unit 3 amazing people welcome to the unit. unit 3 课件描述: 围绕 amazing people...

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Unit 3 Amazing people

Welcome to the unit

Unit 3 Unit 3


围绕 Amazing people 这一话题,训练学生的听说能力,激发学生对话题的兴趣,使学生“有话可说,有话会说”。

Who are they?

He is a small heavenly king in Asia.

He is good at R&B songs.

Jay ChouJay Chou

He is one of the most famous basketball players in the Lakers.

He is considered to be the next Jordan.

Kobe BryantKobe Bryant

He is a famous singer One of his famous

songs is “Jiang Nan”.


He is the most famous Chinese player in NBA.

Yao MingYao Ming

He is a famous comedian in Hong Kong.

One of his films is “KungFu”.

Stephen ChouStephen Chou

He is in the Rockets.He always has a good

cooperation with Yao.

Tracy McGradyTracy McGrady

One of them took a space walk out of the spaceship.

3 people

They are all Chinese.

They travelled in space in Shenzhou VII.

Zhai Zhigang

Liu Boming Jing Haipeng

Why are they so popular among us?

Because they have made great contributions to the cause of space exploration of our country


What kind of people can be called “amazing people”?

What kind of people can be called “amazing people”?

Do you know them?

Self study

Mother Teresa won a Nobel Peace Prizefor her work among the poor people of India.

Mother TeresaMother Teresa

When was she born?What did she make great contributions to?What was she given by the government of India?What did she won for her work?

Mother Teresa won a Nobel Peace Prize for

her work among the poor people of India.

She is one of the greatest women in the worl

d, who made great contributions to the peac

e of the world.

She was born on 27 August, 1910 in what is

now Skopje, Macedonia, and was loved and

worshipped ( 崇拜 )in India. She was given t

he highest honor as Gandi by the governme

nt of India.

Bill Gates started Microsoft, the biggest computertechnology company in the world.

Bill GatesBill Gates

He is chairman of Microsoft Corporation

and the worldwide leader in software,

services and solutions that help people

and businesses realize their full potential.

Bill Gates started Microsoft, the biggest

computer technology company in the


It is said that he employs more than 55

000 people in 85 countries and regions.

He and his wife set up a foundation

( 基金会 ) focusing on improving globa

l health. He is also the richest man in t

he world-worth.

Beethoven was one of the greatest composers of all time.


The fifth symphony/ ( 交响曲 )Fate symphony

The fifth symphony/ ( 交响曲 )Fate symphony


In his middle age, something unfortunate happened.

In his middle age, something unfortunate happened.

He lost his hearing.He lost his hearing.

Did he give up his music?

Did he give up his music?Although he was deaf, he

successfully finished the ninth symphony at last.

Although he was deaf, he successfully finished the ninth symphony at last.

What do you think of him?What do you think of him?


Zheng He opened up r

elations between Chin

a and the outside worl


Zheng He (1371-1433) was the greatest navigator in ancient China. He had successively led his fleet on diplomatic missions to Asian and African countries for seven times. His fleet was rarely seen throughout the world at that time in terms of the scale, the navigation times, the distance, the scope, and the lasting time, which paved the way for cultural exchanges between the east and the west.

Mother Teresa

Bill Gates

BeethovenZheng He

amazing people pretty/handsome people

Question Question

people who have changed our world for the better through their thoughts and actions

people who have changed our world for the better through their thoughts and actions

people who have beautiful outlookspeople who have beautiful outlooks


Can you think of other amazing people?Can you think of other amazing people?Can you think of other amazing people?Can you think of other amazing people?

What spirits can we learn from them?1. hard-working & determined

2. brave & unselfish

3. imaginative & creative

e.g. Do you have a hero/heroine? What are the things he or she has done that make you feel that this person is amazing?


Interview your classmates about their heroes or heroines.


1. 使我们的世界更美好 change our world for the better

变好 / 变坏 change for the better/wor


我要换一辆新车 .

I want to change the old car for a new


change a ten-yuan note

make …changes (to) sth. make …changes (to) sth. 对…作出改动对…作出改动The government plans to make important

changes to the tax system.

我已经对报告作了必要的改动。I have made necessary changes to the rep


对我们的生活方式作出了有用的改变 make useful changes to the way we live

change“ 零钱”“找零” 是不可数名词我身上没零钱。I have no change on me.

Keep the change. 不用找钱了。

for a change 换换方式 We have ridden for an hour. Let’s walk

for a change.

Let’s dine out tonight for a change.

2. 获得诺贝尔和平奖 win the Nobel Peace Prize

win the Nobel Prize for Peace

3. 创办了微软 start Microsoft/ a factory/ shop

start a mystery book club

4. 最伟大的作曲家之一 one of the greatest composers


Group discussion:

What kind of people can be called “amazing people”?

What do they have in common?

Amazing people are those who make great c________ in different f___ and are usually l___ and r______ by people. Some of them have even changed our world for the b____ through their thoughts or a_____.


ovedoved espectedespected



1. Write a passage about your own hero or heroine.

2. Preview the reading part. Read the article twice.


1. Write a passage about your own hero or heroine.

2. Preview the reading part. Read the article twice.

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