson (19)dropsy(20)wealth of elephants (21)philosophy (22)great grand-fathers (23)palacial house (24)gems (25)eldest brother (26)grand father (27)Lord Indra (28)cold season(29)wrath (30)jewel (31)merchant (32)physical health (33)a beautiful mansion (34)royal honour (35)thigh (36)Gods (37)penance (38)charity(39)religious duty (40)helping others


(1)WIFE OR LOVER (2)a good chowrie (3)garment (4)marriage (5)income (6) a biped (7)woman (8)Brahmin (9)Subha (10)Whiteness (11)wife (12)sexual happiness (13)short (14)sour (15)flower (16)command (17)fame (18)Youthful vigour (19)Vehicle(20)silver(21)South-East quarter (22)saltish(23)ogling (24)scratching (25)half a month (26)the quality of passion (27)strong (28)pearl (29)Yajur Veda (30) Vaisya (31)beauty (32)buying and selling (33)love-making (34)watery resort (35)elephant (36)horse (37)variegated colour (38)poetry (39)dancing (40)middle age


(1)laziness, etc.(2)obstruction(3)OLDER PEOPLE(4)elephant(5)skin(6)gain7)proof or tness(8)distress(9)sickness(10)misunderstanding(11)misery(12)death(13)happiness through a woman(14)maid servant(15)asses and mules(16)outcaste (17)one with disfigured limbs(18)haunting woods(19)handsome look(20)gift(21)a lord(22)a portion of life(23)eunuch(24)one born of the lowest caste(25)birds(26)the three sacred fires(27)a servile duty(28)unrighteous conduct(29)one without manliness(30)telling lies(31)long lasting(32)wind (33)old age(34)tendons and muscles(35)strong at the end of the day(36) Sisira Ritu or winter(37)great-anger(38)exertion(39)born of a very low mother (40)bastard


(1) Umbrella (2)Chowrie (3)kingdom (4)gathering (5)fellacious argument (6)hurting byspeech(7)downcast(8)wicked woman(9)decorated vehicle(10)an irreligious man(11)gambling(12)strong at twilight(13)intriguing with a wicked woman(14)going abroad (15)impurity(16)bone(17)enlargement of spleen(18)falsehood(19)downward look(20)perplexity(21)emerald(22)facing the Southern quarter(23)shelter of outcaste or low people(24painfulswelling(25)a big forest(26)wandering in rugged places(27)mountain(28)pain(29)staying outside(30)tending towards South-West(31)wind(32)phlegm(33)sorrow(34)serpent(35)night breeze(36)sharp(37)long(38)reptile(39)reading of dreams(40)travel


(1)Worship of God Chandeesa, God Ganesha and many other gods(2)doctor(3)dog(4)a cook(5)vulture(6)salvation(7)all kinds of wealth(8)consumption (9)pain(10)fever(11)bathing in the Holy Ganges(12)great penance(13)wind(14)a Hunter(15)friendship(16)conferring of prosperity(17)stone(18)wound(19)witchcraft(20)inconstancy(21)knowledge of Brahma(22)belly(23)eye-sore(24)stupidity(25)thorn(26)deer(27)knowledge(28)observingsilence as a fast (29)philosophy(30)all sorts of luxuries(31)luck(32)trouble from enemies(33)loss of appetite(34)indifference to the world (35)paternal grandfather(36)hunger(37)severe stomachache(38)boil sand the like skin troubles(39)revoking the orders of arrest and (40)the association of Sudra.





Malefics and benefics: Planets are termed natural benefics and natural malefics. These are: Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and increasing Moon-natural benefics; Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu-Natural malefics. If Mercury joins a natural malefic, he does not remain auspicious. As regards the Moon, she is auspicious from 10th day of dark fortnight through the 5th day of bright fortnight.

Apart from the above, planets are classified as favourable and adverse based on births under the 12 different ascendants. These are narrated below:

Aries: Pure benefics are Jupiter and the Sun. Malefics are Saturn, Mercury and Venus. Venus is the prime killer. Jupiter will give inauspicious results if he is conjunct an adverse planet. However when with Saturn he is not wholly adverse.

Taurus: Saturn and the Sun are benefics and can cause Rajayoga. Jupiter, Venus and Moon are not auspicious and may prove death inflicting palnets. Mercury can cause some Yoga.

Gemini: Venus is the only benefic. Mars, Sun and Jupiter are inauspicious. Saturn and Jupiter together behave in the same manner as for Aries birth. The Moon is the prime killer. (Some replace the Moon with Saturn).

