val morgan val@consciousmoves (360) 201-1639

Post on 01-Jan-2016






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Consultative Selling for Employment Consultants Building job development excellence for increased employment opportunities. Val Morgan (360) 201-1639. Purpose. Sales and Business The Buying Process/Business Needs Referrals/Action Plan Pre-Call Planning - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Consultative Selling for

Employment ConsultantsBuilding job development excellence for increased employment opportunities

Val (360) 201-1639


Sales and Business

The Buying Process/Business Needs

Referrals/Action Plan

Pre-Call Planning

9 Consultative Steps for Job Development

Four Key Job Responsibilities

• Locate and Sell Employers• Service and Upsell Existing Employers• Develop Advocates• Manage Your Time and Territory

The Facts

• Only 2% of sales are made on the first visit• 44% give up after the first visit• 80% of sales are made between the 6th and

12th connection

What is the most powerful selling tool?


50% - 500% higher rate of closing with referral

How to Ask for Referrals

• When an employer is complementary

• Let new employers know you prize referrals

• Use LinkedIn

Action Step

Referral Action Plan


Talk with your hairdresser/ My Cousin Cuts Plus

Talk with Rick Current Employer/GM Heath TechNet

List 10 specific actions that you will take to build your referral business.

The Buying Process

• Awareness of a particular need• Interest in satisfying the need• Preference for one service over another • Trial use of the service• Commitment to use the service• Advocacy recommends the service to others

Three Situations of Need

• Dissatisfaction with the current situation

• Opportunity to improve the current situation

• Perceived deterioration of current situation

Common Needs of Employers

Reliable employees Community involvement Pre-screened employees Pre-recruited job match Employee retention Flexible work force Clean place of business More customers/sales Motivated employees Customer retention Recognition Less time spent training Less stress

Happy employees Good atmosphere Reduce expenses More efficiency Cost/benefits Good employee team

work Completed tasks from

employees Quality workers Part-time employees Diverse work force Safety

1• Pre-Call Planning

2• Open the Call

3• Gather Information

4• Establish Needs and


5• Features & Benefits

6• Trial Close


• Close


• Handling Objections

• Identify The Suspect • Conduct Research/Gather information• Set an Objective

*Primary—(Your goal for the call?)*Secondary—(The minimum you want to achieve?)

Pre-Call Planning

Open the Call

Gather Information

Establish Needs &


Features & Benefits Trial Close Close Handling


Greeting (introduce yourself) Get Attention (build rapport) Create Interest Ask for time

Pre-Call Planning

Open the Call

Gather Information

Establish Needs &


Features & Benefits Trial Close Close

Handling Objection


Transition Statement

“Thank you for taking the time to meet with me.I would like to ask you some questions to gain a better understanding of your business and I’ll be

taking notes, is that okay?”

Listening Speaking Reading Writing

Learned 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Used 45% of the time 30% of the time 19% of the time 6% of the time

Taught Least Slightly Least Somewhat more Most

The most necessary communication skill is the skill least taught


80% listening 20% talking

• Ask closed ended questions

• Ask open ended questions

• Ask layering questions

Pre-Call Planning

Open the Call

Gather Information

Establish Needs &


Features & Benefits Trial Close Close Handling


• Would you consider your workforce diversified? • How much time do you spend on entry-level training? • In your business, do you feel that some of your staff

carries workloads other than their job responsibilities they were originally hired for?

• What are the top three things you value in your employees?

• Are you the ultimate decision maker?• Can you tell me about your employee retention rate?• Did you know that 87% of the public agree that they

prefer to give their business to companies that hire people with disabilities?

Gather Information

Transition Statement(what’s happening next)

“Based on what we’ve talked about so far, I’m confident my ideas will be good for your business, I would like to

go back and draw up a proposal for you.”

Establishing Needs & Paraphrasing

Restate the needs and gain agreement

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