uvl nivel4food

Post on 05-Jul-2015






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At the SupermarketSession 15: making a shopping list; countable and non-countable; quantities.

Situación: Sus compañeros de trabajo le han pedido a usted y a Mark que se encarguen de surtir la despensa del saloncito.

Situación: Mire dentro de la despensa. ¿Què hay?

What’s in the cabinet?

Situación: Dìgale a Mark que hay pasta.

There’s some pasta.

Situación: Dìgale a Mark que hay sardinas.

There are some sardines.

What else?

Situación: Dìgale a Mark que no hay.

No, there aren’t any.

Are there any cookies?

Situación: Dìgale a Mark no hay.

No, there isn’t any.

Is there any sugar?

Situación: Mire dentro del refri. ¿Què hay?

What’s in the fridge?

Situación: Dìgale a Mark que hay crema.

There’s some cream.

Situación: Dìgale a Mark que hay huevos.

There are some eggs.

What else?

Situación: Dìgale a Mark que sí hay.

Yes, there is.

Is there any milk?

Grammar Basics

Countable Nouns

An appleTwo apples

Countable nouns have singular and plural forms.

There’s an apple in the fridge.

There are five apples in the fridge.

Grammar Basics

Non-Countable Nouns

A sugar

Two sugars

Non-countable nouns only have singular forms.

There’s some sugar in the cabinet.


Situación: Tom es el encargado de los suministros. Responda a sus preguntas.

What’s in the fridge?

There are some ___.

Is there any milk?

Yes, there is.

What’s in the cabinet?

There are some ___ and there’s some ___.

Are there any cookies?

No, there aren’t any.

Is there any sugar?

No, there isn’t.

Is there any coffee?

No, there isn´t.



Cups Spoons

Napkins Cookies

Situación: Ud. Y Mark estàn elaborando la lista de suministros.

How much coffee do we need?

A lot.

How much milk do we need?

A little.

How many cups do we need?

Many cups!

How many cookies do we need?

A few.

How much sugar do we need?

Not much.

How many napkins do we need?

Not many.

Grammar Basics


A lot of cups.

A few cups.

How many?Many cups.

Not many cups.

Grammar Basics


A lot of sugar.

A little sugar.

How much?

Not much sugar.

Is there any fruit at the office?

Situación: Jennifer lo acompaña al supermercado. Dìgale lo que necesitan.

No, there _____.

There’s some fruit!

How much coffee do we need?

A ___.

Look, there’s some coffee.

Are there any cookies at the office?

No, there _____.

How many cookies do we need?

A ___.

How many napkins do we need?

Are there any napkins at the office?

The Challenge

Pregunte a su compañero qué es lo que hay en la despensa.

Dígale a su compañero cuánto necesitan de cada cosa.

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