Cancer: Mercury and Venus are malefics. Mars, Jupiter and Moon are auspicious. Mars is a supreme Rajayoga karaka. Saturn is capable of inflicting death and is Maraka lord.

Leo: Inauspicious planets are Mercury, Venus and Saturn. Mars, Jupiter and the Sun are benefics. Jupiter with Venus cannot give fully benefic results. Saturn is Maraka and the Moon’s effects depend on her association.

Virgo: Mars, Jupiter and the Moon are adverse. Venus is the only favourable planet. Mars is a Maraka lord.

Libra: Saturn and Mercury prove auspicious. The moon and Mercury and capable of conferring great benefits and position. Jupiter, the Sun and Mars are inauspicious. Mars is a Maraka lord. Venus gives balanced results for this ascendant, if unafflicted by others.

Scorpio: Jupiter, as well as the Moon are benefics, the Moon and the Sun are Rajayoga planets. Mercury and Venus give inauspicious effects. Saturn gives mixed results . Jupiter if illrelated will become a Maraka. Mars is of mixed nature.

Sagittarius: Venus is adverse. Mercury, Mars and the Sun are yogakaraakas. If the Sun joins Mercury he will also become a Rajayoga Karaka. Saturn is a killer apart from Venus.

Capricorn: Mars, Jupiter and the Moon are inauspicious. Venus and Mercury are benefical. Saturn is not a Maraka lord, while Mars etc. may prove as killers.

Aquarius: Jupiter, Moon and Mars produce adverse results. Venus and Saturn are exclusively benefics. Mars and Jupiter are killers. If others are related to one of these two, they will also become adverse.

Pisces: Saturn, Venus, Mercurry and the Sun are classified as unfavourable. Mars and Moon are auspicious. Mars and Jupiter are Yogakarakas. Saturn and Mercury are Marakas. astrology/basics.html  

The zodiac is divided into 12 sections, called signs by astrologers.  Each sign is identified by unique characteristics.  The Sun in astrology is said to represent a persons personality, their identity, ego or basic mode of expression.  It is one of the most important factors in a persons chart and most people will identify with their sun sign descriptions to some extent.  The strength of each person sun can only be determined by looking at chart as a whole

Your Moon in sign describes your emotions.  Especially your emotional reactions.   The sign your Moon is in gives a clue as to what you need to feel emotionally secure and right within yourself.

The Elements in AstrologyFire, Earth, Air and WaterThere are four elements in astrology; fire, earth, air and water. In the zodiac, three signs share the same element, thus there are 3 fire signs, 3 earth signs, 3 air signs and 3 water signs.  Each element is identified by specific characteristics and signs that share the same element are said to be positive towards each other.  The elements are

the primary or basic states of being.  It is your basic nature or natural temperament.FireAries, Leo and Sagittarius

Fire is intuitive, positive, future-oriented and inspirational.EarthTaurus, Virgo and Capricorn

Earth is stable, practical and good with money.AirGemini, Libra and Aquarius

Air is intellectual, communicative and good with social relationships.WaterCancer, Scorpio and Pisces

Water is emotional, sensitive and intuitive.

The ModalitiesCardinal, Fixed and MutableThere are 3 modalities in the astrology; cardinal, fixed and mutable.  In the zodiac 4 signs share the same modality; thus there are 4 cardinal signs, 4 fixed signs and 4 mutable signs.  Each modality is identified by specific characteristics and the signs that share the same modality are said to be negative towards each other.  The modalities are the primary or basic states of activity.  They are your natural method of operation.CardinalAries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn

Cardinal is independent, impatient and pioneering.Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius

FixedFixed signs are stubborn, determined, persistent and slow to change.

MutableGemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces

Mutable signs are flexible and resourceful but have a hard time making a decision.

The Houses in AstrologyWhen you see your natal chart you notice that the circle is divided into twelve sections.  These are called houses.  In Astrology each house rules over specific areas in your life.  Houses contain signs and planets. Each houses is ruled by a sign and the sign is in turn ruled by a planet.  Thus a houses is associated with both a sign and a planet.  Houses, signs and planets all interact together in your astrological chart. Planetary rulers of the sign, planets in the house and the aspects they form with other planets will strongly influence the houses and the areas it rules.The 1st HouseSign Ruler: AriesPlanetary Ruler: MarsIn astrology, the First House is closely related to the Ascendant. The 1st house represents how you see yourself, attitude, general philosophy,  initiative, impulsiveness, new ideas, courage, your drives,  personal challenges and perhaps your physical appearance.  The sign that occupies this house will typically show how you see life in general, where you are most impulsive and daring, and where you face many of your personal challenges.  INote: Vega Attractions takes a different approach to the 1st house and ascendant.  Many other astrologers believe they describe how others see you.  We believe this to be the 10th house and MidheavenThe 2nd HouseSign Ruler: TaurusPlanet Ruler: VenusThe 2nd house represents money and the ability to earn money, possessions, material possession and resources for acquiring them, spending habits, beauty and sensual pleasures.  In astrology the sign that occupies this house will typically show  what your attitude towards money, how you earn and spend money, what resources to material goods you have, and what gives you pleasure through material things.  The 3rd HouseSign Ruler:  GeminiPlanet Ruler: MercuryThe 4th HouseThe 4th house represents the mother, nurturing, your home and family, comforts, security and

your environment.  The sign that occupies this house will typically show you the kinds of

relationships you have with your family, how you feel about your home and what your need are for your home, and what gives you comfort and makes you feel secure.The 5th HouseSign Ruler: LeoPlanet Ruler: The SunThe 5th house represents your children, entertainment and recreation, pleasures, creativity, romance and gambling.  The sign that occupies this house will typically show how you deal with your children, the kinds of entertainment you enjoy.  It also shows how you express your creativity and your romantic inclinations.The 6th HouseSign Ruler: VirgoPlanet Ruler: MercuryThe 6th house represents work, attitudes towards work, services to others, details and your health. The sign that occupies this house will typically show what kind of worker you are,

how you best serve and help others, what you health is like and potential problems to your health.The 7th HouseSign Ruler: LibraPlanet Ruler: VenusThe 7th House represents business partners, marriage, coworkers, enemies, contracts and justice.  The sign that occupies this house will typically show you the kinds of relationships you attract, how you deal with coworkers and partners, and your feelings of justice.  The 8th HouseSign Ruler: ScorpioPlanet Ruler: Pluto (co ruler: Mars)The 8th house represents sex, sexual attractions, death, taxes, real estate, inheritance and money of others.  The sign in this house will typically show how you deal with money of others, possible inheritances, how you deal with death, and who you are sexually attracted to.The 9th HouseSign Ruler: SagittariusPlanet Ruler: JupiterThe 9th house represents education, higher learning, traveling, expansion, religion, philosophy, legal systems, and law.  The sign in this house will typically show you feelings

towards religion, attitudes towards the law and legal system, interests in traveling and inclinations towards learning.The 10th HouseSign Ruler: CapricornPlanet Ruler: SaturnThe 10th House is closely related to the Midheaven, like the 1st House is related to the Ascendant.  This house represents your motivation, career, reputation, ambitions, and all types of authorities.  This is the house that is said to typically represent your father.  The sign that occupies this house will show how you express yourself in these areasThe 11th HouseSign Ruler: AquariusPlanet Ruler: UranusThe 11th house represents groups, social consciousness, ideas, inventions, rebellions, originality, friends, abrupt things, and astrology.  The sign that occupies this house will typically show what kind of friends you are attracted to, original thoughts and ideas, and perhaps accidents and rebellions.Sign Ruler: PiscesPlanet Ruler: NeptuneThe 12th house represents hidden desires, thoughts and fears, the subconscious, what lies beneath the surface, memories,  hospitals, incarceration, limitations and possibly mental illnesses.  It is also the house that is said to rule karmic relationships, past life memories and your past reincarnation. The sign that occupies this house will typically show what areas of life you might be in denial about, either through fears or unrealized ideas and desires.   Some interpretations include that the sign will show you what areas of life concerned you the most in your past reincarnation.

Following is the list of all the 12 Houses, Bhavas , their special names and the important things they represent.

House/ Bhav

Various Names

Things Represented By Each Of The House/ Bhav

First House

Lagnasthan, Tanusthan

This house signifies life, longevity, self, health, nature and appearance of native. Complexion, vitality, sorrows, gains and profits to younger brothers and his friends. It governs head and face.

Second House

Dhana-sthan, Kutumb-sthan

This house indicates inflow of finances, bank position, right eye, family, early age or boyhood, speech, sanyas, servants and friends. Self earned wealth, loss or damage, worldly possessions, jewellery, grandfather and mother. It also denotes family, eyesight, understanding with family members, inheritance, law suits, throat, right eye, domestic comforts in general.

Third House

Bhatru-sthan, Parakram-sthan

It denotes younger brothers and sisters and their relations. It signifies courage, intelligence, education up to Higher Secondary level, taste for writing, ornaments, clothes, short journeys. Signing contracts and documents etc. Body parts are arms, right ear, shoulders etc.

Fourth House

Matru-sthan, Sukha-sthan

This house signifies mother, property, conveyance, domestic surroundings and happiness. Old age environments, private affairs, public, inheritance, false allegations, agriculture land and its produce. It represents breasts, chest, lung, stomach, elbow joints etc.

Fifth House

Vidya-sthan, Putra-sthan

Children, speculation, intellectual status and luck are gauged from this house. Pleasure, love affairs, lady love, legal or illegal amusements, kidnap, rape etc. are also checked. Belly, heart, liver, spleen are the body parts covered by this house.

Sixth House

Ripu-sthan, Rog-sthan

This house is responsible for enemies, health, service, servants, uncle, aunts and relations on father's side. Food, subordinates, debts, obstacles in life, mental worries, theft and calamity etc. The body parts denoted are kidney, large intestine, uterus and anus.

Seventh House

Bharya-sthan, Maraka-sthan

Matters regarding wife, husband, partnership, external sex organs, conjugal happiness are checked from 7th house. This house also denotes marriage, married life, love contracts, litigations, divorce, honour and reputation in foreign country. Body parts are private parts, uterus, glands etc.

Eighth House


Diseases, death finances through unfair means, internal sex organs, longevity, mental pain obstacles, dowry of wife, gain from in laws, mode of death, imprisonment, worries and privations

are checked from 8th house, It indicates body parts as scrotum, pelvis, seminal vesicles, external genitalia, etc.

Ninth House


This house indicates religion, father, foreign travel, publicity, preceptor, higher education, learning, writing books, also faith, wisdom, prosperity, powers of foresight, religious institutions, providential help, etc. Hips, thighs are body parts.

Tenth House

Karma-sthan, Pitru-sthan

This important house indicates profession, status in life, activities outside house, pleasures, honour, power and authority, Government favour, trade, business, command, honour, occupation, adopted son. All questions regarding worldly activities and moral responsibilities. Body parts are knees, joints, bones, hairs and back.

Eleventh House


It accounts for accumulated wealth, elder brothers and sisters and relations with them. Friends, fluctuating money gains, club or social activities, emotional attachments, love affairs and friends, honour, social success etc. Body parts are legs, left ear, teeth, ankle etc.

Twelfth House


It signifies private enemies, pleasures of beds, law suits, imprisonments, secret works, moksha, hospitalisation, conjugal relations with opposite sex other than legitimate. Sorrows, debts, lost goods etc. are judged. Body parts are feet, left eye, teeth etc.

















AriesMar 20-Apr 20


nalMars 59-81 Venus Sun



Apr 20-May 21

Earth FixedVenus

42 Mars MoonUran



May 21-Jun 21



19-25 JupiterN.


S. Nod



Jun 21-Jul 22



nNone Saturn Jupiter Mars

LeoJul 22-Aug 23

Fire Fixed Sun Rarely UranusNeptu



VirgoAug 23-Sep 23






LibraSep 23-Oct 23



42 Mars Saturn Sun


Oct 23-Nov 22

Water FixedPlut

o159 Venus




Nov 22-Dec 21





S Node

N Nod



Dec 21-Jan 20



138 Moon MarsJupit



Jan 20-Feb 19

Air FixedUran

us152 Sun



PiscesFeb 19-Mar 20








Conjunction 0 Blends the strengths of the planets involved.

Sextile 60 Good for opportunities and ideas

Square 90 Challenging events. Dynamic.

Trine 120 Harmony

Opposition 180Situations that require your co-operation because of issues that are polarized. Conflict.

THE BASIC WHEEL and HOUSES1st House - The first house represents how you present yourself to the world. This is the window through which you allow people to see you. It also represents the body.

2nd House - Money that you earn and which is rightfully yours. Also, your sense of self-worth.

3rd House - Communicating, lower education, telephones, neighbors, siblings, local transportation.

4th House - Your home, domestic life, and nurturing parent.

5th House - Recreation, love affairs, your children, gambling.

6th House - Your health, daily routine, work, co-workers.

7th House - Your spouse, legal partnerships, dealing with professionals, open enemies.

8th House - Money belonging to others (banks, government, etc.), inheritances, death.

9th House - Higher education, travel, religion, foreigners, places not in your local area.

10th House - Your vocation, employer, honors and reputation, the other parent.

11th House - Friends, clubs, social groups, hopes and wishes.

12th House - Secret enemies, institutions, place of self-examination

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